616 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Korbut, John (Bangor, Penobscot County)

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    Eco, golding’in geçiş ayinleri ve varoluşun sınırlarını aşmak

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    William Golding’s novel Rites of Passage (1980) explores the depths of human experience, absorbed in and struggling against the cognitive, ontological and referential limits inherent in its essence. By portraying Edmund Talbot and James Colley on an equator-crossing voyage to Australia, Golding emphasizes the fact that it is darkness that lies beyond the lines that systemize and limit human existence, which is manifested by Colley’s death. In this way, Rites of Passage comports with Umberto Eco’s theory of ‘contractual realism’, elaborated in Kant and the Platypus: Essays on Language and Cognition (1999), in a sense that it asserts that within a framework of a cultural contract, there are certain things that we as human beings are vetoed from doing in our inquiry after the essence of Being. This article provides a thematic examination of William Golding’s novel Rites of Passage in the light of Umberto Eco’s theory of ‘contractual realism’.William Golding’in Geçiş Ayinleri (1980) adlı romanı, bilişsel, ontolojik ve göndergesel sınırlarla çevrilmiş ve bunlarla mücadele eden insanlık deneyiminin derinliklerini keşfetmektedir. Edmund Talbot’u ve James Colley’i Avustralya’ya bir ekvator geçiş yolculuğunda tasvir ederek, Golding, Colley’in ölümünün tezahür ettiği insan varoluşunu sınırlandıran ve sınırlayan çizgilerin ötesinde yatan karanlığın olduğunu vurgulamaktadır. Böylelikle, Geçiş Ayinleri adlı romanı, Umberto Eco’nun “sözleşmesel gerçekçilik” teorisi üzerine yazıldığı Kant ve Ornitorenk: Dil ve Biliş Hakkında Denemeler (1999) adlı eser ile bağdaşmaktadır ve bir kültürel sözleşme çerçevesinde varlığın özünü sorgulayan insanoğlunun bazı şeyleri yapmaya yasaklandığı iddia etmektedir. Bu makale, Umberto Eco’nun “sözleşmesel gerçekçilik” teorisi ışığında William Golding’in Geçiş Ayinleri adlı romanının tematik bir incelemesini sunmaktadır

    Continuity and change : Kurdish cultural institutions in the Kurdistan region of Iraq : field research results

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    The paper presents selected Kurdish cultural institutions in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. It is based on the interviews taken by dr Joanna Bocheńska in April and May 2014 in Erbil, Duhok and Suleymaniya. The collected data are presented according to the questionnaire prepared by dr Renata Kurpiewska-Korbut as well as taking into consideration the spontaneous character of the majority of responses which helped to reveal many additional details concerning institutions’ activities and tasks. As far as Kurdish cultural institutions are concerned they are seen as the creators of modern times, its goals indicate that one of the most important questions is to uphold continuity inside the developing culture linking modern activity with past knowledge and experiences. This research is the result of cooperation between the Section of Kurdish Studies (Jagiellonian University, Kraków and The Institute of Research and Developement - Kurdistan (Kurdistan Region, Erbil)

    On the average behaviour of greedy algorithms for the knapsack problem

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    We study the average behaviour of the well-known greedy algorithms for the one-dimensional knapsack problem with Boolean variables when the number of variables n tends to infinity. It is supposed that the right-hand side b of the constraint depends linearly on n, i.e., b = λ n. It is shown that if λ > 1/2 - t/3 , then the primal and the dual greedy algorithms have an asymptotical tolerance t

    Carbon monoxide being hydrogen sulfide and nitric oxide molecular sibling, as endogenous and exogenous modulator of oxidative stress and antioxidative mechanisms in the digestive system

