46 research outputs found

    Resultados preliminares sobre el hábitat de alimentación de la Pardela balear en el Levante ibérico peninsular

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    Resultados preliminares sobre el hábitat de alimentación de la Pardela Balear en el Levante Ibérico Peninsular. Las aves marinas son susceptibles a una variedad de impactos antropogénicos, incluyendo la ingestión de plásticos, vertidos de petróleo, competencia con la pesca y la captura incidental. Conocer su distribución en el mar puede ayudar a los gestores a evaluar la susceptibilidad de diferentes especies y poblaciones a amenazas específicas. Se caracterizó la distribución en el mar de la pardela balear Puffinus mauretanicus, una especie críticamente amenazada endémica de las Islas Baleares, a lo largo de la costa mediterránea de la península Ibérica durante tres años coincidiendo con el período de crecimiento del pollo (mayo-junio). La especie habitó principalmente la plataforma continental asociándose a frentes, en los que puede llegar a concentrarse una gran abundancia de presas, en torno a las aguas delta del Ebro.Preliminary results of the foraging habitat of the Balearic Shearwater off the eastern Iberian peninsula. Seabirds are susceptible to a variety of anthropogenic impacts, including plastic ingestion, oil spills, competition with fisheries, and bycatch. Understanding their distribution at sea can help managers to assess the susceptibility of different species and populations to specific threats. We characterized the at-sea distribution of the Balearic Shearwater, Puffinus mauretanicus, a critically endangered species endemic to the Balearic Islands, along the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula during three years coinciding with the chick-rearing period (May-June). The species mostly inhabited the productive continental shelf and associated with fronts where high prey concentrations could occur around the Ebro Delta area

    Seabird Trophic Position Across Three Ocean Regions Tracks Ecosystem Differences

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    We analyze recently collected feather tissues from two species of seabirds, the sooty tern (Onychoprion fuscatus) and brown noddy (Anous stolidus), in three ocean regions (North Atlantic, North Pacific, and South Pacific) with different human impacts. The species are similar morphologically and in the trophic levels from which they feed within each location. In contrast, we detect reliable differences in trophic position amongst the regions. Trophic position appears to decline as the intensity of commercial fishing increases, and is at its lowest in the Caribbean. The spatial gradient in trophic position we document in these regions exceeds those detected over specimens from the last 130 years in the Hawaiian Islands. Modeling suggests that climate velocity and human impacts on fish populations strongly align with these differences

    Spatial access priority mapping (SAPM) with fishers : a quantitative GIS method for participatory planning

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    Spatial management tools, such as marine spatial planning and marine protected areas, are playing an increasingly important role in attempts to improve marine management and accommodate conflicting needs. Robust data are needed to inform decisions among different planning options, and early inclusion of stakeholder involvement is widely regarded as vital for success. One of the biggest stakeholder groups, and the most likely to be adversely impacted by spatial restrictions, is the fishing community. In order to take their priorities into account, planners need to understand spatial variation in their perceived value of the sea. Here a readily accessible, novel method for quantitatively mapping fishers’ spatial access priorities is presented. Spatial access priority mapping, or SAPM, uses only basic functions of standard spreadsheet and GIS software. Unlike the use of remote-sensing data, SAPM actively engages fishers in participatory mapping, documenting rather than inferring their priorities. By so doing, SAPM also facilitates the gathering of other useful data, such as local ecological knowledge. The method was tested and validated in Northern Ireland, where over 100 fishers participated in a semi-structured questionnaire and mapping exercise. The response rate was excellent, 97%, demonstrating fishers’ willingness to be involved. The resultant maps are easily accessible and instantly informative, providing a very clear visual indication of which areas are most important for the fishers. The maps also provide quantitative data, which can be used to analyse the relative impact of different management options on the fishing industry and can be incorporated into planning software, such as MARXAN, to ensure that conservation goals can be met at minimum negative impact to the industry. This research shows how spatial access priority mapping can facilitate the early engagement of fishers and the ready incorporation of their priorities into the decision-making process in a transparent, quantitative way

    Top-down and bottomup factors affecting seabird population trends in the California current system (1985–2006).

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    a b s t r a c t To characterize the environmental factors affecting seabird population trends in the central portion of the California current system (CCS), we analyzed standardized vessel-based surveys collected during the late spring (May-June) upwelling season over 22 yr . We tested the working hypothesis that population trends are related to species-specific foraging ecology, and predicted that temporal variation in population size should be most extreme in diving species with higher energy expenditure during foraging. We related variation in individual species abundance (number km À2 ) to seasonally lagged (late winter, early spring, late spring) and concurrent ocean conditions, and to long-term trends (using a proxy variable: year) during a multi-decadal period of major fluctuations in the El Niño-Southern oscillation (ENSO) and the Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO). We considered both remote (Multivariate ENSO Index, PDO) and local (coastal upwelling indices and sea-surface temperature) environmental variables as proxies for ocean productivity and prey availability. We also related seabird trends to those of potentially major trophic competitors, humpback (Megaptera novaeangliae) and blue (Balaenoptera musculus) whales, which increased in number 4-5-fold midway during our study. Cyclical oscillations in seabird abundance were apparent in the black-footed albatross (Phoebastria nigripes), and decreasing trends were documented for ashy storm-petrel (Oceanodroma homochroa), pigeon guillemot (Cepphus columbus), rhinoceros auklet (Cerorhinca monocerata), Cassin's auklet (Ptychoramphus aleuticus), and western gull (Larus occidentalis); the sooty shearwater (Puffinus griseus), exhibited a marked decline before signs of recovery at the end of the study period. The abundance of nine other focal species varied with ocean conditions, but without decadal or long-term trends. Six of these species have the largest global populations in the CCS, and four are highly energetic, diving foragers. Furthermore, three of the diving species trends were negatively correlated with the abundance of humpback whales in the study area, a direct competitor for the same prey. Therefore, on the basis of literature reviewed, we hypothesize that the seabirds were affected by the decreasing carrying capacity of the CCS, over-exploitation of some prey stocks and interference competition from the previously exploited, but now increasing, baleen whale populations. Overall, our study highlights the complexity of the ecological factors driving seabird population trends in the highly variable and rapidly changing CCS ecosystem