104 research outputs found

    Uma Investigação da Produção Científica dos Graduados em Secretariado Executivo pela Universidade Federal do Ceará no Período de 2010 a 2015

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    The culture of research in Executive Secretary course is recent and has been widely promoted in the academic and scientific community. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the scientific production of graduates from the Executive Secretariat Course at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) from 2010 to 2015, in order to verify their contributions to the increase of scientific production in the field. In order to achieve the proposed objectives, a descriptive, bibliographic research was carried out with quantitative and qualitative approach, using as basis for data analysis a review on the content "Productions" of the Brazilian database résumé (Curriculum Lattes), of UFC graduates since the foundation of the course in 1995, to the year 2015. Among the main results, the research pointed out the need for diversification on the types of scientific contribution, since most of it has focused on paper presentations; also diversifying the researched topics, since most of them focused on professional practice, highlighting the focus on the technicist character of this profession. There has also been a significant increase in scientific production in the years 2013 and 2014. This work has raised the importance of spreading a new mentality about the secretarial studies, stimulating the production of new knowledge in this field.A cultura da pesquisa em Secretariado é recente e tem sido amplamente fomentada e incentivada na esfera acadêmica e nos eventos acadêmicos e profissionais da área. Por isso, este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a produção científica dos bacharéis em Secretariado Executivo pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC) no período de 2010 a 2015. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, bibliográfica, com abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa, utilizando para análise dos dados uma análise de conteúdo do item “Produções” do Currículo Lattes dos graduados pela UFC desde a fundação do curso, em 1995, até o ano de 2015. Dentre os principais resultados obtidos, a pesquisa apontou a necessidade de se diversificar os tipos de contribuição científica, pois a maior parte das pesquisas concentrou-se na apresentação de trabalhos; diversificar as temáticas pesquisadas, pois a maior parte concentrou-se na prática da profissão. Constatou-se também um aumento expressivo na produção científica nos anos de 2013 e 2014. Este trabalho suscitou a importância de se disseminar uma nova mentalidade acerca dos estudos secretariais, estimulando a produção de conhecimentos novos na área

    Co-ingestion of amatoxins and isoxazoles-containing mushrooms and successful treatment: A case report

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    Mushroom poisonings occur when ingestion of wild mushrooms containing toxins takes place, placing the consumers at life-threatening risk. In the present case report, an unusual multiple poisoning with isoxazoles- and amatoxins-containing mushrooms in a context of altered mental state and poorly controlled hypertension is presented. A 68-year-old female was presented to São João hospital (Portugal) with complaints of extreme dizziness, hallucinations, vertigo and imbalance, 3 h after consuming a stew of wild mushrooms. The first observations revealed altered mental state and elevated blood pressure. The examination of cooked mushroom fragments allowed a preliminary identification of Amanita pantherina. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) showed the presence of muscimol in urine. Moreover, through high-performance liquid chromatography-ultraviolet detection (HPLC-UV) analysis of the gastric juice, the presence of α-amanitin was found, showing that amatoxins-containing mushrooms were also included in the stew. After 4 days of supportive treatment, activated charcoal, silybin and N-acetylcysteine, the patient recovered being discharged 10 days post-ingestion with no organ complications. The prompt and appropriate therapy protocol for life-threatening amatoxins toxicity probably saved the patient's life as oral absorption was decreased and also supportive care was immediately started.This work received financial support from the European Union (FEDER funds through COMPETE) and National Funds (FCT, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) through project Pest-C/EQB/LA0006/2013. Juliana Garcia and Vera Marisa Costa thank FCT e Foundation for Science and Technology e for their PhD grant (SFRH/BD/74979/2010) and Post-doc grant (SFRH/BPD/63746/2009), respectively.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Influência do exercício resistido e hidroginástica na manutenção da funcionalidade na terceira idade: Influence of resistance exercise and aquaerobics on maintaining functioning in the elderly

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    Introdução: O envelhecimento é algo inerente a qualquer indivíduo, muitas vezes é encarado com receios e preconceitos. O processo do envelhecimento provoca perda gradativa da funcionalidade, tornando o indivíduo inapto a realizar as suas atividades de vida diárias (AVD). Objetivos: Avaliar a influência do treinamento de força e da hidroginástica na manutenção da funcionalidade de indivíduos idosos que residem em Goiânia - Go. Métodos: O presente estudo é caracterizado por um desenho transversal descritivo. Participaram do estudo trinta voluntários de ambos os sexos. Os voluntários foram divididos em três grupos. A) praticantes de musculação (n = 10), B) praticantes de hidroginástica (n =10) e grupo controle (não praticante de exercícios físico) (n = 10). Todos os voluntários passaram pelos critérios de inclusão e exclusão, em seguida foi aplicado o questionário índice de Katz e por fim foi desenvolvido o teste Time Up and Go Test (TUG). O teste Shapiro-Wilk confirmou a não normalidade dos dados. Assim, utilizou-se o teste Friedman com pos hoc com comparações múltiplas pelo teste Mann Whitney. A significância adotada foi de 5% (P<0,05). Resultados: No teste TUG houve diferenças significativas ao comparar os praticantes de musculação (p=0,001) e hidroginástica (p=0,000) com o grupo controle. No entanto, não houve diferenças significativas ao comparar os praticantes de musculação com os da hidroginástica (p=1,00). No Índice de Katz, não houve diferenças significativas (p>0,05) entre os três grupos (musculação, hidroginástica e controle). Ambos os grupos tiveram a pontuação escalar máxima do teste. Conclusão: O presente estudo demonstrou que a prática de exercícios físico proporciona melhora na funcionalidade dos indivíduos idosos