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    Oxidative stress reflects an imbalance between oxidants and antioxidants in favor of the oxidants capable of evoking tissue damage. Like hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and nitric oxide (NO), carbon monoxide (CO) is an endogenous gaseous mediator recently implicated in the physiology of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. CO is produced in mammalian tissues as a byproduct of heme degradation catalyzed by the heme oxygenase (HO) enzymes. Among the three enzymatic isoforms, heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is induced under conditions of oxidative stress or tissue injury and plays a beneficial role in the mechanism of protection against inflammation, ischemia/reperfusion (I/R), and many other injuries. According to recently published data, increased endogenous CO production by inducible HO-1, its delivery by novel pharmacological CO-releasing agents, or even the direct inhalation of CO has been considered a promising alternative in future experimental and clinical therapies against various GI disorders. However, the exact mechanisms underlying behind these CO-mediated beneficial actions are not fully explained and experimental as well as clinical studies on the mechanism of CO-induced protection are awaited. For instance, in a variety of experimental models related to gastric mucosal damage, HO-1/CO pathway and CO-releasing agents seem to prevent gastric damage mainly by reduction of lipid peroxidation and/or increased level of enzymatic antioxidants, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) or glutathione peroxidase (GPx). Many studies have also revealed that HO-1/CO can serve as a potential defensive pathway against oxidative stress observed in the liver and pancreas. Moreover, increased CO levels after treatment with CO donors have been reported to protect the gut against formation of acute GI lesions mainly by the regulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and the antioxidative activity. In this review, we focused on the role of H2S and NO molecular sibling, CO/HO pathway, and therapeutic potential of CO-releasing pharmacological tools in the regulation of oxidative stress-induced damage within the GI tract with a special emphasis on the esophagus, stomach, and intestines and also two solid and important metabolic abdominal organs, the liver and pancreas

    Inhibitory effect of selenomethionine on carcinogenesis in the model of human colorectal cancer in vitro and its link to the Wnt/β-catenin pathway

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    Selenium compounds have been implicated as anticancer agents; however, the mechanism of their inhibitory action against cancer development has not been extensively investigated. A constitutive activation of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway is a central event in colorectal carcinogenesis. In this pathway, excessive cell proliferation is initiated by generation of β-catenin followed by overexpression of proto-oncogenes, such as c-Myc. It is believed that under physiological conditions the level of c-Myc is efficiently controlled by accessibility of the β-catenin protein through the process of phosphorylation by glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK-3β). Here, we determined whether selenomethionine (SeMet) can inhibit cell growth and affect the Wnt/β-catenin pathway in the HT-29 human colorectal cancer cells in vitro. The effective cytotoxic doses of SeMet have been selected after 48 h of incubation of this compound with colorectal cancer HT-29 cell line. MTT assay was used to assess cell viability and the protein and mRNA levels of β-catenin and c-Myc were determined by Western blotting and qPCR, respectively. SeMet potently inhibited growth of HT-29 cells, significantly decreased level of the β-catenin protein and mRNA concentration, down-regulated the c-Myc gene expression and up-regulated the pro-apoptotic Bax protein level. Moreover, SeMet increased the level of GSK-3β phosphorylated at serine 9 (S9) and significantly increased the level of β-catenin phosphorylated at S33 and S37. We conclude that SeMet suppresses growth of HT-29 colorectal cancer cells by a mechanism linked to the Wnt/β-catenin pathway, however, degradation of β-catenin may occur independently of GSK-3β catalytic activity and its phosphorylation status

    К проблеме трудностей перевода технических терминов у студентов машиностроительных специальностей

