211 research outputs found

    Stability of Domination in Graphs

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    The stability of dominating sets in Graphs is introduced and studied,in this paper. Here D is a dominating set of Graph G. In thispaper the vertices of D and vertices of VDV - D are called donorsand acceptors respectively. For a vertex u in D, let ψD(u)\psi_{D}(u) denotethe number N(u)(VD).Thedonorinstabilityorsimplydinstability\|N(u) \cap (V - D)\|. The donor instability or simply d-instability d^{D}_{inst}(e) ofanedgeeconnectingtwodonorverticesvanduis  of an edge e connecting two donor vertices v andu is \|\psi_{D}(u)-\psi_{D}(v)\|.ThedinstabilityofD,. The d-instability of D, \psi_{d}(D) is the sum ofd-instabilities of all edges connecting vertices in D. For a vertex unot in D, let ϕD(u)denotethenumber\phi_{D}(u) denote the number \|N(u)\cap D\|. The Acceptor Instabilityor simply a-instability  ainstD(e)a^{D}_{inst}(e)  of an edge e connecting twoacceptor vertices u and v is ϕD(u)ϕD(v)\|\phi_{D}(u)-\phi_{D}(v)\|. The a-instability of D,ϕa(D)\phi_{a}(D) is the sum of a-instabilities of all edges connecting vertices inVDV - D. The dominating set D is d-stable if ψd(D)=0\psi_{d}(D) = 0 and a-stableif ϕa(D)=0\phi_{a}(D) = 0. D is stable, if ψd(D)=0\psi_{d}(D) = 0 and ψa(D)=0\psi_{a}(D) = 0. Given anon negative integer #\alpha,Dis, D is \alpha-d-stable,if, if d^{D}_{inst}(e)\leq\alphaforanyedgeeconnectingtwodonorverticesandDis for any edgee connecting two donor vertices and D is \alpha-a-stable,if, if a^{D}_{inst}(e)\leq\alphaforanyedgeeconnectingtwoacceptorvertices.Herewestudyfor any edge e connecting two acceptor vertices. Here we study \alphastabilitynumberofgraphsfornonnegativeinteger-stability number of graphs for non negative integer \alpha$

    Modular multilevel inverter for renewable energy applications

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    This paper proposes a Multilevel Inverter (MLI) which focuses on two objective , minimal voltage sources and lesser switching component. The proposed Asymmetrical Cascaded Multilevel Inverter (ACMLI) is able to achieve the objective by selectively opting the voltage level of DC sources chosen and implementing the mathematical operation of addition and subtraction on the DC sources. This system also utilizes multiple carrier sinusoidal pulse width modulation technique (MCS-PWM) for operating the switches. It is found that the number of switches required for proposed modular bridge ACMLI and modified H bridge ACMLI was lesser than the traditional Cascaded H bridge Multilevel Inverter (CHB-MLI). It is also evident that the number of DC voltage sources and filter required for smoothing the output waveform is reduced compared to the traditional MLI. The Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) for the proposed circuit was simulated and analyzed in MATLAB Simulink environment and the results are found to be very less and satisfactory. The proposed circuit can find its application in integrating Renewable Energy Sources (RES) to the utility grid, Electrical Vehicle (EV) , harmonic reduction and so on. The simulation results of the proposed circuits are tabulated and compared with the traditional cascaded MLI

    Madhu Agnikarma in the pain management of Tennis Elbow - A Case Study

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    Lateral epicondylitis, also known as ‘tennis elbow’, is a very common condition that presents with pain and tenderness on the lateral side of the elbow due to the repetitive stress, results in inflammation of the common extensor tendon of the lateral epicondyle of the humerus. According to Ayurveda, Snayugata Vikara can be correlated with the condition of tennis elbow. Agnikarma being superior among all surgical and parasurgical procedure by its action seems to be more effective in providing instant pain relief. The therapeutic effects of Agnikarma with Kshoudra include relief of pain and muscle spasm, acceleration of healing, promotion of resolution of inflammation and increase in the range of movement of joint

