68 research outputs found

    An ecosystem approach to public education and information at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida: 1992-1997: Final report

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    This project addressed a need for ecosystem management education of appropriate content and medium for audiences of Eglin Air Force Base, in northwestern Florida. The goal of this project was to better understand the various constituencies of Eglin Air Force Base and to develop effective methods of communication about Eglin's natural resources for those audiences. In a broader sense, this research sought to fulfill the need for a model of appropriate education in support of ecosystem management on public lands in the United States. The project was funded by a grant from the Legacy Natural Resources Program of the U.S. Department of Defense. (181 page document

    Lignite biodegradation under conditions of acidic molasses fermentation

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    Lignite is difficult to degrade, thus stimulation of the autochthonous lignite microflora and introduction of additional microorganisms are required for lignite decomposition. Here, a packed bed reactor, filled with lignite samples from the Konin region (central Poland) was supplied continuously with M9 medium, supplemented with molasses (a by-product from the sugar industry), for 124 days to stimulate the autochthonous lignite microflora. Acidic fermentation of molasses was observed in the bioreactor. The simultaneous decomposition of lignite occurred under this acidic molasses fermentation condition. Our results show decay of free (non-bound) organic compounds during anaerobic lignite biodegradation. The concentrations of n-alkanes, n-alkanols, n-alkanoic acids, diterpenoids, triterpenoids and steroids present in non-biodegraded samples decreased significantly (some compounds to zero) during biodegradation. Interestingly, other compound classes like phenols, ketones and certain organic compounds increased. We interpret this phenomenon as a gradual decomposition of polymers, lignin and cellulose, present in the lignite. These changes resulted from microbial activity since they were not observed in pure solutions of short-chain fatty acids. The 16SrRNA profiling of the microbial community selected in the bioreactor revealed that the dominant bacteria belonged to the Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes, furthermore representatives of 16 other phyla were also found. All the known taxa of lignocellulolytic bacteria were represented in the microbial community. Synergistic relations between bacteria fermenting molasses and bacteria degrading lignite are assumed. The results confirm lignin degradation in acidic medium by bacteria under anaerobic conditions

    Modeling performance of Hadoop applications: A journey from queueing networks to stochastic well formed nets

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    Nowadays, many enterprises commit to the extraction of actionable knowledge from huge datasets as part of their core business activities. Applications belong to very different domains such as fraud detection or one-to-one marketing, and encompass business analytics and support to decision making in both private and public sectors. In these scenarios, a central place is held by the MapReduce framework and in particular its open source implementation, Apache Hadoop. In such environments, new challenges arise in the area of jobs performance prediction, with the needs to provide Service Level Agreement guarantees to the enduser and to avoid waste of computational resources. In this paper we provide performance analysis models to estimate MapReduce job execution times in Hadoop clusters governed by the YARN Capacity Scheduler. We propose models of increasing complexity and accuracy, ranging from queueing networks to stochastic well formed nets, able to estimate job performance under a number of scenarios of interest, including also unreliable resources. The accuracy of our models is evaluated by considering the TPC-DS industry benchmark running experiments on Amazon EC2 and the CINECA Italian supercomputing center. The results have shown that the average accuracy we can achieve is in the range 9–14%

    Salvinorin A analogues PR-37 and PR-38 attenuate compound 48/80-induced itch responses in mice: Salvinorin A analogues PR-37 and PR-38 in pruritus

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    The opioid system plays a crucial role in several physiological processes in the CNS and in the periphery. It has also been shown that selective opioid receptor agonists exert potent inhibitory action on pruritus and pain. In this study we examined whether two analogues of Salvinorin A, PR-37 and PR-38, exhibit antipruritic properties in mice

    Lake sediment fecal and biomass burning biomarkers provide direct evidence for prehistoric human-lit fires in New Zealand

