30 research outputs found

    At-line boar taint classification by means of Rapid Evaporative Ionisation Mass Spectrometry (REIMS)

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    Increasing awareness of animal welfare has led to a European incentive to ban the surgical castration of piglets. A valid alternative for castration is the rearing of entire male pigs, but this allows the (re)occurrence of boar taint, an off-odour in meat from entire boars (1). Hence, due to adverse consumer reactions to pork with boar taint, the rearing of entire boars requires valid boar taint mitigation strategies. However, the introduction of Rapid Evaporative Ionisation MS (REIMS) offers compelling perspectives for the rapid as well as accurate at-line detection of boar taint by significantly reducing analysis time and workload, yet enhancing research output and efficiency (2). In this study, REIMS was used as a direct analysis technique to train predictive models for identification of boar taint above the odour threshold (based on sensory (soldering iron method) as well as chemical analysis (UHPLC-HRMS analysis of indole, skatole and androstenone levels) 3. Adipose tissue was sampled using a prototype bipolar handheld sampling device connected directly to a Xevo G2-XS Q-TOF system equipped with REIMS source (Fig. 1). The results demonstrate that untargeted mass spectrometric profiling in negative ionisation mode enables the construction of predictive models using LiveID, AMX and Simca (Q2 = 0.547, R2Y = 0.652 and p = 0) for the classification of carcasses according to boar taint status based on alterations in lipid profiles. As REIMS eliminates sample pre-treatment with analysis taking < 10 seconds, it offers significant potential as the first technique enabling accurate in-situ detection of boar taint. REIMS is a promising and highly innovative tool for several types of food quality and safety applications, furthermore allowing us to move state-of-the-art equipment and applications from bench to production site. Acknowledgments: This research was partly funded by the Flemish Government, department of animal welfare (LNE/STG/DWZ/16/11). References: [1] K. Verplanken, Ghent University PhD dissertation, (2018) 1-15. [2] K. Verplanken et al., Talanta, 169 (2017) 30–36. [3] K. Bekaert et al., Journal of Chromatography A, 1239 (2012) 49-55

    Duality and Global Symmetries

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    This is a general introduction to duality in field theories. The existence and breaking of global symmetries is used as a guideline to systematically prove duality between different field theories. Systems discussed include abelian and non-abelian T-duality in string theory, abelian and nonabelian bosonization, and duality for massless and massive antisymmetric tensor field theories in arbitrary number of dimensions. Open questions regarding these techniques are also discussed. (Lectures given at 33rd Karpacz Winter School `Duality: Strings and Fields' .)Comment: 19 pages,latex,espcrc

    The surgical intelligent knife distinguishes normal, borderline and malignant gynaecological tissues using rapid evaporative ionisation mass spectrometry (REIMS)

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    Background Survival from ovarian cancer (OC) is improved with surgery, but surgery can be complex and tumour identification, especially for borderline ovarian tumours (BOT), is challenging. The Rapid Evaporative Ionisation Mass Spectrometric (REIMS) technique reports tissue histology in real-time by analysing aerosolised tissue during electrosurgical dissection. Methods Aerosol produced during diathermy of tissues was sampled with the REIMS interface. Histological diagnosis and mass spectra featuring complex lipid species populated a reference database on which principal component, linear discriminant and leave-one-patient-out cross-validation analyses were performed. Results A total of 198 patients provided 335 tissue samples, yielding 3384 spectra. Cross-validated OC classification vs separate normal tissues was high (97·4% sensitivity, 100% specificity). BOT were readily distinguishable from OC (sensitivity 90.5%, specificity 89.7%). Validation with fresh tissue lead to excellent OC detection (100% accuracy). Histological agreement between iKnife and histopathologist was very good (kappa 0.84, P < 0.001, z = 3.3). Five predominantly phosphatidic acid (PA(36:2)) and phosphatidyl-ethanolamine (PE(34:2)) lipid species were identified as being significantly more abundant in OC compared to normal tissue or BOT (P < 0.001, q < 0.001). Conclusions The REIMS iKnife distinguishes gynaecological tissues by analysing mass-spectrometry-derived lipidomes from tissue diathermy aerosols. Rapid intra-operative gynaecological tissue diagnosis may improve surgical care when histology is unknown, leading to personalised operations tailored to the individual

    Kematian Manusia Sebagai Inspirasi Dalam Seni Grafis

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    Kematian adalah suatu peristiwa yang paling hebat yang pasti akan terjadi atas diri manusia, melupakan mati atau tidak mengingat mati adalah suatu sikap yang tidak bertanggungjawab dari sudut pandang Islam. Semua manusia akan menemui kematian dalam hidupnya, ini adalah suatu kenyataan yang terjadi pada manusia. Maka persiapan menghadapi kematian menjadi penting dipertimbangkan untuk mendapatkan kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat. Dalam kesenian, pesan-pesan agama, hubungan antara seni dan religi saling jalin menjalin sepanjang sejarah kehidupan manusia. Seni selalu hadir dalam setiap peradaban Islam, seperti, masjisd Nabawi di Madinah al Munawwarah yang sangat indah, atau penyampaian melalui lukisan “Arasbaque” dan karya seni lainnya. Konsep perwujudan dengan bentuk Tengkorak dan anatomi kerangka tulang manusia sebagai simbol yang dapat mewakili ide tentang kematian manusia, dipadu dengan objek pendukung lain dimaksudkan agar ilustrasi yang ingin dicapai dapat tersampaikan pesan dan makna ke dalam karya seni grafis. Dengan menggunakan teknik cetak saring atau serigrafi dalam visualisasinya dapat mendukung atau menghasilkan perwujudan karya yang maksimal sesuai dengan cita rasa, fantasi pengalaman estetis, dan kemampuan artistik yang diinginkan. Semua yang terjadi dari proses pembuatan karya seni Tugas Akhir ini merupakan respon atau tanggapan penulis terhadap seluruh permasalahan yang penulis alami dan amati atas realita yang terjadi di lingkungan sekitar. Penulis mencoba merefleksikan pengalaman pribadi penulis ke dalam karya-karya tugas akhir ini

    Rapid detection and specific identification of offals within minced beef samples utilising ambient mass spectrometry

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    Abstract The morphological transformation of beef tissues after various processing treatments facilitates the addition of cheap offal products. Undetectable to the naked eye, analytical techniques are required to identify such scenarios within minced and processed products. DNA methodologies are ill-equipped to detect adulteration of offal cuts from the same species and vibrational spectroscopic studies, although rapid and non-destructive, have proved inconclusive as to whether the specific adulterant can be identified. For the first time we present a mass spectrometric approach employing an ambient ionisation process to eliminate sample preparation and provide near-instantaneous results. Rapid evaporative ionisation mass spectrometry (REIMS) was used to assess its capabilities of detecting minced beef adulteration with beef brain, heart, kidney, large intestine and liver tissues and chemometric analysis enabled unique or significant markers to be identified. The adulteration levels detected with the REIMS technology when analysing raw adulterated beef burgers were; brain (5%); heart (1–10%); kidney (1–5%); large intestine (1–10%) and liver (5–10%). For boiled adulterated samples; brain (5–10%); heart (1–10%); kidney (1–5%); large intestine (1–10%) and liver (5–10%). REIMS allows rapid and specific identification of offal cuts within adulterated beef burgers and could provide a paradigm shift across many authenticity applications