124 research outputs found

    Prototype part and made by method rapid prototyping

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    V rámci této práce je řešena fáze výroby prototypu v průběhu vývoje redukčního členu pro ovládání průtoku plynu, který se nachází v plynovém kotli za ventilem. Práce je zaměřena na aditivní výrobu prototypu. Jsou zde popsány základní technologie, jejich vlastnosti a postupy, které je třeba dodrţet. Prakticky je zde řešena tvorba modelu v 3D CAD softwaru, jeho převedení do formátu STL a kontrola celistvosti. Následně je model přehrán do tiskárny a jsou zhotoveny funkční součásti, které je moţné vyuţít pro ověření aplikace a nalezení případných nedostatků ještě před výrobou vstřikovací formy.This bachelor thesis is dealing with prototype stage during development of reduction part for gas flow control, which is positioned in gas boiler downstream of the valve. Thesis is focused on additive manufacturing. Basic technologies, their attributes and procedures which are necessary to be followed are described here. Practical part is composed of 3D model creation in CAD software, export of model to STL format and its inspection for compactness. After that 3D model is sent to printer and functional components are made, that can be used for application verification and for detection of possible design deficiencies before the mold assembly is made.

    Supervision over public tenders

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    Resumé Tato diplomová práce se soustředí na vymezení a zhodnocení činnosti Úřadu pro ochranu hospodářské soutěže jako státního orgánu oprávněného posuzovat dodržování zákona v procesu zadávání veřejných zakázek. Práce hodnotí úroveň právní úpravy dohledu nad veřejnými zakázkami a snaží se o definování problematických bodů a návrh jejich řešení. Práce se po úvodu dělí do tří hlavních kapitol. Účelem kapitoly první je poskytnout nezbytný základní přehled o terminologii, kterou používá zákon č. 137/2006 Sb., o veřejných zakázkách, včetně klíčového pojmu dohledu nad zadáváním veřejných zakázek, o zásadách a podstatných aspektech předcházejících právních úprav stejně jako té současné a o zařazení práva veřejných zakázek do systému práva V kapitole druhé jsem se podrobně zabýval způsobem fungování dohlédací činnosti nad veřejnými zakázkami. Především bylo třeba postihnout jednotlivé typy uspořádání dohledu, které se v praxi vyskytují, a to včetně jejich výhod a nedostatků. Dále se tato kapitola soustředí na vymezení působnosti Úřadu pro ochranu hospodářské soutěže, které se dočkalo díky novelizaci zákonem č. 55/ 2012 významného zpřesnění. Následující část kapitoly se věnuje námitkám proti úkonům zadavatele a jejich posouzení zadavatelem, jako klíčovému předpokladu pro podání návrhu na zahájení správního řízení....Supervision over public tenders This diploma thesis focuses on explanation and evaluation of the activity of the Office for the Protection of Competition as the authority entitled to assess complience with the Act no. 137/2006 Coll., on Public Contracts, during the process of public procurement. The thesis evaluates quality of legislative regulation on the supervision over public tenders and atempts to define problematic aspects of the matter and tries to suggest their solution. After an introductory part the thesis is devided into three main chapters. The goal of the first chapter is to provide necessary outline of terminology used by the Act no. 137/2006 Coll., on Public Contracts, including the key term of supervision over public tenders and the outline of the basic principles which the whole system of public procurement proceedings stands on. The first chapter also considerates important aspects of previous and current legislation. In chapter two I deal with the functioning of supervising activity over public tenders. It was necessary to outline general concepts of supervision including their advantages and disadvantages. Furthermore, this chapter focuses on outlining the scope of activities by which the Office for the Protection of Competition provided and which have been significantly...Department of Business LawKatedra obchodního právaFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult

    Analysis of Economic Indicators Using Statistical Methods

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    Cílem mé bakalářské práce je provést zhodnocení ekonomického zdraví podniku na základě výsledků finanční analýzy společnosti a zároveň předpovědět vývoj ekonomických ukazatelů do budoucna při zachování stávajících trendů. Práce je rozdělena na dvě části, a sice na teoretickou a praktickou. V rámci teoretické části popíši finanční analýzu, její metody a postupy, dále principy statistických časových řad. Naváži na ni částí praktickou, ve které provedu výpočet ukazatelů, jejich zhodnocení a zhodnocení stávající finanční situace podniku. Na závěr použiji statistické metody k predikci vývoje v blízké budoucnosti a návrhy pro zlepšení ekonomické situace podniku.The goal of this bachelors work is to evaluate the economic health of the company based on the results of the financial analysis of the company and also predict the development of economic indicators in the future while maintaining the existing trends. The work is divided into two parts, the theoretical and the practical part. In the theoretical part I will describe the financial analysis, its methods and procedures, as well as principles of statistical time series. I will continue with practical part in which I will perform the calculation of indicators, assessment and evaluation of their current financial situation. In conclusion, we will use statistical methods to predict developement in the near future and make suggestions for improvement of the economic situation.

