619 research outputs found


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    O presente estudo teve como objetivo explorar de que modo o sociopsicodrama, conduzido na modalidade online, pode contribuir para reflexões críticas a respeito das vivências afetivo-sexuais na contemporaneidade. Trata-se de relato de experiência, com a apresentação de um ato sociopsicodramático online com direção focada na protagonização. A discussão dos resultados foi feita a partir das categorias: reflexões sobre o amor na contemporaneidade, interlocuções entre o público e o privado e a direção socionômica online. Foi possível concluir que o sociopsicodrama é um instrumento capaz de contribuir para a reflexão crítica de seus/suas participantes a respeito das vivências afetivo-sexuais na contemporaneidade, pela ampliação do campo da intervenção, do individual para o social. A direção online se mostrou efetiva e inovadora


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    Penelitian skripsi ini dilatar belakangi untuk mengetahui bagaimana bentuk tanggungjawab hukum keperdataan Tenaga Kesehatan terhadap malpraktek dalam melakukan pelayanan kesehatan terhadap pasien selama proses pengobatan, serta para pihak yang ikut bertanggungjawab dan proses pertanggungjawabannya , atas dasar tersebut muncul beberapa pertanyaan antara lain : Bagaimana landasan hukum Chiropractic First dalam menjalankan kegiatan pengobatan terapi tulang dihubungkan dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 36 Tahun 2014 Tentang Tenaga Kesehatan jo Undang-Undang nomor 36 tahun 2009 Tentang Kesehatan ? Bagaiamana terjadinya peristiwa malpraktek yang menyebabkan hilangnya nyawa seseorang yang dilakukan oleh Chiropractic First dihubungkan dengan Undang- Undang Nomor 36 Tahun 2014 Tentang Tenaga Kesehatan jo Undang-Undang nomor 36 tahun 2009 Tentang Kesehatan ? Bagaimana upaya penyelesaian atas terjadinya peristiwa malpraktek yang menyebabkan hilangnya nyawa seseorang yang dilakukan oleh Chiropractic First dihubungkan dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 36 Tahun 2014 Tentang Tenaga Kesehatan jo Undang-Undang nomor 36 tahun 2009 Tentang Kesehatan? Metode penelitian dalam skripsi ini menggunakan spesifikasi penelitian deskriptif analitis dengan pendekatan yuridis normatif yaitu: menggambarkan dan menguraikan secara sistematika semua permasalahan, kemudian menganalisis yang bertitik tolak pada peraturan yang ada, sebagai Undang-Undang yang berlaku, dan dilanjutkan dengan penelitian kepustakaan dan penelitian ke lapangan serta teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan studi kepustakaan dan studi lapangan, selanjutnya data yang sudah diperoleh di analisis secara yuridis kualitatif untuk mengungkap realita yang ada berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh berupa penjelasan mengenai permasalahan yang dibahas. Kesimpulan dari skripsi ini menunjukkan bahwa : pertama ; Landasan hukum Chiropractic First dalam menjalankan kegiatan pengobatan terapi tulang telah melanggar aturan yang telah dibuat oleh pemerintah tentang pengobatan tradisional yang diatur pada Pasal 59, Pasal 60 dan Pasal 61 Undang-Undang Nomor 36 Tahun 2009 tentang Kesehatan. Dijelaskan bahwa setiap orang yang melakukan pelayanan kesehatan tradisional seperti Chiropractic harus mendapatkan izin dari lembaga kesehatan yang berwenang yaitu Dinas Kesehatan setempat, dan tenaga kesehatan yang dipekerjakan di tempat pelayanan kesehatan tersebut wajib memiliki izin yang sah dan wajib memiliki keterampilan terlebih dahulu seusai Pasal 46 Undang-Undang Nomor 36 Tahun 2014 Tentang Tenaga Kesehatan, kedua; Terjadinya malpraktek yang menyebabkan hilangnya nyawa seseorang pada klinik kesehatan chiripractic first disebabkan karena hak-hak pasien dalam mendapatkan hak pengobatan tidak terpenuhi dengan baik. Adanya kesalahan diagnosa yang menyebabkan salahnya penanganan yang dilakukan oleh tenaga kesehatan asing yang bekerja di klinik tersebut yang ternyata telah melanggar Pasal 54 Undang-Undang Nomor 36 Tahun 2014 Tentang Tenaga Kesehatan karena tidak memiliki Izin dan Surat Tanda Registrasi (STR). , ketiga; Upaya penyelesaian pemerintah atas terjadinya peristiwa malpraktek yang menyebabkan hilangnya nyawa seseorang adalah pengawasan yang ketat bagi pelaksana kegiatan kesehatan dan tenaga kesehatan yaitu dengan cara memberikan pembinaan dan pengawasan mutu dan juga pendayagunaan kepada tenaga kesehatan yang ada di Indonesia khususnya tenaga kesehatan dalam bidang pengobatan tradisional. Sesuai dengan Pasal 21 Undang-undang Nomor 36 Tahun 2009 Tentang kesehatan dan Pasal 80, Pasal 81 Undang-Undang Nomor 36 Tahun 2014 Tentang Tenaga Kesehatan. Kata kunci : Tanggungjawab Hukum, Malpraktek, dan kesehatan

