4,256 research outputs found

    Early Condylectomy: Biological Considerations

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    Objective: To describe the early treatment of two patients with unilateral condylar hyperplasia (UCH) diagnosis and therapeutic surgical protocol (early condylectomy) supported by the current biological knowledge about the development and repair of mandibular condyle cartilage (MCC). Methods: Review of the literature and two case description of the treatment. The two patients were girls, 12 and 13 year old. The follow up period was of 3 years. SPECT diagnostic, radiographic, photographic and tomographic images are presented. Results: The literature summarized provides biological basis favoring the early treatment of UCH. The two cases were treated with the same surgical protocol obtaining good esthetic and functional stable results. Discussion: The present literature review and clinical results provide biological basis to justify the practice of early condylectomy. Early intervention appears to be able to produce a successful outcome in terms of esthetic facial symmetry, avoiding dentoalveolar orthodontic compensations or additional orthognathic surgeries

    Phototrophic bioplastic production from domestic and agro-industrial wastewaters

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    Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), are a biodegradable polymer, naturally synthesized by several bacteria and with similar characteristics to conventional plastics. Recently, phototrophic PHA production has also been achieved in photosynthetic mixed cultures (PMCs) under an open, non-aerated and using direct sunlight system, lowering the operational costs commonly associated to the PHA production by pure and aerated mixed cultures. The photo-bioreactors (PBR) are also commonly used as wastewater (WW) treatment systems along with a consortium microalgae and bacteria communities. The main goals of this thesis were precisely to select a PHA accumulating PMC to achieve a new added-value bioproduct. The enrichment process of the PMC was performed by two different selection strategies - permanent feast regime and feast and famine regime - that were carried out under the same operational conditions of High Rate Algae Ponds (HRAPs) from Chiclana Wastewater Treatment Plant, using artificial illumination and fed with real wastewaters, establishing the effect of using wastewater on the culture growth and PHA production stability, and furthermore to evaluate the impact of operational conditions (OLR, pH, temperature and light intensity) on the PHA production performance of the system. This will be the first time that the PHA production through PMC will be tested at demonstration scale and using real wastewater

    Between Distinct Voracities: The Hydro-energetic Machine and the Iyakaliti’s Response

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    Consumo de bebidas alcoólicas em diferentes estatutos de estudantes da área da saúde

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    No geral, 4% da carga global de doença é atribuível ao álcool.1 Estudos indicam que os estudantes universitários, em muitos países, têm um elevado risco de consumo excessivo de álcool, com graves riscos para a saúde

    Wintering Ecology of Buff-Breasted Sandpipers (Tryngites subruficollis) in Southern Brazil

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    Buff-breasted Sandpipers (Tryngites subruficollis) are a medium-sized sandpiper that suffered a steep population decline during the last century. Current estimates of population size are at least one order of magnitude smaller than historical estimates. The continued decline in population size has resulted in Buff-breasted Sandpipers being recognized world-wide as a species of critical conservation concern. Yet, little is known about their ecology at wintering sites and about their population dynamics. In this dissertation, I present results on within- and among-year density trends, life-history strategy, molt, body condition and population dynamics of Buff-breasted Sandpipers wintering in southern Brazil. Additionally, I provide a discriminant function to accurately sex Buffbreasted Sandpipers using morphometric measures. I estimated density trends of Buff-breasted Sandpipers at three wintering sites, Lagoa do Peixe National Park (LPNP), Ilha da Torotama (IT) and Taim Ecological Station (TES). Density was highest at IT, but was closely followed by LPNP. Buff-breasted Sandpipers were absent from TES during most of the study. Because of the consistency of use, and high densities at LPNP and IT, I suggest that these sites be included in any management action directed toward conservation of the species. Results in molt schedule, as well as arrival and departure patterns at LPNP indicated that males and females have different life-history strategies. Males molted wing and tail feathers faster than females, finishing molt approximately ii one month before females. This difference mirrored the difference in departure from the wintering grounds: males depart one month earlier than females. Moreover, sex ratio at LPNP was female biased and males were more prone to leave the site in any given month. The between-sex difference in life-history strategy and female bias at the north end of the wintering range suggest that sexual segregation in Buff-breasted Sandpipers is opposite to what would be predicted by sexual segregation theory: male Buff-breasted Sandpipers winter further south instead of further north as would be predicted. Apparent annual survival of Buff-breasted Sandpipers is equivalent to or higher than survival rates reported for other shorebirds. Additionally, males had lower apparent annual survival and a higher temporary emigration rate than females. Differences in apparent annual survival between sexes may result from the short-term nature of this study and/or higher emigration rate of male Buffbreasted Sandpipers. Therefore, future long-term studies utilizing markrecapture techniques are critical for understanding variation in Buff-breasted Sandpipers annual survival. This study demonstrated that wintering sites provide the best location for estimating annual survival

    the activation of the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court over the crime of aggression

