2,048 research outputs found

    SDSS J163030.58+423305.8: A 40 minute Orbital Period Detached White Dwarf Binary

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    We report the discovery of a new detached, double white dwarf system with an orbital period of 39.8 min. We targeted SDSS J163030.58+423305.8 (hereafter J1630) as part of our radial velocity program to search for companions around low-mass white dwarfs using the 6.5m MMT. We detect peak-to-peak radial velocity variations of 576 km/s. The mass function and optical photometry rule out main-sequence companions. In addition, no milli-second pulsar companions are detected in radio observations. Thus the invisible companion is most likely another white dwarf. Unlike the other 39 min binary SDSS J010657.39-100003.3, follow-up high speed photometric observations of J1630 obtained at the McDonald 2.1m telescope do not show significant ellipsoidal variations, indicating a higher primary mass and smaller radius. The absence of eclipses constrain the inclination angle to <82deg. J1630 contains a pair of white dwarfs, 0.3 Msun primary + >0.3 Msun invisible secondary, at a separation of >0.32 Rsun. The two white dwarfs will merge in less than 31 Myr. Depending on the core composition of the companion, the merger will form either a single core-He burning subdwarf star or a rapidly rotating massive white dwarf. The gravitational wave strain from J1630 is detectable by instruments like the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) within the first year of operation.Comment: MNRAS Letters, in pres

    A Detailed Model Atmosphere Analysis of Cool White Dwarfs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    We present optical spectroscopy and near-infrared photometry of 126 cool white dwarfs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Our sample includes high proper motion targets selected using the SDSS and USNO-B astrometry and a dozen previously known ultracool white dwarf candidates. Our optical spectroscopic observations demonstrate that a clean selection of large samples of cool white dwarfs in the SDSS (and the SkyMapper, Pan-STARRS, and the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope datasets) is possible using a reduced proper motion diagram and a tangential velocity cut-off (depending on the proper motion accuracy) of 30 km/s. Our near-infrared observations reveal eight new stars with significant absorption. We use the optical and near-infrared photometry to perform a detailed model atmosphere analysis. More than 80% of the stars in our sample are consistent with either pure hydrogen or pure helium atmospheres. However, the eight stars with significant infrared absorption and the majority of the previously known ultracool white dwarf candidates are best explained with mixed hydrogen and helium atmosphere models. The age distribution of our sample is consistent with a Galactic disk age of 8 Gyr. A few ultracool white dwarfs may be as old as 12-13 Gyr, but our models have problems matching the spectral energy distributions of these objects. There are only two halo white dwarf candidates in our sample. However, trigonometric parallax observations are required for accurate mass and age determinations and to confirm their membership in the halo.Comment: ApJ Supplements, in pres

    The Discovery of a Debris Disk Around the DAV White Dwarf PG 1541+651

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    To search for circumstellar disks around evolved stars, we targeted roughly 100 DA white dwarfs from the Palomar Green survey with the Peters Automated Infrared Imaging Telescope (PAIRITEL). Here we report the discovery of a debris disk around one of these targets, the pulsating white dwarf PG 1541+651 (KX Draconis, hereafter PG1541). We detect a significant flux excess around PG1541 in the K-band. Follow-up near-infrared spectroscopic observations obtained at the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) and photometric observations with the warm Spitzer Space Telescope confirm the presence of a warm debris disk within 0.13-0.36 Rsun (11-32x the stellar radius) at an inclination angle of 60deg. At Teff = 11880 K, PG1541 is almost a twin of the DAV white dwarf G29-38, which also hosts a debris disk. All previously known dusty white dwarfs are of the DAZ/DBZ spectral type due to accretion of metals from the disk. High-resolution optical spectroscopy is needed to search for metal absorption lines in PG1541 and to constrain the accretion rate from the disk. PG1541 is only 55 pc away from the Sun and the discovery of its disk in our survey demonstrates that our knowledge of the nearby dusty white dwarf population is far from complete.Comment: MNRAS Letters, in pres

    The Discovery of the Most Metal-Rich White Dwarf: Composition of a Tidally Disrupted Extrasolar Dwarf Planet

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    Cool white dwarf stars are usually found to have an outer atmosphere that is practically pure in hydrogen or helium. However, a small fraction have traces of heavy elements that must originate from the accretion of extrinsic material, most probably circumstellar matter. Upon examining thousands of Sloan Digital Sky Survey spectra, we discovered that the helium-atmosphere white dwarf SDSS J073842.56+183509.6 shows the most severe metal pollution ever seen in the outermost layers of such stars. We present here a quantitative analysis of this exciting star by combining high S/N follow-up spectroscopic and photometric observations with model atmospheres and evolutionary models. We determine the global structural properties of our target star, as well as the abundances of the most significant pollutants in its atmosphere, i.e., H, O, Na, Mg, Si, Ca, and Fe. The relative abundances of these elements imply that the source of the accreted material has a composition similar to that of Bulk Earth. We also report the signature of a circumstellar disk revealed through a large infrared excess in JHK photometry. Combined with our inferred estimate of the mass of the accreted material, this strongly suggests that we are witnessing the remains of a tidally disrupted extrasolar body that was as large as Ceres.Comment: 7 pages in emulateapj, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    First Results from Pan-STARRS1: Faint, High Proper Motion White Dwarfs in the Medium-Deep Fields

