194 research outputs found

    High-latitude artificial aurora using the EISCAT high-gain HF facility

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    The EISCAT high-frequency (HF) transmitter facility at Ramfjord, Norway, has been used to accelerate F-region electrons sufficiently to excite the oxygen atoms and nitrogen molecules, resulting in optical emissions at 630, 557.7 and 427.8 nm. During O-mode transmissions at 5.423 MHz, using 630 MW effective radiated power, in the hours after sunset on 12 November 2001 several new observations were made, including: (1) The first high-latitude observation of an HF induced optical emission at 427.8 nm and (2) Optical rings being formed at HF on followed by their collapse into a central blob. Both discoveries remain unexplained with current theories

    Checking bounded reachability in asynchronous systems by symbolic event tracing

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    This report presents a new symbolic technique for checking reachability properties of asynchronous systems by reducing the problem to satisfiability in restrained difference logic. The analysis is bounded by fixing a finite set of potential events, each of which may occur at most once in any order. The events are specified using high-level Petri nets. The logic encoding describes the space of possible causal links between events rather than possible sequences of states as in Bounded Model Checking. Independence between events is exploited intrinsically without partial order reductions, and the handling of data is symbolic. On a family of benchmarks, the proposed approach is consistently faster than Bounded Model Checking. In addition, this report presents a compact encoding of the restrained subset of difference logic in propositional logic

    Angular and velocity distributions of tungsten sputtered by low energy argon ions

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    Sputtering by ions with low near-threshold energies is investigated. Experiments and simulations are conducted for tungsten sputtering by low-energy, 85-200 eV Ar atoms. The angular distributions of sputtered particles are measured. A new method for molecular dynamics simulation of sputtering taking into account random crystallographic surface orientation is developed, and applied for the case under consideration. The simulations approximate experimental results well. At low energies the distributions acquire "butterfly-like" shape with lower sputtering yields for close to normal angles comparing to the cosine distribution. The energy distributions of sputtered particles were simulated. The Thompson distribution remains valid down to near-threshold 85 eV case. (C) 2017 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Genome-wide association study of primary tooth eruption identifies pleiotropic loci associated with height and craniofacial distances

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    Twin and family studies indicate that the timing of primary tooth eruption is highly heritable, with estimates typically exceeding 80%. To identify variants involved in primary tooth eruption we performed a population based genome-wide association study of ‘age at first tooth’ and ‘number of teeth’ using 5998 and 6609 individuals respectively from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) and 5403 individuals from the 1966 Northern Finland Birth Cohort (NFBC1966). We tested 2,446,724 SNPs imputed in both studies. Analyses were controlled for the effect of gestational age, sex and age of measurement. Results from the two studies were combined using fixed effects inverse variance meta-analysis. We identified a total of fifteen independent loci, with ten loci reaching genome-wide significance (p<5x10−8) for ‘age at first tooth’ and eleven loci for ‘number of teeth’. Together these associations explain 6.06% of the variation in ‘age of first tooth’ and 4.76% of the variation in ‘number of teeth’. The identified loci included eight previously unidentified loci, some containing genes known to play a role in tooth and other developmental pathways, including a SNP in the protein-coding region of BMP4 (rs17563, P= 9.080x10−17). Three of these loci, containing the genes HMGA2, AJUBA and ADK, also showed evidence of association with craniofacial distances, particularly those indexing facial width. Our results suggest that the genome-wide association approach is a powerful strategy for detecting variants involved in tooth eruption, and potentially craniofacial growth and more generally organ development

    Inkjet Printed Large-Area Flexible Few-Layer Graphene Thermoelectrics

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    Graphene-based organic nanocomposites have ascended as promising candidates for thermoelectric energy conversion. In order to adopt existing scalable printing methods for developing thermostable graphene-based thermoelectric devices, optimizations of both the material ink and the thermoelectric properties of the resulting films are required. Here, inkjet printed large-area flexible graphene thin films with outstanding thermoelectric properties are reported. The thermal and electronic transport properties of the films reveal the so-called phonon-glass electron-crystal character (i.e. electrical transport behaviour akin to that of few-layer graphene flakes with quenched thermal transport arising from the disordered nanoporous structure). As a result, the all-graphene films show a room-temperature thermoelectric power factor of 18.7 µW m−1 K−2, representing over a three-fold improvement to previous solution-processed all-graphene structures. Our demonstration of inkjet printed thermoelectric devices underscores the potential for future flexible, scalable and low-cost thermoelectric applications, such as harvesting energy from body heat in wearable applications.EPSRC (EP/L016087/1) Royal Academy of Engineering (Graphlex

    Nicotinic Receptor Alpha7 Expression during Tooth Morphogenesis Reveals Functional Pleiotropy

