1,267 research outputs found

    Applying performance measures to support informed decision making at an operational level

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    Performance Measurement Systems (PMS) have commonly been applied to evaluate and reward performances at managerial levels, especially in the context of supply chain management. However, evidence suggests that the effective use of PMS can also positively influence the behaviour and improve performance at an operational level. The purpose of the study described in this paper is to develop a conceptual framework that adopts performance measures for ex-ante decision-making at an operational level within the supply chain. A case study at Coca-Cola Enterprises has been carried out and as a result, a conceptual framework of the PMS has been developed

    Optical Phenomena in Time Dependent Medium

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    How to deal with optical phenomena if the physical quantities are time-dependent? When a light wave propagating in space meets an interface between two media, a transmitted and a reflected wave appears. However, if a medium abruptly changes the value of its dielectric constant, even without an interface dividing space, we also have the phenomenon of reflection and refraction. Thinking of time as a coordinate similar to the spatial coordinates, the interface found also provides a change in the medium. But a change in time. Thus, known relationships, such as Snell’s Law, should be reviewed for such phenomena. This article deals with some situations where we have non-fixed dielectric constants, changing with time. From Maxwell’s equations, we demonstrate how to simulate the propagation of an electromagnetic wave in a medium that varies its dielectric constant over time. We used the finite difference method in the time domain (FDTD). We show the interesting phenomenon of temporal refraction and reflection

    The importance of crowdfunding in small and medium-sized enterprises

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    The main goal of this study is to analyse the importance of crowdfunding in SMEs in Portugal, and thus an empirical research of the most recent bibliographic contributions on crowdfunding was carried out in order to characterize the phenomenon in Portugal, the identification and functioning of the active platforms, existing regulation, the success factors of the projects and some successful cases. It was also identified through the collected data the importance of SMEs in Portugal and the evolution of bank loans as well as the evolution of crowdfunding in Portugal. All empirical data throughout the study are, whenever possible, with reference to December 2019. The results of the research carried out show the importance that SMEs have in the Portuguese economy and how they are still very dependent on banks in obtaining a long-term loan, however, there is tendency to decrease over the years. Crowdfunding has been gaining more and more importance over the years both in Portugal and in the rest of the world and it has characterized itself as an asset in reducing bank dependence, making it an increasingly reliable alternative for SMEs in Portugal, being important to create an economy more connected with society.O objetivo deste estudo é analisar qual é a importância do crowdfunding nas PMEs em Portugal, e desta forma, foi realizada uma pesquisa empírica das contribuições bibliográficas mais recentes sobre o crowdfunding e elaborada uma pesquisa de forma a caraterizar o fenómeno em Portugal, nomeadamente a identificação e funcionamento das plataformas ativas, a regulamentação existente, os fatores de sucesso dos projetos e alguns casos bem sucedidos. Foram também identificados alguns dados sobre a importância das PME em Portugal e da evolução dos empréstimos bancários, bem como da evolução do crowdfunding em Portugal. Todos os dados empíricos ao longo do estudo são, sempre que possível, com referência a dezembro de 2019. O resultado das pesquisas efetuadas evidencia a importância que as PME têm na economia portuguesas e em como ainda são muito dependentes dos bancos na obtenção de empréstimos a longo prazo, estando, no entanto, essa tendência a diminuir ao longo dos anos. O crowdfunding tem vindo a ganhar cada vez mais importância ao longo dos anos tanto em Portugal, como no resto do mundo, e tem demonstrado ser uma mais valia na redução da dependência dos bancos, tornando-se uma alternativa cada vez mais fiável para as PME em Portugal, sendo importante criar uma economia mais enraizada na sociedade

    The Effect of Drying Process on Undervalued Brown and Red Seaweed Species: Biochemical Characterization

