33 research outputs found

    Vitamin D Status and Thyroid Autoantibodies in Autoimmune Thyroiditis

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    A lack of vitamin D seems to be related to autoimmune diseases including autoimmune thyroiditis (AIT). This study intends to determine the correlation between improvement of 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] levels and AIT in patients from an outpatient endocrine clinic in Frankfurt, Germany. This study included 933 patients with thyroid peroxidase antibodies (anti-TPO-Ab) >= 34 kIU/l, including most patients with clear AIT due to a concurrent sonographic evidence of reduced echogenicity. We performed clinical evaluation and laboratory analysis at five points in time within two years retrospectively. Due to a high dropout rate within the observation period, we excluded the last two time points from analysis. Data from 933 AIT patients revealed 89% having vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency [25(OH)D 0.2). We discovered 58 patients having initially a 25(OH)D level = 75 nmol/l (median: 83.2 nmol/l, p= 75 nmol/l. Further prospective randomized controlled clinical trials are needed to finally evaluate if vitamin D has immunmodulatory effects in AIT

    Intestinal Microbiota Influence Immune Tolerance Post Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation and Intestinal GVHD

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    Under normal conditions our intestines are inhabited by trillions of diverse microorganisms composing the intestinal microbiota, which are mostly non-pathogenic anaerobic commensal bacteria vital for the maintenance of immune homeostasis. The composition and diversity of the intestinal microbiota can be disturbed by various factors including diet, antibiotics, and exposure to intestinal pathogens. Alterations of the intestinal microbiota contributes to many diseases including graft-vs.-host disease (GVHD), a life threatening complication that occurs after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (allo-HCT) caused by an allogeneic reaction of donor T cells against recipient target tissues. Intestinal GVHD is most difficult to treat and connected to a high mortality. Due to recent advances in high-throughput sequencing technology, composition of the microbiome during allo-HCT has been characterized, and some common patterns have been identified. Metabolites produced by intestinal bacteria were shown to promote intestinal tissue homeostasis and immune tolerance post-allo-HCT. In this review, we discuss the role of the intestinal microbiota and metabolites in the context of acute GVHD. Moreover, novel therapeutic approaches that aim at protecting or regenerating intestinal cell populations will be highlighted

    Human isotype‐dependent inhibitory antibody responses against Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Accumulating evidence from experimental animal models suggests that antibodies play a protective role against tuberculosis (TB). However, little is known about the antibodies generated upon Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) exposure in humans. Here, we performed a molecular and functional characterization of the human B‐cell response to MTB by generating recombinant monoclonal antibodies from single isolated B cells of untreated adult patients with acute pulmonary TB and from MTB‐exposed healthcare workers. The data suggest that the acute plasmablast response to MTB originates from reactivated memory B cells and indicates a mucosal origin. Through functional analyses, we identified MTB inhibitory antibodies against mycobacterial antigens including virulence factors that play important roles in host cell infection. The inhibitory activity of anti‐MTB antibodies was directly linked to their isotype. Monoclonal as well as purified serum IgA antibodies showed MTB blocking activity independently of Fc alpha receptor expression, whereas IgG antibodies promoted the host cell infection. Together, the data provide molecular insights into the human antibody response to MTB and may thereby facilitate the design of protective vaccination strategies

    How Can We Improve Oncofertility Care for Patients? A Systematic Scoping Review of Current International Practice and Models of Care

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    © The Author(s) 2018. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. BACKGROUND: Fertility preservation (FP) is an important quality of life issue for cancer survivors of reproductive age. Despite the existence of broad international guidelines, the delivery of oncofertility care, particularly amongst paediatric, adolescent and young adult patients, remains a challenge for healthcare professionals (HCPs). The quality of oncofertility care is variable and the uptake and utilization of FP remains low. Available guidelines fall short in providing adequate detail on how oncofertility models of care (MOC) allow for the real-world application of guidelines by HCPs. OBJECTIVE AND RATIONALE: The aim of this study was to systematically review the literature on the components of oncofertility care as defined by patient and clinician representatives, and identify the barriers, facilitators and challenges, so as to improve the implementation of oncofertility services. SEARCH METHODS: A systematic scoping review was conducted on oncofertility MOC literature published in English between 2007 and 2016, relating to 10 domains of care identified through consumer research: communication, oncofertility decision aids, age-appropriate care, referral pathways, documentation, training, supportive care during treatment, reproductive care after cancer treatment, psychosocial support and ethical practice of oncofertility care. A wide range of electronic databases (CINAHL, Embase, PsycINFO, PubMed, AEIPT, Education Research Complete, ProQuest and VOCED) were searched in order to synthesize the evidence around delivery of oncofertility care. Related citations and reference lists were searched. The review was undertaken following registration (International prospective register of systematic reviews (PROSPERO) registration number CRD42017055837) and guidelines of Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). OUTCOMES: A total of 846 potentially relevant studies were identified after the removal of duplicates. All titles and abstracts were screened by a single reviewer and the final 147 papers were screened by two reviewers. Ten papers on established MOC were identified amongst the included papers. Data were extracted from each paper and quality scores were then summarized in the oncofertility MOC summary matrix. The results identified a number of themes for improving MOC in each domain, which included: the importance of patients receiving communication that is of a higher quality and in different formats on their fertility risk and FP options; improving provision of oncofertility care in a timely manner; improving access to age-appropriate care; defining the role and scope of practice of all HCPs; and improving communication between different HCPs. Different forms of decision aids were found useful for assisting patients to understand FP options and weigh up choices. WIDER IMPLICATIONS: This analysis identifies core components for delivery of oncofertility MOC. The provision of oncofertility services requires planning to ensure services have safe and reliable referral pathways and that they are age-appropriate and include medical and psychological oncofertility care into the survivorship period. In order for this to happen, collaboration needs to occur between clinicians, allied HCPs and executives within paediatric and adult hospitals, as well as fertility clinics across both public and private services. Training of both cancer and non-cancer HCPs is needed to improve the knowledge of HCPs, the quality of care provided and the confidence of HCPs with these consultations

