767 research outputs found

    A Corona Australis cloud filament seen in NIR scattered light II: Comparison with sub-millimeter data

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    We study a northern part of the Corona Australis molecular cloud that consists of a filament and a dense sub-millimetre core inside the filament. Our aim is to measure dust temperature and sub-mm emissivity within the region. We also look for confirmation that near-infrared (NIR) surface brightness can be used to study the structure of even very dense clouds. We extend our previous NIR mapping south of the filament. The dust colour temperatures are estimated using Spitzer 160um and APEX/Laboca 870um maps. The column densities derived based on the reddening of background stars, NIR surface brightness, and thermal sub-mm dust emission are compared. A three dimensional toy model of the filament is used to study the effect of anisotropic illumination on near-infrared surface brightness and the reliability of dust temperature determination. Relative to visual extinction, the estimated emissivity at 870um is kappa(870) = (1.3 +- 0.4) x 10^{-5} 1/mag. This is similar to the values found in diffuse medium. A significant increase in the sub-millimetre emissivity seems to be excluded. In spite of saturation, NIR surface brightness was able to accurately pinpoint, and better than measurements of the colour excesses of background stars, the exact location of the column density maximum. Both near- and far-infrared data show that the intensity of the radiation field is higher south of the filament.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, accepted to A&

    Modelling line emission of deuterated H_3^+ from prestellar cores

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    Context: The depletion of heavy elements in cold cores of interstellar molecular clouds can lead to a situation where deuterated forms of H_3^+ are the most useful spectroscopic probes of the physical conditions. Aims: The aim is to predict the observability of the rotational lines of H_2D^+ and D_2H^+ from prestellar cores. Methods: Recently derived rate coefficients for the H_3^+ + H_2 isotopic system were applied to the "complete depletion" reaction scheme to calculate abundance profiles in hydrostatic core models. The ground-state lines of H_2D^+(o) (372 GHz) and D_2H^+(p) (692 GHz) arising from these cores were simulated. The excitation of the rotational levels of these molecules was approximated by using the state-to-state coefficients for collisions with H_2. We also predicted line profiles from cores with a power-law density distribution advocated in some previous studies. Results: The new rate coefficients introduce some changes to the complete depletion model, but do not alter the general tendencies. One of the modifications with respect to the previous results is the increase of the D_3^+ abundance at the cost of other isotopologues. Furthermore, the present model predicts a lower H_2D^+ (o/p) ratio, and a slightly higher D_2H^+ (p/o) ratio in very cold, dense cores, as compared with previous modelling results. These nuclear spin ratios affect the detectability of the submm lines of H_2D^+(o) and D_2H^+(p). The previously detected H_2D^+ and D_2H^+ lines towards the core I16293E, and the H_2D^+ line observed towards Oph D can be reproduced using the present excitation model and the physical models suggested in the original papers.Comment: 10 pages, 11 Figures; ver2: updated some of the Figures, added some references, added an entry to acknowledgement

    The kinetic temperature of Barnard 68

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    We have observed the nearby isolated globule Barnard 68 (B68) in the (J,K)=(1,1) and (2,2) inversion lines of ammonia. The gas kinetic temperature derived from these is T=10+-1.2 K. The observed line-widths are almost thermal: DV=0.181+-0.003 km/s (DVtherm=0.164+-0.010 km/s), supporting the earlier hypothesis that B68 is in hydrostatic equilibrium. The kinetic temperature is an input parameter to the physical cloud model put forward recently, and we discuss the impact of the new value in this context.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in A&A (Letters

    Synthetic Molecular Clouds from Supersonic MHD and Non-LTE Radiative Transfer Calculations

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    The dynamics of molecular clouds is characterized by supersonic random motions in the presence of a magnetic field. We study this situation using numerical solutions of the three-dimensional compressible magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) equations in a regime of highly supersonic random motions. The non-LTE radiative transfer calculations are performed through the complex density and velocity fields obtained as solutions of the MHD equations, and more than 5x10^5 synthetic molecular spectra are obtained. We use a numerical flow without gravity or external forcing. The flow is super-Alfvenic and corresponds to model A of Padoan and Nordlund (1997). Synthetic data consist of sets of 90x90 synthetic spectra with 60 velocity channels, in five molecular transitions: J=1-0 and J=2-1 for 12CO and 13CO, and J=1-0 for CS. Though we do not consider the effects of stellar radiation, gravity, or mechanical energy input from discrete sources, our models do contain the basic physics of magneto-fluid dynamics and non-LTE radiation transfer and are therefore more realistic than previous calculations. As a result, these synthetic maps and spectra bear a remarkable resemblance to the corresponding observations of real clouds.Comment: 33 pages, 12 figures included, 5 jpeg figures not included (fig1a, fig1b, fig3, fig4 fig5), submitted to Ap

    Extending the limits of globule detection -- ISOPHOT Serendipity Survey Observations of interstellar clouds

