231 research outputs found

    The implications of lung-regulated buoyancy control for dive depth and duration

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    Among air-breathing divers, control of buoyancy through lung volume regulation may be most highly developed in marine turtles. In short, the turtle lung may serve a dual role as both an oxygen store and in buoyancy control. A simple model is developed to show that, for turtles diving up to the maximum depth at which they can still use their lungs to attain neutral buoyancy, the total oxygen store will increase greatly with dive depth, and hence a corresponding increase in dive duration is predicted. Time–depth recorders attached to free-living green turtles (Chelonia mydas) at Ascension Island confirmed a marked increase in dive duration with depth, with the gradient of this relationship being >10 times that seen in diving birds and mammals. Consistent with the prediction that the lungs serve a dual role, we found that, when lead weights were added to some turtles to increase their specific gravity, the mean depth of dives decreased, but for dives to the same depth, weighted animals dived for longer. The depth distribution of green turtles seems to be generally constrained by the maximum depth at which they can still attain close to neutral buoyancy

    Fate and Transport of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Upland Irish Headwater Lake Catchments

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    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a concern due to their carcinogenicity and propensity for transboundary atmospheric transport. Ireland is located on the western periphery of Europe and assumed to receive clean Atlantic air. As such, it has been used as an atmospheric reference for comparison to other regions. Nonetheless, few studies have evaluated concentrations of PAHs within the Irish environment. In the current study, PAHs were measured at five upland (500–800 masl) headwater lake catchments in coastal regions around Ireland, remote from industrial point source emissions. Semipermeable membrane devices were deployed in lakes for a 6-month period in July 2009, and topsoils were sampled from each catchment during October 2010. The concentrations of PAHs were low at most study sites with respect to other temperate regions. Homologue groups partitioned between lake and soil compartments based on their molecular weight were: “lighter” substances, such as Phenanthrene and Fluorene, were found in higher proportions in lakes, whereas “heavier” compounds, such as Chrysene and Benz[a]anthracene, were more prominent in soils. Concentrations of PAHs were highest at the east coast sites, potentially due to contributions from historical transboundary and regional combustion sources

    Development and testing of attachment methods for pop-up satellite archival transmitters in European eel

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    Background: Four methods for attaching pop-up satellite transmitters to European eel were tested in the laboratory by recording long-term tag retention, growth and survival; short-term behavioral responses; and physical damage from attachments. Results: All eels survived until they lost their tag, or until end of the six-month study. Specific growth rate did not differ between tagged fish and controls. Tag retention varied from 0% to 100% among attachment methods. A tagging method that uses the strength of the eel skin by attaching the tag to the skin at three points is recommended for ocean migration studies based on a long tag retention time, minimal behavioral reactions, negligible damage to the swimming muscle, and minimal physical damage both for fish retaining and losing the tag. Although tag retention was 50% over six months, those losing their tags still retained them for 114 to 134 days. Another method had higher tag retention (100%), but required the use of steel wires that moved upwards through the muscle over time. This method was regarded as less suitable because of a strong behavioral reaction in the first two days after tagging and damage to the swimming muscle. Results from 275 silver eels released on European coasts equipped with pop-up satellite transmitters or similarly sized pop-up data storage tags to study the ocean spawning migration indicated a large premature tag release. This was partly related to mechanical tag loss, but probably mainly to a high predation rate (>20% confirmed predations of eels with pop-up satellite transmitters). Mean time to premature tag release was 14 to 21 days (maximum nine months). Conclusions: Laboratory and field data showed that pop-up satellite transmitters attached to eels can remain attached for six to nine months, but that tag retention is a challenge. Hiding behavior in a structured habitat increased the risk of entanglement and tag loss. In ocean migration studies, consideration should be given to transportation and release off shore instead of in shallower areas where they are more likely to seek the seabed and hide in structured habitats. Behavioral reactions indicate that data recorded during the first two to three days after tagging may not reflect natural behavior.Development and testing of attachment methods for pop-up satellite archival transmitters in European eelpublishedVersio

    How does school size affect tail beat frequency in turbulent water?