    Characterization of the Proliferation Sites of <em>Aedes aegypti</em> (Diptera: Culicidae) in the Artificial Breeding Sites of Caxias, Maranhão, Brazil

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    The Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) is dispersed throughout the Brazilian territory, being a transmitter of dengue and other arboviruses. This study analyzes the main breeding of A. aegypti in semi-arid tropical region. Samples have been collected for 12 months in the dry and rainy periods to watch the main breeding and characteristics of the proliferation sites. Most of the positive containers have been from the storage group (75.96%) found with immature forms mainly in the rainy season, with a predominance of containers having a height superior to 50 cm, protected from the sun and with organic matter. Theses breeding sites, where A. aegypti performs oviposition and survives in the dry season too


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    The objectification of the female body is a concept that has gained increasing visibility in discussions about chauvinism, being a concept that refers to the trivialization of the image of women, so that the appearance is put in evidence at the expense of all the attributes that define them as human beings, leading to the imposition of standards on how they should look and act. This study addresses different conceptions about the female body and the subjectivity of women from the perspective of patriarchy, seeks to discuss the influence of patriarchal culture in relation to gender roles and relationships of dominator and dominated, and discusses how this information crosses women’s body health and health mental. This study sought to identify and characterize female objectification through feminist literature and to investigate the effects of objectification on the body self-perception of women who developed eating disorders, shedding light on the contribution of Gestalt-therapy in the female emancipation process. Considering that many women do not see themselves as beautiful, it is important to highlight the contribution of this study to Psychology, concerning to the possibility of this science provides to women perception of new ways of existing, freeing them from the psychological suffering that power relations and dominance can cause. It is worth highlighting the importance of other professionals, not only in the health areas, being aware of the dangers of imposing beauty standards, in order to contribute to healthy and positive interventions with women.A objetificação do corpo feminino é um conceito que tem ganhado cada vez mais visibilidade nas discussões sobre o machismo, sendo um conceito que se refere à banalização da imagem das mulheres, de maneira que a aparência é colocada em evidência em detrimento de todos os atributos que as definem enquanto seres humanos, levando à imposição de padrões sobre como devem aparentar e agir. Este estudo aborda diferentes concepções a respeito do corpo feminino e da subjetividade das mulheres sob a ótica do patriarcado, buscando discutir sobre as relações entre a cultura patriarcal,os papéis de gênero e o sistema&nbsp; de dominação, para compreender os termos pelos quais&nbsp;&nbsp; atravessam a saúde mental e corporal das mulheres. Dessa forma, este estudo procurou identificar e caracterizar a objetificação feminina por meio da literatura feminista e investigar os efeitos da objetificação sobre a autopercepção corporal de mulheres que desenvolveram transtornos alimentares, trazendo luz sobre a contribuição da Gestalt-terapia no processo de emancipação feminino. Considerando que muitas mulheres não se veem bonitas, cumpre destacar a contribuição do estudo para a Psicologia no que diz respeito à possibilidade de esta ciência proporcionar às mulheres a percepção de novas formas de existir, libertando-as do sofrimento psíquico que as relações de poder e de domínio podem causar. Vale destacar a importância de os demais profissionais, não somente das áreas da saúde, estarem atentos aos perigos da imposição dos padrões de beleza, a fim de contribuírem para intervenções saudáveis e positivas junto às mulheres. &nbsp

    A formação do professor e a prática pedagógica na Educação Infantil

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    The initial and continuing education of teachers has relevance in the mediation of a pedagogical practice in Early Childhood Education. Therefore, this research aims to understand the relationship between the initial training of early childhood teachers and the constitution of knowledge in pedagogical practice. For that, we used the qualitative approach methodologically based on the case study operated by the online questionnaire as a data collection technique through Google Forms. The research findings show that the Early Childhood Education teacher who obtained an initial training adequately grounded in theory and practice, and who is always in search of new knowledge and knowledge, through continued training, has better conditions to carry out his Practice pedagogy with due care.A formação inicial e continuada de professores possui relevância na mediação de uma prática pedagógica na Educação Infantil. Diante disso, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo compreender as relações entre a formação inicial de professores da educação infantil e a constituição de saberes da prática pedagógica. Para tanto, utilizou-se a abordagem qualitativa metodologicamente assentada no estudo de caso operacionalizado pelo questionário online como técnica de coleta de dados através do Google Forms. Os achados da investigação evidenciam que o professor da Educação Infantil que obteve uma formação inicial adequadamente alicerçada na teoria e na prática e, que sempre está em busca de novos saberes e conhecimentos, através de uma formação continuada, tem melhores condições de realizar a sua prática pedagógica com devido esmero

    Primeiras reflexões sobre travessias e retornos: africanos cabindas, redes do tráfico e diásporas num Rio de Janeiro atlântico

