286 research outputs found

    Susanne Timm / Jana Costa / Claudia Kühn / Annette Scheunpflug: Kulturelle Bildung. Theoretische Perspektiven, methodologische Herausforderungen und empirische Befunde. Münster, New York: Waxmann 2020 (423 S.) [Rezension]

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    Rezension von: Susanne Timm / Jana Costa / Claudia Kühn / Annette Scheunpflug: Kulturelle Bildung. Theoretische Perspektiven, methodologische Herausforderungen und empirische Befunde. Münster, New York: Waxmann 2020 (423 S.; ISBN 978-3-8309-4150-7; 44,90 EUR) [Rezension

    Expeditions to Antarctica: ANT-Land 2022/23 NEUMAYER STATION III, Kohnen Station and Field Campaigns

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    Leiden behornte Milchkühe weniger unter leichtem bis moderatem Hitzestress als enthornte?

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    Es wird vermutetet, dass Hörner bei der Thermoregulation von Rindern eine Rolle spielen könnten. Deshalb wurde die Atemfrequenz, als Indikator für Hitzestress, von behornten und enthornten Europäischen Milchkühen, die gemeinsam in einer Herde im Stall gehalten wurden, erfasst. Die Gruppenzusammensetzung (N=7) war bezüglich Laktationsstand (35-354 d), Milchleistung (5,6-36,6 kg/d) und Fellfarbe balanciert. Die Atemfrequenz jedes Tieres wurde an fünf aufeinanderfolgenden Tagen durch eine Person erfasst. Der Temperature Humidity Index (THI) wurde alle 10 min. im Stall gemessen. Zur Datenanalyse wurde ein gemischtes Modell verwendet (zufälliger Faktor: Tier, fixe Faktoren: Hornstatus, THI). Der THI lag zwischen 71,9-81,5 (Mittel=75,9). Mit steigendem THI, stieg auch die Atemfrequenz an (Modellschätzwert=0,9, P=0,0341). Die Atemfrequenz lag zwischen 29,6-78,5 (Mittel=55,0). Der Hornstatus hatte keinen Einfluss auf die Atemfrequenz (P=0,5294). Im Stall hatte die Behornung keinen abschwächenden Effekt auf leichten bis moderaten Hitzestress

    Quality assessment of spaceborne sea surface salinity observations over the northern North Atlantic

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    Spaceborne sea surface salinity (SSS) measurements provided by the European Space Agency's (ESA) “Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity” (SMOS) and the National Aeronautical Space Agency's (NASA) “Aquarius/SAC-D” missions, covering the period from May 2012 to April 2013, are compared against in situ salinity measurements obtained in the northern North Atlantic between 20°N and 80°N. In cold water, SMOS SSS fields show a temperature-dependent negative SSS bias of up to −2 g/kg for temperatures <5°C. Removing this bias significantly reduces the differences to independent ship-based thermosalinograph data but potentially corrects simultaneously also other effects not related to temperature, such as land contamination or radio frequency interference (RFI). The resulting time-mean bias, averaged over the study area, amounts to 0.1 g/kg. A respective correction applied previously by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory to the Aquarius data is shown here to have successfully removed an SST-related bias in our study area. For both missions, resulting spatial structures of SSS variability agree very well with those available from an eddy-resolving numerical simulation and from Argo data and, additionally they also show substantial salinity changes on monthly and seasonal time scales. Some fraction of the root-mean-square difference between in situ, and SMOS and Aquarius data (approximately 0.9 g/kg) can be attributed to short time scale ocean processes, notably at the Greenland shelf, and could represent associated sampling errors there

    Combined vaginal-laparoscopic-abdominal approach for the surgical treatment of rectovaginal endometriosis with bowel resection: a comparison of this new technique with various established approaches by laparoscopy and laparotomy

