139 research outputs found

    The 2MASS Tully-Fisher Survey : Mapping the Mass in the Universe

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    The 2MASS Tully-Fisher Survey (2MTF) aims to measure Tully-Fisher (TF) distances for all bright inclined spirals in the 2MASS Redshift Survey (2MRS) using high quality HI widths and 2MASS photometry. Compared with previous peculiar velocity surveys, the 2MTF survey provides more accurate width measurements and more uniform sky coverage, combining observations with the Green Bank, Arecibo and Parkes telescopes. With this new redshift-independent distance database, we will significantly improve our understanding of the mass distribution in the local universe.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, IAU Symposium 289 proceedin

    The Tully-Fisher Relation for 25,000 SDSS Galaxies as Function of Environment

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    We construct Tully-Fisher relationships (TFRs) in the uu, gg, rr, ii and zz bands and stellar mass TFRs (smTFRs) for a sample of 25,69825,698 late spiral type galaxies (with 0.045<z<0.0850.045<z<0.085) from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and study the effects of environment on the relation. We use SDSS-measured Balmer emission line widths, vFWHMv_{\rm FWHM}, as a proxy for disc circular velocity, vcircv_{\rm circ}. A priori it is not clear whether we can construct accurate TFRs given the small 3"3" diameter of the fibres used for SDSS spectroscopic measurements. However, we show by modelling the Hα\alpha emission profile as observed through a 3"3" aperture that for galaxies at appropriate redshifts (z>0.045z>0.045) the fibres sample enough of the disc to obtain a linear relationship between vFWHMv_{\rm FWHM} and vcircv_{\rm circ}, allowing us to obtain a TFR and to investigate dependence on other variables. We also develop a methodology for distinguishing between astrophysical and sample bias in the fibre TFR trends. We observe the well-known steepening of the TFR in redder bands in our sample. We divide the sample of galaxies into four equal groups using projected neighbour density (Σ\Sigma) quartiles and find no significant dependence on environment, extending previous work to a wider range of environments and a much larger sample. Having demonstrated that we can construct SDSS-based TFRs is very useful for future applications because of the large sample size available.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRAS. 15 pages, 12 figure

    The Megamaser Cosmology Project: IV. A Direct Measurement of the Hubble Constant from UGC 3789

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    In Papers I and II from the Megamaser Cosmology Project (MCP), we reported initial observations of water masers in an accretion disk of a supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy UGC 3789, which gave an angular-diameter distance to the galaxy and an estimate of Ho with 16% uncertainty. We have since conducted more VLBI observations of the spatial-velocity structure of these water masers, as well as continued monitoring of its spectrum to better measure maser accelerations. These more extensive observations, combined with improved modeling of the masers in the accretion disk of the central supermassive black hole, confirm our previous results, but with signifcantly improved accuracy. We find Ho = 68.9 +/- 7.1 km/s/Mpc; this estimate of Ho is independent of other methods and is accurate to +/-10%, including sources of systematic error. This places UGC 3789 at a distance of 49.6 +/- 5.1 Mpc, with a central supermassive black hole of (1.16 +/- 0.12) x 10^7 Msun.Comment: to appear in Ap

    Geometrical tests of cosmological models. II. Calibration of rotational widths and disc scaling relations

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    This series of papers is dedicated to a new technique to select galaxies that can act as standard rods and standard candles in order to perform geometrical tests on large samples of high redshift galaxies to constrain different cosmological parameters. The goals of this paper are (1) to compare different rotation indicators in order to understand the relation between rotation velocities extracted from observations of the Halpha line and the [OII]3727 line, and (2) determine the scaling relations between physical size, surface brightness and magnitude of galaxies and their rotation velocity using the SFI++, a large catalog of nearby galaxies observed at I-band. A good correlation is observed between the rotation curve-derived velocities of the Halpha and [OII] observations, as well as between those calculated from velocity histograms, justifying the direct comparison of velocities measured from Halpha rotation curves in nearby galaxies and from [OII] line widths at higher redshifts. To provide calibration for the geometrical tests, we give expressions for the different scaling relations between properties of galaxies (size, surface brightness, magnitude) and their rotation speeds. Apart from the Tully-Fisher relation, we derive the size-rotation velocity and surface brightness-rotation velocity relations with unprecedentedly small scatters. We show how the best size-rotation velocity relation is derived when size is estimated not from disc scale lengths but from the isophotal diameter r23.5, once these have been corrected for inclination and extinction effects.Comment: 14 pages and 10 figures. A&A submitte

