205 research outputs found


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    Hinsichtlich der Integration einzelner Bauwerkslebensphasen und der verschiedenen Beteiligten, insbesondere innerhalb von Bauplanungs- und Revitalisierungsprozessen, bestehen aktuell entscheidende Defizite. Die generelle Zielstellung der in diesem Beitrag vorgestellten Forschungsarbeiten besteht in der Unterstützung und Verbesserung der Integration durch die disziplin- und lebensphasenübergreifende Bereitstellung sämtlicher bauwerksbezogener Informationen. Dies erfordert einerseits geeignete Ansätze zur Modellierung und Integration der vielfältigen disziplinspezifischen Daten, andererseits geeignete Lösungen, die einen globalen Zugriff, Navigation und Recherche im Gesamtdatenbestand ermöglichen. Die Modellierung und Verwaltung bauwerksbezogener Daten ist seit längerem Gegenstand diverser Forschungsarbeiten. Im Rahmen des SFB 524 wurde ein eigener Ansatz basierend auf einem laufzeitdynamischen Partialmodellverbund entwickelt. Dieser wird in den wesentlichen Grundzügen anderen Ansätzen gegenübergestellt. Den Schwerpunkt dieses Beitrags bildet jedoch die Entwicklung einer geeigneten flexiblen Navigations- und Rechercheschicht zu Realisierung projektglobaler Informationsrecherche. Aus der Sicht der Modellierung und Datenverwaltung wie auch aus der Sicht der Informationsrecherche und Informationspräsentation in Planungsprozessen ergeben sich verschiedene Anforderungen an derartige Recherchewerkzeuge, wobei der wesentlichste Grundsatz maximale Flexibilität hinsichtlich verfügbarer Darstellungstechniken und deren freie Kombination mit Techniken formaler Suchanfragen ist. Das entwickelte Systemkonzept basiert auf einem Framework, welches verschiedene Grundtypen von Recherchemodulen und deren Interaktionsprinzipien vorgibt. Einzelne Recherchemodule werden als Ausprägungen dieser Modultypen realisiert und können je nach Bedarf laufzeitdynamisch in die Navigationsschicht integriert werden. Die technische Realisierung des Systems erfolgt im Umfeld vorhandener Prototypen aus vorangegangenen Forschungsaktivitäten. Dieses technische Umfeld gibt verschiedene Rahmenbedingungen vor, welche im Vorfeld prototypischer Implementierungen verschiedene Adaptionen des generellen Systemkonzepts notwendig machen. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt den aktuellen Entwicklungsstand der Systemlösung aus konzeptioneller und technischer Sicht sowie erste prototypische Realisierungen von Recherchemodulen vor

    HOPS: Automated detection and authentication of pathogen DNA in archaeological remains

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    High-throughput DNA sequencing enables large-scale metagenomic analyses of complex biological systems. Such analyses are not restricted to present day environmental or clinical samples, but can also be fruitfully applied to molecular data from archaeological remains (ancient DNA), and a focus on ancient bacteria can provide valuable information on the long-term evolutionary relationship between hosts and their pathogens. Here we present HOPS (Heuristic Operations for Pathogen Screening), an automated bacterial screening pipeline for ancient DNA sequence data that provides straightforward and reproducible information on species identification and authenticity. HOPS provides a versatile and fast pipeline for high-throughput screening of bacterial DNA from archaeological material to identify candidates for subsequent genomic-level analyses

    Resonant forcing of select degrees of freedom of multidimensional chaotic map dynamics

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    We study resonances of multidimensional chaotic map dynamics. We use the calculus of variations to determine the additive forcing function that induces the largest response, that is, the greatest deviation from the unperturbed dynamics. We include the additional constraint that only select degrees of freedom be forced, corresponding to a very general class of problems in which not all of the degrees of freedom in an experimental system are accessible to forcing. We find that certain Lagrange multipliers take on a fundamental physical role as the efficiency of the forcing function and the effective forcing experienced by the degrees of freedom which are not forced directly. Furthermore, we find that the product of the displacement of nearby trajectories and the effective total forcing function is a conserved quantity. We demonstrate the efficacy of this methodology with several examples.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Memory difference control of unknown unstable fixed points: Drifting parameter conditions and delayed measurement

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    Difference control schemes for controlling unstable fixed points become important if the exact position of the fixed point is unavailable or moving due to drifting parameters. We propose a memory difference control method for stabilization of a priori unknown unstable fixed points by introducing a memory term. If the amplitude of the control applied in the previous time step is added to the present control signal, fixed points with arbitrary Lyapunov numbers can be controlled. This method is also extended to compensate arbitrary time steps of measurement delay. We show that our method stabilizes orbits of the Chua circuit where ordinary difference control fails.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figures. See also chao-dyn/9810029 (Phys. Rev. E 70, 056225) and nlin.CD/0204031 (Phys. Rev. E 70, 046205

    SelenoDB 2.0: annotation of selenoprotein genes in animals and their genetic diversity in humans

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    SelenoDB (http://www.selenodb.org) aims to provide high-quality annotations of selenoprotein genes, proteins and SECIS elements. Selenoproteins are proteins that contain the amino acid selenocysteine (Sec) and the first release of the database included annotations for eight species. Since the release of SelenoDB 1.0 many new animal genomes have been sequenced. The annotations of selenoproteins in new genomes usually contain many errors in major databases. For this reason, we have now fully annotated selenoprotein genes in 58 animal genomes. We provide manually curated annotations for human selenoproteins, whereas we use an automatic annotation pipeline to annotate selenoprotein genes in other animal genomes. In addition, we annotate the homologous genes containing cysteine (Cys) instead of Sec. Finally, we have surveyed genetic variation in the annotated genes in humans. We use exon capture and resequencing approaches to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms in more than 50 human populations around the world. We thus present a detailed view of the genetic divergence of Sec- and Cys-containing genes in animals and their diversity in humans. The addition of these data sets into the second release of the database provides a valuable resource for addressing medical and evolutionary questions in selenium biology

    Ten millennia of hepatitis B virus evolution

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    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) has been infecting humans for millennia and remains a global health problem, but its past diversity and dispersal routes are largely unknown. We generated HBV genomic data from 137 Eurasians and Native Americans dated between ~10,500 and ~400 years ago. We date the most recent common ancestor of all HBV lineages to between ~20,000 and 12,000 years ago, with the virus present in European and South American hunter-gatherers during the early Holocene. After the European Neolithic transition, Mesolithic HBV strains were replaced by a lineage likely disseminated by early farmers that prevailed throughout western Eurasia for ~4000 years, declining around the end of the 2nd millennium BCE. The only remnant of this prehistoric HBV diversity is the rare genotype G, which appears to have reemerged during the HIV pandemic

    How to increase technology transfers to developing countries: a synthesis of the evidence

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    The existing United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has failed to deliver the rate of low-carbon technology transfer (TT) required to curb GHG emissions in developing countries. This failure has exposed the limitations of universalism and renewed interest in bilateral approaches to TT. Gaps are identified in the UNFCCC approach to climate change TT: missing links between international institutions and the national enabling environments that encourage private investment; a non-differentiated approach for (developing) country and technology characteristics; and a lack of clear measurements of the volume and effectiveness of TTs. Evidence from econometric literature and business experience on climate change TT is reviewed, so as to address the identified pitfalls of the UNFCCC process. Strengths and weaknesses of different methodological approaches are highlighted. International policy recommendations are offered aimed at improving the level of emission reductions achieved through TT
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