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    В статье рассмотрены особенности работы с техническими текстами во время перевода их с английского языка на украинский, определены трудности, возникающие у студентов технических специальностей во время перевода терминов машиностроительной тематики. Автором также рассмотрены виды терминов согласно их структуре (простые термины, сложные и термины-словосочетания) и приведены примеры каждого вида терминов. Особое внимание уделено атрибутивным словосочетаниям, которые составляют большинство терминов-словосочетаний, приведены примеры. Подано определение таких понятий как термин, перевод, технический перевод. Определено, какие слова могут употребляться в качестве терминов в технических текстах, чем термины отличаются от общеупотребительных слов. Рассмотрены различные виды технического перевода и определены его грамматические и стилистические особенности.The article is devoted to the problem of technical terms translation. It deals with the difficulties which appear in the translation of technical texts. The definitions of such concepts as “term”, “translation” and “technical translation” are given. The difference between the terms and the words in general use is specified. Main types of technical terms classification according to their structure are described. Examples of plain, complex and phrase technical terms are given. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the attributive phrase technical terms translation. Main peculiarities of the technical terms translation are defined and analyzed by the author. The author also considers the main criteria which students have to follow in technical texts translation. The analysis of the most difficult for translation technical terms is given by the author. Brief description of the main technical translation types is presented in the article. The attention is paid to the requirements for the technical terms translation. The main terms translation method, which is used by the students in technical literature translation, is specified by the author. The author also defines and gives examples of the words, which can be used as special terms in technical texts. The significance and importance of the considered technical terms translation peculiarities is outlined in the article.В статье рассмотрены особенности работы с техническими текстами во время перевода их с английского языка на украинский, определены трудности, возникающие у студентов технических специальностей во время перевода терминов машиностроительной тематики. Автором также рассмотрены виды терминов согласно их структуре (простые термины, сложные и термины-словосочетания) и приведены примеры каждого вида терминов. Особое внимание уделено атрибутивным словосочетаниям, которые составляют большинство терминов-словосочетаний, приведены примеры. Подано определение таких понятий как термин, перевод, технический перевод. Определено, какие слова могут употребляться в качестве терминов в технических текстах, чем термины отличаются от общеупотребительных слов. Рассмотрены различные виды технического перевода и определены его грамматические и стилистические особенности

    The Holy Family as a Model of the Spiritual Life in Bl. Bolesława Lament’s Teaching