    Peculiar Motions in the Region of the Ursa Major Supercluster of Galaxies

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    We have investigated the peculiar motions of clusters of galaxies in the Ursa Major (UMa) supercluster and its neighborhood. Based on SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey) data, we have compiled a sample of early-type galaxies and used their fundamental plane to determine the cluster distances and peculiar velocities. The samples of early-type galaxies in the central regions (within R_200) of 12 UMa clusters of galaxies, in three main subsystems of the supercluster -- the filamentary structures connecting the clusters, and in nine clusters from the nearest UMa neighborhood have similar parameters. The fairly high overdensity (3 by the galaxy number and 15 by the cluster number) suggests that the supercluster as a whole is gravitationally bound, while no significant peculiar motions have been found: the peculiar velocities do not exceed the measurement errors by more than a factor of 1.5-2. The mean random peculiar velocities of clusters and the systematic deviations from the overall Hubble expansion in the supercluster are consistent with theoretical estimates. For the possible approach of the three UMa subsystems to be confirmed, the measurement accuracy must be increased by a factor of 2-3.Comment: 21 pages, 4 tables, 7 figure

    On the kinematics of the Local cosmic void

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    We collected the existing data on the distances and radial velocities of galaxies around the Local Void in the Aquila/Hercules to examine the peculiar velocity field induced by its underdensity. A sample of 1056 galaxies with distances measured from the Tip of the Red Giant Branch, the Cepheid luminosity, the SNIa luminosity, the surface brightness fluctuation method, and the Tully-Fisher relation has been used for this purpose. The amplitude of outflow is found to be ~300 km/s. The galaxies located within the void produce the mean intra-void number density about 1/5 of the mean external number density of galaxies. The void's population has a lower luminosity and a later morphological type with the medians: M_B = -15.7^m and T = 8 (Sdm), respectively.Comment: Version 1. 14 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables. Accepted to Astrophysics, Volume 54, Issue

    The Arecibo Galaxy Environment Survey III: Observations Toward the Galaxy Pair NGC 7332/7339 and the Isolated Galaxy NGC 1156

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    Two 5 square degree regions around the NGC 7332/9 galaxy pair and the isolated galaxy NGC 1156 have been mapped in the 21-cm line of neutral hydrogen (HI) with the Arecibo L-band Feed Array out to a redshift of ~0.065( 20,000 (~20,000 km/s) as part of the Arecibo Galaxy Environment Survey. One of the aims of this survey is to investigate the environment of galaxies by identifying dwarf companions and interaction remnants; both of these areas provide the potential for such discoveries. The neutral hydrogen observations were complemented by optical and radio follow-up observations with a number of telescopes. A total of 87 galaxies were found, of which 39 (45 per cent) were previously cataloged and 15 (17 per cent) have prior redshifts. Two dwarf galaxies have been discovered in the NGC 7332 group and a single dwarf galaxy in the vicinity NGC 1156 . A parallel optical search of the area revealed one further possible dwarf galaxy near NGC 7332.Comment: 18 pages, 17 figures, uses emulateap

