1,523 research outputs found
Diseño de un sistema de inspección de cañerías para el transporte de combustibles
Tesis (Ingeniero Industrial)Gamma Ingenieros S.A. es una empresa consultora y el Departamento de
Ingeniería Mecánica, está dedicado y especializado en el diseño de redes para el
transporte de combustibles. Desde el año 2005 presta servicio en inspecciones en
terreno en la ejecución de los proyectos. El aumento de la población en las zonas por
donde se transporta combustibles, además el cuidado del medio ambiente, se hace
necesario tener un control de calidad en la construcción y montaje de oleoductos. En
los trabajos de inspección se ha detectado la necesidad de estandarizar los controles
de registros realizados por los inspectores de las diferentes actividades ejecutadas en
una obra, para evitar paralización de las faenas.
Por lo anterior, el proyecto en estudio evalúa y propone diseñar un sistema de
inspección de cañerías para combustibles. El diseño consiste en realizar hojas de
registro que prestarán un apoyo a los inspectores en terreno para controlar e
inspeccionar la obra en forma proactiva y no reactiva, lo que permitirá, un ahorro de los
tiempos y costos en la ejecución de la obra.
Lo priméro a realizar es un análisis de la situación actual y posteriormente un
estudio de las diferentes empresas relacionadas al rubro de inspecciones y las
dedicadas al transporte de combustibles.
Debido a este estudio, se observa entre otros aspectos, la importancia de
incorporar las hojas de registro en los controles de inspecciones de las diferentes
faenas en una obra
Beach handball European championships analysis Zagreb 2017
26 p.The European Championship in Zagreb 2017 has marked a historic milestone in relation to the number of games that ended in shoot out in the absolute male category with a total percentage of 61.22%. The average percentage of goalkeeper saves at beach handball international level is ?32
New cell wall-affecting antifungal antibiotics
Capítulo 9.Fungi have emerged worldwide as increasingly frequent causes of healthcare-associated infections. Invasive fungal infections can be life-threatening. However, the number of antifungal agents available and their use in therapy is very limited. Recently, a new family of specific fungal cell wall synthesis inhibitors has emerged as an alternative antifungal therapy and is gaining increasing relevance yearly. The cell wall is a multilayer dynamic structure, essential to the integrity and shape of the fungal cell, whose function is to counteract the osmotic forces that could otherwise produce fungal cell lysis. The cell wall is absent in nonfungal cells, therefore representing a useful target in discovering selective drugs for the treatment of fungal infections without causing toxicity in the host. Although fungi exhibit a considerable diversity in their cell wall structure, all present β(1,3)-, β(1,6)- and α(1,3)-glucans, chitin, and mannoproteins as their major cell wall components. Three different cell wall synthesis inhibitors of the lipopeptide family of echinocandins, named caspofungin, micafungin, and anidulafungin, are commercially available and new classes of cell wall synthesis inhibitors are emerging. This review provides an overview of what is so far known about the different classes of cell wall-affecting antifungal agents and their mechanism of action, offering new alternatives with clinical potential.Peer reviewe
Bgs1p localization during the life cycle
[EN]Schizosaccharomyces pombe Bgs1p/Cps1p has been identified as a putative (1,3)β-Dglucan
synthase (GS) catalytic subunit with a possible function during cytokinesis and polarized growth. To study this possibility, double mutants of cps1-12 and cdc septation mutants, were made. The double mutants displayed several hypersensitive phenotypes and altered actin distribution. Epistasis analysis showed mutations prior to septum synthesis were
dominant over cps1-12, while cps1-12 was dominant over the end of septation mutant cdc16-116, suggesting Bgs1p is involved in septum cell-wall (1,3)β-D-glucan synthesis at
cytokinesis. We have studied the in vivo physiological localization of Bgs1p in a bgs1Δ strain containing a functional GFP-bgs1+ gene (integrated single copy and expressed under its own promoter). During vegetative growth, Bgs1p always localizes to the growing zones: one or
both ends during cell growth, and contractile ring and septum during cytokinesis. Bgs1p
localization in cdc septation mutants indicates that Bgs1p needs the medial ring and septation initiation network (SIN) proteins to localize properly with the rest of septation components. Bgs1p localization in the actin mutant cps8-188 shows it depends on actin localization. In addition, Bgs1p remains polarized in the mislocalized growing poles and septa of tea1-1 and tea2-1 mutants. During the meiotic process of the life cycle, Bgs1p localizes to the mating projection, to the cell-to-cell contact zone during cell fusion and to the neck area during zygote formation. Also, Bgs1p localization suggests it collaborates in
forespore and spore wall synthesis. During spore germination, Bgs1p localizes first around
the spore during isotropic growth, then to the zone of polarized growth and finally, to the
medial ring and septum. At the end of spore-cell division, the Bgs1p displacement to the old end only occurs in the new cell. All these data shows Bgs1p is localized to the areas of
polarized cell wall growth and according to that, we propose it might be involved in
synthesizing the lineal (1,3)β-D-glucan of the primary septum, as well as a similar lineal
(1,3)β-D-glucan when other processes of cell wall growth or repair are needed
Medición de los costos asistenciales de no calidad por los eventos adversos ocurridos en hospitalización, en la IPS Comfamiliar Risaralda, durante el año 2012
