1,232 research outputs found

    Nonparametric reconstruction of the Om diagnostic to test LCDM

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    Cosmic acceleration is usually related with the unknown dark energy, which equation of state, w(z), is constrained and numerically confronted with independent astrophysical data. In order to make a diagnostic of w(z), the introduction of a null test of dark energy can be done using a diagnostic function of redshift, Om. In this work we present a nonparametric reconstruction of this diagnostic using the so-called Loess-Simex factory to test the concordance model with the advantage that this approach offers an alternative way to relax the use of priors and find a possible 'w' that reliably describe the data with no previous knowledge of a cosmological model. Our results demonstrate that the method applied to the dynamical Om diagnostic finds a preference for a dark energy model with equation of state w =-2/3, which correspond to a static domain wall network.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Le projet de code civil pour la RĂ©publique argentine

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    Le Code civil de la RĂ©publique argentine a Ă©tĂ© sanctionnĂ© le 29 septembre 1869 et il est en vigueur depuis 1871. Un projet de nouveau code civil a Ă©tĂ© prĂ©sentĂ© en dĂ©cembre 1998. La Commission de rĂ©forme nommĂ©e pour le rĂ©diger a tenu compte des enseignements du droit comparĂ© et le Code civil du QuĂ©bec a mĂ©ritĂ© une mention spĂ©ciale parmi les sources consultĂ©es par la Commission de rĂ©forme. Bien que le projet ait beaucoup de points communs avec le droit quĂ©bĂ©cois, il comporte aussi des diffĂ©rences importantes comme l’existence d’une « partie gĂ©nĂ©rale » dans le projet et l’absence de thĂ©orie de l’imprĂ©vision dans le droit quĂ©bĂ©cois. MĂȘme si le projet n’est pas encore approuvĂ©, il a permis d’entamer un dialogue fĂ©cond entre la doctrine quĂ©bĂ©coise et la doctrine argentine.The Civil Code of the Argentine Republic was sanctioned on September 29, 1869 and it has been in force since 1871. A projected new code was presented in December, 1998. The Reform Commission appointed for drafting the code took into account the lessons from comparative law, and the Civil Code of QuĂ©bec earned a special mention among the sources consulted by the Reform Commission. While the project has many points in common with QuĂ©bec law, it also contains important differences such as the presence of a « general part » in the project and the absence of a theory of unforeseen events in QuĂ©bec law. Even if the project has not yet been approved, it has made possible an in-depth dialogue between doctrines in the QuĂ©bec and the Argentine legal systems

    La libertad de expresiĂłn y la represiĂłn penal de ideologĂ­as en el derecho argentino

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    [Resumen] La historia de la Argentina está marcada por la intolerancia respecto de los que piensan diferente. El retorno a la democracia, en 1983, cambió parcialmente este escenario de intolerancia. Sin embargo, existe todavía una problemática tendencia a utilizar el derecho penal para perseguir a quienes expresan ideas que escandalizan, irritan u ofenden. Siguiendo la jurisprudencia de la Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos, este artículo propone que los tribunales controlen estrictamente las regulaciones dirigidas contra determinadas ideas en particular. Además el artículo delinea los aspectos fundamentales de este control. Resulta esencial que los ciudadanos puedan discutir cuestiones delicadas y trascendentes como el aborto, la inmigración, el terrorismo y las creencias religiosas sin quedar sometidos a un proceso penal.[Abstract] Argentine history is marked by serious acts of intolerance against those with different views. The return to democracy, in 1983, has partially changed this culture of intolerance. However, there is still a problematic tendency to resort to criminal law to punish and silence those who offend, shock or disturb. Based on the U.S. Supreme Court’s decisions, this paper argues that Courts should scrutinize closely content-based laws that punish the expression of a particular idea. The paper further delineates the main aspects of such scrutiny. It is essential that citizens be able to discuss delicate and important issues such as abortion, immigration, terrorism and religious beliefs without being subject to criminal proceedings

    Systematics and the Phenotypic Evolution of Papuan Microhylid Frogs.

