555 research outputs found

    Stimulus-preceding negativity in ADHD

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    Children with ADHD often show disrupted response preparation as indicated by attenuated stimulus-preceding negativity (SPN). This study examined response preparation in a relatively short cue-stimulus interval. No differences in SPN occurred between children with ADHD and their normal peers. A strong positive relationship was found between SPN and mean reaction time in both groups. Children with ADHD are able to mentally prepare themselves for upcoming events in short cue-stimulus intervals. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Wien

    Narratives for drug design

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    We explore the role of narratives of complex systems in anti-cancer drug design. We set out the value of narratives relating to cancer in promoting awareness of risky behaviour and in supporting decision-making regarding treatment options. We present cancer as a dysregulated, complex system that has emergent behaviours at multiple scales, and is governed by dynamical spatio-temporal processes. We show that this system changes structure and function in response to anti-cancer drugs, and explain that these changes are sufficiently complex to impede effective drug design. We pose what narrative might offer to support the process of drug design, providing an example of work done to date that might serve as a foundation for narrating complexity. We suggest ways of using this work combined with that of others to begin to consider narrating drug design

    Stable Isotope Analysis Can Potentially Identify Completely-Digested Bloodmeals in Mosquitoes

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    Background: Vertebrate bloodfeeding is a critical component of a mosquito’s ability to transmit pathogens that cause diseases such as malaria, dengue fever and viral encephalitis. Due to degradation by the digestive process, current methods to identify mosquito bloodmeal sources are only useful for approximately 36 hours post-feeding. A critical need exists for technologies to extend this window and gain a more complete picture of mosquito feeding behavior for epidemiological studies. Stable isotopes are useful for investigating organism feeding behavior because the isotopic ratio of an organism’s tissues reflects that of the material it ingests. Methodology/Principal Findings: Proof-of-principle data indicates that after bloodfeeding, Aedes albopictus mosquitoes acquire diagnostic Carbon and Nitrogen stable isotope profiles from their vertebrate hosts that can be accurately identified one week post-feeding, approximately 4 days after the entire bloodmeal has been digested. Total C/N ratio served as a biomarker marker for bloodfeeding (P,0.02), while dN was the most informative variable which could distinguish between unfed, chicken-fed and human-fed mosquitoes (P,0.01). By plotting C/N vs. dN, all feeding treatments could be identified in a double-blind analysis. Conclusions/Significance: These proof-of-principle experiments indicate that analysis of stable isotopes can be used to distinguish bloodfed from unfed mosquitoes, and also distinguish between different vertebrate bloodmeal sources eve

    Effects of a training program after surgically treated ankle fracture: a prospective randomised controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Despite conflicting results after surgically treated ankle fractures few studies have evaluated the effects of different types of training programs performed after plaster removal. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a 12-week standardised but individually suited training program (training group) versus usual care (control group) after plaster removal in adults with surgically treated ankle fractures.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In total, 110 men and women, 18-64 years of age, with surgically treated ankle fracture were included and randomised to either a 12-week training program or to a control group. Six and twelve months after the injury the subjects were examined by the same physiotherapist who was blinded to the treatment group. The main outcome measure was the Olerud-Molander Ankle Score (OMAS) which rates symptoms and subjectively scored function. Secondary outcome measures were: quality of life (SF-36), timed walking tests, ankle mobility tests, muscle strength tests and radiological status.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>52 patients were randomised to the training group and 58 to the control group. Five patients dropped out before the six-month follow-up resulting in 50 patients in the training group and 55 in the control group. Nine patients dropped out between the six- and twelve-month follow-up resulting in 48 patients in both groups. When analysing the results in a mixed model analysis on repeated measures including interaction between age-group and treatment effect the training group demonstrated significantly improved results compared to the control group in subjects younger than 40 years of age regarding OMAS (p = 0.028), muscle strength in the plantar flexors (p = 0.029) and dorsiflexors (p = 0.030).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results of this study suggest that when adjusting for interaction between age-group and treatment effect the training model employed in this study was superior to usual care in patients under the age of 40. However, as only three out of nine outcome measures showed a difference, the beneficial effect from an additional standardised individually suited training program can be expected to be limited. There is need for further studies to elucidate how a training program should be designed to increase and optimise function in patients middle-aged or older.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>Current Controlled Trials ACTRN12609000327280</p

