303 research outputs found

    Differential rotation and meridional flow in the solar supergranulation layer: Measuring the eddy viscosity

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    We measure the eddy viscosity in the outermost layers of the solar convection zone by comparing the rotation law computed with the Reynolds stress resulting from f-plane simulations of the angular momentum transport in rotating convection with the observed differential rotation pattern. The simulations lead to a negative vertical and a positive horizontal angular momentum transport. The consequence is a subrotation of the outermost layers, as it is indeed indicated both by helioseismology and the observed rotation rates of sunspots. In order to reproduce the observed gradient of the rotation rate a value of about 1.5 x 10^{13} cm/s for the eddy viscosity is necessary. Comparison with the magnetic eddy diffusivity derived from the sunspot decay yields a surprisingly large magnetic Prandtl number of 150 for the supergranulation layer. The negative gradient of the rotation rate also drives a surface meridional flow towards the poles, in agreement with the results from Doppler measurements. The successful reproduction of the abnormally positive horizontal cross correlation (on the northern hemisphere) observed for bipolar groups then provides an independent test for the resulting eddy viscosity.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, Astronomy and Astrophysics (subm.

    Meridional flow and differential rotation by gravity darkening in fast rotating solar-type stars

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    An explanation is presented for the rather strong total surface differential rotation of the observed very young solar-type stars like AB Dor and PZ Tel. Due to its rapid rotation a nonuniform energy flux leaves the stellar core so that the outer convection zone is nonuniformly heated from below. Due to this `gravity darkening' of the equator a meridional flow is created flowing equatorwards at the surface and thus accelerating the equatorial rotation. The effect linearly grows with the normalized pole-equator difference, \epsilon, of the heat-flux at the bottom of the convection zone. A rotation rate of about 9 h leads to \epsilon=0.1 for a solar-type star. In this case the resulting equator-pole differences of the angular velocity at the stellar surface, \delta\Omega, varies from unobservable 0.005/day to the (desired) value of 0.03 day1^{-1} when the dimensionless diffusivity factors cνc_\nu and c_\chi vary between 1 and 0.1 (standard value c_\nu \simeq c_\chi \simeq 0.3, see Table 1.) In all cases the related temperature differences between pole and equator at the surface are unobservably small. The (clockwise) meridional circulation which we obtain flows opposite to the (counterclockwise) circulation appearing as a byproduct in the \Lambda-theory of the nonuniform rotation in outer convection zones. The consequences of this situation for those dynamo theories of stellar activity are discussed which work with the meridional circulation as the dominant magnetic-advection effect in latitude to produce the solar-like form of the butterfly diagram. Key words: Hydrodynamics, Star: rotation, Stars: pre-main sequence, Stellar activityComment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Astronomy and Astrophysics (subm.

    Local models of stellar convection: Reynolds stresses and turbulent heat transport

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    We study stellar convection using a local three-dimensional MHD model, with which we investigate the influence of rotation and large-scale magnetic fields on the turbulent momentum and heat transport. The former is studied by computing the Reynolds stresses, the latter by calculating the correlation of velocity and temperature fluctuations, both as functions of rotation and latitude. We find that the horisontal correlation, Q_(theta phi), capable of generating horisontal differential rotation, is mostly negative in the southern hemisphere for Coriolis numbers exceeding unity, corresponding to equatorward flux of angular momentum in accordance with solar observations. The radial component Q_(r phi) is negative for slow and intermediate rotation indicating inward transport of angular momentum, while for rapid rotation, the transport occurs outwards. Parametrisation in terms of the mean-field Lambda-effect shows qualitative agreement with the turbulence model of Kichatinov & R\"udiger (1993) for the horisontal part H \propto Q_(theta phi)/cos(theta), whereas for the vertical part, V \propto Q_(r phi)/sin(theta), agreement only for intermediate rotation exists. The Lambda-coefficients become suppressed in the limit of rapid rotation, this rotational quenching being stronger for the V component than for H. We find that the stresses are enhanced by the presence of the magnetic field for field strengths up to and above the equipartition value, without significant quenching. Concerning the turbulent heat transport, our calculations show that the transport in the radial direction is most efficient at the equatorial regions, obtains a minimum at midlatitudes, and shows a slight increase towards the poles. The latitudinal heat transport does not show a systematic trend as function of latitude or rotation.Comment: 26 pages, 20 figures, final published version. For a version with higher resolution figures, see http://cc.oulu.fi/~pkapyla/publ.htm

