42 research outputs found

    Vota et motiva regiae auchentiae in causa domnae Ioannae de Toledo super apprehensione.

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    Copia Digital. España : Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 2022- L2Tit. tomado de p. 1.Al principio de texto consta 1656.Sign.: A-F>21<

    Evaluación de una emulación de un sistema ASRS acoplado a un sistema de compras

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    Developing innovative and efficient solutions to face the different obstacles imposed by society has become a necessity for industry. These challenges lead to higher costs, lag times, and can cause different types of order errors. According to the literature, currently, the high volume of orders and the dynamic demand in customer requirements create two of the greatest challenges of supply chains. This includes difficulties in the logistics of a warehouse product and the synchronization of the purchase orders in the management of e-commerce platforms. For this reason, companies must seek to maintain a competitive advantage in the market by investing in the use of new technologies for product management in warehouses and a fast and effective synchronization in the management of orders. This study proposes the design of a product collection and storage control system, known as Automated Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS), coupled with an electronic purchasing system and using contactless payment technology. The importance of applying this proposal lies in generating greater efficiency in companies, by reducing this time and allowing greater compliance with customer demand. Initially, the construction of the system proposes an ASRS control system based on a multi-agent simulation, to demonstrate the benefits in reducing the time between the moment a purchase is made and order delivery. Then, the project proposes the coupling of the ASRS with a contactless payment system, to include synchronization with an e-commerce platform. Finally, for the validation of the proposed system, an emulation of a case study was done in a simulated company that required automation in the tasks of its warehouse and sought to increase efficiency in the delivery of an order. For the complete design of the case study, different activities were approached that allowed the pertinent execution of this proposal. First of all, interviews were conducted with four companies in the industrial sector, which had a defined warehouse and inventory system. Consequently, with the acquired information, the requirements that a company must count on to carry out the process between the purchase order and the delivery of the order were specified. To visualize this, a UML diagram was drawn with the structure that would be implemented in the hypothetical company in the case study, which in this case is a mass consumption company. In order to see the impact of the developed solution, the actual storage system was simulated by using Flexsim. Furthermore, for the emulation of the ASRS system, Netlogo was implemented. This program enabled the user to see the storage and the robots preparing the orders for the respective users. On the other hand, to make the design and development of the user interface, Swift programming language was used in the XCODE application, specialized for the IOS operating system. This was linked with Netlogo through firebase and Python to be able to emulate the entire process, from the moment a customer places the purchase order until it is ready to be delivered. The designs had some restrictions since the systems did not follow an optimal solution and the case study presented difficulties in the new proposal when there are massive quantities of repeated types of products. However, after analyzing all the designs, it was evidenced that the proposed system was satisfactory and accomplished the objectives of this work. To validate the improvement after applying the interface, the makespan was obtained from both Flexsim and Netlogo. The improvement was corroborated by implementing techniques such as Wilcoxon signed-rank test, linear regression, and sensitivity analysis. All the makespan reduced from the initial model to the last model and improved in around 75% to 92%. Through the results of the Wilcoxon signed-rank test, it was verified that there existed a significant difference between the times of the actual system and the proposed system. Finally, with the sensitivity analysis it was concluded that the proposed system presented larger variations when the quantity of the AGV’s was manipulated than a variation in the purchase order.Ingeniero (a) IndustrialPregrad

    Estudio en familias: factores ambientales y culturales asociados al sobrepeso y obesidad

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    Objective: Determine whether overweight and obesity in family members are related to environmental and cultural factors regarding the functioning of families.   Method: Descriptive Correlational Study. The sample consisted of 198 family members. A General Data Card, a Scale to Evaluate Intra-family Relations, the Food Selection Questionnaire, and the Physical Activity Questionnaire were used.  Results: 8.6% of the participants 18 years old or older were overweight, and 46.5% had some degree of obesity. The Body Mass Index of adults was related to total kilocalories as a product of physical activity (rs=.594; p&lt;.01) and with the subscales, eating ecology (rs=.160; p&lt;.05) and nutritional value (rs=.242; p&lt;.01). Cultural values were not associated with the Body Mass Index (rs=.242; p&gt;.01).Conclusions: In this sample, Overweight/Obesity was associated with environmental factors.  Objetivo: Determinar si el sobrepeso y la obesidad en los integrantes de la familia están relacionados con los factores ambientales y culturales relativos al funcionamiento de la familia.Método: Estudio descriptivo correlacional. La muestra fue constituida por 198 integrantes de familias. Se aplicaron una Cédula de Datos Generales, una Escala para Evaluar las Relaciones Intrafamiliares, el Cuestionario de Elección de Alimentos y el Cuestionario de Actividad Física.Resultados: El 8.6% de los participantes mayores de 18 años presentó sobrepeso y el 46.5% algún grado de obesidad. El índice de masa corporal de los adultos se relacionó con las kilocalorías totales producto de la actividad física (rs=.594; p&lt;.01) y con las subescalas ecología de la alimentación (rs=.160; p&lt;.05) y valor nutritivo (rs=.242; p&lt;.01). Los factores culturales no se asociaron con el índice de masa corporal (rs=.242; p&gt;.01).Conclusiones: En esta muestra el Sobrepeso/Obesidad se asoció con los factores ambientales

