1,094 research outputs found

    Generating Interpretable Fuzzy Systems for Classification Problems

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    En este artículo se presenta un nuevo método para generar sistemas difusos interpretables, a partir de datos experimentalesde entrada y salida, para resolver problemas de clasificación. En la partición antecedente se emplean conjuntos triangulares con interpolación de 0.5 lo cual evita la presencia de solapamientos complejos que suceden en otros métodos. Los consecuentes, tipo Singleton, son generados por la proyección de los valores modales de cada función de membresía triangular en el espacio de salida y se emplea el método de mínimos cuadrados para el ajuste de los consecuentes. El método propuesto consigue una mayor precisión que la alcanzada con los métodos actuales existentes, empleando un número reducido de reglas y parámetros y sin sacrificar la interpretabilidad del modelo difuso. El enfoque propuesto es aplicado a dos problemas clásicos de clasificación: el Wisconsin Breast Cancer (WBC) y el Iris Data Classification Problem, para mostrar las ventajas del método y comparar los resultados con los alcanzados por otros investigadores.This paper presents a new method to generate interpretable fuzzy systems from training data to deal with classification problems. The antecedent partition uses triangular sets with 0.5 interpolations avoiding the presence of complex overlapping that happens in another method. Singleton consequents are generated form the projection of the modal values of each triangular membership function into the output space. Least square method is used to adjust the consequents. The proposed method gets a higher average classification accuracy rate than the existing methods with a reduced number of rules andparameters and without sacrificing the fuzzy system interpretability. The proposed approach is applied to two classical classification problems: Iris data and the Wisconsin Breast Cancer classification problem

    Using MOOCs as a research approach and as contributors to local knowledge

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    This project shows the results of a research focused on instructional design of a MOOC course to be used as a tool to increase knowledge in a local environment. The objective is to generate knowledge based on the distributed shared. It was designed through a Delphi study. Students were requested to submit a final project related to the local area. The material received feed a repository that serves to expand and spread research and knowledge

    An?lisis de las pr?cticas pedag?gicas y su relaci?n con la calidad acad?mica de la educaci?n media en Nicanor Vel?squez Ortiz del municipio de Ambalema Tolima

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    79 p. Recurso Electr?nicoDebido a que las pr?cticas pedag?gicas son de suma importancia a nivel nacional e internacional en relaci?n con la calidad acad?mica y lo que respeta con las pruebas generales como son las pruebas pisa, las pruebas saber once en la educaci?n. Surge la importancia de esta investigaci?n despu?s de analizar la calidad acad?mica, en el cual el objetivo principal de esta investigaci?n es relacionar la influencia de las pr?cticas pedag?gicas en la calidad acad?mica de la instituci?n Nicanor Vel?squez Ortiz, adem?s identificar los factores que influye en el nivel acad?mico de educaci?n media de dicha instituci?n. La presente investigaci?n est? basada en un estudio de caso, teniendo en cuenta unas categor?as de investigaci?n (pertinencia, sistemas de evaluaci?n, pr?cticas pedagog?as, calidad acad?mica). Las t?cnicas para la recolecci?n de la informaci?n que se aplicaron son: entrevista a docentes de educaci?n media, testimonio focalizado a docentes y grupo focal con estudiantes de educaci?n media; los instrumentos para estas t?cnicas de recolecci?n de datos son cuestionarios. La poblaci?n de investigaci?n es la instituci?n educativa Nicanor Vel?squez Ortiz de Ambalema Tolima y la muestra es la educaci?n media de dicha instituci?n, con 85 participantes entre los 14 y 19 a?os y 6 docentes de entre 40 y 56 a?os .Como resultados, se observa que la calidad acad?mica en educaci?n media en esta instituci?n es baja debido a distintos factores como : algunos docentes no aplican sus pr?cticas pedag?gicas de acuerdo al enfoque de la instituci?n, falta de pertinencia por parte de los educandos debido a que no cuentan con h?bitos de estudio estructurados, falta de acompa?amiento por parte de los padres, la infraestructura no es la m?s adecuada ya que se presentan altas temperaturas en el municipio, no se cuenta con ventiladores adecuados, se presenta hacinamiento en las aulas de clase. En el caso de esta investigaci?n es evidente que la problem?tica en torno a la calidad acad?mica podr?a cambiar si lo docentes se comprometen de manera responsable a indagar en busca de la apropiaci?n del enfoque pedag?gico de la instituci?n y as? direccionar las pr?cticas pedag?gicas a dicho enfoque, en vista de que siempre ha existido este nivel en la instituci?n, con respecto a las pruebas saber once presentadas hace varios donde estas vienen presentado niveles desfavorables para el proceso educativo que lleva a cabo la instituci?n.Because teaching practices are vital to national and international level in relation to the academic quality and respecting the general tests such as PISA tests are the tests to know eleven education. It arises the importance of this research math teacher of the institution after analyzing the academic quality in which the main objective of this research is to investigate the influence of pedagogical practices in the academic quality of the institution Nicanor Velasquez Ortiz also identify factors influencing the academic level of secondary education in that institution. This research is based on a case study, considering a research categories (relevance, evaluation systems, practical teaching methods, academic quality). The techniques for gathering information were applied are: interview to middle school teachers, teachers and testimony focused focus group with high school students; instruments for these techniques of data collection are questionnaires. The research population is the educational institution Ambalema Nicanor Velasquez Ortiz of Tolima, the sample is the average education of the institution, with 85 participants between 14 and 19 years and 6 teachers aged between 40 and 56 years .As results, it appears that academic quality in secondary education at this institution is low due to several factors: some teachers do not apply their teaching according to the approach of the institution, irrelevance by the students because they do not have study habits structured, lack of support from parents, the infrastructure is not adequate since high temperatures in the city are presented, do not have adequate fans, overcrowding occurs in classrooms and natural resources are often lacking. In the case of this research it is evident that there is academic quality if managed to break the barrier that has always existed in the institution with respect to the evidence presented to know eleven years ago and has been presented this low academic level. Teachers It is recommended to investigate the pedagogical approach of the institution and thus address the pedagogical approach to such practices. Key Works: Academic quality, pedagogical practices, conceptions