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    Ph.D. Thesis. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 2017

    Productive Development Policies in Costa Rica: Market Failures, Government Failures, and Policy Outcomes

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    This paper analyzes five Productive Development Policies (PDPs) implemented in Costa Rica, finding that they are not optimally addressing market failures. Moreover, government failures rather than market failures represent the main justification for PDPs. Even in the presence of market failures, the policy instruments applied are not necessarily the most economically efficient but rather the most politically feasible options. In addition, the lack of policy evaluation and monitoring prevents adjustments and corrections of such policies. Addressing the arguments for policy intervention and incorporating the results of evaluation into policy design and reform are necessary conditions for success. In spite of positive policy outcomes, limitations to enhance competitiveness and create the conditions for productivity growth are still present. An umbrella approach in the case of those PDPs that reinforce each other is necessary for productivity growth.Policy Analysis, Policy Making, Industrial Policy, Costa Rica

    Productividad informativa en situaciones de crisis social: los casos de ABC, El PaĂ­s y La RazĂłn durante el 11-M

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    Cuando ocurren sucesos crĂ­ticos de orden social y polĂ­tico en las sociedades democrĂĄticas, el desempeño y la productividad de los medios de comunicaciĂłn de masas sufren cambios importantes. AdemĂĄs, Ă©stos son cuestionados respecto de la responsabilidad social que les ha correspondido en el conflicto, especĂ­ficamente en cuanto a su verdad informativa. Los acontecimientos ocurridos en la mañana del 11 de Marzo de 2004 en los trenes de cercanĂ­as de Madrid, dejaron muertos, miles de heridos y dolor en la sociedad española. Durante esos tres dĂ­as de crisis social y polĂ­tica la gestiĂłn desempeñada por los medios de comunicaciĂłn social, en especial la prensa escrita, alcanzĂł un rol gravitante desde la perspectiva de su organizaciĂłn y producciĂłn informativa.When there happen critical events of social and political order in the democratic societies, the performance and the productivity of the mass media of masses suffer important changes. In addition, these are questioned respect of the social responsibility that has corresponded to them in the conflict, specifically as for its ‘informative truth’. The events happened in the morning of March 11, 2004 in the trains of Madrid, left dead, thousands of injured and pain in the Spanish society. During these three days of social and political crisis a role reached gravitated the management recovered by the media of social communication; the written press is special, from the perspective of your organization and informative production

    Sustainability and Immateriality - Motivations of users/consumers as drivers of sustainability

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    At present, it is necessary to analyse how users/consumers perceive sustainability, in order to determine the characteristics, aspects, attributes, etc. that, according to their criteria, must have sustainable products, services and product-service systems (hereinafter SPS). This can be used to identify new approaches to sustainability or to assess whether the current model is adequate, to see whether society's concept of sustainability should be rethought or maintained. The purpose of this study is to analyse, from the point of view of some experts, whether the proposed motivations of users/consumers are related to sustainability; since it is considered that the study of collective actions from the emotions can become a conscious motivating motor that would have the purpose of transforming a reality, in this case, the relation between users/consumers and sustainability. The present analysis is the result of previous research (Rivera et al (2015), Rivera & HernĂĄndis (2016) y Rivera-Pedroza (2017)) in which another type of complementary needs of people as users/consumers of products and services are recognized, to investigate how diverse motivations and aspirations, which are not only basic needs, are aspirations or motivations that can be given in terms of sustainability. The research is carried out on the basis of an instrument that could capture the opinion of individual experts on the subject, to achieve the validity of experts or "face validity"; (Sampieri, Collado, & Lucio, 2010), according to "qualified voices". In this regard, the instrument contains eleven drivers based on motivations (needs, emotions, values) belonging to an immaterial context of sustainability in products/services, seeking the expert's valuation, but with a "user role"; on motivations generating alternative approaches to sustainability in products and services. The analysis of these motivations, within the current context, provides value in the analysis of the behaviours of people involved in the environmental social movements within the emerging design and sustainability scenarios
