2,776 research outputs found

    Extracellular glutamate accumulates only in final, ischemic stage of progressive epidural mass lesion in cats

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    Epidural mass lesions may cause ischemia due to progressive intracranial hypertension. In order to 1) investigate the impact of intracranial pressure (ICP) on accumulation of neuroactive substances, and 2) test the significance of neurochemical monitoring for early prediction of fatal outcome, we gradually raised ICP in cats by inflation of an epidural balloon: We assessed extracellular substrate alterations in the contralateral cortex in relation to changes of ICP, cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) and mean arterial blood pressure (MABP). In a complementary experiment, regional cerebral blood flow was assessed by sequential positron emission tomography (PET).peer-reviewe


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    Sediment Transport abu Vulkanik dalam penelitian ini berasal dari sungai kaki gunung Soputan di desa Silian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggantian sediment transport abu vulkanik gunung soputan terhadap abu batu dengan menggunakan campuran HRS-WC gradasi semi senjang terhadap nilai karakteristik Marshall dan apakah memenuhi syarat Spesifikasi teknik 2010 revisi 3 devisi 6.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental dilakukan di laboratorium dengan variasi kadar aspal 5%, 6%, 7%, 8%, dan 9% serta kadar abu Soputan 0%, 50%, dan 100% terhadap abu batu pada setiap variasi  kadar aspal. Sampel yang di gunakan berjumlah masing-masing 3 buah. Sebelum pembuatan benda uji, sediment transport abu Soputan harus di saring terlebih dahulu dan lolos saringan no. 4. Pengujian yang di gunakan mendapatkan hubungan nilai karakteristik Marshall dengan variasi kadar Abu Soputan. Hasil dari keseluruhan perhitungan bahwa penggantian Abu Soputan pada kadar aspal optimum 7,3%, 7,5%, 7,95% merupakan campuran HRS-WC yang memenuhi pesyaratan karakteristik Marshall sesuai Spesifikasi teknik 2010 revisi 3. Dari hasil perhitungan dengan kadar aspal optimum diperoleh subtitusi 0% dengan nilai stabilitas 1675 kg, Flow 3,3 mm, VIM 4,4%, VMA 18%, VFB 75,2%, Density 2,33 gr/cc, Marshall Quotient 520 kg/mm. Untuk  subtitusi 50% dengan nilai stabilitas 1601 kg, Flow 3,6 mm, VIM 4,9%, VMA 18,4%, VFB 74,9%, Density 2,32 gr/cc, Marshall Qoutient 441 kg/mm. Subtitusi 100% dengan nilai stabilitas 1500 kg, Flow 4,2 mm, VIM 4,2 %, VMA 19,2%, VFB 70%, Density 2,3 gr/cc, Marshall Qoutient 360 kg/mm.Penggantian sediment transport Abu Soputan memenuhi syarat Spesifikasi teknik 2010 revisi 3 devisi 6, sehingga dapat di gunakan dalam perkerasan campuran beraspal panas dan dengan membuat benda uji berdasarkan gradasi yang sesuai dengan ketentuan untuk campuran HRS-WC gradasi semi senjang. Kata kunci : Sediment Transport Abu Soputan, Marshall

    Rehabilitasi Pemanfaatan Gss Cisadane Untuk Menunjang Perekonomian Dan Keindahan

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    Kerusakan jalan merupakan masalah yang sering terjadi di Indonesia terutama di jalan-jalan dengan volume lalu intas yang padat. Kerusakan jalan juga dapat terjadi karena bencana alam seperti yang terjadi di desa Pakulonan. Jalan umum di desa tersebut terletak di samping sungai Cisadane rusak akibat bencana banjir. Selain jalan umum, garis sempadan sungai (GSS) pada area tersebut juga rusak parah akibat naiknya ketinggian level muka air di sungai Cisadane pada Januari tahun 2020. Melalui kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Pradita, dilakukan penanganan masalah kerusakan jalan dan GSS pada area tersebut dengan merencanakan desain rehabilitasi jalan umum dan GSS di Desa Pakulonan. Rehabilitasi tersebut diharapkan dapat mengembalikan kondisi jalan umum dan GSS agar berfungsi secara optimal bagi masyarakat sekaligus mendorong kegiatan perekonomian dan meningkatkan keindahan lingkungan. Selain merencanakan desain rehabilitasi jalan dan GSS, kami juga mengusulkan kerjasama dengan mitra dalam proses rehabilitasi tersebut dan melakukan pengawasan lapangan selama proses rehabilitasi