    Design of manufacturing technology for plastic cover electrical device

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    V rámci této práce je zpracována rešerše na téma vstřikování plastů včetně rozboru vlastností některých druhů polymerních materiálů. Praktická část obsahuje návrh konstrukce vstřikovací formy pro zadanou součást, kterou je kryt elektropřístroje. Byly určeny technologické parametry procesu a byl stanoven vhodný stroj pro výrobu. Výpočet nákladů spojených s výrobou a určení výsledné ceny za jeden kus je řešen v ekonomickém hodnocení.This thesis contains of theoretical part which deals with injection molding, properties of some polymer materials are included also. Design of plastic injection mold for cover of electronic device is presented in practical part. Manufacturing parameters and injection machine selection are specified with mold structure consideration. Production costs and the final price of the plastic part are calculated in economical evaluation.

    The Use of Statistical Methods for Data Processing

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    Cílem této diplomové práce je návrh strategie pro zvýšení konkurenceschopnosti Lázní Hodonín. Dílčí cíl pak představuje predikci návštěvnosti lázeňského zařízení. V teoretické části se seznámíme se základními pojmy týkající se cestovního ruchu, časových řad, lázeňství a lázeňských středisek v Jihomoravském kraji. Problematika časových řad je následně aplikována v praktické části, kde jsou zpracovány jednotlivé časové řady návštěvnosti a predikce jejich možného vývoje do budoucna na základě navrženého modelu. Na základě analýzy vnitřního a vnějšího prostředí proběhne zhodnocení, které využijeme k navržení doporučení vedoucí ke zvýšení konkurenceschopnosti návštěvnosti zařízení.Main goal of this diploma thesis is to design a strategy to increase the competitiveness of the spa resort Lázně Hodonín. Secondary goal is to predict the future attendance of said spa resort. A theoretical part apprizes the readers with basic terms of tourism, spa procedures, time series and spa resorts from South Moravian area. In the practical part, we will use time series to process an attendance of spa resort and predict its future developement according to a chosen model. In the end we will use SWOT and PESTE analysis to summarize results, which will be used to suggest a recommendation leading to an increase of competitiveness of chosen spa resort.

    Estimating the effect of tracking tag weight on insect movement using video analysis: A case study with a flightless orthopteran

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    In this study, we describe an inexpensive and rapid method of using video analysis and identity tracking to measure the effects of tag weight on insect movement. In a laboratory experiment, we assessed the tag weight and associated context-dependent effects on movement, choosing temperature as a factor known to affect insect movement and behavior. We recorded the movements of groups of flightless adult crickets Gryllus locorojo (Orthoptera:Gryllidae) as affected by no tag (control); by light, medium, or heavy tags (198.7, 549.2, and 758.6 mg, respectively); and by low, intermediate, or high temperatures (19.5, 24.0, and 28.3 degrees C, respectively). Each individual in each group was weighed before recording and was recorded for 3 consecutive days. The mean (+/- SD) tag mass expressed as a percentage of body mass before the first recording was 26.8 +/- 3.7% with light tags, 72 +/- 11.2% with medium tags, and 101.9 +/- 13.5% with heavy tags. We found that the influence of tag weight strongly depended on temperature, and that the negative effects on movement generally increased with tag weight. At the low temperature, nearly all movement properties were negatively influenced. At the intermediate and high temperatures, the light and medium tags did not affect any of the movement properties. The continuous 3-day tag load reduced the average movement speed only for crickets with heavy tags. Based on our results, we recommend that researchers consider or investigate the possible effects of tags before conducting any experiment with tags in order to avoid obtaining biased results.Web of Science167art. no. e025511

    First record of Phormia regina (Meigen, 1826) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) from mummies at the Sant’Antonio Abate Cathedral of Castelsardo, Sardinia, Italy

