171 research outputs found

    Non-axisymmetric instabilities of neutron star with toroidal magnetic fields

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    The aim of this paper is to clarify the stabilities of neutron stars with strong toroidal magnetic fields against non-axisymmetric perturbation. The motivation comes from the fact that super magnetized neutron stars of 1015\sim 10^{15}G, magnetars, and magnetized proto-neutron stars born after the magnetically-driven supernovae are likely to have such strong toroidal magnetic fields. Long-term, three-dimensional general relativistic magneto-hydrodynamic simulations are performed, preparing isentropic neutron stars with toroidal magnetic fields in equilibrium as initial conditions. To explore the effects of rotations on the stability, simulations are done for both non-rotating and rigidly rotating models. We find the emergence of the Parker and/or Tayler instabilities in both the non-rotating and rotating models. For both non-rotating and rotating models, the Parker instability is the primary instability as predicted by the local linear perturbation analysis. The interchange instability also appears in the rotating models. It is found that rapid rotation is not enough to suppress the Parker instability, and this finding does not agree with the perturbation analysis. The reason for this is that rigidly and rapidly rotating stars are marginally stable, and hence, in the presence of stellar pulsations by which the rotational profile is deformed, unstable regions with negative gradient of angular momentum profile is developed. After the onset of the instabilities, a turbulence is excited. Contrary to the axisymmetric case, the magnetic fields never reach an equilibrium state after the development of the turbulence. This conclusion suggests that three-dimensional simulation is indispensable for exploring the formation of magnetars or prominence activities of magnetars such as giant flares.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, to be published in A&

    Gli3 utilizes Hand2 to synergistically regulate tissue-specific transcriptional networks.

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    Despite a common understanding that Gli TFs are utilized to convey a Hh morphogen gradient, genetic analyses suggest craniofacial development does not completely fit this paradigm. Using the mouse model (Mus musculus), we demonstrated that rather than being driven by a Hh threshold, robust Gli3 transcriptional activity during skeletal and glossal development required interaction with the basic helix-loop-helix TF Hand2. Not only did genetic and expression data support a co-factorial relationship, but genomic analysis revealed that Gli3 and Hand2 were enriched at regulatory elements for genes essential for mandibular patterning and development. Interestingly, motif analysis at sites co-occupied by Gli3 and Hand2 uncovered mandibular-specific, low-affinity, \u27divergent\u27 Gli-binding motifs (dGBMs). Functional validation revealed these dGBMs conveyed synergistic activation of Gli targets essential for mandibular patterning and development. In summary, this work elucidates a novel, sequence-dependent mechanism for Gli transcriptional activity within the craniofacial complex that is independent of a graded Hh signal

    The Cyprinodon variegatus genome reveals gene expression changes underlying differences in skull morphology among closely related species

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    Genes in durophage intersection set at 15 dpf. This is a comma separated table of the genes in the 15 dpf durophage intersection set. Given are edgeR results for each pairwise comparison. Columns indicating whether a gene is included in the intersection set at a threshold of 1.5 or 2 fold are provided. (CSV 13 kb

    Identification of a heterogeneous and dynamic ciliome during embryonic development and cell differentiation.

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    Primary cilia are nearly ubiquitous organelles that transduce molecular and mechanical signals. Although the basic structure of the cilium and the cadre of genes that contribute to ciliary formation and function (the ciliome) are believed to be evolutionarily conserved, the presentation of ciliopathies with narrow, tissue-specific phenotypes and distinct molecular readouts suggests that an unappreciated heterogeneity exists within this organelle. Here, we provide a searchable transcriptomic resource for a curated primary ciliome, detailing various subgroups of differentially expressed genes within the ciliome that display tissue and temporal specificity. Genes within the differentially expressed ciliome exhibited a lower level of functional constraint across species, suggesting organism and cell-specific function adaptation. The biological relevance of ciliary heterogeneity was functionally validated by using Cas9 gene-editing to disrupt ciliary genes that displayed dynamic gene expression profiles during osteogenic differentiation of multipotent neural crest cells. Collectively, this novel primary cilia-focused resource will allow researchers to explore longstanding questions related to how tissue and cell-type specific functions and ciliary heterogeneity may contribute to the range of phenotypes associated with ciliopathies

    Behaviour and Climate Change: Consumer Perceptions of Responsibility

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    This paper explores the under-researched notion of consumer responsibility, a potentially significant influence on consumer behaviour that marketers and policymakers may be able to harness as they attempt to respond to environmental challenges such as climate change. The paper uses data derived from a commercially motivated survey (n = 1513) to explore domestic consumption behaviours most closely associated with the issue of disruptive climate change. A measure of 'General Environmental Responsiveness' (GER) is used to test: (1) the effects of consumers both taking responsibility for their actions and placing responsibility on others for the consequences of their consumption behaviour; and (2) whether sociodemographic variables can aid the targeting of consumers by the level and type of responsibility and pro-environmental behavioural intentions expressed. The study's findings demonstrate clear, if not strong, relationships between consumer conceptions of responsibilities for causing and tackling climate change and environment-related consumer behaviour. The study's implications both challenge accepted wisdom about environment-related consumer behaviour and suggest avenues for future research