    Axion cold dark matter: Status after Planck and BICEP2

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    We investigate the axion dark matter scenario (ADM), in which axions account for all of the dark matter in the Universe, in light of the most recent cosmological data. In particular, we use the Planck temperature data, complemented by WMAP E-polarization measurements, as well as the recent BICEP2 observations of B-modes. Baryon acoustic oscillation data, including those from the baryon oscillation spectroscopic survey, are also considered in the numerical analyses. We find that, in the minimal ADM scenario and for Delta(QCD) = 200 MeV, the full data set implies that the axion mass m(a) = 82.2 +/- 1.1 μeV [corresponding to the Peccei-Quinn symmetry being broken at a scale f(a) = (7.54 +/- 0.10) x 10(10) GeV], or m(a) = 76.6 +/- 2.6 μeV [f(a) = (8.08 +/- 0.27) x 10(10) GeV] when we allow for a nonstandard effective number of relativistic species N-eff. We also find a 2 sigma preference for N-eff > 3.046. The limit on the sum of neutrino masses is Sigma m(v) < 0.25 eV at 95% C.L. for N-eff = 3.046, or Sigma m(v) < 0.47 eV when N-eff is a free parameter. Considering extended scenarios where either the dark energy equation-of-state parameter w, the tensor spectral index n(t), or the running of the scalar index dn(s)/d ln k is allowed to vary does not change significantly the axion mass-energy density constraints. However, in the case of the full data set exploited here, there is a preference for a nonzero tensor index or scalar running, driven by the different tensor amplitudes implied by the Planck and BICEP2 observations. We also study the effect on our estimates of theoretical uncertainties, in particular the imprecise knowledge of the QCD scale Delta(QCD), in the calculation of the temperature-dependent axion mass. We find that in the simplest ADM scenario the Planck + WP data set implies that the axion mass m(a) = 63.7 +/- 1.2 μeV for Delta(QCD) = 400 MeV. We also comment on the possibility that axions do not make up for all the dark matter, or that the contribution of string-produced axions has been grossly underestimated; in that case, the values that we find for the mass can conservatively be considered as lower limits. Dark matter axions with mass in the 60-80 μeV (corresponding to an axion-photon coupling G(a gamma gamma) similar to 10(-14) GeV-1) range can, in principle, be detected by looking for axion-to-photon conversion occurring inside a tunable microwave cavity permeated by a high-intensity magnetic field, and operating at a frequency nu similar or equal to 15-20 GHz. This is out of the reach of current experiments like the axion dark matter experiment (limited to a maximum frequency of a few GHzs), but is, on the other hand, within the reach of the upcoming axion dark matter experiment-high frequency experiment that will explore the 4-40 GHz frequency range and then be sensitive to axion masses up to similar to 160 μeV

    T-duality and Differential K-Theory

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    We give a precise formulation of T-duality for Ramond-Ramond fields. This gives a canonical isomorphism between the "geometrically invariant" subgroups of the twisted differential K-theory of certain principal torus bundles. Our result combines topological T-duality with the Buscher rules found in physics.Comment: 23 pages, typos corrected, submitted to Comm.Math.Phy

    Exploring cosmic origins with CORE : Cosmological parameters

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    We forecast the main cosmological parameter constraints achievable with the CORE space mission which is dedicated to mapping the polarisation of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). CORE was recently submitted in response to ESA's fifth call for medium-sized mission proposals (M5). Here we report the results from our pre-submission study of the impact of various instrumental options, in particular the telescope size and sensitivity level, and review the great, transformative potential of the mission as proposed. Specifically, we assess the impact on a broad range of fundamental parameters of our Universe as a function of the expected CMB characteristics, with other papers in the series focusing on controlling astrophysical and instrumental residual systematics. In this paper, we assume that only a few central CORE frequency channels are usable for our purpose, all others being devoted to the cleaning of astrophysical contaminants. On the theoretical side, we assume ACDM as our general framework and quantify the improvement provided by CORE over the current constraints from the Planck 2015 release. We also study the joint sensitivity of CORE and of future Baryon Acoustic Oscillation and Large Scale Structure experiments like DESI and Euclid. Specific constraints on the physics of inflation are presented in another paper of the series. In addition to the six parameters of the base ACDM, which describe the matter content of a spatially flat universe with adiabatic and scalar primordial fluctuations from inflation, we derive the precision achievable on parameters like those describing curvature, neutrino physics, extra light relics, primordial helium abundance, dark matter annihilation, recombination physics, variation of fundamental constants, dark energy, modified gravity, reionization and cosmic birefringence. In addition to assessing the improvement on the precision of individual parameters, we also forecast the post-CORE overall reduction of the allowed parameter space with figures of merit for various models increasing by as much as similar to 10(7) as compared to Planck 2015, and 10(5) with respect to Planck 2015 + future BAO measurements.Peer reviewe

    T-patterns analysis in soccer games: Relationship between time and attack actions

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    Sports performance consists of a multiple series of strategies that tend to follow one another. Performance analysis in team sports is usually focused on primary (fundamental skill execution), secondary (scoring) and tertiary (match result) outcomes. While there is general agreement over measuring secondary and tertiary outcomes, literature does not show a unanimous agreement over a unique measure of the primary level of performance. 'e aim of this study was to investigate primary performance outcomes through an analysis of temporal patterns. In particular, we were interested in verifying if changes in tertiary performance outcomes may be related to changes in primary ones. We selected three soccer matches played by a top club during the Serie A league over the 2012-2013 season in which there was a change in match result between *rst and second half (tertiary level of performance). 'e methodological approach was based on observational design, supported by digital recordings and computer analysis. Data were analyzed with 'eme 6 beta software, which detects the temporal and sequential structure of datasets, revealing repeated patterns that may regularly or irregularly occur within a period of observation (Tpatterns). Striking di+erences were found comparing *rst and second half temporal patterns, especially when the *nal match outcome showed an improvement of the *rst half 's one. Our results suggest that 'eme software and T-pattern enhance research opportunities by identifying a useful tool to study the link between primary and tertiary level of performance, making this an e+ective research and support instrument for sports analysis