El presente trabajo hace referencia a un estudio sobre la problemática que enfrentan algunas de las instituciones prestadoras de servicios de salud (IPS) en Colombia, el cual es la falta de profundización acerca de los eventos adversos que suceden en las diferentes áreas. El caso particular de este estudio es el área de hospitalización de la IPS Comfamiliar Risaralda, ubicada en la ciudad de Pereira. Para la ejecución de este trabajo, se contó con la colaboración del área de calidad, dirección médica y dirección administrativa de la IPS, ya que fueron estos, los que suministraron toda la información necesaria en una base de datos con los eventos adversos ocurridos en el área de hospitalización, y discriminada por fecha, tipo de evento, edad del paciente, género, clase de evento, descripción del mismo, y las respectivas observaciones, entre otros. Posteriormente facilitaron la base de datos con los costos de los medicamentos, dispositivos y el recurso humano requerido para la atención de cada uno de los eventos adversos. Con toda la información reunida, se procedió a analizar, clasificar y completar la misma, en Excel, con el fin de sintetizarla en una matriz que fue diseñada exclusivamente con el propósito de establecer claramente el costo asistencial de cada uno de los eventos adversos y los componentes de este, según las variables allí establecidas. Tales como, el recurso humano, los medicamentos y dispositivos, el o los procedimientos, las ayudas diagnósticas y la hotelería hospitalaria. De igual forma, se diseñó una base de datos en Access como herramienta de trabajo para la IPS, con el fin de que esta sirva como capturador de los eventos adversos que suceden día a día, además que presente los informes en distintas áreas de la IPS y formas según lo requiera la administración de la IPS. Se encontró que los eventos adversos más costosos para la IPS son los asociados al cuidado médico, de enfermería y los desalojos. Además que dichos eventos representan el uno por ciento (1%) del costo asistencial del área de hospitalización.This paper refers to the study of problems faced by some health services institutions (HSI) in Colombia, which is the lack of knowledge about adverse events occurring in different areas. This particular study was made on the hospitalization area of the HSI Comfamiliar Risaralda, located in the city of Pereira. This study was made in cooperation with the quality area, medical management area and the administrative direction area of the HSI. They were the ones who provided all necessary information in a database of the adverse events occurred in the hospitalization area, all information was discriminated by date, event type, patient age, gender, type of event, description, and the respective observations, among others. Subsequently they provided another database with the costs of medications, devices and the required human resource, of each adverse event. With all the information gathered, we proceeded to analyze, categorize and complete the information in Excel, in order to synthesize a matrix that was designed exclusively for the purpose of delivering the care cost the adverse events and its components, with the respective variables, such as, human resources, medications and devices, procedures, diagnostic aids, and hospital accommodation. Similarly, we designed a database in Access as a working tool for the HSI, so that this serves as a basic point for adverse events that happen every day, and to deliver the reports in different areas of the HSI and every form required by the administration of the HSI. It was found that the most expensive adverse events for the HSI are associated to doctors and nursing health care, and evictions. In addition, these events represent one percent (1%) of the cost of hospital care at the hospitalization area
A modified perturbation method for mathematical models with randomness: An analysis through the steady-state solution to Burgers’ PDE
The variability of the data and the incomplete knowledge of the true physics require the incorporation of randomness into the formulation of mathematical models. In this setting, the deterministic numerical methods cannot capture the propagation of the uncertainty from the inputs to the model output. For some problems, such as the Burgers' equation (simplification to understand properties of the Navier–Stokes equations), a small variation in the parameters causes nonnegligible changes in the output. Thus, suitable techniques for uncertainty quantification must be used. The generalized polynomial chaos (gPC) method has been successfully applied to compute the location of the transition layer of the steady-state solution, when a small uncertainty is incorporated into the boundary. On the contrary, the classical perturbation method does not give reliable results, due to the uncertainty magnitude of the output. We propose a modification of the perturbation method that converges and is comparable with the gPC approach in terms of efficiency and rate of convergence. The method is even applicable when the input random parameters are dependent random variables
Probabilistic analysis of a class of 2D-random heat equations via densities
We give new probabilistic results for a class of random two-dimensional homogeneous heat equations with mixed homogeneous Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions and an arbitrary initial condition on a rectangular domain. The diffusion coefficient is assumed to be an arbitrary second-order random variable, while the initial condition is a stochastic process admitting a Karhunen-Loève expansion. We then construct pointwise convergent approximations for the main moments and the density of the solution. The theoretical results are numerically illustrated.J.-C. Cortés has been supported by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Spain grant PID2020-115270GB-I00. V. Bevia has been supported by the Programa de Ayudas de Investigación y Desarrollo (PAID), Spain
Conditional analysis of elite beach handball according to specific playing position through assessment with GPS
30 p.Beach handball needs to continue to develop. For this reason, observational studies that analyse competitive demands are necessary. Therefore, our objective in this work was to carry out performance assessment of the beach handball players regarding specific playing positions during competition, without modifying the specific structure of the game. The study included 57 elite beach handball players. The results showed that significant differences were found in most of the variables studied when the specific playing positions were compared. Our work has led us to conclude that the assessment of the conditional demands of beach handball players in competition must be done considering the specific playing positions
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