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    The energy savings experienced by fish swimming in a school have so far been investigated in an near-idealised experimental context including a relatively laminar water flow. The effects of explicitly turbulent flows and different group sizes are yet to be considered. Our repeated-measures study is a first step in addressing both of these issues: whether schooling is more energetically economical for fish when swimming in a quantified non-laminar flow and how this might be moderated by group size. We measured tail beat frequency (tbf) in sea bass swimming in a group of 3 or 6, or singly. Video data enabled us to approximately track the movements of the fish during the experiments and in turn ascertain the water flow rates and turbulence levels experienced for each target individual. Although the fish exhibited reductions in tbf during group swimming, which may indicate some energy savings, these savings appear to be attenuated, presumably due to the water turbulence and the movement of the fish relative to each other. Surprisingly, tbf was unrelated to flow rate when the fish were swimming singly or in a group of three, and decreased with increasing flow rates when swimming in a group of six. However, the fish increased tbf in greater turbulence at all group sizes. Our study demonstrates that under the challenging and complex conditions of turbulent flow and short-term changes in school structure, group size can moderate the influences of water flow on a fish's swimming kinematics, and in turn perhaps their energy costs. Summary statement: The energy savings that sea bass experience from schooling are affected by flow speed or turbulence, moderated by group size

    Dependent infrastructure system modeling: A case study of the St. Kitts power and water distribution systems

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    Critical infrastructure systems underlie the economy, national security, and health of modern society. These infrastructures have become increasingly dependent on each other, which poses challenges when modeling these systems. Although a number of methods have been developed for this problem, few case studies that model real-world dependent infrastructures have been conducted. In this paper, we aim to provide another example of such a case study by modeling a real-world water distribution system dependent on a power system. Unlike in the limited previous case studies, our case study is in a developing nation context. This makes the availability of data about the infrastructure systems in this case study very limited, which is a common characteristic of real-world studies in many settings. Thus, a main contribution of the paper is to show how one can still develop representative, useful models for systems in the context of limited data. To demonstrate the utility of these types of models, two examples of different analyses are performed, where the results provide information about the most vulnerable parts of the infrastructures and critical linkages between the power and water distribution systems.publishedVersio

    The Academic Profession in Canada: Perceptions of Canadian University Faculty about Research and Teaching

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    Previous scholarly attention to the experiences of faculty members has emphasized the contexts of US institutions, with minimal attention to the experiences of faculty members at Canadian universities.  This paper presents the findings of the Canadian component of an international survey that was administered in 19 different jurisdictions to understand the perceptions of faculty members about the nature and scope of changes to academic work. As such, the paper explores the perceptions on research and teaching of full-time faculty members affiliated with Canadian universities. Overall, faculty members revealed that Canadian universities have strong, engaging, and vibrant research and teaching environments, yet there are also areas for improvement. Specifically, findings showed that faculty members perceived considerable autonomy with respect to research activities, despite the increasing need to secure external funding for research. Also, faculty expressed substantial commitment to teaching undergraduate students but a lack of clarity about some issues related to graduate teaching. The survey results provide an important baseline for future studies of Canadian universities and the working conditions of the professoriate in a time of rapid institutional and professional change.  Jusqu’à prĂ©sent, les Ă©tudes scientifiques sur l’expĂ©rience du corps professoral ont surtout portĂ© sur le contexte Ă©tatsunien, accordant trĂšs peu d’attention Ă  l’expĂ©rience vĂ©cue dans les universitĂ©s canadiennes. Cet article prĂ©sente les rĂ©sultats de la partie canadienne d’un sondage international effectuĂ© dans 19 juridictions, et dont le but Ă©tait de comprendre la perception du corps professoral envers la nature et la portĂ©e de changements modifiant le travail acadĂ©mique. Dans l’ensemble, les membres du corps professoral ont confiĂ© que le milieu de la recherche et de l’enseignement est solide, stimulant et dynamique, bien que des points restent Ă  amĂ©liorer. Plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, notre recherche rĂ©vĂšle que les membres du corps professoral perçoivent une autonomie considĂ©rable sur le plan des activitĂ©s de recherche, malgrĂ© le besoin grandissant d’obtenir du financement externe pour la recherche. De plus, les membres du corps professoral ont exprimĂ© leur engagement capital envers l’enseignement au premier cycle, mais aussi un manque de clartĂ© quant Ă  certains problĂšmes liĂ©s Ă  l’enseignement aux cycles supĂ©rieurs. Dans un contexte de changements institutionnels et professionnels rapides, les rĂ©sultats du sondage fournissent un important point de dĂ©part pour de futures Ă©tudes sur les universitĂ©s canadiennes et les conditions de travail du corps professoral

    From “where” and “when” to “what” and “why”: archival tags for monitoring “complex” behaviours in fish.