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    Background: A new combined vaginal-laparoscopic-abdominal approach for rectovaginal endometriosis allows intraoperative digital bowel palpation to assess bowel infiltration and prevents unnecessary bowel resections. This technique was compared to various established approaches where bowel resection was indicated by clinical symptoms and imaging results only. Methods: Patients operated for rectovaginal endometriosis with endometriotic bowel involvement between March 2002 and April 2006 at the gynecological department Charité, Berlin, Germany were included. Bowel involvement was suspected by clinical symptoms, clinical examination, and/or results of imaging techniques. The study group (SG) was operated by the combined vaginal-laparoscopic-abdominal approach (n=30) and the control group (CG) (n=18) by laparoscopy (n=4), laparotomy (n=3), laparoscopy followed by laparotomy for bowel resection (n=8) or laparoscopy followed by vaginal bowel resection (n=3). In all cases histopathology was performed. Results: The study group and the control group were comparable regarding age, body mass index, symptoms, American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) classification, colorectal operative procedures, operating times, length of the resected bowel specimen, and concomitant surgical procedures. However, only in the CG were protective stomas required (p=0.047). There were significantly less complications in the SG (p=0.027). No patient experienced leakage of anastomosis. Bowel involvement by endometriosis was confirmed by histopathology in the SG in all cases whereas in the CG only in 16/18 (88.9%) cases. Hospitalization time was significantly shorter in the SG. Rehospitalizations were necessary only in the CG to repair one rectovaginal fistula and to reverse three stomas. Conclusions: With the presented technique of a combined vaginal-laparoscopic-abdominal surgical procedure for rectovaginal endometriosis, we showed that the complication rate, rehospitalization rate, and hospitalization time were significantly lower than in the patients of the CG. Furthermore, the combined vaginal-laparoscopic-abdominal technique allowed better evaluation of the invasiveness of the endometriotic lesion and avoided unnecessary bowel surger

    Neural underpinnings of preferential pain learning and the modulatory role of fear

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    Due to its unique biological relevance, pain-related learning might differ from learning from other aversive experiences. This functional magnetic resonance imaging study compared neural mechanisms underlying the acquisition and extinction of different threats in healthy humans. We investigated whether cue-pain associations are acquired faster and extinguished slower than cue associations with an equally unpleasant tone. Additionally, we studied the modulatory role of stimulus-related fear. Therefore, we used a differential conditioning paradigm, in which somatic heat pain stimuli and unpleasantness-matched auditory stimuli served as US. Our results show stronger acquisition learning for pain- than tone-predicting cues, which was augmented in participants with relatively higher levels of fear of pain. These behavioral findings were paralleled by activation of brain regions implicated in threat processing (insula, amygdala) and personal significance (ventromedial prefrontal cortex). By contrast, extinction learning seemed to be less dependent on the threat value of the US, both on the behavioral and neural levels. Amygdala activity, however, scaled with pain-related fear during extinction learning. Our findings on faster and stronger (i.e. “preferential”) pain learning and the role of fear of pain are consistent with the biological relevance of pain and may be relevant to the development or maintenance of chronic pain


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    The increasing demand for bioenergy and the combination of agricultural production with conservation has made agroforestry to a sustainable land-management option. Aboveground woody biomass plays a decisive role considering the economic value of the agroforestry systems as well as the carbon storage. With the objective to study aboveground woody biomass production of agroforestry systems with different cultivation methods (organic/ integrated), short rotation plantations of different tree species were established 2009 and coppiced in 2012. The studied tree species were black alder (Alnus glutinosa), black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia), poplar “Max 3”, (Populus maximowiczii x Populus nigra) and willow “Inger” (Salix triandra x Salix viminalis). At the end of each growing season biomass production was estimated by an allometric model that predicted individual tree biomass from stem diameter. At the end of the rotation biomass was estimated directly by harvesting. Biomass production ranged from 3.9 to 10.9 tDM ha-1a-1 with poplar and locust having highest growth rates. Significant variation was observed between tree species, but not between management (organic/ integrated), what indicates that organic and integrated agroforestry systems can have a comparable tree biomass production. Small-scale differences of the soil caused high intraspecific variation and suggest the inclusion of further soil investigations

    Lovgivning av betydning for arbeid og arbeidsinkludering

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    I dette kapittelet rettes søkelyset mot arbeidsgivernes og arbeidstakernes rettigheter og plikter når det gjelder arbeidsinkludering; å få arbeid, beholde arbeid eller komme tilbake i arbeid. Temaer som vil bli belyst er retten til likebehandling og forbud mot diskriminering i arbeidslivet, samt Navs ansvarsområder innenfor arbeidsinkludering med tanke på de ytelser og bistandsformer som forvaltes av instansen

    Confirmatory factor analysis of the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS-5) based on DSM-5 vs. ICD-11 criteria

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    Introduction Many studies have investigated the latent structure of the DSM-5 criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, most research on this topic was based on self-report data. We aimed to investigate the latent structure of PTSD based on a clinical interview, the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS-5). Method A clinical sample of 345 participants took part in this multi-centre study. Participants were assessed with the CAPS-5 and the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist (PCL-5). We evaluated eight competing models of DSM-5 PTSD symptoms and three competing models of ICD-11 PTSD symptoms. Results The internal consistency of the CAPS-5 was replicated. In CFAs, the Anhedonia model emerged as the best fitting model within all tested DSM-5 models. However, when compared with the Anhedonia model, the non-nested ICD-11 model as a less complex three-factor solution showed better model fit indices. Discussion We discuss the findings in the context of earlier empirical findings as well as theoretical models of PTSD