113 research outputs found

    Ikteerinen potilas päivystyksessä

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    Teema : hepatologia. English summaryPeer reviewe

    Tavoitteena laadukas endoskopiatoiminta

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    Tutkimusten aiheiden tulee olla selvät ja yhtenäiset

    Maha-suolikanavan yläosan tähystystoimenpiteet

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    Vertaisarvioitu• Maha-suolikanavan yläosan ahtaumia, puhkeamia ja leikkaussauman pettämisiä voidaan hoitaa endoskooppisesti itsestään laajenevilla metalliverkkoproteeseilla. • Puhkeamien tai leikkaussauman pettämisten uudempana hoitovaihtoehtona on endoluminaalinen alipaineimuhoitojärjestelmä. • Kaikutähystystä käytetään sekä diagnostiikkaan että toimenpiteiden tekemiseen. • Limakalvoon rajoittuvat muutokset voidaan valikoidusti poistaa endoskopiassa. • Toimenpiteiden haasteellisuus ja komplikaatioriskit puoltavat vaativien toimenpiteiden keskittämistäPeer reviewe

    Ventralex™ ST Hernia Patch Repair for Small Umbilical Hernia is Safe and Effective: A Retrospective Cohort Study

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    Background: Hernia patches for umbilical hernia repair have gained popularity due to their short operation time and ease of use. However, up to 10% re-operation and 8% recurrence rates at 2-year follow-up have been published. This retrospective cohort study presents the long-term results of the hernia patch technique for umbilical hernia repair.Methods: All adult patients who underwent a primary umbilical hernia repair at Oulu University Hospital hernia surgery units during 2014–2018 were included in the study. The primary outcome measure was recurrence rate. Secondary outcomes were complications and re-operation rate.Results: A total of 619 elective primary umbilical hernia repairs were performed during 2014–2018. The major technique used was Ventralex™ ST hernia patch repair (79.0%, 488/619) for small hernias with a mean width of 1.8 (SD 0.79) cm. Most of the patches (84.7%, 414/488) were placed in the preperitoneal space. Hernia recurrence rate of patient operated on using Ventralex™ ST hernia patch was 2.5% (12/488) during a mean follow-up time of 68 (SD 16, 43–98) months. Re-operation rate for another reason than recurrence was 1.6% (8/488). Clavien-Dindo complications ≥3 occurred in 4.1% (20/488) of cases and surgical site infection rate was 3.3% (16/488).Conclusion: Umbilical hernia repair using a Ventralex™ ST hernia patch placed in preperitoneal space have acceptable results in terms of recurrence and re-operations in this cohort study
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