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    Deforestation associated with the initial settlement of New Zealand is a dramatic example of how humans can alter landscapes through fire. However, evidence linking early human presence and land-cover change is inferential in most continental sites. We employed a multi-proxy approach to reconstruct anthropogenic land use in New Zealand’s South Island over the last millennium using fecal and plant sterols as indicators of human activity and monosaccharide anhydrides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, charcoal and pollen as tracers of fire and vegetation change in lake-sediment cores. Our data provide a direct record of local human presence in Lake Kirkpatrick and Lake Diamond watersheds at the time of deforestation and a new and stronger case of human agency linked with forest clearance. The first detection of human presence matches charcoal and biomarker evidence for initial burning at c. AD 1350. Sterols decreased shortly after to values suggesting the sporadic presence of people and then rose to unprecedented levels after the European settlement. Our results confirm that initial human arrival in New Zealand was associated with brief and intense burning activities. Testing our approach in a context of well-established fire history provides a new tool for understanding cause-effect relationships in more complex continental reconstructions

    Mercury Spikes Indicate a Volcanic Trigger for the Late Ordovician Mass Extinction Event: An Example from a Deep Shelf of the Peri-Baltic Region.

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    The Late Ordovician mass extinction (LOME) was the second largest Phanerozoic crisis, but its cause remains elusive. Several triggering mechanisms have been proposed over the years, including bioevolutionary events, oceanographic changes, and geotectonic processes. Here, we report the presence of Hg spikes in the Zbrza PIG-1 borehole from the Upper Ordovician deep shelf sections of the peri-Baltic region. A strong positive anomaly in the lower late Katian (Hg/TOC = 2537.3 ppb/wt%) was noted. No correlation between Hg and TOC (R² = 0.07) was distinguished in the Hirnantian, although several positive anomalies were found. Because the Hg/Mo ratio showed trends very similar to those of Hg/TOC, it seems likely that TOC values reflect the redox conditions. In order to evaluate the role of anoxia in levels of Hg enrichment several redox indicators were measured. These showed that the elevated mercury values in the Hirnantian are not caused by anoxia/euxinia because euxinic biomarkers (maleimides and aryl isoprenoids) are present in very low abundance and pyrite framboids are absent. In total, positive Hg/TOC anomalies occur in the lower late Katian, at the Katian - Hirnantian boundary, and in the late Hirnantian. The lack of a strong Hg/TOC correlation, Ni enrichments, and the absence of 'anoxic indicators' (no biomarkers, no framboids, low Mo concentration) at these levels, supports the interpretation that Hg enrichment is due to enhanced environmental loading. We conclude that our Hg and Hg/TOC values were associated with volcanic pulses which triggered the massive environmental changes resulting in the Late Ordovician mass extinction

    Groundwater table fluctuations recorded in zonation of microbial siderites from end-Triassic strata

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    In a terrestrial Triassic–Jurassic boundary succession of southern Sweden, perfectly zoned sphaerosiderites are restricted to a specific sandy interval deposited during the end-Triassic event. Underlying and overlying this sand interval there are several other types of siderite micromorphologies, i.e. poorly zoned sphaerosiderite, spheroidal (ellipsoid) siderite, spherical siderite and rhombohedral siderite. Siderite overgrowths occur mainly as rhombohedral crystals on perfectly zoned sphaerosiderite and as radiating fibrous crystals on spheroidal siderite. Concretionary sparry, microspar and/or micritic siderite cement postdate all of these micromorphologies. The carbon isotope composition of the siderite measured by conventional mass spectrometry shows the characteristic broad span of data, probably as a result of multiple stages of microbial activity. SIMS (secondary ion mass spectrometry) revealed generally higher δ13C values for the concretionary cement than the perfectly zoned sphaerosiderite, spheroidal siderite and their overgrowths, which marks a change in the carbon source during burial. All the various siderite morphologies have almost identical oxygen isotope values reflecting the palaeo-groundwater composition. A pedogenic/freshwater origin is supported by the trace element compositions of varying Fe:Mn ratios and low Mg contents. Fluctuating groundwater is the most likely explanation for uniform repeated siderite zones of varying Fe:Mn ratios reflecting alternating physiochemical conditions and hostility to microbial life/activity. Bacterially mediated siderite precipitation likely incorporated Mn and other metal ions during conditions that are not favourable for the bacteria and continued with Fe-rich siderite precipitation as the physico-chemical conditions changed into optimal conditions again, reflecting the response to groundwater fluctuations