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    The Christian spiritual life, the essence of which is holiness, needs an example that sheds clear light on the path of love for God and neighbor. In her teachings, Bl. Bolesława Lament indicates that the example of the Holy Family of Nazareth’s life is especially helpful in for man’s spiritual development. The Holy Family’s example can help shape the spiritual life of believers according to the Incarnation. The essence of the Holy Family’s example is its deep focus on the mystery of Incarnation and, thus, union with Christ, the Incarnate Word. Moreover, the hidden life of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph provides a solid foundation on which apostolic life can take on form.Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski UniversityLament, B. Directory of the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Family, Volume I. Białystok 1944. A-3b-1. Archive of the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Family in Komorów, Poland.Lament, B. Directory of the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Family, Volume II. Białystok 1944. A-3b-2. Archive of the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Family, Komorów, Poland.Lament, B. Directory of the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Family, Volume III. Białystok 1944. A-3b-3. Archive of the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Family, Komorów, Poland.Balter, L. “Problem udziału św. Józefa w kapłańskiej godności Chrystusa.” Ateneum Kapłańskie 96(1981): 280-290.Balter, L. “Królewskość św. Józefa.” Ateneum Kapłańskie 1(1984): 113-127.Balter, L. Św. “Józef jako Prorok.” Ateneum Kapłańskie 3(1985): 460-472.Balthazar, H. U. Teologia misterium paschalnego. Translated by E. Piotrowski. Kraków, 2001.Bartnik, C. “Odkupienie, usprawiedliwienie i zbawienie.” In: Teologiczne rozumienie zbawienia. Edited by C. Bartnik. Lublin 1979, 9-44.Bernard, C.A. Wprowadzenie do teologii duchowości. Translated by J. Machniak. Kraków 1996.Bochenek, J. Zarys ascetyki. Warszawa 1972.Doze, A. Józef, cień Ojca. Refleksje z duchowości nazaretańskiej. Translated by. L. Balter. Kalisz 2006.Filas, F. L. Święta Rodzina wzorem dla rodzin. Translated by A. Zapał. Sandomierz 2007.Galot, J. “Święty Józef.” In: Józef z Nazaretu. Edited by O. Stokłosa. Volume 1. Kraków 1979, 183-310.Garrigou-Lagrange, R. The Three Ages of the Interior Life. Volume 1. Translated by S. Teresa Franciszkanka, Służebnica Krzyża. Poznań 1960.Gogola, J. W. Teologia komunii z Bogiem. Kraków 2003.Greshake, G. Duchowość Nazaretu. Translated by L. Balter, Communio 1(2005): 98-115.Hryniewicz, W. Chrystus nasza Pascha. Zarys chrześcijańskiej teologii paschalnej. Volume 1. Lublin 1982.Korbut, E. The spirituality of the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Family. Warszawa 2018.Lubac, H. Paradoksy. Nowe paradoksy. Translated by M. Rostworski-Książek. Kraków 1995.Marchetti, A. Zarys teologii życia duchowego. Volume 1. Translated by E. J. Bielecki. Kraków 1996.Nowak, S. “Mistyka inkarnacyjna Wcielonego Słowa.” In: Mistyka drogą zjednoczenia z Bogiem. Edited by S. Urbański, M. Szymula. Warszawa 1999, 34-43.Nowak, S. “Wcielenie Syna Bożego jako podstawa duchowości chrześcijańskiej.” In: Gdy nastała pełnia czasu. Edited by A. J. Nowak. Lublin 2001, 141-152.Ogórek, P. “Mistyka. Zagrożenie czy rozwój życia duchowego?” In: Mistyka drogą zjednoczenia z Bogiem. Edited by S. Urbański, M. Szymula. Warszawa 1999, 11-33.Paszkowska, T. “Wierny prawu i Duchowi – Święty Józef wzorem dla konsekrowanych.” In: Duchowość św. Józefa. Edited by M. Chmielewski. Lublin 2003, 113-129.Paweł VI. “Przemówienie Ojca Świętego z okazji Nawiedzenia Bazyliki Zwiastowania w Nazarecie, 05 I 1964.” In: Liturgia Godzin. Volume 1, 378-380.Paul VI. “Rodzina szkołą świętości. Przemówienie wygłoszone 4 maja 1970 r.” Ateneum Kapłańskie 84(1975): 3-13.Pius XII. “Modlitwa do św. Józefa Robotnika.” In: F. L. Filas, Święty Józef człowiek Jezusowi najbliższy. Translated by F. Dylewski, J. Ożóg, D. Siuta. Kraków 1979.Ratzinger, J. The God of Jesus Christ. San Francisco 2008. E-book.Ratzinger, J. Droga Paschalna. Translated by W. Szymona. Kraków 2001.Rybicki, R. “Wychowawca Jezusa Chrystusa.” In: Józef z Nazaretu. Edited by O. Stokłosa. Volume 2. Kraków 1979 , 291-335.Schreder, F. “Św. Józef a zjednoczenie hipostatyczne.” In: L. Strada. Patron doskonały. Kraków 1976, 26-33.Seremak, W. “Św. Józef – szczególny nauczyciel uczestnictwa w mesjańskiej misji Chrystusa.” In: Duchowość św. Józefa z Nazaretu. Edited by M. Chmielewski. Lublin 2003, 59-72.Słomkowski, A. Teologia życia duchowego, Ząbki 2000.Urbański, S. “Początek duchowości inkarnacyjnej – ‘Gdy nastała pełnia czasu’ (Ga 4:4).” In: Gdy nastała pełnia czasu. Edited by A. J. Nowak. Lublin 2001, 195-212.Urbański, S. Teologia życia mistycznego. Warszawa 1999.Wejman, H. “Józef z Nazaretu wzorem proegzystencji kapłańskiej.” In: Duchowość św. Józefa z Nazaretu. Edited by M. Chmielewski. Lublin 2003, 85-89.19193