346 research outputs found

    The underlying physical meaning of the νmaxνc\nu_{\rm max}-\nu_{\rm c} relation

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    Asteroseismology of stars that exhibit solar-like oscillations are enjoying a growing interest with the wealth of observational results obtained with the CoRoT and Kepler missions. In this framework, scaling laws between asteroseismic quantities and stellar parameters are becoming essential tools to study a rich variety of stars. However, the physical underlying mechanisms of those scaling laws are still poorly known. Our objective is to provide a theoretical basis for the scaling between the frequency of the maximum in the power spectrum (νmax\nu_{\rm max}) of solar-like oscillations and the cut-off frequency (νc\nu_{\rm c}). Using the SoHO GOLF observations together with theoretical considerations, we first confirm that the maximum of the height in oscillation power spectrum is determined by the so-called \emph{plateau} of the damping rates. The physical origin of the plateau can be traced to the destabilizing effect of the Lagrangian perturbation of entropy in the upper-most layers which becomes important when the modal period and the local thermal relaxation time-scale are comparable. Based on this analysis, we then find a linear relation between νmax\nu_{\rm max} and νc\nu_{\rm c}, with a coefficient that depends on the ratio of the Mach number of the exciting turbulence to the third power to the mixing-length parameter.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures. Accepted in A&

    Cardiac amyloidosis in non-transplant cardiac surgery

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    Cardiac amyloidosis is a rare infiltrative cardiomyopathy that portends a poor prognosis. There is a growing recognition of co-existent aortic valve stenosis and transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis, with some studies suggesting that dual pathology may be associated increased risk of complication and mortality during surgical intervention. This review aims to evaluate the available literature on non-transplant cardiac surgical interventions in patients with cardiac amyloidosis, with particular focus on diagnosis, high surgical risk and areas of uncertainty that require further research

    Stellar turbulence and mode physics

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    An overview of selected topical problems on modelling oscillation properties in solar-like stars is presented. High-quality oscillation data from both space-borne intensity observations and ground-based spectroscopic measurements provide first tests of the still-ill-understood, superficial layers in distant stars. Emphasis will be given to modelling the pulsation dynamics of the stellar surface layers, the stochastic excitation processes and the associated dynamics of the turbulent fluxes of heat and momentum.Comment: Proc. HELAS Workshop on 'Synergies between solar and stellar modelling', eds M. Marconi, D. Cardini, M. P. Di Mauro, Astrophys. Space Sci., in the pres

    Gross solids from combined sewers in dry weather and storms, elucidating production, storage and social factors

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    Variation in rates of sanitary hygiene products, toilet tissue and faeces occurring in sewers are presented for dry and wet weather from three steep upstream urban catchments with different economic, age and ethnic profiles. Results show, for example, that total daily solids per capita from the low income and ageing populations are almost twice that from high income or ethnic populations. Relative differences are verified through independent questionnaires. The relationship between solids stored in sewers prior to storms, antecedent dry weather period and the proportion of roof to total catchment area is quantified. A full solids' flush occurs when storm flows exceed three times the peak dry weather flow. The data presented will assist urban drainage designers in managing pollution caused by the discharge of sewage solids

    Mutually Penetrating Motion of Self-Organized 2D Patterns of Soliton-Like Structures

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    Results of numerical simulations of a recently derived most general dissipative-dispersive PDE describing evolution of a film flowing down an inclined plane are presented. They indicate that a novel complex type of spatiotemporal patterns can exist for strange attractors of nonequilibrium systems. It is suggested that real-life experiments satisfying the validity conditions of the theory are possible: the required sufficiently viscous liquids are readily available.Comment: minor corrections, 4 pages, LaTeX, 6 figures, mpeg simulations available upon or reques

    Stochastic excitation of acoustic modes in stars

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    For more than ten years, solar-like oscillations have been detected and frequencies measured for a growing number of stars with various characteristics (e.g. different evolutionary stages, effective temperatures, gravities, metal abundances ...). Excitation of such oscillations is attributed to turbulent convection and takes place in the uppermost part of the convective envelope. Since the pioneering work of Goldreich & Keely (1977), more sophisticated theoretical models of stochastic excitation were developed, which differ from each other both by the way turbulent convection is modeled and by the assumed sources of excitation. We review here these different models and their underlying approximations and assumptions. We emphasize how the computed mode excitation rates crucially depend on the way turbulent convection is described but also on the stratification and the metal abundance of the upper layers of the star. In turn we will show how the seismic measurements collected so far allow us to infer properties of turbulent convection in stars.Comment: Notes associated with a lecture given during the fall school organized by the CNRS and held in St-Flour (France) 20-24 October 2008 ; 39 pages ; 11 figure

    Solar-like oscillations in massive main-sequence stars. I. Asteroseismic signatures of the driving and damping regions

