505 research outputs found

    Exploring the performance reserve: Effect of different magnitudes of power output deception on 4,000 m cycling time-trial performance

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    Purpose The aim of the present study was to investigate whether a magnitude of deception of 5% in power output would lead to a greater reduction in the amount of time taken for participants to complete a 4000 m cycling TT than a magnitude of deception of 2% in power output, which we have previously shown can lead to a small change in 4000 m cycling TT performance. Methods Ten trained male cyclists completed four, 4000 m cycling TTs. The first served as a habituation and the second as a baseline for future trials. During trials three and four participants raced against a pacer which was set, in a randomized order, at a mean power output equal to 2% (+2% TT) or 5% (+5% TT) higher than their baseline performance. However participants were misled into believing that the power output of the pacer was an accurate representation of their baseline performance on both occasions. Cardiorespiratory responses were recorded throughout each TT, and used to estimate energy contribution from aerobic and anaerobic metabolism. Results Participants were able to finish the +2% TT in a significantly shorter duration than at baseline (p = 0.01), with the difference in performance likely attributable to a greater anaerobic contribution to total power output (p = 0.06). There was no difference in performance between the +5% TT and +2% TT or baseline trials. Conclusions Results suggest that a performance reserve is conserved, involving anaerobic energy contribution, which can be utilised given a belief that the exercise will be sustainable however there is an upper limit to how much deception can be tolerated. These findings have implications for performance enhancement in athletes and for our understanding of the nature of fatigue during high-intensity exercise

    Disorder Effects on Exciton-Polariton Condensates

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    The impact of a random disorder potential on the dynamical properties of Bose Einstein condensates is a very wide research field. In microcavities, these studies are even more crucial than in the condensates of cold atoms, since random disorder is naturally present in the semiconductor structures. In this chapter, we consider a stable condensate, defined by a chemical potential, propagating in a random disorder potential, like a liquid flowing through a capillary. We analyze the interplay between the kinetic energy, the localization energy, and the interaction between particles in 1D and 2D polariton condensates. The finite life time of polaritons is taken into account as well. In the first part, we remind the results of [G. Malpuech et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 206402 (2007).] where we considered the case of a static condensate. In that case, the condensate forms either a glassy insulating phase at low polariton density (strong localization), or a superfluid phase above the percolation threshold. We also show the calculation of the first order spatial coherence of the condensate versus the condensate density. In the second part, we consider the case of a propagating non-interacting condensate which is always localized because of Anderson localization. The localization length is calculated in the Born approximation. The impact of the finite polariton life time is taken into account as well. In the last section we consider the case of a propagating interacting condensate where the three regimes of strong localization, Anderson localization, and superfluid behavior are accessible. The localization length is calculated versus the system parameters. The localization length is strongly modified with respect to the non-interacting case. It is infinite in the superfluid regime whereas it is strongly reduced if the fluid flows with a supersonic velocity.Comment: chapter for a book "Exciton Polaritons in Microcavities: New Frontiers" by Springer (2012), the original publication is available at http://www.springerlink.co

    Vortices in polariton OPO superfluids

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    This chapter reviews the occurrence of quantised vortices in polariton fluids, primarily when polaritons are driven in the optical parametric oscillator (OPO) regime. We first review the OPO physics, together with both its analytical and numerical modelling, the latter being necessary for the description of finite size systems. Pattern formation is typical in systems driven away from equilibrium. Similarly, we find that uniform OPO solutions can be unstable to the spontaneous formation of quantised vortices. However, metastable vortices can only be injected externally into an otherwise stable symmetric state, and their persistence is due to the OPO superfluid properties. We discuss how the currents charactering an OPO play a crucial role in the occurrence and dynamics of both metastable and spontaneous vortices.Comment: 40 pages, 16 figure

    Quantum-fluid dynamics of microcavity polaritons

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    Semiconductor microcavities offer a unique system to investigate the physics of weakly interacting bosons. Their elementary excitations, polaritons--a mixture of excitons and photons--behave, in the low density limit, as bosons that can undergo a phase transition to a regime characterised by long range coherence. Condensates of polaritons have been advocated as candidates for superfluidity; and the formation of vortices as well as elementary excitations with a linear dispersion are actively sought after. In this work, we have created and set in motion a macroscopically degenerate state of polaritons and let it collide with a variety of defects present in the sample. Our experiments show striking manifestations of a coherent light-matter packet that displays features of a superfluid, although one of a highly unusual character as it involves an out-of-equilibrium dissipative system where it travels at ultra-fast velocity of the order of 1% the speed of light. Our main results are the observation of i) a linear polariton dispersion accompanied with diffusion-less motion, ii) flow without resistance when crossing an obstacle, iii) suppression of Rayleigh scattering and iv) splitting into two fluids when the size of the obstacle is comparable with the size of the wavepacket. This work opens the way to the investigation of new phenomenology of out-of-equilibrium condensates.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    Genetic analysis of lung function in inbred mice suggests vitamin D receptor as a candidate gene