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    Este artigo aborda as possibilidades de conexões entre áreas de tráfico no rio Zaire, norte de Angola e a demografia da escravidão. São analisadas as relações complexas envolvendo africanos, escravos, redes do tráfico, capitães de navios e proprietários entre Cabinda e Rio de Janeiro, no século XLX. Com base em algumas petições de africanos traficantes - transformados em escravos - memórias de descendentes de famílias Ngoio que comandavam o tráfico, noticiário jornalístico, registros prisionais e textos literários sobre libertos africanos Cabindas procura-se perscrutar as dimensões atlânticas das identidades sociais reconstruídas, envolvendo tanto os universos africanos das redes do tráfico como as experiências da diáspora no mercado de trabalho, na formação de quilombos, nos padrões de moradia e nas reinvenções culturais. A partir do caso dos africanos Cabindas Ngoio são ensaiadas perspectivas metodológicas de pensar a gestação de comunidades transétnicas e atlânticas e seus respectivos arranjos sócio-culturais em áreas urbanas e rurais do Rio de Janeiro

    Comparison between static and semidynamic models for microcosm biofilm formation on dentin

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    Microcosm biofilm has been applied to induce carious lesions in dentin. However, no study has been done to compare the impact of the type of model for providing nutrients to microcosm biofilm formation on dentin. Objective: This study compared the performance of two kinds of models (static and semi-dynamic) on the biofilm formation and the development of dentin carious lesions. Material and Methods: In both models, biofilm was produced using inoculum from pooled human saliva mixed with McBain saliva for the first 8 h (5% CO2 and 370C). Afterwards, for the static model, the samples were placed in 24-wells microplate containing McBain saliva with 0.2% sucrose, which was replaced at 24 h. In the semi-dynamic model, the samples were submitted to artificial mouth system with continuous flow of McBain saliva with 0.2% sucrose (0.15 ml/min, 370C) for 10 h a day (for the other 14 h, no flow was applied, similarly to the static model). After 5 days, biofilm viability was measured by fluorescence and dentin demineralization by transverse microradiography. Results: Biofilm viability was significantly lower for the static compared with semi-dynamic model, while dentin demineralization was significantly higher for the first one (p&lt;0.05). The static model was able to produce a higher number of typical subsurface lesions compared with the semi-dynamic model (p&lt;0.05). Conclusions: The type of model (static and semi-dynamic) applied in the microcosm biofilm may have influence on it's viability and the severity/profile of dentin carious lesions

    Evaluation of salt intended for human consumption for the presence of physical contaminants: microplastics an emerging contaminant in the food area

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    Introduction: The presence of physical contaminants in food goes against the guarantee of the supply of safe products for consumption. Currently, there is an environmental concern with this type of contamination, especially with a class of plastic particles less than 5 mm, called microplastics. The impacts on human organisms are still under discussion, but there is already a relationship between the ingestion and inhalation of these particles and a possible health risk, since, in addition to being derived from macroplatic degradation processes with varied chemical compositions, they can still carry other contaminants. Objective: To value the presence of physical contaminants, such as microplastics in salt intended for human consumption. Method: A quantity of 8 salt samples was acquired in supermarkets in the city of Rio de Janeiro in 2019 and analyzed after dilution in water, according to the coefficient of salt dilution (36g/100mL), heated in plate at 100°C and filtered in filter 0.22μm. Detection was performed with the aid of stereoscope microscope and confirmation was performed under a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Results and Discussion: In 5 samples, the presence of physical contaminants was observed, which due to visual characteristics suggest to be microplastics. The possible presence of microplastics in salt samples is related to contamination of the oceans by microplastics. With this, it is observed the importance of monitoring the quality of human consumption, since it is a by-product of the oceans. Conclusion: Studies in Brazil regarding microplastic contamination is very focused on marine matrices, but it is necessary to think about the study and development of analytical methodologies for detection and identification of these contaminants in food, especially in products of marine origin

    No Morphometric Distinction between the Host Constrictotermes cyphergaster (Silvestri) (Isoptera: Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae) and its Obligatory Termitophile Corotoca melantho Schiødte (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae)

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    Different species may live in termite nests, cohabiting in close association with the host colony or occupying nest cavities without direct contact with the host. The strategy of termitophile organisms to become integrated into termite societies include appeasement through chemical, morphological and/or behavioral mimicry. We investigated the hypothesis that there is a morphological mimicry between the obligate termitophile Corotoca melantho (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) and workers of its termite host Constrictotermes cyphergaster (Isoptera: Termitidae). Pictures of thirty-one C. cyphergaster workers and C. melantho individuals were taken in top and side views and converted into thin-plate splines. Four homologous landmarks and five semilandmarks (reference points) were marked on the head and abdomen of both species and digitized. The body shape of both species are morphometrically similar, so there is no discrimination between specimens of termitophile beetles and worker of termite hosts. Body size of termite hosts is responsible for 20% to 30% of body shape variation, while the body size of termitophiles beetle affects near 50% to 60% body shape. However, termitophiles body shape had a greater variation than worker termites. This is the first study to compare morphological similarity among termites and termitophiles using morphometric geometry. Our results indicated the existence of a morphological mimicry between C. cyphergaster and C. melantho