375 research outputs found

    The KATRIN Experiment

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    The KArlsruhe TRitium Neutrino mass experiment, KATRIN, aims to search for the mass of the electron neutrino with a sensitivity of 0.2 eV/c^2 (90% C.L.) and a detection limit of 0.35 eV/c^2 (5 sigma). Both a positive or a negative result will have far reaching implications for cosmology and the standard model of particle physics and will give new input for astroparticle physics and cosmology. The major components of KATRIN are being set up at the Karlsruhe Institut of Technology in Karlsruhe, Germany, and test measurements of the individual components have started. Data taking with tritium is scheduled to start in 2012.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, proceedings of the TAUP 2009 International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics, to be published in Journal of Physics, Conference Serie

    Fredholm Modules on P.C.F. Self-Similar Fractals and their Conformal Geometry

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    The aim of the present work is to show how, using the differential calculus associated to Dirichlet forms, it is possible to construct Fredholm modules on post critically finite fractals by regular harmonic structures. The modules are d-summable, the summability exponent d coinciding with the spectral dimension of the generalized laplacian operator associated with the regular harmonic structures. The characteristic tools of the noncommutative infinitesimal calculus allow to define a d-energy functional which is shown to be a self-similar conformal invariant.Comment: 16 page

    Inter- and intragrain currents in bulk melt-grown YBaCuO rings

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    A simple contactless method suitable to discern between the intergrain (circular) current, which flows in the thin superconducting ring, and the intragrain current, which does not cross the weakest link, has been proposed. At first, we show that the intergrain current may directly be estimated from the magnetic flux density B(±z0)B(\pm z_0) measured by the Hall sensor positioned in the special points ±z0\pm z_0 above/below the ring center. The experimental and the numerical techniques to determine the value z0z_0 are discussed. Being very promising for characterization of a current flowing across the joints in welded YBaCuO rings (its dependencies on the temperature and the external magnetic field as well as the time dissipation), the approach has been applied to study corresponding properties of the intra- and intergrain currents flowing across the aa-twisted grain boundaries which are frequent in bulk melt-textured YBaCuO samples. We present experimental data related to the flux penetration inside a bore of MT YBaCuO rings both in the non-magnetized, virgin state and during the field reversal. The shielding properties and their dependence on external magnetic fields are also studied. Besides, we consider the flux creep effects and their influence on the current re-distribution during a dwell.Comment: 13 pages, 16 figures (EPS), RevTeX4. In the revised version, corrections to perturbing effects near the weak links are introduced, one more figure is added. lin

    Non-Equilibrium Dynamics in Two-Color, Few-Photon Dissociative Excitation and Ionization of D2_2

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    D2_2 molecules, excited by linearly cross-polarized femtosecond extreme ultraviolet (XUV) and near-infrared (NIR) light pulses, reveal highly structured D+^+ ion fragment momenta and angular distributions that originate from two different 4-step dissociative ionization pathways after four photon absorption (1 XUV + 3 NIR). We show that, even for very low dissociation kinetic energy release \le~240~meV, specific electronic excitation pathways can be identified and isolated in the final ion momentum distributions. With the aid of {\it ab initio} electronic structure and time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation calculations, angular momentum, energy, and parity conservation are used to identify the excited neutral molecular states and molecular orientations relative to the polarization vectors in these different photoexcitation and dissociation sequences of the neutral D2_2 molecule and its D2+_2^+ cation. In one sequential photodissociation pathway, molecules aligned along either of the two light polarization vectors are excluded, while another pathway selects molecules aligned parallel to the light propagation direction. The evolution of the nuclear wave packet on the intermediate \Bstate electronic state of the neutral D2_2 molecule is also probed in real time.Comment: 11 pages including 6 figure

    Interstellar polarization and grain alignment: the role of iron and silicon

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    We compiled the polarimetric data for a sample of lines of sight with known abundances of Mg, Si, and Fe. We correlated the degree of interstellar polarization PP and polarization efficiency (the ratio of PP to the colour excess E(BV)E(B-V) or extinction AVA_V) with dust phase abundances. We detect an anticorrelation between PP and the dust phase abundance of iron in non silicate - containing grains ]_\rm d, a correlation between PP and the abundance of Si, and no correlation between P/E(BV)P/E(B-V) or P/AVP/A_V and dust phase abundances. These findings can be explained if mainly the silicate grains aligned by the radiative mechanism are responsible for the observed interstellar linear polarization.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Localization on a quantum graph with a random potential on the edges

