90 research outputs found

    Sarawak Malay language in poem

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    This study discusses one of the art forms in the Sarawak Malay society namely the Language in the Sarawak Malay Poem in the linguistic perspective. The aspect focused on, is the language found in the Sarawak Malay poem. The results of observations of the material found that the poem created or uttered spontaneously and naturally it is useful as a means to entertain, educate and to criticize societal behaviour. By their very nature, poems are entertainment and leisure. Based on analysis of the material, submissions made in the objectives of the study was to study the artistic language of the Sarawak Malay poem, identify the poem as materials related to language, literature and culture of the traditional Malays in the state of Sarawak, identify the language contents from the angle of beauty of form, the structure of the poetic Malay Sarawak poem and explain the content, flow, attitude, characteristic and philosophy in Sarawak Malay poem. An analysis was also conducted on assumption of the community on poems through 27 ethnic groups in Sarawak who have languages, way of life and different cultures. Settlements on the coast comprising of Malays and Melanau. Settlements in the river valley comptising of the Iban, Bidayuh and Kenyah. Settlements in the interior comprising of the Kelabit, Penan and Murut. Pattern of settlements and scattered communities which are dispersed cause the Sarawak communities to be in less contact with outsiders and, thus forming a distinctive respective cultural identities depending on the environment. It is to be noted that in the fields of culture and art, especially that involves language, literature and culture undergo changes from time to time. Traditional poems that accompany most traditional cultural presentations such as Sarawak poetry, folk songs, games, dances, religious ceremonies and ritual rites and customs are increasingly marginalized in public conversations

    Development of bent-up triangular tab shear transfer (BTTST) enhancement in cold-formed steel (CFS)-concrete composite beams

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    Cold-formed steel (CFS) sections, have been recognised as an important contributor to environmentally responsible and sustainable structures in developed countries, and CFS framing is considered as a sustainable 'green' construction material for low rise residential and commercial buildings. However, there is still lacking of data and information on the behaviour and performance of CFS beam in composite construction. The use of CFS has been limited to structural roof trusses and a host of nonstructural applications. One of the limiting features of CFS is the thinness of its section (usually between 1.2 and 3.2 mm thick) that makes it susceptible to torsional, distortional, lateral-torsional, lateral-distortional and local buckling. Hence, a reasonable solution is resorting to a composite construction of structural CFS section and reinforced concrete deck slab, which minimises the distance from the neutral-axis to the top of the deck and reduces the compressive bending stress in the CFS sections. Also, by arranging two CFS channel sections back-to-back restores symmetricity and suppresses lateraltorsional and to a lesser extent, lateral-distortional buckling. The two-fold advantages promised by the system, promote the use of CFS sections in a wider range of structural applications. An efficient and innovative floor system of built-up CFS sections acting compositely with a concrete deck slab was developed to provide an alternative composite system for floors and roofs in buildings. The system, called Precast Cold-Formed SteelConcrete Composite System, is designed to rely on composite actions between the CFS sections and a reinforced concrete deck where shear forces between them are effectively transmitted via another innovative shear transfer enhancement mechanism called a bentup triangular tab shear transfer (BTTST). The study mainly comprises two major components, i.e. experimental and theoretical work. Experimental work involved smallscale and large-scale testing of laboratory tests. Sixty eight push-out test specimens and fifteen large-scale CFS-concrete composite beams specimens were tested in this program. In the small-scale test, a push-out test was carried out to determine the strength and behaviour of the shear transfer enhancement between the CFS and concrete. Four major parameters were studied, which include compressive strength of concrete, CFS strength, dimensions (size and angle) of BTTST and CFS thickness. The results from push-out test were used to develop an expression in order to predict the shear capacity of innovative shear transfer enhancement mechanism, BTTST in CFS-concrete composite beams. The value of shear capacity was used to calculate the theoretical moment capacity of CFSconcrete composite beams. The theoretical moment capacities were used to validate the large-scale test results. The large-scale test specimens were tested by using four-point load bending test. The results in push-out tests show that specimens employed with BTTST achieved higher shear capacities compared to those that rely only on a natural bond between cold-formed steel and concrete and specimens with Lakkavalli and Liu bent-up tab (LYLB). Load capacities for push-out test specimens with BTTST are ii relatively higher as compared to the equivalent control specimen, i.e. by 91% to 135%. When compared to LYLB specimens the increment is 12% to 16%. In addition, shear capacities of BTTST also increase with the increase in dimensions (size and angle) of BTTST, thickness of CFS and concrete compressive strength. An equation was developed to determine the shear capacity of BTTST and the value is in good agreement with the observed test values. The average absolute difference between the test values and predicted values was found to be 8.07%. The average arithmetic mean of the test/predicted ratio (n) of this equation is 0.9954. The standard deviation (a) and the coefficient of variation (CV) for the proposed equation were 0.09682 and 9.7%, respectively. The proposed equation is recommended for the design of BTTST in CFSconcrete composite beams. In large-scale testing, specimens employed with BTTST increased the strength capacities and reduced the deflection of the specimens. The moment capacities, MU ) e X p for all specimens are above Mu>theory and show good agreement with the calculated ratio (>1.00). It is also found that, strength capacities of CFS-concrete composite beams also increase with the increase in dimensions (size and angle) of BTTST, thickness of CFS and concrete compressive strength and a CFS-concrete composite beam are practically designed with partial shear connection for equal moment capacity by reducing number of BTTST. It is concluded that the proposed BTTST shear transfer enhancement in CFS-concrete composite beams has sufficient strength and is also feasible. Finally, a standard table of characteristic resistance, P t a b of BTTST in normal weight concrete, was also developed to simplify the design calculation of CFSconcrete composite beams