    Differential rotation of main sequence F stars

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    The differential rotation of a 1.2 MM_\odot zero age MS star (spectral type F8) is computed and the results are compared with those from a similar model of the Sun. The rotation pattern is determined by solving the Reynolds equation including the convective energy transport. The latter is anisotropic due to the Coriolis force causing a horizontal temperature gradient of ~ 7 K between the poles and the equator. Comparison of the transport mechanisms of angular momentum (the eddy viscosity, the Λ\Lambda-effect and the meridional flow) shows that for the F star the Λ\Lambda-effect is the most powerful transporter for rotation periods of 7 d or less. In the limit of very fast rotation the Λ\Lambda-effect is balanced by the meridional flow alone and the rotation is nearly rigid. The rotation pattern found for the F star is very similar to the solar rotation law, but the horizontal shear is about twice the solar value. As a function of the rotation period, the total equator-pole difference of the angular velocity has a (slight) maximum at a period of 7 d and (slowly) vanishes in both the limiting cases of very fast and very slow rotation. A comparison of the solar models with those for the F-type star shows a much stronger dependence of the differential surface rotation on the stellar luminosity rather than on the rotation rate.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figure

    Cycle period, differential rotation and meridional flow for early M dwarf stars

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    Recent observations suggest the existence of two characteristic cycle times for early-type M stars dependent on the rotation period. They are of order one year for the fast rotators (Prot<1P_{\rm rot}<1 day) and of order 4 years for the slower rotators. Additionally, the equator-to-pole differences of the rotation rates with δΩ\delta\Omega up to 0.03 rad d1^{-1} are known from Kepler data for the fast-rotating stars. These values are well-reproduced by the theory of large-scale flows in rotating convection zones on the basis of the Λ\Lambda effect. The resulting amplitudes umu^{\rm m} of the bottom value of the meridional circulation allows the calculation of the travel time from pole to equator at the base of the convection zone of early-type M stars. These travel times strongly increase with rotation period and they always exceed the observed cycle periods. Therefore, the operation of an advection-dominated dynamo in early M dwarfs, where the travel time must always be shorter than the cycle period, is not confirmed by our model nor the data

    Seismic inference of differential rotation in Procyon A

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    The differential rotation of the F5V-IV star Procyon A is computed for a class of models which are consistent with recent astrometric and asteroseismic data. The rotation pattern is determined by solving the Reynolds equation for motion, including the convective energy transport, where the latter is anisotropic owing to the Coriolis force action which produces a horizontal temperature gradient between the poles and the equator. All the models show a decrease of the rotation rate with increasing radius and solar-type isorotation surfaces with the equator rotating faster than the poles, the horizontal rotational shear being much smaller for models with a less extended convective envelope. The meridional flow circulation can be either clockwise or counter-clockwise, and in some cases a double latitudinal cell appears. The rotational splittings are calculated for low degree pp-modes with l=1,m=1l=1, m=1 and l=2,m=1,2l=2, m=1,2, and it is shown that, for modes with m=1m=1, the stronger is the horizontal differential rotation shear the weaker the effect on the average rotational splitting expected, whilst the opposite happens for the mode with m=2m=2. On the basis of the present study, a resolution of 10nHz10 \rm nHz in individual oscillation frequencies seems to be necessary to test the different dynamical behaviour of the proposed models, that appears barely achievable even in the forthcoming space missions. However, the average over several observed splittings could produce the required accuracy.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, A&A to appea