    Función ejecutiva, velocidad de marcha y tarea doble en adultos mayores mexicanos

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    La marcha en los adultos mayores depende en gran medida de la función cognitiva, específicamente de la función ejecutiva que permite el desempeño adecuado frente a acciones simultáneas, tales como caminar mientras se sostiene una conversación con alguien. Se propuso identificar la asociación entre la función ejecutiva y la velocidad de marcha de adultos mayores mexicanos con y sin tarea doble. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva, análisis de correlaciones y modelos de análisis de regresión múltiple. Participaron 202 adultos mayores con media de edad de 70.28 años (DT=6.85, rango 60-89 años). Se encontró asociación inversa entre la capacidad de atención y la escolaridad, flexibilidad mental, velocidad de marcha y el rendimiento durante la tarea doble compleja. Ambas tareas dobles mostraron velocidad de marcha más lenta

    A physical-cognitive intervention to enhance gait speed in older mexican adults

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    Purpose: To test the effects of a physical-cognitive exercise intervention on gait parameters under dualtask conditions in community-dwelling older adults. Design. A repeated-measures quasi-experimental design, with control and exercise groups, was used. Setting. Study participants consist of a convenience sample recruited from senior citizens’ centers in Monterrey, Mexico. Subjects: A total of 143 sedentary participants ages 65 to 92 years per group participated. Intervention. A combined 45- to 60-minute program of physical and cognitive exercises was conducted in three weekly sessions during 12 weeks for the exercise group. Measures. The spatial gait parameters of speed (cm/s), step width, and stride length (cm); and the temporal parameters of single and double support time, cadence (steps per minute), and swing time (s) were measured using the GaitRite. Counting backwards or naming animals represented cognitive performance. Analysis. Two (groups: exercise group vs. control group) by three (time: baseline, week 6, and week 12) repeated-measures multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was applied. Results: Repeated-measures multivariate analysis of variance revealed a significant group effect (Wilks lambda F4,279¼6.78, p , .001); univariate analysis showed significant differences for gait speed (m/s), stride length, cadence, step width, and double support time. Time-by-group interaction showed significance in gait speed and stride length. Conclusion: The exercise group participants showed increased gait speed, cadence, and stride length, and reduced their step width and time spent with both feet on the ground. Walking while simultaneously performing a cognitive task might prepare older adults for competing/interfering demands from their environments. The protective health benefits of this intervention remain to be investigated

    Decapping Protein Edc4 Regulates Dna Repair And Phenocopies Brca1

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    BRCA1 is a tumor suppressor that regulates DNA repair by homologous recombination. Germline mutations in BRCA1 are associated with increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer and BRCA1 deficient tumors are exquisitely sensitive to poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitors. Therefore, uncovering additional components of this DNA repair pathway is of extreme importance for further understanding cancer development and therapeutic vulnerabilities. Here, we identify EDC4, a known component of processing-bodies and regulator of mRNA decapping, as a member of the BRCA1-BRIP1-TOPBP1 complex. EDC4 plays a key role in homologous recombination by stimulating end resection at double-strand breaks. EDC4 deficiency leads to genome instability and hypersensitivity to DNA interstrand cross-linking drugs and PARP inhibitors. Lack-of-function mutations in EDC4 were detected in BRCA1/2-mutation-negative breast cancer cases, suggesting a role in breast cancer susceptibility. Collectively, this study recognizes EDC4 with a dual role in decapping and DNA repair whose inactivation phenocopies BRCA1 deficiency

    Evidence of spatial clustering of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia cases in Greater Mexico City: report from the Mexican Inter-Institutional Group for the identification of the causes of childhood leukemia

