11 research outputs found

    Sensitivity of ozone production rate to ozone precursors

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    The photochemical equations describing O3 formation in the lower troposphere contain 2 major sink terms for free radicals; combination reactions and reactions with NOx. Knowing the fraction of radicals removed by reactions with NOx, termed LN/Q, allows one to predict the sensitivity of O3 production to NO and VOCs. We derive an analytic formula that gives LN/Q in terms of readily measured O3 precursors and test this formula using constrained steady state calculations based on field observations gathered in Phoenix, Arizona. The formula quantifies well‐known results regarding the effects of dilution, oxidation, and the production of oxidants on the transition from VOC to NOx sensitive behavior as an air parcel is advected away from an urban source

    Dependence of ozone production on NO and hydrocarbons in the troposphere

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    The objectives of the research are to find out whether or not Talking Ball Game improves speaking skill and to describe the situation when Talking Ball Game is implemented in the speaking class of the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 1 Gemolong in the academic year of 2010/2011. It was conducted in 2 cycles. In the first cycle there were four meetings and in the second cycle there were two meetings. This research showed there is improvement in students\u27 speaking skill and situation of the class. For that reason, it is recommended that the English teacher uses this Talking Ball Game so that the students will not get bored and consequently the teaching and learning process can run well and the objectives can be achieved