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    The studies of insects from archaeological contexts can provide an important supplement of information to reconstruct past events, climate and environments. Furthermore, the list of the species present in an area in the past allows the reconstruction of the entomofauna on that area at that time, that can be different from the nowadays condition, providing information about biodiversity changes. In this work, the results of a funerary archaeoentomological study on samples collected from mummified corpses discovered during the restoration of the crypt of the Sant’Antonio Abate Cathedral of Castelsardo (Sardinia, Italy) are reported. The majority of the sampled specimens were Diptera puparia, whereas only few Lepidoptera cocoons and some Coleoptera fragments were isolated. Among Diptera, Calliphoridae puparia were identified as Phormia regina (Meigen, 1826) and Calliphora vicina, (RobineauDesvoidy, 1830) both species typical of the first colonization waves of exposed bodies. Three puparia fragments were also identified as belonging to a Sarcophaga Meigen, 1826, species (Sarcophagidae). Several Muscidae puparia of the species Hydrotaea capensis (Weidmermann, 1818), a late colonizer of bodies, and typical of buried bodies were also collected. The few moth (Lepidoptera) cocoons were identified as belonging to the family Tineidae. This family comprises species feeding on dry tissues and hair typical of the later phases of the human decomposition. Among Coleoptera a single specimen in the family Histeridae, Saprinus semistriatus(Scriba, 1790) and a single elytra, potentially of a species in the family Tenebrionidae, were also collected. Overall, the samples collected indicated an initial colonization of the bodies in an exposed context, mainly in a warm season. This research allows the finding of elements indicating the presence, at least in the past, of P. regina in Sardinia. This species at the moment seems extinct from Sardinia while it is quite common in the continent

    Decomposition and Coleoptera succession on exposed carrion of small mammals

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    Abstract In 1997 and 1998, field studies on exposed rat carcasses were conducted in Opava, the Czech Republic, to describe the decomposition process and Coleoptera succession patterns. Coleoptera assemblages were monitored during three 40-d succession series conducted in spring, summer and autumn in two different habitats: meadow and deciduous forest. The rate of decomposition was studied in carcasses open to insects and isolated from them. The stages of decomposition recognised in this study follow Reed's classification: fresh, bloated, decay and dry stage. Carcass in summer decayed much faster than in spring and autumn and the decomposition of insect-free carcasses was less rapid than that of carcasses exposed to insects. A total of 145 Coleoptera species belonging to 22 families was recorded on the carcasses. The number of species in the succession series increased from the fresh stage, reached a maximum in the decay stage and gradually declined in the dry stage. The greatest diversity of Coleoptera was found in spring, followed by summer and autumn. More species were collected in forest site than in meadow. Four ecological groups, each characterised by a specific type of carrion association and varying in food specialisation and species biology, have been distinguished

    Anisolabella planata Kočárek 2014, sp. nov.