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    BackgroundA heterogeneous geographic distribution of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) cases has been described, possibly, related to the presence of different environmental factors. The aim of the present study was to explore the geographical distribution of childhood ALL cases in Greater Mexico City (GMC).MethodsA population-based case-control study was conducted. Children &lt;18 years old, newly diagnosed with ALL and residents of GMC were included. Controls were patients without leukemia recruited from second-level public hospitals, frequency-matched by sex, age, and health institution with the cases. The residence address where the patients lived during the last year before diagnosis (cases) or the interview (controls) was used for geolocation. Kulldorff’s spatial scan statistic was used to detect spatial clusters (SCs). Relative risks (RR), associated p-value and number of cases included for each cluster were obtained.ResultsA total of 1054 cases with ALL were analyzed. Of these, 408 (38.7%) were distributed across eight SCs detected. A relative risk of 1.61 (p&lt;0.0001) was observed for the main cluster. Similar results were noted for the remaining seven ones. Additionally, a proximity between SCs, electrical installations and petrochemical facilities was observed.ConclusionsThe identification of SCs in certain regions of GMC suggest the possible role of environmental factors in the etiology of childhood ALL

    Gestión de los Procesos Dinámicos relacionados al Desempeño Docente en la Institución Educativa “Jesús Alberto Miranda Calle” distrito de Moyobamba – 2018

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    La presente investigación trata de dar respuesta a la hipótesis planteada: La Gestión de los Procesos Dinámicos estará relacionada con el Desempeño Docente en la Institución Educativa “Jesús Alberto Miranda Calle” distrito de Moyobamba, 2018; toda vez que el propósito fundamental de la investigación, estuvo orientado a: Establecer la relación entre la Gestión de los Procesos Dinámicos y el desempeño docente en la Institución Educativa “Jesús Alberto Miranda Calle” del distrito de Moyobamba, 2018 La muestra estuvo constituida por 44 docentes. La técnica muestral que se aplicó fue el: Muestreo por Conveniencia, es decir los sujetos sometidos a la muestra, son seleccionados dadas a la conveniencia, accesibilidad y proximidad de los sujetos al investigador. La ejecución de la investigación, estuvo enmarcada dentro del tipo No Experimental, el nivel Descriptivo y el Diseño: Correlacional. Producto del procesamiento y análisis estadístico se llegó a las siguientes conclusiones: • La Gestión de los Procesos Dinámicos en la Institución Educativa “Jesús Alberto Miranda Calle” distrito de Moyobamba, 2018, se encuentra en un nivel correlacional alto; es decir: Bueno • El Desempeño docente en la Institución Educativa “Jesús Alberto Miranda Calle” distrito de Moyobamba, 2018 se encuentra en un nivel correlacional positiva considerable muy alta; es decir: Eficiente. • La correlación significativa entre la Gestión de los Procesos Dinámicos y el Desempeño docente en la Institución Educativa “Jesús Alberto Miranda Calle” distrito de Moyobamba, 2018 se encuentra en todas sus dimensiones en un nivel alto, es decir: Bueno.This research seeks to respond to the hypothesis raised: The Management of Dynamic Processes will be related to the Teaching Performance in the Educational Institution "Jesús Alberto Miranda Calle" district of Moyobamba, 2018; since the fundamental purpose of the research, it was oriented to: Establish the relationship between the Management of the dynamic Processes and the teaching performance in the Educational Institution "Jesús Alberto Miranda Calle" from Moyobamba district, 2018. The sample consisted of 44 teachers. The sampling technique that was applied was: Sampling by Convenience, that is the subjects submitted to the sample, are selected given the convenience, accessibility and proximity of the subjects to the researcher. The execution of the research was framed within the Non Experimental type, the descriptive level and the Design: correlational. The following conclusions were reached as a result of statistical processing and analysis: • The Management of Dynamic Processes in the Educational Institution "Jesús Alberto Miranda Calle" district of Moyobamba, 2018, is at a high correlational level; that is: Good. • Teacher performance at the "Jesús Alberto Miranda Calle" Educational Institution district of Moyobamba, 2018 is at a considerable high positive correlation level; that is: Efficient. • The significant correlation between Dynamic Process Management and Teacher Performance at the Educational Institution "Jesús Alberto Miranda Calle" Moyobamba district, 2018 is in all dimensions at a high level, that is to say: GoodTesisAp