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    The Pan-STARRS1 survey has obtained multi-epoch imaging in five bands (Pan-STARRS1 gps, rps, ips, zps, and yps) on twelve "Medium Deep Fields", each of which spans a 3.3 degree circle. For the period between Apr 2009 and Apr 2011 these fields were observed 50-200 times. Using a reduced proper motion diagram, we have extracted a list of 47 white dwarf (WD) candidates whose Pan-STARRS1 astrometry indicates a non-zero proper motion at the 6-sigma level, with a typical 1-sigma proper motion uncertainty of 10 mas/yr. We also used astrometry from SDSS (when available) and USNO-B to assess our proper motion fits. None of the WD candidates exhibits evidence of statistically significant parallaxes, with a typical 1-sigma uncertainty of 8 mas. Twelve of these candidates are known WDs, including the high proper motion (1.7"/yr) WD LHS 291. We confirm three more objects as WDs through optical spectroscopy. Based on the Pan-STARRS1 colors, ten of the stars are likely to be cool WDs with 4170 K Teff 5000 K and cooling ages <9 Gyr. We classify these objects as likely thick disk WDs based on their kinematics. Our current sample represents only a small fraction of the Pan-STARRS1 data. With continued coverage from the Medium Deep Field Survey and the 3pi survey, Pan-STARRS1 should find many more high proper motion WDs that are part of the old thick disk and halo.Comment: 33 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Ap

    The Shortest Period Detached Binary White Dwarf System

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    We identify SDSS J010657.39-100003.3 (hereafter J0106-1000) as the shortest period detached binary white dwarf (WD) system currently known. We targeted J0106-1000 as part of our radial velocity program to search for companions around known extremely low-mass (ELM, ~ 0.2 Msol) WDs using the 6.5m MMT. We detect peak-to-peak radial velocity variations of 740 km/s with an orbital period of 39.1 min. The mass function and optical photometry rule out a main-sequence star companion. Follow-up high-speed photometric observations obtained at the McDonald 2.1m telescope reveal ellipsoidal variations from the distorted primary but no eclipses. This is the first example of a tidally distorted WD. Modeling the lightcurve, we constrain the inclination angle of the system to be 67 +- 13 deg. J0106-1000 contains a pair of WDs (0.17 Msol primary + 0.43 Msol invisible secondary) at a separation of 0.32 Rsol. The two WDs will merge in 37 Myr and most likely form a core He-burning single subdwarf star. J0106-1000 is the shortest timescale merger system currently known. The gravitational wave strain from J0106-1000 is at the detection limit of the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). However, accurate ephemeris and orbital period measurements may enable LISA to detect J0106-1000 above the Galactic background noise.Comment: MNRAS Letters, in pres

    Simultaneous use of Individual and Joint Regularization Terms in Compressive Sensing: Joint Reconstruction of Multi-Channel Multi-Contrast MRI Acquisitions

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    Purpose: A time-efficient strategy to acquire high-quality multi-contrast images is to reconstruct undersampled data with joint regularization terms that leverage common information across contrasts. However, these terms can cause leakage of uncommon features among contrasts, compromising diagnostic utility. The goal of this study is to develop a compressive sensing method for multi-channel multi-contrast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) that optimally utilizes shared information while preventing feature leakage. Theory: Joint regularization terms group sparsity and colour total variation are used to exploit common features across images while individual sparsity and total variation are also used to prevent leakage of distinct features across contrasts. The multi-channel multi-contrast reconstruction problem is solved via a fast algorithm based on Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers. Methods: The proposed method is compared against using only individual and only joint regularization terms in reconstruction. Comparisons were performed on single-channel simulated and multi-channel in-vivo datasets in terms of reconstruction quality and neuroradiologist reader scores. Results: The proposed method demonstrates rapid convergence and improved image quality for both simulated and in-vivo datasets. Furthermore, while reconstructions that solely use joint regularization terms are prone to leakage-of-features, the proposed method reliably avoids leakage via simultaneous use of joint and individual terms. Conclusion: The proposed compressive sensing method performs fast reconstruction of multi-channel multi-contrast MRI data with improved image quality. It offers reliability against feature leakage in joint reconstructions, thereby holding great promise for clinical use.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures. Submitted for possible publicatio