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    Some of the results presented in this document were submitted to the international journal of Phycological Research for publication and are currently under revision (Annex I).The effect of drying on two brown seaweed (Cystoseira abies-marina, Cystoseira humilis) and two red seaweed species (Asparagopsis armata, Asparagopsis taxiformis), collected from the Azores Archipelago, was evaluated through the study of their proximate and mineral composition, relevant biological activities, such as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and significant bioactives, namely polyphenols and beta-glucans. Ash and protein content ranged from 25-56 g/100g dw and 3.5-13.1 g/100g dw, respectively. Sun-dried C. humilis had the highest moisture decrease. Concerning insoluble dietary fibre content, the genus Cystoseira presented superior concentrations (43.7-53.6 g/100g dw). Contrarily, the soluble dietary fibre content is superior in the Asparagopsis genus (8.0-13.2 g/100g dw). For the proximate composition, no significant differences were detected concerning the drying procedure. Seaweeds from the Cystoseira genus showed high polyphenol levels (176-678mg GAE/100 g dw), exceeding those determined in the Asparagopsis genus, regardless of drying process. This was partially reflected in the antioxidant activity, which showed that extracts from the Cystoseira species were often more antioxidant than those from Asparagopsis species. The influence of the drying technique upon the antioxidant activity was limited, since in many instances there was no effect. Concerning anti-inflammatory activity, in the case of shade-dried samples, C. humilis had a higher activity (>30% COX-2 inhibition) but was not rendered bioaccessible. Indeed, only A. taxiformis displayed anti-inflammatory activity in the bioaccessible fraction, leading to bioaccessibility factors in the 90-100% range. Therefore, though bioactivities were higher in the Cystoseira species, Asparagopsis species also had a positive bioactive potential. Sun-drying produced more negative effects than shade-drying, despite not being very extensive. Regarding elemental composition, iodine was present in a considerable amount in the Asparagopsis genus. Iron had high concentrations in the four species. Regarding contaminants, Cystoseira abies-marina showed high arsenic concentrations. Iodine, bromine, magnesium, and cadmium showed the highest bioaccessibility percentages

    Communication technology selection method for smart energy metering based on analytic hierarchy process

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    As new communication technologies continue to emerge and the integration of these technologies into the modernization of the electricity grid becomes increasingly necessary, a variety of communication protocols and combinations are being explored for their potential use in the smart grid domain. However, given the multitude of technological possibilities available, choosing the optimal technology capable of adequately addressing the communication requirements of the intelligent grid remains a challenge for utilities. This is due, on the one hand, to the fact that different intelligent grid applications have different qualitative and quantitative communication requirements. Moreover, on the other hand, each technology has advantages and disadvantages concerning its performance characteristics in such requirements. This work uses the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) methodology to select the wireless technology that presents the best performance characteristics concerning determined requirements. For this, a computational algorithm was developed in the Matlab programming environment, through which criteria such as data rate, latency, range, security, reliability, and interoperability were compared to select the best technological alternative among Wi-Fi, ZigBee, Z-Wave, and Bluetooth. Data collected from the literature review, with the performance characteristics of these technologies, were applied in a single case study simulating the practical implementation of this work. Among the analyzed criteria, simulations demonstrated that Wi-Fi was the winning technology alternative with 32.353%, followed by Z-Wave with 29.865% in second place, and ZigBee and Bluetooth were ranked third and fourth with 25.255% and 12.527%, respectively. In addition, sensitivity analysis shows how the AHP methodology can be a feasible alternative to assist decision-making in the smart grid domain.À medida que novas tecnologias de comunicação continuam a surgir e a integração destas tecnologias na modernização da rede elétrica se torna cada vez mais necessária, uma variedade de protocolos e combinações de tecnologias de comunicação vem sendo explorados para a sua potencial utilização no domínio da rede inteligente. No entanto, dada a multiplicidade de possibilidades tecnológicas disponíveis, a escolha da melhor tecnologia capaz de responder, adequadamente, aos requisitos de comunicação da rede elétrica inteligente continua sendo um desafio para diferentes atores interessados. Isto se deve, por um lado, ao fato de diferentes aplicações de rede inteligente terem diferentes requisitos de comunicação, quer sejam quantitativos ou qualitativos. Além disso, por outro lado, cada tecnologia tem vantagens e desvantagens relacionadas com as suas características de desempenho em tais requisitos. Este trabalho, portanto, utiliza a metodologia AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) para selecionar a tecnologia sem fios que apresenta as melhores características de desempenho relativamente a determinados requisitos. Para tal, foi desenvolvido um algoritmo computacional no ambiente de programação Matlab, através do qual critérios tais como taxa de dados, latência, alcance, segurança, confiabilidade e interoperabilidade foram comparados para selecionar a melhor alternativa tecnológica entre Wi-Fi, ZigBee, Z-Wave e Bluetooth. Os dados coletados na revisão de literatura, com as características de desempenho destas tecnologias, foram aplicados num único estudo de caso simulando a implementação prática deste método em ambiente residencial. Dentre os critérios analisados, as simulações demonstraram que o Wi-Fi foi a alternativa tecnológica vencedora com 32,353%, seguido pelo Z-Wave com 29,865% em segundo lugar, e ZigBee e Bluetooth ficaram em terceiro e quarto lugar com 25,255% e 12,527%, respectivamente. Além disso, a análise de sensibilidade, dos resultados, mostra como a metodologia AHP pode ser uma alternativa viável para auxiliar na tomada de decisões no domínio da rede inteligente