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    Motivated by the recent detection of stochastically excited modes in the massive star V1449 Aql (Belkacem et al., 2009b), already known to be a β\beta Cephei, we theoretically investigate the driving by turbulent convection. By using a full non-adiabatic computation of the damping rates, together with a computation of the energy injection rates, we provide an estimate of the amplitudes of modes excited by both the convective region induced by the iron opacity bump and the convective core. Despite uncertainties in the dynamical properties of such convective regions, we demonstrate that both are able to efficiently excite pp modes above the CoRoT observational threshold and the solar amplitudes. In addition, we emphasise the potential asteroseismic diagnostics provided by each convective region, which we hope will help to identify the one responsible for solar-like oscillations, and to give constraints on this convective zone. A forthcoming work will be dedicated to an extended investigation of the likelihood of solar-like oscillations across the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram.Comment: 9 pages, 14 figures, accepter in A&

    A stochastic flow rule for granular materials

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    There have been many attempts to derive continuum models for dense granular flow, but a general theory is still lacking. Here, we start with Mohr-Coulomb plasticity for quasi-2D granular materials to calculate (average) stresses and slip planes, but we propose a "stochastic flow rule" (SFR) to replace the principle of coaxiality in classical plasticity. The SFR takes into account two crucial features of granular materials - discreteness and randomness - via diffusing "spots" of local fluidization, which act as carriers of plasticity. We postulate that spots perform random walks biased along slip-lines with a drift direction determined by the stress imbalance upon a local switch from static to dynamic friction. In the continuum limit (based on a Fokker-Planck equation for the spot concentration), this simple model is able to predict a variety of granular flow profiles in flat-bottom silos, annular Couette cells, flowing heaps, and plate-dragging experiments -- with essentially no fitting parameters -- although it is only expected to function where material is at incipient failure and slip-lines are inadmissible. For special cases of admissible slip-lines, such as plate dragging under a heavy load or flow down an inclined plane, we postulate a transition to rate-dependent Bagnold rheology, where flow occurs by sliding shear planes. With different yield criteria, the SFR provides a general framework for multiscale modeling of plasticity in amorphous materials, cycling between continuum limit-state stress calculations, meso-scale spot random walks, and microscopic particle relaxation

    Mode excitation by turbulent convection in rotating stars. I. Effect of uniform rotation

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    We focus on the influence of the Coriolis acceleration on the stochastic excitation of oscillation modes in convective regions of rotating stars. Our aim is to estimate the asymmetry between excitation rates of prograde and retrograde modes. We extend the formalism derived for obtaining stellar pp- and gg-mode amplitudes (Samadi & Goupil 2001, Belkacem et al. 2008) to include the effect of the Coriolis acceleration. We then study the special case of uniform rotation for slowly rotating stars by performing a perturbative analysis. This allows us to consider the cases of the Sun and the CoRoT target HD 49933. We find that, in the subsonic regime, the influence of rotation as a direct contribution to mode driving is negligible in front of the Reynolds stress contribution. In slow rotators, the indirect effect of the modification of the eigenfunctions on mode excitation is investigated by performing a perturbative analysis of the excitation rates. It turns out that the excitation of solar pp modes is affected by rotation with excitation rates asymmetries between prograde and retrograde modes of the order of several percents. Solar low-order gg modes are also affected by uniform rotation and their excitation rates asymmetries are found to reach up to 10 %. The CoRoT target HD 49933 is rotating faster than the Sun (Ω/Ω8\Omega / \Omega_\odot \approx 8) and we show that the resulting excitation rates asymmetry is about 10 % for the excitation rates of pp modes. We have then demonstrated that pp and gg mode excitation rates are modified by uniform rotation through the Coriolis acceleration. Study of the effect of differential rotation is dedicated to a forthcoming paper.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted in A&

    On the intensity contrast of solar photospheric faculae and network elements

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    Sunspots, faculae and the magnetic network contribute to solar irradiance variations. The contribution due to faculae and the network is of basic importance, but suffers from considerable uncertainty. We determine the contrasts of active region faculae and the network, both as a function of heliocentric angle and magnetogram signal. To achieve this, we analyze near-simultaneous full disk images of photospheric continuum intensity and line-of-sight magnetic field provided by the Michelson Doppler Interferometer (MDI) on board the SOHO spacecraft. Starting from the surface distribution of the solar magnetic field we first construct a mask, which is then used to determine the brightness of magnetic features, and the relatively field-free part of the photosphere separately. By sorting the magnetogram signal into different bins we are able to distinguish between the contrasts of different concentrations of magnetic field. We find that the contrasts of active region faculae (large magnetogram signal) and the network (small signal) exhibit a very different CLV, showing that the populations of magnetic flux tubes are different. This implies that these elements need to be treated separately when reconstructing variations of the total solar irradiance with high precision. We have obtained an analytical expression for the contrast of photospheric magnetic features as a function of both position on the disk and magnetic field strength, by performing a 2-dimensional fit to the observations.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, uses aa.cl