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    Vitamin D receptor (VDR) polymorphisms are associated with an increased asthma incidence in human populations; however, observations in Vdr knockout mice are unclear. The aim of our study was to determine the influence of the genetic variation in Vdr among inbred strains on lung resistance (i.e., dynamic and airway resistance). In an intercross between the strains C57BL/6J (B6) and KK/HlJ (KK), we identified that a significant QTL for dynamic resistance on Chr X was interacting with a QTL on Chr 15. The Chr 15 QTL peak was located in close proximity to the Vdr locus. We further examined if phenotypes of several inbred strains with varying Vdr genotypes differed. Strains with a B6-like genotype on the Vdr locus had significantly lower airway resistance than strains with a KK-like genotype. Vdr knockout mice were examined for dynamic resistance and showed significantly higher resistance than mice with one (i.e., heterozygous) or both copies (i.e., wild-type) of the Vdr. In comparison to B6, the strain A/J is more resistant but carries the same genotype at the Vdr locus. Dietary vitamin D manipulation in the strain A/J did not rescue the high airway resistance phenotype. Finally, we observed that serum vitamin D does not correlate significantly with lung resistance parameters in a survey of 18 strains. Conclusively, Vdr contributes to the phenotypic variation of lung resistance in inbred mice but other molecules in the Vdr pathway and extended network [i.e., Chr X gene(s)] may contribute as well

    Defining the road map to a UK national lung cancer screening programme

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    Lung cancer screening with low-dose CT was recommended by the UK National Screening Committee (UKNSC) in September, 2022, on the basis of data from trials showing a reduction in lung cancer mortality. These trials provide sufficient evidence to show clinical efficacy, but further work is needed to prove deliverability in preparation for a national roll-out of the first major targeted screening programme. The UK has been world leading in addressing logistical issues with lung cancer screening through clinical trials, implementation pilots, and the National Health Service (NHS) England Targeted Lung Health Check Programme. In this Policy Review, we describe the consensus reached by a multiprofessional group of experts in lung cancer screening on the key requirements and priorities for effective implementation of a programme. We summarise the output from a round-table meeting of clinicians, behavioural scientists, stakeholder organisations, and representatives from NHS England, the UKNSC, and the four UK nations. This Policy Review will be an important tool in the ongoing expansion and evolution of an already successful programme, and provides a summary of UK expert opinion for consideration by those organising and delivering lung cancer screenings in other countries

    The Impact of Social Disparity on Prefrontal Function in Childhood

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    The prefrontal cortex (PFC) develops from birth through late adolescence. This extended developmental trajectory provides many opportunities for experience to shape the structure and function of the PFC. To date, a few studies have reported links between parental socioeconomic status (SES) and prefrontal function in childhood, raising the possibility that aspects of environment associated with SES impact prefrontal function. Considering that behavioral measures of prefrontal function are associated with learning across multiple domains, this is an important area of investigation. In this study, we used fMRI to replicate previous findings, demonstrating an association between parental SES and PFC function during childhood. In addition, we present two hypothetical mechanisms by which SES could come to affect PFC function of this association: language environment and stress reactivity. We measured language use in the home environment and change in salivary cortisol before and after fMRI scanning. Complexity of family language, but not the child's own language use, was associated with both parental SES and PFC activation. Change in salivary cortisol was also associated with both SES and PFC activation. These observed associations emphasize the importance of both enrichment and adversity-reduction interventions in creating good developmental environments for all children

    Rates of influenza vaccination in older adults and factors associated with vaccine use: A secondary analysis of the Canadian Study of Health and Aging

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    BACKGROUND: Influenza vaccination has been shown to reduce morbidity and mortality in the older adult population. In Canada, vaccination rates remain suboptimal. We identified factors predictive of influenza vaccination, in order to determine which segments of the older adult population might be targeted to increase coverage in influenza vaccination programs. METHODS: The Canadian Study of Health and Aging (CSHA) is a population-based national cohort study of 10263 older adults (≥ 65) conducted in 1991. We used data from the 5007 community-dwelling participants in the CSHA without dementia for whom self-reported influenza vaccination status is known. RESULTS: Of 5007 respondents, 2763 (55.2%) reported having received an influenza vaccination within the previous 2 years. The largest predictive factors for flu vaccination included: being married (57.4 vs. 52.6%, p = 0.0007), having attained a higher education (11.0 vs. 10.3 years, p < 0.0001), smoking (57.1% vs. 52.9%, p = 0.0032), more alcohol use (57.9% of those who drank more vs. 53.2% of those who drank less, p = 0.001), poorer self-rated health (54.1% of those with good self-rated health vs. 60.6% of those with poor self-rated health, p = 0.0006), regular exercise (56.8% vs. 52.0%, p = 0.001), and urban living (55.8% vs. 51.0%, p = 0.03). While many other differences were statistically significant, most were small (e.g. mean age 75.1 vs. 74.6 years for immunized vs. unimmunized older adults, p = 0.006, higher Modified Mini Mental Status Examination score (89.9 vs. 89.1, p < 0.0001), higher comorbidity (2.7 vs. 2.3 comorbidities, p < 0.0001). Residents of Ontario were more likely (64.6%) to report vaccination (p < 0.0001), while those living in Quebec were less likely to do so (48.2%, p < 0.0001). Factors retaining significance in a multivariate analysis included older age, higher education, married status, drinking alcohol, smoking, engaging in regular exercise, and having higher comorbidity. CONCLUSIONS: The vaccination rate in this sample, in whom influenza vaccination is indicated, was low (55.2%). Even in a publicly administered health care setting, influenza vaccination did not reach an important proportion of the elderly population. Whether these differences reflect patient preference or access remains to be determined