    Malnutrição e patologia cardíaca na população infantil de Bafatá, Guiné-Bissau

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Medicina (Cardiologia), apresentado á Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de CoimbraA debilidade nutricional na infância manifesta-se na idade adulta, entre outros, com o aparecimento de factores de risco para a patologia cardiovascular como a hipertensão arterial, a frequência cardíaca alta em repouso, a dislipidémia ou a diabetes. A desvantagem sócio-económica assume um papel semelhante, prevalecendo nos países em desenvolvimento. A Guiné-Bissaué um dos mais pequenos países africanos onde 22% dos nascituros têm baixo peso e 25% das crianças com menos de 5 anos têm peso abaixo do normal para a idade. Objectivo: Pretendeu estabelecer-se a associação entre parâmetros de natureza cardiovascular – tensão arterial sistólica, tensão arterial diastólica e frequência cardíaca – com o estado nutricional na população infantil da região de Bafatá, Guiné-Bissau. Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo transversal, de natureza não experimental, envolvendo 175 indivíduos da região de Bafatá, dos 1 aos 12 anos de idade, sem sintomatologia clínica, aos quais foram avaliadas variáveis antropométricas – peso, altura e perímetro braquial – e de natureza cardiovascular – frequência cardíaca e tensão arterial. Resultados: Na amostra estudada, 20.9% dos indivíduos encontram-se abaixo do percentil 5 de índice de massa corporal para a idade e 29.7% em idêntico percentil de peso para a idade. 22.7% da amostra possui frequência cardíaca superior ao limite máximo para a idade e 41.4% têm a tensão arterial superior acima do percentil 95 para a idade. A tensão arterial sistólica e diastólica relacionam-se com o género (p=.006 e p=.026) sendo inferiores no sexo masculino. Os rapazes malnutridos possuem a freqência cardíaca mais elevada que os de outro perfil nutricional. (p=.022). Ainda no sexo masculino, a tensão arterial sistólica relaciona-se com diferentes classes de malnutrição (p=.025), sendo inferior nos malnutridos, subindo para rapazes com o índice de massa corporal para a idade normal-alto. Conclusão: A malnutrição infantil é uma realidade no seio das populações estudadas, relacionando-se significativamente com alterações de parâmetros cardiovasculares, como diminuição da tensão arterial e aumento dos valores de frequência cardíaca, principalmente nos indivíduos do sexo masculinoThe defective nutrition in childhood manifests itself in adulthood, among others, with the emergence of risk factors for cardiovascular disease such as hypertension, high heart rate at rest, dyslipidemia and diabetes. The socio-economic disadvantage has a similar role, prevailing in developing countries. Guinea-Bissau is one of the smaller African countries where 22% of newborn children have low weight and 25% of children under 5 are below normal weight for age. Objective: It is intended to establish the association between cardiovascular parameters - systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and heart rate - and children nutritional status in the Bafatá region, Guinea-Bissau. Methods: This was a non-experimental cross-sectional study, involving 175 children from the Bafatá region from 1 to 12 years old without clinical symptoms, in which we evaluated anthropometric variables - weight, height and upper arm circumference – and cardiovascular parameters- heart rate and blood pressure. Results: In the sample studied, 20.9% of individuals are below the 5th percentile of body mass index for age and 29.7% are in the same percentile of weight for age. 22.7% of the sample has heart rate higher than the ceiling for age and 41.4% have a higher blood pressure above the 95th percentile for age. The systolic and diastolic blood pressure are related to gender (p=.006 p=.026) being lower in males. Malnourished boys have the heart rate higher than those of other nutritional profile (p=.022). The systolic blood pressure is related to different grades of malnutrition (p=.025) in boys, being lower in the malnourished, growing to those with normal-high body mass index for age. Conclusion: Children malnutrition is a reality within the studied populations, and is significantly related to changes in cardiovascular parameters, such as decrease in blood pressure and increase in heart rate, especially in boys

