924 research outputs found

    On the effective string spectrum of the tridimensional Z(2) gauge model

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    We study the Z(2) lattice gauge theory in three dimensions, and present high precision estimates for the first few energy levels of the string spectrum. These results are obtained from new numerical data for the two-point Polyakov loop correlation function, which is measured in the 3d Ising spin system using duality. This allows us to perform a stringent comparison with the predictions of effective string models. We find a remarkable agreement between the numerical estimates and the Nambu-Goto predictions for the energy gaps at intermediate and large distances. The precision of our data allows to distinguish clearly between the predictions of the full Nambu-Goto action and the simple free string model up to an interquark distance r10/σr \approx 10/\sqrt{\sigma}. At the same time, our results also confirm the breakdown of the effective picture at short distances, supporting the hypothesis that terms which are not taken into account in the usual Nambu-Goto string formulation yield a non-trivial shift to the energy levels. Furthermore, we discuss the theoretical implications of these results.Comment: 31 pages, 14 figure

    A rim-and-spoke hypothesis to explain the biomechanical roles for cytoplasmic intermediate filament networks

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    Textbook images of keratin intermediate filament (IF) networks in epithelial cells and the functional compromization of the epidermis by keratin mutations promulgate a mechanical role for this important cytoskeletal component. In stratified epithelia, keratin filaments form prominent radial spokes that are focused onto cell-cell contact sites, i.e. the desmosomes. In this Hypothesis, we draw attention to a subset of keratin filaments that are apposed to the plasma membrane. They form a rim of filaments interconnecting the desmosomes in a circumferential network. We hypothesize that they are part of a rim-and-spoke arrangement of IFs in epithelia. From our review of the literature, we extend this functional role for the subplasmalemmal rim of IFs to any cell, in which plasma membrane support is required, provided these filaments connect directly or indirectly to the plasma membrane. Furthermore, cytoplasmic IF networks physically link the outer nuclear and plasma membranes, but their participation in mechanotransduction processes remain largely unconsidered. Therefore, we also discuss the potential biomechanical and mechanosensory role(s) of the cytoplasmic IF network in terms of such a rim (i.e. subplasmalemmal)-and-spoke arrangement for cytoplasmic IF networks

    Hybrid meson decay from the lattice

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    We discuss the allowed decays of a hybrid meson in the heavy quark limit. We deduce that an important decay will be into a heavy quark non-hybrid state and a light quark meson, in other words, the de-excitation of an excited gluonic string by emission of a light quark-antiquark pair. We discuss the study of hadronic decays from the lattice in the heavy quark limit and apply this approach to explore the transitions from a spin-exotic hybrid to χbη\chi_b \eta and χbS\chi_b S where SS is a scalar meson. We obtain a signal for the transition emitting a scalar meson and we discuss the phenomenological implications.Comment: 18 pages, LATEX, 3 ps figure

    The partition function of interfaces from the Nambu-Goto effective string theory

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    We consider the Nambu-Goto bosonic string model as a description of the physics of interfaces. By using the standard covariant quantization of the bosonic string, we derive an exact expression for the partition function in dependence of the geometry of the interface. Our expression, obtained by operatorial methods, resums the loop expansion of the NG model in the "physical gauge" computed perturbatively by functional integral methods in the literature. Recently, very accurate Monte Carlo data for the interface free energy in the 3d Ising model became avaliable. Our proposed expression compares very well to the data for values of the area sufficiently large in terms of the inverse string tension. This pattern is expected on theoretical grounds and agrees with previous analyses of other observables in the Ising model.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figure

    Polyakov loop correlators from D0-brane interactions in bosonic string theory

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    In this paper we re-derive the effective Nambu-Goto theory result for the Polyakov loop correlator, starting from the free bosonic string and using a covariant quantization. The boundary conditions are those of an open string attached to two D0-branes at spatial distance R, in a target space with compact euclidean time. The one-loop free energy contains topologically distinct sectors corresponding to multiple covers of the cylinder in target space bordered by the Polyakov loops. The sector that winds once reproduces exactly the Nambu-Goto partition function. In our approach, the world-sheet duality between the open and closed channel is most evident and allows for an explicit interpretation of the free energy in terms of tree level exchange of closed strings between boundary states. Our treatment is fully consistent only in d=26; extension to generic d may be justified for large R, and is supported by Montecarlo data. At shorter scales, consistency and Montecarlo data seem to suggest the necessity of taking into account the Liouville mode of Polyakov's formulation.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, minor corrections, a few references added, version accepted for publication in JHE

    Physical model of near-Earth asteroid (1917) Cuyo from ground-based optical and thermal-IR observations