    An ex vivo continuous passive motion model in a porcine knee for assessing primary stability of cell-free collagen gel plugs

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Primary stability of cartilage repair constructs is of the utmost importance in the clinical setting but few continuous passive motion (CPM) models are available. Our study aimed to establish a novel ex vivo CPM animal model and to evaluate the required motion cycles for testing the mechanical properties of a new cell-free collagen type I gel plug (CaReS<sup>Âź</sup>-1S).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A novel ex vivo CPM device was developed. Full-thickness cartilage defects (11 mm diameter by 6 mm deep) were created on the medial femoral condyle of porcine knee specimens. CaReS<sup>Âź</sup>-1S was implanted in 16 animals and each knee underwent continuous passive motion. After 0, 2000, 4000, 6000, and 8000 motions, standardized digital pictures of the grafts were taken, focusing on the worn surfaces. The percentage of worn surface on the total CaReS<sup>Âź</sup>-1S surface was evaluated with image processing software.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Significant differences in the worn surface were recorded between 0 and 2000 motion cycles (p < 0.0001). After 2000 motion cycles, there was no significant difference. No total delamination of CaReS<sup>Âź</sup>-1S with an empty defect site was recorded.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The ex vivo CPM animal model is appropriate in investigating CaReS<sup>Âź</sup>-1S durability under continuous passive motion. 2000 motion cycles appear adequate to assess the primary stability of type I collagen gels used to repair focal chondral defects.</p

    Vultures of the Seas: Hyperacidic Stomachs in Wandering Albatrosses as an Adaptation to Dispersed Food Resources, including Fishery Wastes

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    Animals are primarily limited by their capacity to acquire food, yet digestive performance also conditions energy acquisition, and ultimately fitness. Optimal foraging theory predicts that organisms feeding on patchy resources should maximize their food loads within each patch, and should digest these loads quickly to minimize travelling costs between food patches. We tested the prediction of high digestive performance in wandering albatrosses, which can ingest prey of up to 3 kg, and feed on highly dispersed food resources across the southern ocean. GPS-tracking of 40 wandering albatrosses from the Crozet archipelago during the incubation phase confirmed foraging movements of between 475–4705 km, which give birds access to a variety of prey, including fishery wastes. Moreover, using miniaturized, autonomous data recorders placed in the stomach of three birds, we performed the first-ever measurements of gastric pH and temperature in procellariformes. These revealed surprisingly low pH levels (average 1.50±0.13), markedly lower than in other seabirds, and comparable to those of vultures feeding on carrion. Such low stomach pH gives wandering albatrosses a strategic advantage since it allows them a rapid chemical breakdown of ingested food and therefore a rapid digestion. This is useful for feeding on patchy, natural prey, but also on fishery wastes, which might be an important additional food resource for wandering albatrosses

    Plasticity versus repeatability in seabird migratory behaviour

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    Pelagic seabird populations can use several discrete wintering areas, but it is unknown if individuals use the same wintering area year after year. This would have consequences for their population genetic structure and conservation. We here study the faithfulness of individuals to a moulting area within and among years in a small pelagic seabird, the Thin-billed prion, which moult their primary feathers during the early part of the non-breeding period. According to stable carbon isotope ratios (Ύ13C) of these feathers, 90% of Thin-billed prions moult in Antarctic and 10% in South American waters. Repeated samples from individuals in 2 or 3 years indicated that several birds changed between Antarctic and South American moulting areas or vice versa. However, individuals moulting in an area in one year were more likely to do so again. Four out of five adults maintained highly conserved Ύ13C over the extended moulting period. One bird, however, had systematic changes in Ύ13C indicating latitudinal movements between the two areas during moult. Thus, the present data show that this seabird species has a highly flexible migratory strategy, not only at the population level, but also at the individual level, enabling these seabirds to exploit a highly unpredictable environment

    Life experiences throughout the ifespan: What do people say (or not) about them?