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    We prove spectral and dynamical localization on a cubic-lattice quantum graph with a random potential. We use multiscale analysis and show how to obtain the necessary estimates in analogy to the well-studied case of random Schroedinger operators.Comment: LaTeX2e, 18 page

    Dust, Ice and Gas in Time (DIGIT) Herschel program first results: A full PACS-SED scan of the gas line emission in protostar DK Cha

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    DK Cha is an intermediate-mass star in transition from an embedded configuration to a star plus disk stage. We aim to study the composition and energetics of the circumstellar material during this pivotal stage. Using the Range Scan mode of PACS on the Herschel Space Observatory, we obtained a spectrum of DK Cha from 55 to 210 micron as part of the DIGIT Key Program. Almost 50 molecular and atomic lines were detected, many more than the 7 lines detected in ISO-LWS. Nearly the entire ladder of CO from J=14-13 to 38-37 (E_u/k = 4080 K), water from levels as excited as E_u/k = 843 K, and OH lines up to E_u/k = 290 K were detected. The continuum emission in our PACS SED scan matches the flux expected from a model consisting of a star, a surrounding disk of 0.03 Solar mass, and an envelope of a similar mass, supporting the suggestion that the object is emerging from its main accretion stage. Molecular, atomic, and ionic emission lines in the far-infrared reveal the outflow's influence on the envelope. The inferred hot gas can be photon-heated, but some emission could be due to C-shocks in the walls of the outflow cavity.Comment: 4 Page letter, To appear in A&A special issue on Hersche

    Brownian bridges to submanifolds

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    We introduce and study Brownian bridges to submanifolds. Our method involves proving a general formula for the integral over a submanifold of the minimal heat kernel on a complete Riemannian manifold. We use the formula to derive lower bounds, an asymptotic relation and derivative estimates. We also see a connection to hypersurface local time. This work is motivated by the desire to extend the analysis of path and loop spaces to measures on paths which terminate on a submanifold

    First results of the Herschel Key Program 'Dust, Ice and Gas in Time': Dust and Gas Spectroscopy of HD 100546

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    We present far-infrared spectroscopic observations, taken with the Photodetector Array Camera and Spectrometer (PACS) on the Herschel Space Observatory, of the protoplanetary disk around the pre-main-sequence star HD 100546. These observations are the first within the DIGIT Herschel key program, which aims to follow the evolution of dust, ice, and gas from young stellar objects still embedded in their parental molecular cloud core, through the final pre-main-sequence phases when the circumstellar disks are dissipated. Our aim is to improve the constraints on temperature and chemical composition of the crystalline olivines in the disk of HD 100546 and to give an inventory of the gas lines present in its far-infrared spectrum. The 69 \mu\m feature is analyzed in terms of position and shape to derive the dust temperature and composition. Furthermore, we detected 32 emission lines from five gaseous species and measured their line fluxes. The 69 \mu\m emission comes either from dust grains with ~70 K at radii larger than 50 AU, as suggested by blackbody fitting, or it arises from ~200 K dust at ~13 AU, close to the midplane, as supported by radiative transfer models. We also conclude that the forsterite crystals have few defects and contain at most a few percent iron by mass. Forbidden line emission from [CII] at 157 \mu\m and [OI] at 63 and 145 \mu\m, most likely due to photodissociation by stellar photons, is detected. Furthermore, five H2O and several OH lines are detected. We also found high-J rotational transition lines of CO, with rotational temperatures of ~300 K for the transitions up to J=22-21 and T~800 K for higher transitions

    Infrared spectroscopy of NGC 1068: Probing the obscured ionizing AGN continuum

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    The ISO-SWS 2.5-45 um infrared spectroscopic observations of the nucleus of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068 (see companion paper) are combined with a compilation of UV to IR narrow emission line data to determine the spectral energy distribution (SED) of the obscured extreme-UV continuum that photoionizes the narrow line emitting gas in the active galactic nucleus. We search a large grid of gas cloud models and SEDs for the combination that best reproduces the observed line fluxes and NLR geometry. Our best fit model reproduces the observed line fluxes to better than a factor of 2 on average and is in general agreement with the observed NLR geometry. It has two gas components that are consistent with a clumpy distribution of dense outflowing gas in the center and a more extended distribution of less dense and more clumpy gas farther out that has no net outflow. The best fit SED has a deep trough at ~4 Ryd, which is consistent with an intrinsic Big Blue Bump that is partially absorbed by ~6x10^19 cm^-2 of neutral hydrogen interior to the NLR.Comment: 15 pp, 4 figures, ApJ accepte