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    Understanding the movements (“where” and “when”) and behaviour (“what” and, hopefully, “why”) of individuals and populations is key to answering fundamental questions in fish ecology. The use of archival tags in telemetry studies of marine fish have, by and large, involved recording “simple” measurements of variables such as pressure (giving depth), temperature and light over extended timescales. These have then been used to provide information about location and movement of individuals. However, our understanding of more complex behaviours (i.e. what fish are doing as different from spatial movements) has usually been inferred from movement data because it has not been possible to record directly specific behavioural events such as feeding or spawning. This is because the events are usually infrequent, irregular and often quite brief and so not amenable to a technology based on taking regular but infrequent records of continuously available variables. The recent implementation of new sensors (e.g. physical movement, tri-axial accelerometers), rapid (< 30 Hz) sampling capabilities, enhanced memory and more complex data capture protocols has lead to the development of archival tags that can be used to detect and record complex behaviours such as feeding and spawning. We describe recent developments with archival tags and their use to monitor feeding and spawning in fish together with the application of tri-axial accelerometry that can be used to quantify behaviour and metabolic rate. These can then be used to assess the cost of behaviours with a view to understanding how appropriate they are as responses to environmental variability. Keywords: telemetry, behaviour, data storage ta

    Vertical movements of North Sea Cod

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    Various air-breathing marine vertebrates such as seals, turtles and seabirds show distinct patterns of diving behaviour. For fish, the distinction between different vertical behaviours is often less clear-cut, as there are no surface intervals to differentiate between dives. Using data from acoustic tags (n = 23) and archival depth recorders attached to cod Gadus morhua (n = 92) in the southern North Sea, we developed a quantitative method of classifying vertical movements in order to facilitate an objective comparison of the behaviour of different individuals. This method expands the utilisation of data from data storage tags, with the potential for a better understanding of fish behaviour and enhanced individual based behaviour for improved ecosystem modelling. We found that cod were closely associated with the seabed for 90% of the time, although they showed distinct seasonal and spatial patterns in behaviour. For example, cod tagged in the southern North Sea exhibited high rates of vertical movement in spring and autumn that were probably associated with migration, while the vertical movements of resident cod in other areas were much less extensive and were probably related to foraging or spawning behaviours. The full reasons underlying spatial and temporal behavioural plasticity by cod in the North Sea warrant further investigation

    Cancer risk management strategies and perceptions of unaffected women 5 years after predictive genetic testing for BRCA1/2 mutations

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    In a French national cohort of unaffected females carriers/non-carriers of a BRCA1/2 mutation, long-term preventive strategies and breast/ovarian cancer risk perceptions were followed up to 5 years after test result disclosure, using self-administered questionnaires. Response rate was 74%. Carriers (N=101) were younger (average age±SD=37±10) than non-carriers (N=145; 42±12). There were four management strategies that comprised 88% of the decisions made by the unaffected carriers: 50% opted for breast surveillance alone, based on either magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and other imaging (31%) or mammography alone (19%); 38% opted for either risk reducing salpingo-oophorectomy (RRSO) and breast surveillance, based on MRI and other imaging (28%) or mammography alone (10%). The other three strategies were: risk reducing mastectomy (RRM) and RRSO (5%), RRM alone (2%) and neither RRM/RRSO nor surveillance (6%). The results obtained for various age groups are presented here. Non-carriers often opted for screening despite their low cancer risk. Result disclosure increased carriers' short-term high breast/ovarian cancer risk perceptions (P⩜0.02) and decreased non-carriers' short- and long-term perceptions (P<0.001). During follow-up, high breast cancer risk perceptions increased with time among those who had no RRM and decreased in the opposite case; high ovarian cancer risk perceptions increased further with time among those who had no RRSO and decreased in the opposite case; RRSO did not affect breast cancer risk perceptions. Informed decision-making involves letting women know whether opting for RRSO and breast MRI surveillance is as effective in terms of survival as RRM and RRSO
