68 research outputs found

    Das Nutzungsverhalten im Internet von Patienten mit Anorexia nervosa und Bulimia nervosa und der Einfluss von Internetforen und sozialen Netzwerken auf die Erkrankung und die KrankheitsbewÀltigung

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    Ziel der Studie ist es, das Internetverhalten von Patienten mit Anorexia und Bulimia nervosa zu untersuchen. Dabei soll vor allem auf die kommunikative Nutzung des Internets sowie auf die in Internetforen und sozialen Netzwerken erfahrene soziale UnterstĂŒtzung und die QualitĂ€t der Beziehungen eingegangen werden. Weiterhin wird die Auswirkung von Foren auf den Krankheitsverlauf und die Bekanntheit und Nutzung von proanorektischen Foren, die Essstörungen nicht als Krankheit, sondern als Lebensstil deklarieren, erforscht. Außerdem soll die Bekanntheit und Akzeptanz von internetbasierten Therapien im Sinne von E-Mental-Health erfragt werden. E-Mental-Health beschreibt die Nutzung von neuen Technologien wie dem Internet oder Mobiltelefonen fĂŒr PrĂ€vention, FrĂŒherkennung, Therapie und RĂŒckfallprophylaxe von psychiatrischen Erkrankungen. Methoden: Die Daten wurden mithilfe eines anonym auszufĂŒllenden Fragebogens von 81 in ambulanter und stationĂ€rer Behandlung befindlichen Patienten mit Anorexia und Bulimia nervosa zwischen 18 und 35 Jahren (MW 23,99 Jahre ± 3,97 SD) erhoben. Die Patienten wurden 2012 multizentrisch innerhalb Deutschlands rekrutiert und ihre Antworten wurden mit denen von 81 Kontrollpersonen verglichen. 93,8 % der Teilnehmer waren weiblich und 6,2 % mĂ€nnlich. Ergebnisse: Die wöchentliche Zeit, die Patienten mit Anorexia und Bulimia nervosa im Internet und in GesprĂ€chsforen verbringen, unterscheidet sich nicht signifikant von der von Kontrollpersonen. In erster Linie werden im Internet E-Mails und Suchmaschinen genutzt. Patienten nutzen im Internet mehr Foren (p = 0,030) und soziale Netzwerke (p = 0,019) als Kontrollpersonen. Forennutzende Patienten sind in Foren signifikant aktiver als Kontrollpersonen (p = 0,004). DarĂŒber hinaus besuchen Patienten mit Essstörung, welche Foren nutzen, diese signifikant hĂ€ufiger aus emotionalen GrĂŒnden, darunter vor allem aufgrund von negativen GefĂŒhlen (p < 0,001) und zur Ablenkung von einer Schwierigkeit (p = 0,001). Foren können aus Sicht der Patienten sowohl positive als auch negative Auswirkungen auf deren Krankheitsverlauf haben. Proanorektische Websites sind bei mehr als der HĂ€lfte der Patienten bekannt, wobei ein FĂŒnftel angibt, diese regelmĂ€ĂŸig genutzt zu haben. Internetbasierte Therapien sind bei weniger als 20 % der Patienten bekannt und es besteht diesbezĂŒglich eine eher skeptische Haltung. Beziehungen in Foren und sozialen Netzwerken werden von den Probanden als weniger wichtig angesehen und sind außerhalb des Internets stĂ€rker. Dennoch erfahren forennutzende Patienten mit Anorexia und Bulimia nervosa emotionale Aspekte wie VerstĂ€ndnis, Gruppenzugehörigkeit und Respekt in ihren Beziehungen in Foren signifikant hĂ€ufiger als Kontrollpersonen (p < 0,001). Forennutzende Patienten erhalten in Foren signifikant mehr soziale UnterstĂŒtzung als Kontrollpersonen (p < 0,001) und es können aus Sicht der Patienten auch persönliche und soziale Kompetenzen wie Selbstbewusstsein und Offenheit gestĂ€rkt werden (p = 0,044). Diskussion: Es gibt bereits einige erfolgversprechende Ergebnisse bezĂŒglich E-Mental-Health im Bereich von Essstörungen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie deuten darauf hin, dass Internetforen fĂŒr Patienten mit Anorexia und Bulimia nervosa wichtiger sind als fĂŒr gesunde Kontrollpersonen. Patienten nutzen das Internet stĂ€rker als Kommunikationsmedium und sie erfahren mehr soziale UnterstĂŒtzung in Foren als Kontrollpersonen. Trotz teilweise hoch sensitiver Ergebnisse ist die Aussagekraft der forenspezifischen Ergebnisse aufgrund der geringen Stichprobenzahl eingeschrĂ€nkt. Mithilfe eines breiteren Wissens um das Internetverhalten von Patienten mit Anorexia und Bulimia nervosa können Therapien effizienter gestaltet werden. ZukĂŒnftige Studien sollten untersuchen, welche Foren sich gesundheitsfördernd und welche sich eher gesundheitsschĂ€digend auswirken. Außerdem sollte zukĂŒnftige Forschung untersuchen, wie man E-Mental-Health effektiv in die Therapie von Essstörungen integrieren kann. Fazit: Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie deuten darauf hin, dass E-Mental-Health bei vielen Patienten mit Anorexia und Bulimia nervosa eine gute ErgĂ€nzung der bisherigen Therapie darstellen könnte