    A Cross-Species Analysis of MicroRNAs in the Developing Avian Face

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    Higher vertebrates use similar genetic tools to derive very different facial features. This diversity is believed to occur through temporal, spatial and species-specific changes in gene expression within cranial neural crest (NC) cells. These contribute to the facial skeleton and contain species-specific information that drives morphological variation. A few signaling molecules and transcription factors are known to play important roles in these processes, but little is known regarding the role of micro-RNAs (miRNAs). We have identified and compared all miRNAs expressed in cranial NC cells from three avian species (chicken, duck, and quail) before and after species-specific facial distinctions occur. We identified 170 differentially expressed miRNAs. These include thirty-five novel chicken orthologs of previously described miRNAs, and six avian-specific miRNAs. Five of these avian-specific miRNAs are conserved over 120 million years of avian evolution, from ratites to galliforms, and their predicted target mRNAs include many components of Wnt signaling. Previous work indicates that mRNA gene expression in NC cells is relatively static during stages when the beak acquires species-specific morphologies. However, miRNA expression is remarkably dynamic within this timeframe, suggesting that the timing of specific developmental transitions is altered in birds with different beak shapes. We evaluated one miRNA:mRNA target pair and found that the cell cycle regulator p27KIP1 is a likely target of miR-222 in frontonasal NC cells, and that the timing of this interaction correlates with the onset of phenotypic variation. Our comparative genomic approach is the first comprehensive analysis of miRNAs in the developing facial primordial, and in species-specific facial development

    Identification of Early Requirements for Preplacodal Ectoderm and Sensory Organ Development

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    Preplacodal ectoderm arises near the end of gastrulation as a narrow band of cells surrounding the anterior neural plate. This domain later resolves into discrete cranial placodes that, together with neural crest, produce paired sensory structures of the head. Unlike the better-characterized neural crest, little is known about early regulation of preplacodal development. Classical models of ectodermal patterning posit that preplacodal identity is specified by readout of a discrete level of Bmp signaling along a DV gradient. More recent studies indicate that Bmp-antagonists are critical for promoting preplacodal development. However, it is unclear whether Bmp-antagonists establish the proper level of Bmp signaling within a morphogen gradient or, alternatively, block Bmp altogether. To begin addressing these issues, we treated zebrafish embryos with a pharmacological inhibitor of Bmp, sometimes combined with heat shock-induction of Chordin and dominant-negative Bmp receptor, to fully block Bmp signaling at various developmental stages. We find that preplacodal development occurs in two phases with opposing Bmp requirements. Initially, Bmp is required before gastrulation to co-induce four transcription factors, Tfap2a, Tfap2c, Foxi1, and Gata3, which establish preplacodal competence throughout the nonneural ectoderm. Subsequently, Bmp must be fully blocked in late gastrulation by dorsally expressed Bmp-antagonists, together with dorsally expressed Fgf and Pdgf, to specify preplacodal identity within competent cells abutting the neural plate. Localized ventral misexpression of Fgf8 and Chordin can activate ectopic preplacodal development anywhere within the zone of competence, whereas dorsal misexpression of one or more competence factors can activate ectopic preplacodal development in the neural plate. Conversely, morpholino-knockdown of competence factors specifically ablates preplacodal development. Our work supports a relatively simple two-step model that traces regulation of preplacodal development to late blastula stage, resolves two distinct phases of Bmp dependence, and identifies the main factors required for preplacodal competence and specification

    Apoptosis and proliferation in the trigeminal placode

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    The neurogenic trigeminal placode develops from the crescent-shaped panplacodal primordium which delineates the neural plate anteriorly. We show that, in Tupaia belangeri, the trigeminal placode is represented by a field of focal ectodermal thickenings which over time changes positions from as far rostral as the level of the forebrain to as far caudal as opposite rhombomere 3. Delamination proceeds rostrocaudally from the ectoderm adjacent to the rostral midbrain, and contributes neurons to the trigeminal ganglion as well as to the ciliary ganglion/oculomotor complex. Proliferative events are centered on the field prior to the peak of delamination. They are preceded, paralleled and, finally, outnumbered by apoptotic events which proceed rostrocaudally from non-delaminating to delaminating parts of the field. Apoptosis persists upon regression of the placode, thereby exhibiting a massive “wedge” of apoptotic cells which includes the postulated position of the “ventrolateral postoptic placode” (Lee et al. in Dev Biol 263:176–190, 2003), merges with groups of lens-associated apoptotic cells, and disappears upon lens detachment. In conjunction with earlier work (Washausen et al. in Dev Biol 278:86–102, 2005) our findings suggest that apoptosis contributes repeatedly to the disintegration of the panplacodal primordium, to the elimination of subsets of premigratory placodal neuroblasts, and to the regression of placodes