    A review of optimal operation of microgrids

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    The term microgrid refers to small-scale power grid that can operate autonomously or in concurrence with the area’s main electrical grid. The intermittent characteristic of DGs which defies the power quality and voltage manifests the requirement for new planning and operation approaches for microgrids. Consequently, conventional optimization methods in new power systems have been critically biased all through the previous decade. One of the main technological and inexpensive tools in this regard is the optimal generation scheduling of microgrid. As a primary optimization tool in the planning and operation fields, optimal operation has an undeniable part in the power system. This paper reviews and evaluates the optimal operation approaches mostly related to microgrids. In this work, the foremost optimal generation scheduling approaches are compared in terms of their objective functions, techniques and constraints. To conclude, a few fundamental challenges occurring from the latest optimal generation scheduling techniques in microgrids are addressed

    Building the Infrastructure to Reach and Care for the Poor: Trends, Obstacles and Strategies to overcome them

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    Infrastructure forms a critical part of health service delivery in any country. Availability, Accessibility, Affordability, Equity, Efficiency and Quality of MNH services highly depend on the distribution, functionality and quality of infrastructure. Most developing countries have invested substantially in developing health infrastructure in rural areas which provides a base for extending MNH services to the poor. Still, there is clear evidence that in many countries there are gaps and inadequacies in health infrastructure. The functionality and utilization of health infrastructure has been sub-optimal or poor due to a variety of reasons. This paper reviews available literature and assesses the coverage and gaps in infrastructure for MNH. It also identifies critical issues in management of infrastructure and analysis their causes and impact on services delivery to the poor. The paper also reviews impacts of reforms on infrastructure and provides some recommendations for improvement of infrastructure management so as to ensure better services to the poor.

    Knowledge, attitude and practice of foot care in diabetes patients with foot at risk attending diabetology department of a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: The current study was undertaken to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of foot care among diabetes patients with foot at risk, to evaluate the impact of counselling in terms of KAP score, VPT (vibration perception threshold) value, foot examination status and other clinical parameter, to assess the severity of peripheral neuropathy in diabetes patients based on VPT value and to assess the prevalence of peripheral neuropathy among men and women.Methods: A prospective cross-sectional and interventional study was conducted in the diabetology department of a tertiary care hospital in South India. A total of 100 diabetes patients with foot at risk were selected for the study. A questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of foot care among diabetes patients with foot at risk. The questionnaire consists of total 24 questions. Their knowledge, attitude and practice were classified as good, satisfactory and poor depending upon the score. For the KAP, if score is ≥70% it was regarded as good, 50-69% as satisfactory and <50% as poor.Results: The study assessed that among 100 patients, 6% of the participants had good knowledge before counselling and after counselling, 46% had satisfactory level of knowledge and 43% had good knowledge. Most of the patients had a good attitude towards foot care before and after counselling. Only 1% of patients were in good practice before counselling and after counselling 62% of the patients had satisfactory practice and 25% had good practice. The study revealed that about 53% had a VPT value of 26-50 V before providing counselling and after counselling about 43% of the participants VPT became 26-50 V. The study also showed that the prevalence of peripheral neuropathy according to VPT value is more in males than females.Conclusions: Poor knowledge and poor practice were observed among the diabetes patients with foot at risk who had attended the diabetology department. Poor knowledge and practice are the major reason for the amputation of limb as the people are unaware of their foot care. Thus, by providing proper education regarding foot care, the foot complications can be improved and there by the amputation rate can be reduced to an extent

    സമുദ്ര, സമുദ്രതീര ജീവികൾ

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    സമുദ്ര, സമുദ്രതീര ജീവിക

    Exploring the Impact of NF- KB1 Gene Polymorphism

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    This review article extensively explores the influence of NF-κB1 gene polymorphism on a diverse range of health issues. The NF-κB pathway, a crucial controller of immune response, is closely associated with numerous disease mechanisms. The NF-kB1 gene has undergone significant genetic changes, and these changes have shown strong connections with the onset and development of numerous disorders. This article investigates the intricate relationship between mutations in the NF-kB1 gene and a wide range of disorders through a thorough study of the literature. These conditions encompass inflammatory disorders, cancer, cardiovascular diseases (CVD), and various other medical ailments. The notable discoveries emphasized within this review underscore the essential role of NF-κB1 gene polymorphism in the development of a range of diseases. Furthermore, these discoveries have important ramifications that could help develop more specialized, successful treatment approaches. To sum up, this work sheds light on the different ways in which NF-kB1 gene variation influences the progression of disorders and highlights the urgent need for more research in this area