    Media Pembelajaran Pengenalan Hewan untuk Siswa Sekolah Dasar Menggunakan Augmented Reality Berbasis Android

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    Rumusan kompetensi sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan yang dipergunakan dalam Kurikulum 2013 mengedepankan pentingnya kreativitas dan komunikasi. Metode pembelajaran yang digunakan untuk kurikulum 2013 pada tingkat SD berikut menggunakan pendekatan pembelajaran tematik. Dimana guru dituntut untuk memberikan materi pembelajaran dengan cara yang kreatif dan inovatif maka dari itu salah satu alternatifnya berupa sebuah media pembelajaran interaktif. Media pembelajaran dalam hal ini memakai fitur yang terbilang masih baru yaitu fitur Augmented Reality dimana fitur ini memadukan antara objek nyata dengan objek maya. Media pembelajaran ini dibuat dengan menggunakan software Unity3D dengan memasukan unsur objek 3D yang dibuat dengan menggunakan software Blender/Lightwave 3D sebagai peraga. Materi pembelajaran diambil dari buku panduan Kelas 1 SD Kurikulum 2013 mengenai Hewan di Sekitarku. Hasil dari pengujian aplikasi Pengenalan Hewan dapat berjalan pada berbagai perangkat mobile Android. Berdasarkan hasil data pengujian dapat disimpulkan bahwa aplikasi ini dapat membantu meningkatkan minat dan pemahaman siswa dalam belajar. Animal Identification Learning Media for Elementary School Students Using Android-Based Augmented Reality Abstract: The learning method used for the 2013 curriculum at the following SD level uses the thematic learning approach. Where teachers are required to provide learning material in a creative and innovative way, then one of the alternatives is in the form of an interactive learning media. The learning media in this case uses a feature that is still relatively new, namely the Augmented Reality feature where this feature combines real objects with virtual objects. This learning media is made using Unity3D software by including 3D object elements made using Blender/Lightwave 3D software as props. The learning material is taken from the 2013 Curriculum Class 1 SD guidebook on Animals Around Me. The results of testing the Animal Identification application can run on various Android mobile devices. Based on the results of the testing data, it can be concluded that this application can help increase students' interest and understanding in learning. Keywords: Animal Identification, Augmented Reality, Lightwave 3D

    PENGARUH BUDAYA ORGANISASI PADA KEPUASAN KERJA DAN TURNOVER INTENTION (Studi pada Karyawan Perusahaan CV. Pentaprima adv dan Perusahaan Trijaya Reklame di Bekasi Barat)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji apakah jenis budaya organisasi berpengaruh pada kepuasan kerja dan turnover intention dengan studi karyawan perusahaan CV. Pentaprima adv dan Trijaya Reklame di Bekasi Barat. Variabel penelitian ini meliputi variabel independen budaya organisasi yaitu consensual culture, rational culture, developmental culture dan hierarchical culture. Variabel kepuasan kerja dan turnover intention sebagai variabel dependen. Penelitian ini menggunakan data kuantitatif. Sampel yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 133 karyawan dari perusahaan CV. Pentaprima adv dan Trijaya Reklame di Bekasi Barat. Pengujian yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan software SPSS untuk uji validitas dan reliabilitas dan pengujian hipotesis menggunakan SEM dengan software AMOS 22. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa empat tipe budaya organisasi signifikan secara statistik, budaya organisasi consensual menunjukkan pengaruh positif paling besar pada kepuasan kerja karyawan dan menunjukkan pengaruh negatif paling besar pada turnover intention. Kepuasan kerja menunjukkan pengaruh negatif pada turnover intention. Kata Kunci: budaya organisasi, kepuasan karyawan dan niat keluar

    Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment Study of Conventional and Prefabricated Construction Methods: MADM Analysis

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    Lately, many governments have been significantly promoting modular building instead of conventional as a practical solution toward enhancing sustainability in the construction sector. Therefore, this research aims to compare traditional and modular building construction to find each environmental and cost difference as a criterion for comparison. This study’s life cycle sustainability assessment comprises embodied energy, greenhouse gas (GHG), and cost. The result showed that the steel modular has the lowest embodied energy and carbon emission following conventional steel construction. For traditional construction, 28% of GHG emissions are related to on-site activity, while PPVC is less than 1%. However, the development of the factory is about 11% of the total construction emission for PPVC. On the other hand, the concrete, conventional method has a lower construction cost following by concrete modular. The transportation cost of modular building is responsible for up to 13% of the total construction cost. While the conventional building has a higher worker wage by 11%, compare to modular construction. Multi-attributes decision making (MADM) using WASPAS has been applied to reveal the best construction material and method. The result showed that steel modular is the best option for construction

    Teori Evolusi Charles Darwin Perspektif Al-Qur’an

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    This paper will analyze the theory of human evolution that developed in the West and the theory of human evolution explained in the Qur'an with an interpretive approach. The method used in this writing is to use qualitative methods sourced from sharing books related to the above problems. The approach to the method of interpretation of the Qur'an uses thematic methods, because this method can examine contemporary problems. The theory of evolution began to be studied and debated in the 6th century BC, Diwali by the Greek philosophers Anaximander, Empedocles, Lucretius, the same opinion was also expressed by the Arab biologist Al Jahiz, the Persian philosopher Ibn Miskawaih, the Ikhwan As-Shafa, and the Chinese philosopher Zhuangzi. Furthermore, the theory of evolution was published by an English scientist named Charles Darwin, the results of his research on evolution, especially human evolution, explained that the theory of evolution was not created by God but stood alone. This opinion caused debate among scientists and religionists, especially Islam, rejected because it contradicted the Qur'an

    Pengaruh Diameter Dan Konsentrasi Stimulansi Asam Cuka (C2H4O2) Terhadap Produktivitas Getah Pinus (Pinus Merkusii Jungh Et De Vriese)

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    The Production of oleoresin is affected by the find out of stimulant and effect of diameter. The purpose of this research were to know the effect of C2H4O2 stimulant and effect of diameter to P. merkusii and to know the C2H4O2 concentration and the best of diameter. This research were carried at working area of PT. Inhutani IV, Siborong-borong in Maret – April 2014 using factorial randomized block design with two factors, i.e. the concentration of stimulant (0%, 10%, 20% and 30%) and diameter (25-30 cm, 31-35 cm, 36-40 cm and 41-45 cm). Parameter measured were production of oleoresin (gram). Result of this research showed that the application of C2H4O2 stimulant on the tapping of pine trees increase considerably to oleoresin. The application of C2H4O2 resulted in more than 2 – 4 times the yield of oleoresin from tree without stimulant. The concentration of C2H4O2 (30%) and the diameter 41-45 cm can gave the best product of oleoresin.The lowest sap production is 10.12 gram in each tree per a mounth and the highest production is 176.30 gram in each tree per a mounth

    MyParcel: Parcel Delivery Apps for UNIMAS residents at UNIMAS

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    The rapid growth of e-commerce around the worlds contributes to the volume of parcel to be delivered including Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. However, the parcel courier service will only deliver the parcel to Pusat Mel UNIMAS and Kolej Cempaka. The parcel delivery service that available nearby only use Whatsapp as their platform. These problems cause inconvenience to the UNIMAS residents who wish to get their parcel faster. In this paper propose to help the UNIMAS residents to get their parcel delivered to their doorstep without much hassle with just MyParcel. A Mobile-based application that provides a functioning application so that UNIMAS residents can collect their parcel quickly with straightforward process without having to send messages or call for runners