    Assessing Noise Emissions of Different Drones in Representative Flight Maneuvers

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    This scientific publication focuses (i) on the specifications of the various drones used in this study, (ii) on the specifics of the varying flight maneuvers undertaken in the flight tests and (iii) on sharing the overall flight test experience. In the course of two different flight test campaigns conducted at DLRs National Experimental Test Center for Unmanned Aerial Systems in Cochstedt (Germany) in December 2020 and July 2021, numerous acoustical measurements have been recorded and later analyzed. Within this research initiative, the German Environmental Agency was responsible for providing the required measurement equipment, specifying the required UAV flight routes and analyzing the obtained research data

    Nicht nur ĂŒber, auch mit GeflĂŒchteten reden. Verwirklichungschancen, EinschrĂ€nkungen und Integration aus der Sicht GeflĂŒchteter

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    Der Band dokumentiert konzeptionelle Grundlagen, Ergebnisse und Erfahrungen eines Projekts forschenden Lernens zu Lebenssituation und Perspektiven GeflĂŒchteter in Deutschland. Aufbauend auf Amartya Sens Capability-Ansatz wurde mit insgesamt 76 GeflĂŒchteten in qualitativen Interviews erörtert, was ihnen fĂŒr ihr Leben wichtig ist, was sie davon erreichen können und mit welchen EinschrĂ€nkungen sie sich konfrontiert sehen. Hierauf aufbauend lassen sich RĂŒckschlĂŒsse auf Verwirklichungschancen (Capabilities) und HandlungsfĂ€higkeit GeflĂŒchteter, aber auch auf integrationspolitischen Handlungsbedarf ziehen. Zudem werden der Einsatz des Capability-Ansatzes als Analyserahmen fĂŒr Fluchtmigration erörtert und die Ergebnisse aus migrationsethischer und methodischer Perspektive diskutiert. Nicht zuletzt werden die Erfahrungen der am Projekt beteiligten Studierenden sowie der Kultur- und Sprachmittler/innen aufgezeigt

    Applicability of ISO standard 3744 to UA

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    Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) are used for a variety of purposes. Especially the industrial or professional use of unmanned aircraft (UA) will lead to an increasing number of possible applications. The steadily rising number of UA raise the question of noise impact from these air traffic users. For the first time, an EU regulation provides a uniform noise rating for UA. It involves the introduction of a label for the guaranteed sound power level. This level is to be determined via EN ISO 3744:2010 by means of an enveloping surface method. Manufacturers are required to document the guaranteed sound power level as part of their CE marking. In addition, the EU regulation specifies a maximum permissible sound power level. The permitted level depends on the weight of the UA. Therefore, the German Environment Agency has started with acoustic investigations of UA. Various small UA models (i.e. multicopter) were used in the measurements in accordance with the EU regulation. This paper presents the results of the measurements and shows whether the requirements of the EU regulation are to be complied with. The challenges for users of the applicable measurement standard are also highlighted

    Distribution but not amount of protein intake is associated with frailty: a cross-sectional investigation in the region of NĂŒrnberg

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    Background To preserve muscle mass and therefore limit the risk of disability in older adults protein intake is seen as important factor. Besides the amount of protein, its distribution over the day is thought to affect protein anabolism. This cross-sectional study investigates the association between the amount and distribution of protein intake and frailty in older adults. Methods In 194 community-dwelling seniors (≄75 years) amount of protein intake and its distribution over the day (morning, noon, evening) were assessed using a food frequency questionnaire. Unevenness of protein distribution was calculated as coefficient of variation (CV). Frailty was defined as the presence of at least three, pre-frailty as the presence of one or two of the following criteria: weight loss, exhaustion, low physical activity, low handgrip strength and slow walking speed. Results 15.4% of the participants were frail, 40.5% were pre-frail. Median (min.-max.) daily protein intake was 77.5 (38.5–131.5) g, 1.07 (0.58–2.27) g/kg body weight (BW) and 15.9 (11.2–21.8) % of energy intake without significant differences between the frailty groups. The risk of frailty did not differ significantly between participants in the higher compared to the lowest quartile of protein intake. Frail participants consumed significantly less protein in the morning (11.9 vs. 14.9 vs. 17.4%, p = 0,007), but more at noon (61.4 vs. 60.8 vs. 55.3%, p = 0.024) than pre-frail and non-frail. The median (min.-max.) CV of protein distribution was highest in frail (0.76 (0.18–1.33)) compared to pre-frail (0.74 (0.07–1.29)) and non-frail (0.68 (0.15–1.24)) subjects (p = 0.024). Conclusions In this sample of healthy older persons, amount of protein intake was not associated with frailty, but distribution of protein intake was significantly different between frail, pre-frail and non-frail participants. More clinical studies are needed to further clarify the relation between protein intake and frailty