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    A faint I170=4I_{\rm 170}=4 MJysr1^{-1} bipolar globule was discovered with the ISOPHOT 170 μ\mum Serendipity Survey (ISOSS). ISOSS J 20246+6541 is a cold (Td14.5T_{\rm d}\approx 14.5 K) FIR source without an IRAS pointsource counterpart. In the Digitized Sky Survey B band it is seen as a 3\arcmin size bipolar nebulosity with an average excess surface brightness of 26\approx 26 mag/\square \arcsec . The CO column density distribution determined by multi-isotopic, multi-level CO measurements with the IRAM-30m telescope agrees well with the optical appearance. An average hydrogen column density of 1021\approx 10^{21}cm2^{-2} was derived from both the FIR and CO data. Using a kinematic distance estimate of 400 pc the NLTE modelling of the CO, HCO+^+, and CS measurements gives a peak density of 104\approx 10^4cm3^{-3}. The multiwavelength data characterise ISOSS 20246+6541 as a representative of a class of globules which has not been discovered so far due to their small angular size and low 100μ\mu m brightness. A significant overabundance of 13^{13}CO is found X(13CO)150×X(C18O)X(^{13}CO) \ge 150\times X(C^{18}O). This is likely due to isotope selective chemical processes.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Luminous Infrared Galaxies With the Submillimeter Array. III. The Dense Kiloparsec Molecular Concentrations of Arp 299

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    We have used high resolution (~2.3") observations of the local (D = 46 Mpc) luminous infrared galaxy Arp 299 to map out the physical properties of the molecular gas which provides the fuel for its extreme star formation activity. The 12CO J=3-2, 12CO J=2-1 and 13CO J=2-1 lines were observed with the Submillimeter Array and the short spacings of the 12CO J=2-1 and J=3-2 observations have been recovered using James Clerk Maxwell Telescope single dish observations. We use the radiative transfer code RADEX to estimate the physical properties (density, column density and temperature) of the different regions in this system. The RADEX solutions of the two galaxy nuclei, IC 694 and NGC 3690, are consistent with a wide range of gas components, from warm moderately dense gas with T_{kin} > 30 K and n(H_{2}) ~ 0.3 - 3 x 10^{3} cm^{-3} to cold dense gas with T_{kin} ~ 10-30 K and n(H_{2}) > 3 x 10^{3} cm^{-3}. The overlap region is shown to have a better constrained solution with T_{\rm{kin}}$ ~ 10-50 K and n(H_{2}) ~ 1-30 x 10^{3} cm^{-3}. We estimate the gas masses and star formation rates of each region in order to derive molecular gas depletion times. The depletion times of all regions (20-60 Myr) are found to be about 2 orders of magnitude lower than those of normal spiral galaxies. This rapid depletion time can probably be explained by a high fraction of dense gas on kiloparsec scales in Arp 299. We estimate the CO-to-H_{2} factor, \alpha_{co} to be 0.4 \pm 0.3 (3 x 10^{-4}/ x_{CO}) M_{sol} (K km s^{-1} pc^{2})^{-1} for the overlap region. This value agrees well with values determined previously for more advanced merger systems.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures, ApJ accepte

    Direct evidence of dust growth in L183 from MIR light scattering

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    Theoretical arguments suggest that dust grains should grow in the dense cold parts of molecular clouds. Evidence of larger grains has so far been gathered in near/mid infrared extinction and millimeter observations. Interpreting the data is, however, aggravated by the complex interplay of density and dust properties (as well as temperature for thermal emission). We present new Spitzer data of L183 in bands that are sensitive and insensitive to PAHs. The visual extinction AV map derived in a former paper was fitted by a series of 3D Gaussian distributions. For different dust models, we calculate the scattered MIR radiation images of structures that agree agree with the AV map and compare them to the Spitzer data. The Spitzer data of L183 show emission in the 3.6 and 4.5 micron bands, while the 5.8 micron band shows slight absorption. The emission layer of stochastically heated particles should coincide with the layer of strongest scattering of optical interstellar radiation, which is seen as an outer surface on I band images different from the emission region seen in the Spitzer images. Moreover, PAH emission is expected to strongly increase from 4.5 to 5.8 micron, which is not seen. Hence, we interpret this emission to be MIR cloudshine. Scattered light modeling when assuming interstellar medium dust grains without growth does not reproduce flux measurable by Spitzer. In contrast, models with grains growing with density yield images with a flux and pattern comparable to the Spitzer images in the bands 3.6, 4.5, and 8.0 micron.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Numerical methods for non-LTE line radiative transfer: Performance and convergence characteristics

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    Comparison is made between a number of independent computer programs for radiative transfer in molecular rotational lines. The test models are spherically symmetric circumstellar envelopes with a given density and temperature profile. The first two test models have a simple power law density distribution, constant temperature and a fictive 2-level molecule, while the other two test models consist of an inside-out collapsing envelope observed in rotational transitions of HCO+. For the 2-level molecule test problems all codes agree well to within 0.2%, comparable to the accuracy of the individual codes, for low optical depth and up to 2% for high optical depths (tau=4800). The problem of the collapsing cloud in HCO+ has a larger spread in results, ranging up to 12% for the J=4 population. The spread is largest at the radius where the transition from collisional to radiative excitation occurs. The resulting line profiles for the HCO+ J=4-3 transition agree to within 10%, i.e., within the calibration accuracy of most current telescopes. The comparison project and the results described in this paper provide a benchmark for future code development, and give an indication of the typical accuracy of present day calculations of molecular line transfer.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&