2,674 research outputs found

    Cuatro argumentos sobre el concepto de intervención social

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    This article exposes four arguments on the debate about the nature and conceptual range of social intervention, understanding it equally as action, interpretation, distinction and finally as a discursive dispositive. This debate has relevance for social sciences disciplines in which intervention notion ha an important place in its theoretic-methodological structure. This review sets a counterpoint with technological perspectives that reduce intervention to action’s execution. In this way, there ir a discussion about epistemic and ontological social sciences communities’ subordination in which intervention is a hallmark.En este artículo se presentan cuatro argumentos expresados en el debate sobre la naturaleza y alcance conceptual de la intervención social, entendiéndola indistintamente como actuación, interpretación, distinción sistémica y finalmente como dispositivo discursivo. Este debate es relevante para disciplinas de las ciencias sociales en las que la noción de intervención ocupa un lugar importante en su configuración teórico-metodológica. La revisión de estas perspectivas establece un contrapunto con las perspectivas tecnológicas que sostienen que la intervención se reduce a la ejecución de acciones. De este modo, se discute la subordinación epistémica y ontológica de las comunidades de las ciencias sociales, en las cuales intervenir constituye su sello de identidad

    Practical application of digital computer to distribution systems

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    Given a three phase ac power distribution system, a digital computer program is presented which determines a complete steady state solution for a given condition. The network data is processed by the computer into an admittance matrix, and these parameters are stored in a manner that enables the computer program to operate upon them as the coefficient of a simultaneous set of nonlinear equations. This set of equations are solved by the Gauss-Seidel Iterative Process improved by a modification of the relaxation method. Practical experience with the distribution system of the Davenport, Iowa, plant of the Aluminum Company of America (Alcoa), is also described. Results are briefly discussed with relevance to the importance of the inclusion of an improved data for future work --Abstract, page ii

    Evolución de la Capilla Real de Palacio en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII

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    The objective of present work is to study the situation of the Royal Chapelle during last 50 years of XVIIIth century, in which is remarkable, on one hand, the reform conducted by marquis of Ensenada, included in the general reform of Royal Houses, and, on the other hand, the constitution of Royal Chapell as a parish by papal bull of Bebedicto XIV in 1753. Theese two facts will represent the referents in the evolution of this institution during that period

    Single lepton charge asymmetries in t ¯t and t ¯tγ production at the LHC

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    We discuss lepton charge asymmetries in tt¯ and tt¯γ production at the LHC, which can be measured in the semileptonic decay channel tt¯→W+bW−b¯→ℓ+νbqq¯′b¯ (or the charge conjugate). Considering several variants of a new physics scenario with a light colour octet, it is seen that for tt¯ these asymmetries may have a sensitivity competitive with the dilepton asymmetry already measured. For tt¯γ the new leptonic asymmetries, as well as the tt¯ charge asymmetry, will reach their full potential with the high luminosity LHC upgrade. These asymmetries can pinpoint deviations at the 3σ−4σ level for new physics scenarios where the charge asymmetries already measured in tt¯ production agree within 1σ.This work has been supported by MINECO Project FPA 2013-47836-C3-2-P (including ERDF)

    Mass Unspecific Supervised Tagging (MUST) for boosted jets

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    Jet identification tools are crucial for new physics searches at the LHC and at future colliders. We introduce the concept of Mass Unspecific Supervised Tagging (MUST) which relies on considering both jet mass and transverse momentum varying over wide ranges as input variables — together with jet substructure observables — of a multivariate tool. This approach not only provides a single efficient tagger for arbitrary ranges of jet mass and transverse momentum, but also an optimal solution for the mass correlation problem inherent to current taggers. By training neural networks, we build MUST-inspired generic and multi-pronged jet taggers which, when tested with various new physics signals, clearly outperform the variables commonly used by experiments to discriminate signal from background. These taggers are also efficient to spot signals for which they have not been trained. Taggers can also be built to determine, with a high degree of confidence, the prongness of a jet, which would be of utmost importance in case a new physics signal is discovered.MICINN project PID2019-110058GB-C21Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology UIDB/00777/2020 UIDP/00777/2020 CERN/FISPAR/0004/2019 PTDC/FIS-PAR/29436/2017Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology European Commission SFRH/BD/143891/201