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    Context: The near-Earth asteroid (1917) Cuyo was subject to radar and lightcurve observations during a close approach in 1989, and observed up until 2008. It was selected as one of our ESO Large Programme targets, aimed at observational detections of the YORP effect through long-term lightcurve monitoring and physical modelling of near-Earth asteroids. Aims: We aimed to constrain physical properties of Cuyo: shape, spin-state, and spectroscopic & thermophysical properties of the surface. Methods: We acquired photometric lightcurves of Cuyo spanning the period between 2010 and 2013, which we combined with published lightcurves from 1989-2008. Our thermal-infrared observations were obtained in 2011. Rotationally-resolved optical spectroscopy data were acquired in 2011 and combined with all available published spectra to investigate any surface material variegation. Results: We developed a convex lightcurve-inversion shape of Cuyo that suggests the presence of an equatorial ridge, typical for an evolved system close to shedding mass due to fast rotation. We determine limits of YORP strength through lightcurve-based spin-state modelling, including both negative and positive acceleration values, between -0.7x10-8 rad day-2 and 1.7x10-8 rad day-2. Thermo-physical modelling with the ATPM provides constraints on the geometric albedo, PV = 0.24 ± 0.07, the effective diameter Deff = 3.15 ± 0.08 km, the thermal inertia, 44 ±- 9 J m-2s-1/2K-1, and a roughness fraction of 0.52 ± 0.26. This enabled a YORP strength prediction of (-6.39 ± 0.96)x10-10 rad day-2. We also see evidence of surface compositional variation. Conclusions: The low value of YORP predicted by means of thermophysical analysis, consistent with the results of the lightcurve study, might be due to the self-limiting properties of rotational YORP, possibly involving movement of sub-surface and surface material. This may also be consistent with the surface compositional variation that we see. The physical model of Cuyo can be used to investigate cohesive forces as a way to explain why some targets survive rotation rates faster than the fission limit

    OPTIma:a tracking solution for proton computed tomography in high proton flux environments

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    Currently there is a large discrepancy between the currents that are used for treatments in proton beam therapy facilities and the ultra low beam currents required for many proton CT imaging systems. Here we provide details of the OPTIma silicon strip based tracking system, which has been designed for performing proton CT imaging in conditions closer to the high proton flux environments of modern spot scanning treatment facilities. Details on the physical design, sensor testing, modelling, and track reconstruction are provided along with Monte-Carlo simulation studies of the expected performance for proton beam currents of up to 50 pA at the nozzle when using a σ = ∼10 mm spot scanning cyclotron system. Using a detailed simulation of the proposed OPTIma system, a discrepancy of less than 1% on the Relative Stopping Power is found for various tissues when embedded within a 150 mm diameter Perspex sphere. It is found that by accepting up to 7 protons per bunch it is possible to operate at cyclotron beam currents up to 5 times higher than would be possible with a single proton based readout, significantly reducing the total beam time required to produce an image, while also reducing the discrepancy between the beam currents required for treatment and those used for proton CT

    A comparison of Finite Elements for Nonlinear Beams: The absolute nodal coordinate and geometrically exact formulations

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    Two of the most popular finite element formulations for solving nonlinear beams are the absolute nodal coordinate and the geometrically exact approaches. Both can be applied to problems with very large deformations and strains, but they differ substantially at the continuous and the discrete levels. In addition, implementation and run-time computational costs also vary significantly. In the current work, we summarize the main features of the two formulations, highlighting their differences and similarities, and perform numerical benchmarks to assess their accuracy and robustness. The article concludes with recommendations for the choice of one formulation over the other

    A 15.7-minAM CVn binary discovered in K2

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    We present the discovery of SDSS J135154.46−064309.0, a short-period variable observed using 30-mincadence photometry in K2 Campaign 6. Follow-up spectroscopy and high-speed photometry support a classification as a new member of the rare class of ultracompact accreting binaries known as AM CVn stars. The spectroscopic orbital period of 15.65 ± 0.12 min makes this system the fourth-shortest-period AM CVn known, and the second system of this type to be discovered by the Kepler spacecraft. The K2 data show photometric periods at 15.7306 ± 0.0003 min, 16.1121 ± 0.0004 min, and 664.82 ± 0.06 min, which we identify as the orbital period, superhump period, and disc precession period, respectively. From the superhump and orbital periods we estimate the binary mass ratio q = M2/M1= 0.111 ± 0.005, though this method of mass ratio determination may not be well calibrated for helium-dominated binaries. This system is likely to be a bright foreground source of gravitational waves in the frequency range detectable by Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, and may be of use as a calibration source if future studies are able to constrain the masses of its stellar components

    Coset Space Dimensional Reduction and Wilson Flux Breaking of Ten-Dimensional N=1, E(8) Gauge Theory

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    We consider a N=1 supersymmetric E(8) gauge theory, defined in ten dimensions and we determine all four-dimensional gauge theories resulting from the generalized dimensional reduction a la Forgacs-Manton over coset spaces, followed by a subsequent application of the Wilson flux spontaneous symmetry breaking mechanism. Our investigation is constrained only by the requirements that (i) the dimensional reduction leads to the potentially phenomenologically interesting, anomaly free, four-dimensional E(6), SO(10) and SU(5) GUTs and (ii) the Wilson flux mechanism makes use only of the freely acting discrete symmetries of all possible six-dimensional coset spaces.Comment: 45 pages, 2 figures, 10 tables, uses xy.sty, longtable.sty, ltxtable.sty, (a shorter version will be published in Eur. Phys. J. C