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    A 14 de dezembro de 2017, a Assembleia de Estados Parte (AEP) do Tribunal Penal Internacional (TPI), reunida em Nova Iorque, adotou a decisão histórica para ativar a jurisdição do tribunal sobre o crime de agressão. Inicialmente, através da descrição da realização do estágio de 4 meses na Missão Permanente de Portugal junto das Nações Unidas, este relatório tenciona apresentar qual o contexto que se revelou propício a esta decisão de ativação e explicar a razão pela qual o crime de agressão foi escolhido como tema principal. De facto, a discussão sobre o crime de agressão começa em Nuremberga e tem sido lentamente integrada na ordem internacional durante os últimos 60 anos. Através da análise do contexto histórico que levou até ao Estatuto de Roma e depois até às emendas de Kampala, o objetivo é perceber o que estava em causa quando a decisão foi tomada e quais as diferentes ramificações do sistema legal. Finalmente, este relatório focar-se-á no âmbito de proteção concedido pelo regime do crime de agressão, que exclui Estados Não-Parte e Estados NãoRatificantes da jurisdição do TPI. Tal conclusão representa uma reversão total do paradigma de justiça penal internacional do TPI e prejudica a luta contra a impunidade e a proteção de direitos humanos, mesmo que não possamos ignorar a importância da decisão tomada por consenso pela Assembleia de Estados-Parte para o mundo de hoje.On 14 December 2017, the Assembly of States Parties (ASP) of the International Criminal Court (ICC) gathered in New York and took an historic decision to activate the jurisdiction of the Court over the crime of aggression. By firstly describing the 4-month internship at the Permanent Mission of Portugal to the United Nations, this paper intends to set the context in which the activation was carried out and explain the choosing of the crime of aggression as the specific subject-matter. Indeed, this has been a discussion taking place since Nuremberg and that has, in the past 60 years, slowly been integrated in the international legal order. By analysing the historic background that led to the Rome Statute and then to the Kampala amendments, the aim is to understand what was at stake when the decision was made on 14 December 2017 and the different ramifications of the legal system. Finally, this paper will focus on the scope of protection granted by the regime of the crime of aggression, that excludes non-States Parties and nonratifying States Parties from the jurisdiction of the ICC. Such conclusion represents a true reversal of the international criminal justice paradigm that is represented by the ICC and will undermine the fight against impunity and the protection of human rights, even though the importance of the decision achieved at the ASP, by consensus, to the world today cannot be understated

    Interviews with artists as a device for contention and the discursive dispute in the 1960s and 1970s

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    This article proposes to reflect on the role of interviews with artists as a contention device in the interaction between two subjects, considering that the desire to apprehend works of art through their various ways turns the artist’s word into a privileged object. That can be seen by understanding the context of the 1960s/1970s, when a discursive dispute took place in the field of art as artists claim speech spaces. Artists’ words are not the truth about their works, since they are as historically, socially and culturally determined as the works themselves; therefore, interviews can be seen as mechanisms that open meaning-making and expand it in the crossing of internal and external views about artistic practice

    Práticas participativas em paisagismo.

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    O presente trabalho trata da divulgação do projeto de extensão “Praticas participativas em paisagismo”, realizada por docentes e estudantes da área de arquitetura e urbanismo da UNILA em parceria com docentes, funcionários e estudantes do Colégio Santa Rita, localizado na Região de Três Lagoas, em Foz do Iguaçu. As atividades ocorreram no período de junho a dezembro de 2017. Objetivo deste projeto foi revitalizar o espaço externo do Colégio Santa Rita através de práticas paisagísticas com material de reuso. Como resultados obtidos tem-se, além da integração entre a comunidade local e a universidade a melhoria na qualidade do espaço escolar através da construção de mobiliários, da pintura do muro, da revitalização da horta e da criação de jardins suspensos

    A Topic-Agnostic Approach for Identifying Fake News Pages

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    Fake news and misinformation have been increasingly used to manipulate popular opinion and influence political processes. To better understand fake news, how they are propagated, and how to counter their effect, it is necessary to first identify them. Recently, approaches have been proposed to automatically classify articles as fake based on their content. An important challenge for these approaches comes from the dynamic nature of news: as new political events are covered, topics and discourse constantly change and thus, a classifier trained using content from articles published at a given time is likely to become ineffective in the future. To address this challenge, we propose a topic-agnostic (TAG) classification strategy that uses linguistic and web-markup features to identify fake news pages. We report experimental results using multiple data sets which show that our approach attains high accuracy in the identification of fake news, even as topics evolve over time.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Companion Proceedings of the 2019 World Wide Web Conference (WWW'19 Companion). Presented in the 2019 International Workshop on Misinformation, Computational Fact-Checking and Credible Web (MisinfoWorkshop2019). 6 page