    How Game Location Affects Soccer Performance: T-Pattern Analysis of Attack Actions in Home and Away Matches

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    The influence of game location on performance has been widely examined in sport contexts. Concerning soccer, game-location affects positively the secondary and tertiary level of performance; however, there are fewer evidences about its effect on game structure (primary level of performance). This study aimed to detect the effect of game location on a primary level of performance in soccer. In particular, the objective was to reveal the hidden structures underlying the attack actions, in both home and away matches played by a top club (Serie A 2012/2013 - First League). The methodological approach was based on observational design, supported by digital recordings and T-pattern analysis. Data were analyzed with Theme 6.0 software. A quantitative analysis, with nonparametric and descriptive statistics, was carried out to test the hypotheses. A qualitative analysis on complex patterns was performed to get in-depth information on the game structure. This study showed that game tactics were significantly different, with home matches characterized by a more structured and varied game than away matches. Theme software, and the corresponding T-pattern detection algorithm, enhance research opportunities by going further than frequency-based analyses, making this method an effective tool in supporting sport performance analysis and training

    Absorption-selected galaxies trace the low-mass, late-type, star-forming population at z23z\sim2-3

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    We report on the stellar content, half-light radii and star formation rates of a sample of 10 known high-redshift (z2z\gtrsim 2) galaxies selected on strong neutral hydrogen (HI) absorption (log(N(HI)/cm2)>19^{-2})>19) toward background quasars. We use observations from the {\it Hubble Space Telescope} (HST) Wide Field Camera 3 in three broad-band filters to study the spectral energy distribution(SED) of the galaxies. Using careful quasar point spread function subtraction, we study their galactic environments, and perform the first systematic morphological characterisation of such absorption-selected galaxies at high redshifts. Our analysis reveals complex, irregular hosts with multiple star-forming clumps. At a spatial sampling of 0.067 arcsec per pixel (corresponding to 0.55 kpc at the median redshift of our sample), 40% of our sample requires multiple S\'ersic components for an accurate modelling of the observed light distributions. Placed on the mass-size relation and the `main sequence' of star-forming galaxies, we find that absorption-selected galaxies at high redshift extend known relations determined from deep luminosity-selected surveys to an order of magnitude lower stellar mass, with objects primarily composed of star-forming, late-type galaxies. We measure half-light radii in the range r1/2r_{1/2} \sim 0.4 to 2.6 kpc based on the reddest band (F160W) to trace the oldest stellar populations, and stellar masses in the range log(M/M)\log (\mathrm{M}_{\star}/\mathrm{M}_{\odot}) \sim 8 to 10 derived from fits to the broad-band SED. Spectroscopic and SED-based star formation rates are broadly consistent, and lie in the range log(SFR/M_{\odot} yr1^{-1}) \sim0.0 to 1.7.Comment: 17 pages, Accepted for publication in MNRAS. This revision has minor text change

    The Interstellar Medium of Quiescent Galaxies and its Evolution With Time

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    We characterise the basic far-IR (FIR) properties and the gas mass fraction of massive ( ~ 11.0) quiescent galaxies (QGs) and explore how these evolve from z = 2.0 to the present day. We use robust, multi-wavelength (mid- to far-IR and sub-millimetre to radio) stacking ensembles of homogeneously selected and mass complete samples of log(M*/Msun) > 10.8 QGs. We find that the dust to stellar mass ratio (Md/M*) rises steeply as a function of redshift up to z~1.0 and then remains flat at least out to z = 2.0. Using Md as a proxy of gas mass (Mgas), we find a similar trend for the evolution of the gas mass fraction (fgas) with z > 1.0 QGs having fgas ~ 7.0% (for solar metallicity). This fgas is 3 - 10 times lower than that of normal star forming galaxies (SFGs) at their corresponding redshift but ~3 and ~10 times larger compared to that of z = 0.5 and local QGs. Furthermore, the inferred gas depletion time scales are comparable to that of local SFGs and systematically longer than that of main sequence galaxies at their corresponding redshifts. Our analysis also reveals that the average dust temperature (Td) of massive QGs remains roughly constant ( = 21.0 \pm 2.0K) at least out to z ~ 2.0 and is substantially colder (~ 10K) compared to that of z > 0 SFGs. This motivated us to construct and release a redshift-invariant template IR SED, that we use to make predictions for ALMA observations and to explore systematic effects in the Mgas estimates of massive, high-z QGs. Finally, we discuss how a simple model that considers progenitor-bias can effectively reproduce the observed evolution of Md/M* and fgas. Our results indicate universal initial interstellar medium conditions for quenched galaxies and a large degree of uniformity in their internal processes across cosmic time.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&