50 research outputs found

    Software Architecture of Code Analysis Frameworks Matters: The Frama-C Example

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    Implementing large software, as software analyzers which aim to be used in industrial settings, requires a well-engineered software architecture in order to ease its daily development and its maintenance process during its lifecycle. If the analyzer is not only a single tool, but an open extensible collaborative framework in which external developers may develop plug-ins collaborating with each other, such a well designed architecture even becomes more important. In this experience report, we explain difficulties of developing and maintaining open extensible collaborative analysis frameworks, through the example of Frama-C, a platform dedicated to the analysis of code written in C. We also present the new upcoming software architecture of Frama-C and how it aims to solve some of these issues.Comment: In Proceedings F-IDE 2015, arXiv:1508.0338

    Rester statique pour devenir plus rapide, plus précis et plus mince

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    International audienceE-ACSL est un greffon de Frama-C, une plateforme d'analyse de codes C qui est développée en OCaml. Son but est de transformer un programme C formellement annoté dans le langage de spécification éponyme E-ACSL en un autre programme C dont le comportement à l'exécution est équivalent si toutes les spécifications sont dynamiquement vérifiées et qui échoue sur la première spécification fausse sinon.Cet article présente deux analyses statiques qui améliorent grandement la précision de cette transformation de programme en réduisant l'instrumentation effectuée. Ainsi, le code généré est plus rapide et consomme moins de mémoire lors de son exécution. La première analyse est un système de types permettant de distinguer les entiers (mathématiques) pouvant être convertis en des expressions C de type > de ceux devant être traduits vers des entiers en précision arbitraire. La seconde analyse est une analyse flot de données arrière paramétrée par une analyse d'alias. Elle permet de limiter l'instrumentation des opérations sur la mémoire à celles ayant un impact potentiel sur la validité d'une annotation formelle

    Moniteur hybride de flux d'information pour un langage supportant des pointeurs

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    National audienceLes nouvelles approches combinant contrôle dynamique et statique de flux d'information sont prometteuses puisqu'elles permettent une approche permissive tout en garantissant la correction de l'analyse réalisée vis-à-vis de la non-interférence. Dans ce papier, nous présentons une approche hybride de suivi de flux d'information pour un langage gérant des pointeurs. Nous formalisons la sémantique d'un moniteur sensible aux flux de données qui combine analyse statique et dynamique. Nous prouvons ensuite la correction de notre moniteur vis-à-vis de la non-interférence

    Static versus Dynamic Verification in Why3, Frama-C and SPARK 2014

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    International audienceWhy3 is an environment for static verification, generic in the sense that it is used as an intermediate tool by different front-ends for the verification of Java, C or Ada programs. Yet, the choices made when designing the specification languages provided by those front-ends differ significantly, in particular with respect to the executability of specifications. We review these differences and the issues that result from these choices. We emphasize the specific feature of ghost code which turns out to be extremely useful for both static and dynamic verification. We also present techniques, combining static and dynamic features, that help users understand why static verification fails

    The Cardinal Abstraction for Quantitative Information Flow

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    International audienceQualitative information flow aims at detecting information leaks, whereas the emerging quantitative techniques target the estimation of information leaks. Quantifying information flow in the presence of low inputs is challenging, since the traditional techniques of approximating and counting the reachable states of a program no longer suffice. This paper proposes an automated quantitative information flow analysis for imperative deterministic programs with low inputs. The approach relies on a novel abstract domain, the cardinal abstraction, in order to compute a precise upper-bound over the maximum leakage of batch-job programs. We prove the soundness of the cardinal abstract domain by relying on the framework of abstract interpretation. We also prove its precision with respect to a flow-sensitive type system for the two-point security lattice

    First international Competition on Runtime Verification: rules, benchmarks, tools, and final results of CRV 2014

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    The first international Competition on Runtime Verification (CRV) was held in September 2014, in Toronto, Canada, as a satellite event of the 14th international conference on Runtime Verification (RV’14). The event was organized in three tracks: (1) offline monitoring, (2) online monitoring of C programs, and (3) online monitoring of Java programs. In this paper, we report on the phases and rules, a description of the participating teams and their submitted benchmark, the (full) results, as well as the lessons learned from the competition.ICT COST ActionFFG HARMONIAAustrian Science Fund (FWF)31704

    A Survey of Challenges for Runtime Verification from Advanced Application Domains (Beyond Software)

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    Runtime verification is an area of formal methods that studies the dynamic analysis of execution traces against formal specifications. Typically, the two main activities in runtime verification efforts are the process of creating monitors from specifications, and the algorithms for the evaluation of traces against the generated monitors. Other activities involve the instrumentation of the system to generate the trace and the communication between the system under analysis and the monitor. Most of the applications in runtime verification have been focused on the dynamic analysis of software, even though there are many more potential applications to other computational devices and target systems. In this paper we present a collection of challenges for runtime verification extracted from concrete application domains, focusing on the difficulties that must be overcome to tackle these specific challenges. The computational models that characterize these domains require to devise new techniques beyond the current state of the art in runtime verification

    The E-ACSL Perspective on Runtime Assertion Checking

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    International audienceRuntime Assertion Checking (RAC) is the discipline of verifying program assertions at runtime, i.e. when executing the code. Nowadays, RAC usually relies on Behavioral Interface Specification Languages (BISL) à la Eiffel for writing powerful code specifications. Since now more than 20 years, several works have studied RAC. Most of them have focused on BISL. Some others have also considered combinations of RAC with others techniques, e.g. deductive verification (DV). Very few tackle RAC as a verification technique that soundly generates efficient code from formal annotations. Here, we revisit these three RAC's research areas by emphasizing the works done in E-Acsl, which is both a BISL and a RAC tool for C code. We also compare it to others languages and tools

    Comment un chameau peut-il écrire un journal ?

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    International audienceDans Frama-C , plate-forme d'analyse de code C développée en OCaml, un journal est un script OCaml généré automatiquement et permettant de reproduire les actions utilisateurs, notamment eectuées via l'interface utilisateur. Outre la reproductibilité des résultats qui est nécessaire dans un contexte industriel soumis à des exigences de certication fortes comme la norme avionique DO-178C, un journal permet d'automatiser le pilotage de l'outil dans un contexte d'utilisation particulier. Cet article présente comment le mécanisme de génération du journal de Frama-C , appelé journalisation et requérant intrinsèquement de l'introspection, a été développé en OCaml, en combinant typage statique et dynamique. 1