    Collider-independent t¯t forward-backward asymmetries

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    We introduce the forward-backward asymmetries Au, Ad corresponding to u¯u, d ¯ d -> t¯t production, respectively, at hadron colliders. These are collider- and center-of-mass-independent observables, directly related to the forward-backward and charge asymmetries measured at the Tevatron and the LHC, respectively. We discuss how to extract these asymmetries from data. Because these asymmetries are collider-independent, their measurement at these two colliders could elucidate the nature of the anomalous forward-backward asymmetry measured at the Tevatron. Our framework also shows in a model-independent fashion that a positive Tevatron asymmetry exceeding the standard model expectation is compatible with the small asymmetry measured at the LHC.This work has been supported by projects FPA2006-05294 and FPA2010-17915 (MICINN), FQM 101, FQM 03048 and FQM 6552 (Junta de Andalucía)

    Diplomado de profundización cisco (diseño e implementación de soluciones integradas LAN / WAN).

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    Las redes de datos se han convertido en parte de nuestra vida esto debido a la necesidad del hombre de comunicarse de un lugar a otro en segundos. las redes cada vez crecen más y aparecen mejores dispositivos para aumentar la capacidad de comunicar. En el siguiente trabajo final veremos la configuración de routers, pc, switch y de mas elementos que componen una red de datos, A demás encontraremos problemas comunes en configuraciones de red relacionadas a Networking, Tambien aprenderemos a la configuración de dispositivos, empezando desde nombre de los host hasta que podamos mandar un paquete de un equipo a otro mediante ip. Este trabajo se realiza con el fin de adquirir habilidades básicas de configuración de equipos ciscoData networks have become part of our life because of man's need to communicate from one place to another in seconds. networks are growing more and better devices appear to increase the ability to communicate. In the following final work we will see the configuration of routers, pc, switch and more elements that make up a data network, In addition we will find common problems in network configurations related to Networking, We will also learn to configure devices, starting from the name of host them until we can send a packet from one computer to another using ip. This work is done in order to acquire basic cisco equipment configuration skill

    Nudging Youth to Develop Savings Habits: Experimental Evidence Using SMS Messages

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    In this working paper, we report on a field experiment articulating financial information via cellphone text messages and financial decisions among low-income youth in Colombia. For twelve months, youth accountholders are randomly assigned to receive either: (a) monthly financial education messages, (b) monthly savings reminders, (c) semimonthly reminders, or (d) control. After 12 months, account balances in monthly and semimonthly reminders groups increase by 28% and 43%, respectively, relative to controls. Financial education messages do not increase balances. Over two thirds of balance increases in reminder groups are net savings. Savings effects of reminders last eight months after youth stop receiving messages

    Una breve aproximación teórica a modelos de monopsonio y oligopsonio

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    El análisis del mercado de factores resulta ser un tema que en muchas discusiones convencionales de microeconomía se pasa por alto o en cualquier otro caso no se realiza mayor explicación en torno a las motivaciones de las firmas a la hora de tomar su decisión de compra de insumos para sus procesos productivos. En contraste, se presentan consideraciones que van dirigidas a explicar totalmente mecanismos de elección de firmas en la producción y comercialización de bienes en contextos oligopólicos y monopólicos. Esta nota propone una reflexión en torno al problema a partir de un instrumento similar al utilizado convencionalmente para entender las motivaciones de una firma a la hora de determinar sus decisiones estratégicas en mercados de bienes finales.

    Comentarios acerca de la estabilidad en los modelos de equilibrio general

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    Este trabajo propone algunas reflexiones entorno al problema deestabilidad en modelos de equilibrio general walrasianos (en adelantemodelos EG). Se presentan los principales conceptos entorno a es-ta estructura y se discuten algunas limitaciones relacionadas con lahipótesis de sustituibilidad bruta.