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    Life experiences have been a topic of interest for researchers and clinicians for decades. Current knowledge is rooted in two distinct approaches, i.e., personality psychology and psychosomatics. Whereas the first is interested in ordinary life stories of nonclinical individuals, based on a more qualitative, in-depth, and person-driven approach, psychosomatics stresses negative events, mainly in clinical samples, and presents a more quantitative, general, and construct-driven approach. Consequently, available evidence is dispersed and unrelated and many basic questions remain unanswered. This study aimed to explore occurrence, developmental stage, valence, and impact of life experiences and to analyze critical answering patterns (i.e., “I don’t remember,” missingness). Through a cross-sectional retrospective design, 394 adults from the community answered the Lifetime Experiences Scale, which covers 75 life experiences organized in eight domains (i.e., school, job, health, leisure, living conditions, adverse experiences, achievements, and people and relationships). Occurrence of life experiences varied greatly, and the mean number of experiences reported was approximately 30. Regarding developmental stage, most experiences were reported in just one stage—mainly adulthood—however, some could be considered chronic. Globally, life experiences tended to be clearly rated as positive or as negative; additionally, assessed experiences were mainly appraised as positive. Moreover, participants presented their experiences as significant, rating them as high impact. Overall, critical answering patterns were not very expressive: “I don’t remember” and missing answers were below 2 and 5%, respectively, in the majority of experiences. These findings offer several important new insights, suggesting that life experiences are mainly an idiosyncratic topic.This manuscript is part of a doctoral dissertation, which had the support of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), through the PhD grant with the reference SFRH/ BD/76022/2011, funded by POPH-QREN-Typology 4.1-Advanced Training, reimbursed by the European Social Fund and national funds from State Budget. This study was conducted at Psychology Research Centre (UID/PSI/01662/2013), University of Minho, and supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and the Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science through national funds and co-financed by FEDER through COMPETE2020 under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007653).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hydrodilatation, corticosteroids and adhesive capsulitis: A randomized controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hydrodilatation of the glenohumeral joint is by several authors reported to improve shoulder pain and range of motion for patients with adhesive capsulitis. Procedures described often involve the injection of corticosteroids, to which the reported treatment effects may be attributed. Any important contribution arising from the hydrodilatation procedure itself remains to be demonstrated.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this randomized trial, a hydrodilatation procedure including corticosteroids was compared with the injection of corticosteroids without dilatation. Patients were given three injections with two-week intervals, and all injections were given under fluoroscopic guidance. Outcome measures were the Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI) and measures of active and passive range of motion. Seventy-six patients were included and groups were compared six weeks after treatment. The study was designed as an open trial.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The groups showed a rather similar degree of improvement from baseline. According to a multiple regression analysis, the effect of dilatation was a mean improvement of 3 points (confidence interval: -5 to 11) on the SPADI 0–100 scale. T-tests did not demonstrate any significant between-group differences in range of motion.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study did not identify any important treatment effects resulting from three hydrodilatations that included steroid compared with three steroid injections alone.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>The study is registered in Current Controlled Trials with the registration number ISRCTN90567697.</p

    Gambling Problems among Community Cocaine Users

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    Cocaine use is highly prevalent and a major public health problem. While some studies have reported frequent comorbidity problems among cocaine users, few studies have included evaluation of gambling problems. This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of gambling problems and compare those who were at-risk gamblers with non-problem gamblers in terms of mental health problems, substance use problems, and some risk factors (i.e. family antecedents, erroneous perceptions and coping strategies) among individuals who smoke or inject cocaine. METHOD: A total of 424 smoked or injected cocaine users recruited through community-based programs in Montreal, Quebec completed the questionnaire, including the Canadian Pathological Gambling Index, the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI), the CAGE, and the Severity Dependence Scale (SDS). RESULTS: Of the sample, 18.4 % were considered at-risk gamblers, of whom 7.8 % had problems gambling and 10.6 % were moderate-risk gamblers. The at-risk group was more likely to have experienced a recent phobic disorder and alcohol problems than the non-problem group. A multivariate analysis showed that, compared to those who were non-problem gamblers, the at-risk ones were more likely to have lost a large sum of money when they first started gambling, believed that their luck would turn, and gambled in reaction to painful life events. These results indicate the need to include routines for screening to identify gambling problem among cocaine user