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    The expression of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) subtype, alpha7, was investigated in the developing teeth of mice that were modified through homologous recombination to express a bi-cistronic IRES-driven tau-enhanced green fluorescent protein (GFP); alpha7GFP) or IRES-Cre (alpha7Cre). The expression of alpha7GFP was detected first in cells of the condensing mesenchyme at embryonic (E) day E13.5 where it intensifies through E14.5. This expression ends abruptly at E15.5, but was again observed in ameloblasts of incisors at E16.5 or molar ameloblasts by E17.5–E18.5. This expression remains detectable until molar enamel deposition is completed or throughout life as in the constantly erupting mouse incisors. The expression of alpha7GFP also identifies all stages of innervation of the tooth organ. Ablation of the alpha7-cell lineage using a conditional alpha7Cre×ROSA26-LoxP(diphtheria toxin A) strategy substantially reduced the mesenchyme and this corresponded with excessive epithelium overgrowth consistent with an instructive role by these cells during ectoderm patterning. However, alpha7knock-out (KO) mice exhibited normal tooth size and shape indicating that under normal conditions alpha7 expression is dispensable to this process. The function of ameloblasts in alpha7KO mice is altered relative to controls. High resolution micro-computed tomography analysis of adult mandibular incisors revealed enamel volume of the alpha7KO was significantly reduced and the organization of enamel rods was altered relative to controls. These results demonstrate distinct and varied spatiotemporal expression of alpha7 during tooth development, and they suggest that dysfunction of this receptor would have diverse impacts upon the adult organ

    The FEBEX benchmark test: case definition and comparison of modelling approaches

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    The FEBEX (Full-scale Engineered Barriers Experiment in Crystalline Host Rock) ‘‘in situ’’ test was installed at the Grimsel Test Site underground laboratory (Switzerland) and is a near-to-real scale simulation of the Spanish reference concept of deep geological storage in crystalline host rock. A modelling exercise, aimed at predicting field behaviour, was divided in three parts. In Part A, predictions for both the total water inflow to the tunnel as well as the water pressure changes induced by the boring of the tunnel were required. In Part B, predictions for local field variables, such as temperature, relative humidity, stresses and displacements at selected points in the bentonite barrier, and global variables, such as the total input power to the heaters were required. In Part C, predictions for temperature, stresses, water pressures and displacements in selected points of the host rock were required. Ten Modelling Teams from Europe, North America and Japan were involved in the analysis of the test. Differences among approaches may be found in the constitutive models used, in the simplifications made to the balance equations and in the geometric symmetries considered. Several aspects are addressed in the paper: the basic THM physical phenomena which dominate the test response are discussed, a comparison of different modelling results with actual measurements is presented and a discussion is given to explain the performance of the various predictions.Peer Reviewe

    Lymph vascular invasion in invasive mammary carcinomas identified by the endothelial lymphatic marker D2-40 is associated with other indicators of poor prognosis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Immunohistochemical studies of lymphatic vessels have been limited by a lack of specific markers. Recently, the novel D2-40 antibody, which selectively marks endothelium of lymphatic vessels, was released. The aim of our study is to compare lymphatic and blood vessel invasion detected by hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) versus that detected by immunohistochemistry, relating them with morphologic and molecular prognostic factors.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We selected 123 cases of invasive mammary carcinomas stratified into three subgroups according to axillary lymph node status: macrometastases, micrometastases, and lymph node negative. Lymphatic (LVI) and blood (BVI) vessel invasion were evaluated by H&E and immunohistochemistry using the D2-40 and CD31 antibodies, and related to histologic tumor type and grade, estrogen and progesterone receptors, E-cadherin, Ki67, p53, and Her2/<it>neu </it>expression.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>LVI was detected in H&E-stained sections in 17/123 cases (13.8%), and in D2-40 sections in 35/123 cases (28.5%) (Kappa = 0.433). BVI was detected in H&E-stained sections in 5/123 cases (4.1%), and in CD31 stained sections in 19/123 cases (15.4%) (Kappa = 0.198). LVI is positively related to higher histologic grade (p = 0.013), higher Ki67 expression (p = 0.00013), and to the presence of macrometastases (p = 0.002), and inversely related to estrogen (p = 0.0016) and progesterone (p = 0.00017) receptors expression.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>D2-40 is a reliable marker of lymphatic vessels and is a useful tool for lymphatic emboli identification in immunostained sections of breast carcinomas with higher identification rates than H&E. Lymphatic vessel invasion was related to other features (high combined histologic grade, high Ki67 score, negative hormone receptors expression) associated with worse prognosis, probable reflecting a potential for lymphatic metastatic spread and aggressive behavior.</p

    Lymphatic vessel density and VEGF-C expression are significantly different among benign and malignant thyroid lesions

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    Thyroid cancer is the most frequent endocrine neoplasia worldwide. The route for metastasis and loco-regional invasion preferentially occurs by lymphatic vessels. For this reason, the assessment of lymphatic vessel density (LVD) is supposed to represent both a prognostic parameter and also a potential therapeutic target. In order to evaluate the value of LVD in benign and malignant thyroid lesions, we analyzed 110 thyroidectomy specimens using D2-40, a specific marker for lymphatic vessels and vascular endothelial growth factor C (VEGF-C), the most potent molecule of lymphatic proliferation. LVD was significantly different between papillary and follicular carcinomas in total (p = 0.045) and peritumoral area (p = 0.042). Follicular adenoma and follicular carcinoma showed an important difference of intra- (p = 0.019) and peritumoral (p = 0.033) LVD. VEGF-C was more markedly expressed in malignancies than in benign lesions (p = 0.0001). Almost all cancers with high positive VEGF-C expression also exhibited increased peritumoral LVD (p = 0.049) when compared with the benign lesions. Indeed, the high peritumoral LVD of malignant thyroid lesions is an important finding for surgery planning and supports the practice of total thyroidectomy in malignant thyroid neoplasm's since the lymphatic peritumoral vessels definitely are an escape path for tumor cells