    Gastrite cística profunda: revisão integrativa acerca de um acometimento raro / Deep cystic gastritis: integrative review about a rare event

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    A Gastrite Cística Profunda (GCP) é uma condição rara, caracterizada por uma lesão hiperplásica benigna polipóide, em que há uma dilatação cística e migração de células epiteliais para a camada submucosa. Sua etiologia ainda não é bem definida, mas as causas mais significativas, provavelmente sejam cirurgia gástrica prévia e lesão da parede gástrica, tradicionalmente em pacientes que já realizaram gastroenterostomia, tendo predomínio em idosos com cerca de 60 anos, apesar de poder ocorrer em jovens. O objetivo dessa revisão é reunir literaturas disponíveis mais recentes a fim de ampliar o conhecimento sobre esta patologia considerada rara, facilitando o raciocínio clínico e o diagnóstico diferencial. Foram utilizados 25 artigos encontrados na PubMed a partir dos descritores “deep polyposis cystic gastritis”, “deep cystic gastritis” “rare diseases” e “benign”, com critério de exclusão para artigos que não possuíam texto completo gratuito e anteriores a 2010. Conclui-se que a gastrite cística profunda é uma patologia pouco descrita, e mesmo com procura ativa de artigos, observa-se escassez de informações, sem conclusões efetivas em relação à patogenia, epidemiologia e tratamento, evidenciando ainda a presença de sintomas inespecíficos, definida como uma doença incomum

    Long-term follow-up of IPEX syndrome patients after different therapeutic strategies : an international multicenter retrospective study

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    Background: Immunodysregulation polyendocrinopathy enteropathy x-linked(IPEX) syndrome is a monogenic autoimmune disease caused by FOXP3 mutations. Because it is a rare disease, the natural history and response to treatments, including allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) and immunosuppression (IS), have not been thoroughly examined. Objective: This analysis sought to evaluate disease onset, progression, and long-term outcome of the 2 main treatments in long-term IPEX survivors. Methods: Clinical histories of 96 patients with a genetically proven IPEX syndrome were collected from 38 institutions worldwide and retrospectively analyzed. To investigate possible factors suitable to predict the outcome, an organ involvement (OI) scoring system was developed. Results: We confirm neonatal onset with enteropathy, type 1 diabetes, and eczema. In addition, we found less common manifestations in delayed onset patients or during disease evolution. There is no correlation between the site of mutation and the disease course or outcome, and the same genotype can present with variable phenotypes. HSCT patients (n = 58) had a median follow-up of 2.7 years (range, 1 week-15 years). Patients receiving chronic IS (n 5 34) had a median follow-up of 4 years (range, 2 months-25 years). The overall survival after HSCT was 73.2% (95% CI, 59.4-83.0) and after IS was 65.1% (95% CI, 62.8-95.8). The pretreatment OI score was the only significant predictor of overall survival after transplant (P = .035) but not under IS. Conclusions: Patients receiving chronic IS were hampered by disease recurrence or complications, impacting long-term.disease-free survival. When performed in patients with a low OI score, HSCT resulted in disease resolution with better quality of life, independent of age, donor source, or conditioning regimen

    Local hydrological conditions influence tree diversity and composition across the Amazon basin

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    Tree diversity and composition in Amazonia are known to be strongly determined by the water supplied by precipitation. Nevertheless, within the same climatic regime, water availability is modulated by local topography and soil characteristics (hereafter referred to as local hydrological conditions), varying from saturated and poorly drained to well-drained and potentially dry areas. While these conditions may be expected to influence species distribution, the impacts of local hydrological conditions on tree diversity and composition remain poorly understood at the whole Amazon basin scale. Using a dataset of 443 1-ha non-flooded forest plots distributed across the basin, we investigate how local hydrological conditions influence 1) tree alpha diversity, 2) the community-weighted wood density mean (CWM-wd) – a proxy for hydraulic resistance and 3) tree species composition. We find that the effect of local hydrological conditions on tree diversity depends on climate, being more evident in wetter forests, where diversity increases towards locations with well-drained soils. CWM-wd increased towards better drained soils in Southern and Western Amazonia. Tree species composition changed along local soil hydrological gradients in Central-Eastern, Western and Southern Amazonia, and those changes were correlated with changes in the mean wood density of plots. Our results suggest that local hydrological gradients filter species, influencing the diversity and composition of Amazonian forests. Overall, this study shows that the effect of local hydrological conditions is pervasive, extending over wide Amazonian regions, and reinforces the importance of accounting for local topography and hydrology to better understand the likely response and resilience of forests to increased frequency of extreme climate events and rising temperatures