    Study of the structure and kinematics of the NGC 7465/64/63 triplet galaxies

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    This paper is devoted to the analysis of new observational data for the group of galaxies NGC 7465/64/63, which were obtained at the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SAO RAS) with the multimode instrument SCORPIO and the Multi Pupil Fiber Spectrograph. For one of group members (NGC 7465) the presence of a polar ring was suspected. Large-scale brightness distributions, velocity and velocity dispersion fields of the ionized gas for all three galaxies as well as line-of-sight velocity curves on the basis of emission and absorption lines and a stellar velocity field in the central region for NGC 7465 were constructed. As a result of the analysis of the obtained information, we revealed an inner stellar disk (r ~ 0.5 kpc) and a warped gaseous disk in addition to the main stellar disk, in NGC 7465. On the basis of the joint study of photometric and spectral data it was ascertained that NGC 7464 is the irregular galaxy of the IrrI type, whose structural and kinematic peculiarities resulted most likely from the gravitational interaction with NGC 7465. The velocity field of the ionized gas of NGC 7463 turned out typical for spiral galaxies with a bar, and the bending of outer parts of its disk could arise owing to the close encounter with one of galaxies of the environment.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    The ALFA Zone of Avoidance Survey: Results from the Precursor Observations

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    The Arecibo L-band Feed Array Zone of Avoidance Survey (ALFA ZOA) will map 1350-1800 square degrees at low Galactic latitude, providing HI spectra for galaxies in regions of the sky where our knowledge of local large scale structure remains incomplete, owing to obscuration from dust and high stellar confusion near the Galactic plane. Because of these effects, a substantial fraction of the galaxies detected in the survey will have no optical or infrared counterparts. However, near infrared follow up observations of ALFA ZOA sources found in regions of lowest obscuration could reveal whether some of these sources could be objects in which little or no star formation has taken place ("dark galaxies"). We present here the results of ALFA ZOA precursor observations on two patches of sky totaling 140 square degrees (near l=40 degrees, and l=192 degrees). We have measured HI parameters for detections from these observations, and cross-correlated with the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED). A significant fraction of the objects have never been detected at any wavelength. For those galaxies that have been previously detected, a significant fraction have no previously known redshift, and no previous HI detection.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of IAU Symp #244, "Dark Galaxies and Lost Baryons", June 2007, 2 pages, including 1 figur

    The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey: The alpha.40 HI Source Catalog, its Characteristics and their Impact on the Derivation of the HI Mass Function

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    We present a current catalog of 21 cm HI line sources extracted from the Arecibo Legacy Fast Arecibo L-band Feed Array (ALFALFA) survey over ~2800 square degrees of sky: the alpha.40 catalog. Covering 40% of the final survey area, the alpha.40 catalog contains 15855 sources in the regions 07h30m < R.A. < 16h30m, +04 deg < Dec. < +16 deg and +24 deg < Dec. < +28 deg and 22h < R.A. < 03h, +14 deg < Dec. < +16 deg and +24 deg < Dec. < +32 deg. Of those, 15041 are certainly extragalactic, yielding a source density of 5.3 galaxies per square degree, a factor of 29 improvement over the catalog extracted from the HI Parkes All Sky Survey. In addition to the source centroid positions, HI line flux densities, recessional velocities and line widths, the catalog includes the coordinates of the most probable optical counterpart of each HI line detection, and a separate compilation provides a crossmatch to identifications given in the photometric and spectroscopic catalogs associated with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7. Fewer than 2% of the extragalactic HI line sources cannot be identified with a feasible optical counterpart; some of those may be rare OH megamasers at 0.16 < z < 0.25. A detailed analysis is presented of the completeness, width dependent sensitivity function and bias inherent in the current alpha.40 catalog. The impact of survey selection, distance errors, current volume coverage and local large scale structure on the derivation of the HI mass function is assessed. While alpha.40 does not yet provide a completely representative sampling of cosmological volume, derivations of the HI mass function using future data releases from ALFALFA will further improve both statistical and systematic uncertainties.Comment: 62 pages, 28 figures. See http://egg.astro.cornell.edu/alfalfa/data for ASCII and CSV datafiles corresponding to Tables 1, 2 and 3. A higher resolution PDF version can be found at http://egg.astro.cornell.edu/alfalfa/pubs.php. To appear in Nov 2011 Astron.
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