    Qualitätsentwicklung an Ganztagsschulen

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    Durch die Verlagerung bzw. Stärkung von Entscheidungskompetenzen auf die bzw. der Ebene der Einzelschule wird es ermöglicht, Lösungs-/Gestaltungsansätze zu entwickeln, die auf die jeweiligen Bedürfnisse und Gegebenheiten vor Ort zugeschnitten werden können. Die kritische Auseinandersetzung mit den Erfahrungen anderer, die auf entsprechenden Fortbildungsveranstaltungen kommuniziert werden können, lässt Good-practice-Beispiele entstehen, aus denen sich Anregungen zur Realisierung eigener Vorhaben im Zuge der Ganztagsschulentwicklung ableiten lassen. Der dritte bayerische Ganztagsschulkongress "Qualitätsentwicklung an Ganztagsschulen" am 1. und 2. März 2012 in Forchheim bot den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern anhand diverser Vorträge, Workshops und Schulbesuchen die Möglichkeit zu Diskussion und Austausch. Der vorliegende Band dokumentiert die Veranstaltung

    Analysis and development of a modern corporate design based on the UNIsono Chor Munich

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    In der nachfolgenden Arbeit wird die Neuentwicklung des Corporate Designs für den UNIsono Chor München vorgestellt. Jede Unternehmung sollte heute ein äußerliches Erscheinungsbild haben, welches einen großen Wiedererkennungswert hat, um sich auf dem Markt zu etablieren und um neue Rezipienten zu werben. Um ein Corporate Design zu entwickeln, welches vor allem einen nachhaltigen Charakter hat wurde der Chor und die allgemeinen Grundlagen des Corporate Designs vorab betrachtet und die aktuelle Situation analysiert. Mit der Neuentwicklung ergeben sich viele Möglichkeiten, vor allem im Bereich der Corporate Communications und der allgemeinen Außenwirkung, die ebenfalls aufgezeigt werden. Mit diesem neuen Erscheinungsbild wird die Persönlichkeit des Chores visuell dargestellt. Die Wiedererkennung ist damit gewährleistet und die Zielgruppe wird angesprochen

    Mitarbeiterkompetenzen spielerisch entwickeln: Neue Aufgabenprofile in der logistischen Produktionsversorgung und ihre Herausforderungen für die betriebliche Weiterbildung

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    Die Umsetzung der Industrie 4.0 findet verstärkt im Shopfloor statt und ist von den Fähigkeiten der operativen Fachkräfte abhängig. Daher müssen Unternehmen ihre Beschäftigten mithilfe innovativer Lernkonzepte auf die neuen Arbeitsanforderungen vorbereiten. Dabei stellen Konzepte wie „Serious Games“ vielversprechende Ansätze dar, die es den Beschäftigten ermöglichen einen ersten Erfahrungsschatz im Umgang mit Industrie-4.0-Technologien und den damit einhergehenden Prozessveränderungen aufzubauen. Dieser Beitrag beschreibt den Einsatz eines Serious Games am Beispiel der Implementierung eines Fahrerlosen-Transportsystems (FTS) im Shopfloor des Produktionswerks Neckarsulm der AUDI AG

    Thinking Methods in Media and Religion

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    Inspired by a workshop held at the University of Zurich in November 2014, we inaugurate the Journal for Religion, Film and Media (JRFM) with a special issue dedicated to methodology. The field of media and religion is characterised by a multitude of approaches to both religion and media. The choice of communication paradigms and analytical procedures to be used in an investigation of the intertwined relationship of religion and media depends on the sources, the questions we seek to answer and the cultural context. This issue of JRFM presents a range of methodological procedures by highlighting three selected communication models: the first part considers a model that defines communication as an overlap of spaces that mediates meaning-making processes; the second part looks at the employment of a gender lens for investigation of the relationship between media and religion; the final part analyses the interaction between media and religion in the context of various contemporary art productions. While these models have been drawn from a broad range of possible topics, those selected share a common concern: they involve reflection on methodological steps used to analyse interactions always characterised by non-linear and multi-causal relations. Each of the three main sections contains a key article and two responses, with the methodological questions addressed by invited contributors commented upon, discussed critically and developed further by members of the mentioned research groups

    An Arabidopsis FANCJ helicase homologue is required for DNA crosslink repair and rDNA repeat stability.

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    Proteins of the Fanconi Anemia (FA) complementation group are required for crosslink (CL) repair in humans and their loss leads to severe pathological phenotypes. Here we characterize a homolog of the Fe-S cluster helicase FANCJ in the model plant Arabidopsis, AtFANCJB, and show that it is involved in interstrand CL repair. It acts at a presumably early step in concert with the nuclease FAN1 but independently of the nuclease AtMUS81, and is epistatic to both error-prone and error-free post-replicative repair in Arabidopsis. The simultaneous knock out of FANCJB and the Fe-S cluster helicase RTEL1 leads to induced cell death in root meristems, indicating an important role of the enzymes in replicative DNA repair. Surprisingly, we found that AtFANCJB is involved in safeguarding rDNA stability in plants. In the absence of AtRTEL1 and AtFANCJB, we detected a synergetic reduction to about one third of the original number of 45S rDNA copies. It is tempting to speculate that the detected rDNA instability might be due to deficiencies in G-quadruplex structure resolution and might thus contribute to pathological phenotypes of certain human genetic diseases