    Materiais híbridos oxometálicos para o processo de dessulfurização oxidativa

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    Crude oil contains four classes of compounds: aromatics, cycloalkanes, alkanes and compounds with atoms of sulfur, nitrogen and/or oxygen. The presence of sulfur brings a lot of damage, for the petroleum industry itself as well as for the environment, where is a major contributor of air pollution. The EU has imposed strict legislations on the S content in transportation fuels. However, the production of such ultra-low sulfur fuels by conventional hydrodesulfurization technologies is very costly, due to the harsh conditions (high temperatures and high H2 pressures) needed that are incompatible with other important fuel requirements. The development of alternative technologies that could successfully remove sulfur under sustainable and inexpensive conditions is very important. Oxidative desulfurization (ODS) has proven to be an effective approach for this purpose. In this process the sulfur compounds are oxidized by the combination of a suitable catalyst with an oxidant. The oxidized species are removed by extraction with appropriate polar solvents. Following this strategy, in the present work novel catalytic systems were developed based on the unexplored combination Mo(VI)-oxo/H2O2 for efficiently desulfurizing model and real liquid fuels. Special attention was given to the experimental conditions, particularly the substitution of organic volatile solvents by more sustainable options, such as ionic liquids (ILs), deep-eutectic solvents (DES) or solvent-free systems. Also, low H2O2/S ratios and low temperatures (50 or 70 °C) were considered to achieve the optimal conditions. Directly or indirectly (when dissolved) all the catalysts were reused and/or recycled for several ODS cycles. In general, the desulfurization efficiency was maintained at least until the third consecutive cycle. Of all the catalysts studied, the species {PO4[MoO(O2)2]4}3- stood out due to its remarkably recyclability and stability performance for desulfurization of a model diesel for ten consecutive cycles under eco-sustainable conditions (H2O2/S = 3.7 and solvent-free system), with its immiscibility in the reaction environment being of added value. The complex IndMo(CO)3Me also displayed a remarkable behaviour under similar conditions. Both catalysts were treated as heterogeneous catalysts and recovered and reused without further treatment. Despite these outstanding results, the absence of solvent during the ODS was detrimental to the treatment of real diesel samples (2300 ppm S). The highest and the best ODS results were achieved using biphasic systems (diesel/[BMIM]PF6): IndMo(CO)3Me (95 ppm), [MoO2Cl2(DEO)] (129 ppm), CpMo(CO)3Me (372 ppm), [MoO2Cl2(DMB)2] (381 ppm), {PO4[MoO(O2)2]4}3- (500 ppm), [MoO2Cl2(di-tBu-bipy)] (621 ppm) and two hybrid molybdenum compounds (740 and 741 ppm). The species {PO4[WO(O2)2]4}3- also displayed high catalytic efficiency but using MeCN as reaction medium.O petróleo contém quatro classes de compostos: aromáticos, cicloalcanos, alcanos e compostos com átomos de enxofre, azoto e/ou oxigénio. A presença de enxofre é prejudicial, para a indústria do petróleo como também para o ambiente, onde é o maior contribuinte para a poluição ambiental. A UE impôs legislações restritas para o conteúdo de enxofre nos combustíveis. No entanto o tratamento destes combustíveis, resulta num processo dispendioso devido às condições severas aplicadas (elevadas temperaturas e pressões de H2) incompatíveis com outros requisitos necessários para o combustível. O desenvolvimento de tecnologias alternativas que consigam remover o enxofre sob condições sustentáveis e economicamente mais viáveis é por isso