    Dietary behavior : An interdisciplinary conceptual analysis and taxonomy

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    The preparation of this paper was supported by the DEterminants of DIet and Physical ACtivity (DEDIPAC) knowledge hub. This work was supported by the Joint Programming Initiative “Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life.” The funding agencies supporting this work are (in alphabetical order of participating Member State): France: Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA); Germany: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF); Italy: Ministry of Education, University and Research/Ministry of Agriculture Food and Forestry Policies; Norway: The Research Council of Norway, Division for Society and Health; and The United Kingdom: The Medical Research Council (MRC).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Isradipine therapy in Cacna1dIle772Met/+ mice ameliorates primary aldosteronism and neurologic abnormalities

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    Somatic gain-of-function mutations in the L-type calcium channel CaV1.3 (CACNA1D gene) cause adrenal aldosterone-producing adenomas and micronodules. De novo germline mutations are found in a syndrome of primary aldosteronism, seizures, and neurologic abnormalities (PASNA) as well as in autism spectrum disorder. Using CRISPR/Cas9, we here generated mice with a Cacna1d gain-of-function mutation found in both adenomas and PASNA syndrome (Cacna1dIle772Met/+). These mice show reduced body weight and increased mortality from weaning to approximately 100 days of age. Male mice do not breed, likely due to neuromotor impairment, and the offspring of female mice die perinatally, likely due to lack of maternal care. Mice generated by in vitro fertilization showed elevated intracellular calcium in the aldosterone-producing zona glomerulosa, an elevated aldosterone/renin ratio, and persistently elevated serum aldosterone on a high-salt diet as signs of primary aldosteronism. Anesthesia with ketamine and xylazine induced tonic-clonic seizures. Neurologic abnormalities included hyperlocomotion, impaired performance in the rotarod test, impaired nest building, and slight changes in social behavior. Intracellular calcium in the zona glomerulosa, aldosterone levels, and rotarod performance responded to treatment with the calcium channel blocker isradipine, with implications for the therapy of patients with aldosterone-producing lesions and with PASNA syndrome

    Dietary Behavior: An Interdisciplinary Conceptual Analysis and Taxonomy

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    Background: Dietary behavior encompasses many aspects, terms for which are used inconsistently across different disciplines and research traditions. This hampers communication and comparison across disciplines and impedes the development of a cumulative science. We describe the conceptual analysis of the fuzzy umbrella concept “dietary behavior” and present the development of an interdisciplinary taxonomy of dietary behavior. Methods: A four-phase multi-method approach was employed. Input was provided by 76 scholars involved in an international research project focusing on the determinants of dietary behavior. Input was collected from the scholars via an online mind mapping procedure. After structuring, condensing, and categorizing this input into a compact taxonomy, the result was presented to all scholars, discussed extensively, and adapted. A second revision round was then conducted among a core working group. Results: A total of 145 distinct entries were made in the original mind mapping procedure. The subsequent steps allowed us to reduce and condense the taxonomy into a final product consisting of 34 terms organized into three main categories: Food Choice, Eating Behavior, and Dietary Intake/Nutrition. In a live discussion session attended by 50 of the scholars involved in the development of the taxonomy, it was judged to adequately reflect their input and to be a valid and useful starting point for interdisciplinary understanding and collaboration. Conclusion: The current taxonomy can be used as a tool to facilitate understanding and cooperation between different disciplines investigating dietary behavior, which may contribute to a more successful approach to tackling the complex public health challenges faced by the field. The taxonomy need not be viewed as a final product, but can continue to grow in depth and width as additional experts provide their input

    Mediators of outcome in adolescent psychotherapy and their implications for theories and mechanisms of change: a systematic review.

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    Psychotherapeutic treatment of adolescents requires age-specific approaches and thus plausibly also involves different change mechanisms than adult psychotherapy. To guide further research and improve therapeutic outcomes for adolescents, we reviewed all RCTs investigating mechanisms of change in the psychological treatment of adolescents to identify the most promising age-, disorder- or treatment-specific mediators. Following the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews (PRISMA), 106 studies were included that reported 252 statistical mediation tests assessed with 181 different measures. Most often studied and significant mediators were cognitive, followed by family-related, and behavioral variables. Several mediators were identified to be promising for future investigations: changes in negative thoughts, dysfunctional beliefs and metacognitive skills; family functioning and parenting skills; as well as successful engagement in therapy activities and increased impulse control. Symptom change during therapy was least often a mediator for other therapeutic changes. Relational and emotional mediators were largely understudied, whereas peer-influence appeared a promising mediator for intervention outcomes. Adolescence-specific mediators were most commonly investigated. Majority of studied mediators were not disorder-specific. There was a tendency to mainly test change mechanisms of specific theoretical models without considering other possible change theories. Further, virtually no studies fulfilled all criteria for rigorously investigating mediation and only nine were classified with an overall good study quality. While bearing in mind the current limitations in study designs, methodological rigor and reporting, there appears to be substantial evidence for transdiagnostic age-specific change models in the psychological treatment of adolescents. For future research, need for consensus on a core set of transdiagnostic and transtheoretical mediators and measures is highlighted. These should address likely core mechanisms of change, as well as take into account age-relevant developmental challenges and biological markers
