707 research outputs found

    Non-linear Simulations of MHD Instabilities in Tokamaks Including Eddy Current Effects and Perspectives for the Extension to Halo Currents

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    The dynamics of large scale plasma instabilities can strongly be influenced by the mutual interaction with currents flowing in conducting vessel structures. Especially eddy currents caused by time-varying magnetic perturbations and halo currents flowing directly from the plasma into the walls are important. The relevance of a resistive wall model is directly evident for Resistive Wall Modes (RWMs) or Vertical Displacement Events (VDEs). However, also the linear and non-linear properties of most other large-scale instabilities may be influenced significantly by the interaction with currents in conducting structures near the plasma. The understanding of halo currents arising during disruptions and VDEs, which are a serious concern for ITER as they may lead to strong asymmetric forces on vessel structures, could also benefit strongly from these non-linear modeling capabilities. Modeling the plasma dynamics and its interaction with wall currents requires solving the magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) equations in realistic toroidal X-point geometry consistently coupled with a model for the vacuum region and the resistive conducting structures. With this in mind, the non-linear finite element MHD code JOREK has been coupled with the resistive wall code STARWALL, which allows to include the effects of eddy currents in 3D conducting structures in non-linear MHD simulations. This article summarizes the capabilities of the coupled JOREK-STARWALL system and presents benchmark results as well as first applications to non-linear simulations of RWMs, VDEs, disruptions triggered by massive gas injection, and Quiescent H-Mode. As an outlook, the perspectives for extending the model to halo currents are described.Comment: Proceeding paper for Theory of Fusion Plasmas (Joint Varenna-Lausanne International Workshop), Varenna, Italy (September 1-5, 2014); accepted for publication in: to Journal of Physics: Conference Serie

    The bacterial community associated with adult vine weevil (Otiorhynchus sulcatus) in UK populations growing on strawberry is dominated by Candidatus Nardonella

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    Otiorhynchus sulcatus (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), commonly known as black vine weevil or simply vine weevil, is an important pest of soft fruit and ornamental crops. This species is endemic to temperate areas of Europe but has spread to many other areas over the last century, including North America and Australasia. The ability of vine weevils to adapt to such different environments is difficult to reconcile with the parthenogenetic reproduction strategy, which is likely to underpin a low genetic diversity. It is therefore tempting to hypothesize that weevil adaptation to different environments is mediated, at least partly, by the microbial communities inhabiting these insects. As a first step towards testing this hypothesis we characterized the composition of the bacterial microbiota in weevils from populations feeding on strawberry plants across four geographically separate locations in the UK. We performed 16S rRNA gene Illumina amplicon sequencing, generating 2 882 853 high‐quality reads. Ecological indices, namely Chao1 and Shannon, revealed that the populations used for this study harboured a low diversity and an uneven bacterial microbiota. Furthermore, β‐diversity analysis failed to identify a clear association between microbiota composition and location. Notably, a single operational taxonomic unit phylogenetically related to Candidatus Nardonella accounted for 81% of the total sequencing reads for all tested insects. Our results indicate that vine weevil bacterial microbiota resembles that of other insects as it has low diversity and it is dominated by few taxa. A prediction of this observation is that location per se may not be a determinant of the microbiota inhabiting weevil populations. Rather, other or additional selective pressures, such as the plant species used as a food source, ultimately shape the weevil bacterial microbiota. Our results will serve as a reference framework to investigate other or additional hypotheses aimed at elucidating vine weevil adaptation to its environment

    Coupling JOREK and STARWALL for Non-linear Resistive-wall Simulations

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    The implementation of a resistive-wall extension to the non-linear MHD-code JOREK via a coupling to the vacuum-field code STARWALL is presented along with first applications and benchmark results. Also, non-linear saturation in the presence of a resistive wall is demonstrated. After completion of the ongoing verification process, this code extension will allow to perform non-linear simulations of MHD instabilities in the presence of three-dimensional resistive walls with holes for limited and X-point plasmas.Comment: Contribution for "Theory Of Fusion Plasmas, Joint Varenna - Lausanne International Workshop, Villa Monastero, Varenna, Italy (27.-31.8.2012)", accepted for publication in Journal of Physics Conference Serie

    Self-consistent simulation of plasma scenarios for ITER using a combination of 1.5D transport codes and free-boundary equilibrium codes

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    Self-consistent transport simulation of ITER scenarios is a very important tool for the exploration of the operational space and for scenario optimisation. It also provides an assessment of the compatibility of developed scenarios (which include fast transient events) with machine constraints, in particular with the poloidal field (PF) coil system, heating and current drive (H&CD), fuelling and particle and energy exhaust systems. This paper discusses results of predictive modelling of all reference ITER scenarios and variants using two suite of linked transport and equilibrium codes. The first suite consisting of the 1.5D core/2D SOL code JINTRAC [1] and the free boundary equilibrium evolution code CREATE-NL [2,3], was mainly used to simulate the inductive D-T reference Scenario-2 with fusion gain Q=10 and its variants in H, D and He (including ITER scenarios with reduced current and toroidal field). The second suite of codes was used mainly for the modelling of hybrid and steady state ITER scenarios. It combines the 1.5D core transport code CRONOS [4] and the free boundary equilibrium evolution code DINA-CH [5].Comment: 23 pages, 18 figure

    Untersuchung zur Lernkultur in Online-Kursen

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    Ausgehend von einer veränderten, durch Lern- und Kompetenzorientierung geprägten Lernkultur analysieren die Autorinnen zwölf mehrwöchige Online-Kurse mit insgesamt 130 Teilnehmer/innen. Die Autorinnen nehmen ein Klima der hohen Wertschätzung unter den Lernenden wahr sowie gegenseitiges Feedback in den Reflexions- und Diskussionsprozessen, welches das Lernen verstärkt. Die Hypothese, dass in rein virtuellen, mehrwöchigen Weiterbildungskursen eine veränderte Lernkultur gefördert und gelebt wird, wird mittels halbstrukturierter Interviews sowie qualitativer Inhaltsanalyse der Beiträge in den Diskussionsforen untersucht. (DIPF/ Orig.

    Covered call writing in a cumulative prospect theory framework

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    The covered call writing, which entails selling a call option on one’s underlying stock holdings, is perceived by investors as a strategy with limited risk. It is a very popular strategy used by individual, professional and institutional investors; moreover, the CBOE developed the Buy Write Index (BXM) which tracks the performance of a synthetic covered call strategy on the S&P500 Index. Previous studies analyze behavioral aspects of the covered call strategy, indicating that hedonic framing and risk aversion may explain the preference of such a strategy with respect to other designs. In this contribution, following this line of research, we extend the analysis and apply Cumulative Prospect Theory in its continuous version to the evaluation of the covered call strategy and study the effects of alternative framing