bastante importante. A dessulfurização oxidativa (ODS) tem revelado ser um processo eficaz, no qual os compostos de enxofre são oxidados através da combinação de um catalisador e um oxidante, sendo as espécies oxidadas removidas facilmente por extração com solventes polares apropriados. Seguindo esta palavra de ordem, durante o presente trabalho foram desenvolvidos novos sistemas catalíticos, baseados na combinação pouco explorada Mo(VI)-oxo/H2O2, para eficientemente dessulfurizar diesel modelo e combustíveis reais. Deu-se especial atenção às condições experimentais, a partir das quais tentou-se substituir solventes orgânicos voláteis por opções mais sustentáveis, como líquidos iónicos (LIs), solventes eutécticos (DES) ou sistemas livres de solvente. Os rácios H2O2/S e temperatura reacional foram otimizados de forma a alcançar-se elevada eficiência de dessulfurização e economia do processo. De forma direta ou indireta (quando em solução) todos os catalisadores foram reutilizados e/ou reciclados por vários ciclos de ODS. De uma forma geral a eficiência de dessulfurização foi mantida por pelo menos três ciclos consecutivos. De todos os catalisadores aplicados, o {PO4[MoO(O2)2]4}3- sobressaiu pela sua extraordinária performance de reutilização e estabilidade na dessulfurização de um diesel modelo por dez ciclos consecutivos sob condições sustentáveis (H2O2/S = 3,7 na ausência de solvente). O IndMo(CO)3Me revelou ser um catalisador eficaz sob condições similares. Ambos foram tratados como catalisadores heterogéneos e recuperados e reutilizados sem tratamento adicional. Apesar dos valores sensacionais obtidos em meio monofásico, quando aplicados num gasóleo real (2300 ppm S), não exibiram a mesma eficácia. Os melhores resultados obtidos neste trabalho e quando comparados com o descrito na literatura foram alcançados em meio bifásico (gasóleo/[BMIM]PF6): IndMo(CO)3Me (95 ppm), [MoO2Cl2(DEO)] (129 ppm), CpMo(CO)3Me (372 ppm), [MoO2Cl2(DMB)2] (381 ppm), {PO4[MoO(O2)2]4}3- (500 ppm), [MoO2Cl2(di-tBu-bipy)] (621 ppm) e dois materiais híbridos à base de molibdénio (740 e 741 ppm). O {PO4[WO(O2)2]4}3- (259 ppm) também revelou elevada eficiência catalítica, mas na presença de MeCN como solvente de extração.Programa Doutoral em Química Sustentáve

    Why do SMEs implement open innovation? The case of Portugal

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    The concept of open innovation is gaining popularity in both the world of engineering and management. However, despite this growing interest, most existing studies tend to focus mainly on large companies. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to explore the drivers of the implementation of the open innovation concept in SMEs. This study uses a survey carried out through an online questionnaire that was sent to some Portuguese SMEs. The results show that there is a high level of receptivity to implement open innovation. The findings also suggest the existence of a positive relationship between the application of open innovation and the level of satisfaction with the R&D unit’s performance. Overall, SMEs seem to be more motivated to apply open innovation to improve their innovation process and capacity than to reduce costs, share innovation risks, or improve reputation. Moreover, findings also demonstrate that the main drivers for the adoption of open innovation vary along with company size. For micro-enterprises, the main driver is to complement internal skills. Small enterprises look for the most effective way to develop new products and services whilst medium-sized enterprises are mainly driven to monitor market trends and improve their innovation process.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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