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    Anisolabella planata sp. nov. (Figs 11–15, 27) Type locality. Yemen, Hagher Mts., Scand Mt, 12°34.6′N, 54°01.5′E, 1,450 m a.s.l. Material examined. HOLOTYPE: J, ‘ Socotra Is. (YE) / Al Haghier Mts. Scant Mt. env. / 12°34.6′N, 54°01.5′E, 1450 m / Jan Batelka leg. 12-13.xi.2010 // HOLOTYPUS / Anisolabella / planata sp. nov. / det. P. Kočárek 2013 ’ (NMPC). PARATYPES: 1 J 1 ♀, same label data as holotype (NMPC); 1 J, ‘ Yemen Socotra Island / Hagher Mts., Scand Mt. env. / montane evergreen woodland / 16.-18.vi.2012 / 12°34.6′N, 54°01.5′E, 1,450 m // Socotra expedition 2012 / J. Bezděk, J. Hájek, V. Hula, P. Kment, I. Malenovský, J. Niedobová & L. Purchart lgt.’ (PKCO). Each of the paratype specimens is provided with an additional printed red label: ‘ PARATYPUS / Anisolabella / planata sp. nov. / det. P. Kočárek 2013 ’. Description. Male. Body dorsoventrally depressed, reddish brown, shiny; head dark reddish brown, antennae, pronotum, mesonotum, metanotum and legs pale reddish brown, abdomen and forceps blackish brown. Cuticle punctured, shiny; tegmina and wings entirely absent. Head (Fig. 11) as wide as long, postfrontal and coronal sutures fine, but distinct, frons convex, vertex flattened, posterior margin of head feebly emarginate in middle. Eyes reddish brown, approximately 0.5 times as long as length of head posterior to eyes. Antennae of paratype male with 21 antennomeres (in holotype incomplete), in female paratype with 22 antennomeres; antennomere 1 shorter than distance between antennal bases, narrowed basally, widened terminally, slightly longer than antennomeres 2–4 combined; antennomere 2 transverse, wider than long; antennomere 3 nearly as long as antennomere 4–5 combined. Antennomeres 2–21(22) cylindrical; distal antennomeres long and thin, 6–7 times longer than wide. All antennomeres pubescent, setae long, as long as, or longer than width of antennomeres. Pronotum (Fig. 11) smooth, about as long as broad, slightly widened posteriorly; anterior margin nearly straight, lateral margins slightly concave, posterior margin nearly straight. Median sulcus fine but distinct. Meso- and metanotum transverse, smooth; mesonotum posteriorly truncate, metanotum broadly emarginate. Median sulcus visible on mesonotum, on metanotum absent. Legs comparatively long, pale reddish brown; femora stout; tibiae with thick and fine setae; metatarsi with metatarsomere 1 of almost equal length as metatarsomeres 2–3 combined. Abdomen (Fig. 11) sparsely punctulate, tergites (except for ultimate tergite) convex, somewhat widened posteriorly; lateral glandular folds invisible. Tergites 6(7)–9 rugoso-striate at posterior margins. Ultimate tergite transverse, rugose, sides convex, slightly narrowed posteriorly, depressed medially with weak striate median longitudinal furrow, lateral sides and posterior margin rugoso-striate. Penultimate sternite narrowed posteriorly, with posterior margin subtruncate and slightly emarginate (Fig. 12). Pygidium flat. Forceps asymmetrical, right branch more curved in middle than left one; right branch noticeably widened interiorly in distal quarter. Both branches remote and stout at base, tapering apically, with apices gently hooked; inner margin finely crenulated, dorsally trigonal in basal half, depressed posteriorly. Genitalia (Figs 14, 15) with oval short parameres, parameres 1.8 times longer than broad, broadened in middle and narrowed apically, external apical angle and margin convex; tip of parameres rounded (Fig. 15). Longer genital lobe 1.7 times longer than length of paramere (Fig. 14). Female. Agrees with male in most characters except for: posterior margins of tergites 6(7)–9 smooth, not rugoso-striate; penultimate sternite narrowed posteriorly, with posterior margin subtruncate and broadly rounded; ultimate tergite comparatively narrowed posteriorly and forceps with branches contiguous, simple and straight, with crenulated inner margin (Fig. 13). Measurements. Total body length without forceps:JJ: 15.2–17.8 mm, holotype 17.8 mm; ♀: 12.9 mm. Length of forceps: JJ: 2.5–3.1 mm, holotype 3.1 mm; ♀: 3.9 mm. Differential diagnosis. Anisolabella planata sp. nov. differs from the other species of the genus Anisolabella based on the following combination of characteristics: the body is flattened with a noticeably flattened vertex of the head; antennomeres 2–22 are cylindrical, the distal antennomeres are long and thin, 6–7 times longer than wide; the right branch of the male forceps is widened interiorly in the distal quarter, and the abdominal tergites of male lack keels or ridges laterally; the penultimate sternite of male is narrowed posteriorly, with the posterior margin subtruncate and slightly emarginate. The parameres of the male genitalia are specific, oval, and broadened in the middle, 1.8 times longer than wide. It can be distinguished from the other Anisolabella species occurring on Socotra Island, A. haasi sp. nov., using the identification key below. Etymology. The Latin adjective, planatus (- a, -um; = flattened) is given in reference to the dorsoventrally flattened body of the new species, which is unusual in Anisolabella. Bionomy. Sifted from wet leaf litter in a montane evergreen woodland, association Leucado hagghierensi-Pittosporetum viridiflorum, see also the preceding species. Distribution. Yemen, Socotra Island (Fig. 27). Most likely an endemic species.Published as part of Kočárek, Petr, 2014, Earwigs (Dermaptera) of Socotra Island: checklist, distribution, and description of a new genus and four new species, pp. 1-21 in Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 54 on pages 9-11, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.531235