    Calidad microbiológica de una fórmula enteral lista para usar

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    Indexación: ScieloTo determinate and compare the microbiological quality of a ready to use enteral formula (EF): liquid ADN™ during different periods of time. Methods: The study was developed in the Hospital formula-preparing room. Twenty liters of EF were delivered in 40 plastic sterile bottles using aseptic technique, and were maintained at room temperature during 24 hours. Feed samples of 50 ml at time 0 and at 24 hours were obtained and frozen at _70º C, until they were investigated (40 feed samples of EF were cultivated at preparation time 0, and 24 hours). Mesophile count (Me), total coliform (TC) and faecal coliform (FC) bacteria were investigated. The feed samples were analized at the Microbiologic Laboratory of CESMEC. The microbial quality standards (MQS) were at time 0: < 10² UFC/ml of (Me), and no (TC) and (FC). At 24 hours: < 10³ UFC/ml of (Me), < 10 UFC/ml of (TC) and no (FC).The statistical data analysis was done using Stata program and Z test was used for proportions. The level of p < 0,05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The average of fulfilment (MQS) for liquid ADN™ at time 0, and 24 hours was 100% and 95% (p = 0,3) for Me. TC got 100% fulfilment (MQS) at any time. FC were not detected at any time. Conclusions: Liquid ADN™can be hung during 24 hours at room temperature.http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0716-10182004000400005&nrm=is

    MOOCs in Ecuador: an overview of courses from a Latin American perspective

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    This paper presents the status of the massive open online courses at universities and other Ecuadorian institutions. Our aim is to explore the panorama to a new educational arena, which leads us to define this type of course offering in Ecuador and to analyze its evolution. We have compiled data through an exhaustive search process on the website of each Ecuadorian university on MOOC platforms. The search was conducted using Google and related key words and we requested additional information from the decision-makers responsible for the Ecuadorian MOOC platforms. The study shows the impact that the MOOCs have had in universities and in state institutions and the support of the Ecuadorian government for the development of this form of online education through modifications made to the Academic Regulation. While the offering has not increased, there is evidence of a rapid growth in the creation of this type of courses over the last few years

    Constraining Lorentz Invariance Violation Using the Crab Pulsar Emission Observed up to TeV Energies by MAGIC

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    Spontaneous breaking of Lorentz symmetry at energies on the order of the Planck energy or lower is predicted by many quantum gravity theories, implying non-trivial dispersion relations for the photon in vacuum. Consequently, gamma-rays of different energies, emitted simultaneously from astrophysical sources, could accumulate measurable differences in their time of flight until they reach the Earth. Such tests have been carried out in the past using fast variations of gamma-ray flux from pulsars, and more recently from active galactic nuclei and gamma-ray bursts. We present new constraints studying the gamma-ray emission of the galactic Crab Pulsar, recently observed up to TeV energies by the Major Atmospheric Gamma-ray Imaging Cherenkov (MAGIC) collaboration. A profile likelihood analysis of pulsar events reconstructed for energies above 400. GeV finds no significant variation in arrival time as their energy increases.. Ninety-five percent CL limits are obtained on the effective Lorentz invariance violating energy scale at the level of E-QG1 > 5.5 x 10(17) GeV (4.5 x 10(17) GeV) for a linear, and E-QG2 > 5.9 x 10(10) GeV (5.3 x 10(10) GeV) for a quadratic scenario, for the subluminal and the superluminal cases, respectively. A substantial part of this study is dedicated to calibration of the test statistic, with respect to bias and coverage properties. Moreover, the limits take into account systematic uncertainties, which are found to worsen the statistical limits by about 36%-42%. Our constraints would have been much more stringent if the intrinsic pulse shape of the pulsar between 200 GeV and 400 GeV was understood in sufficient detail and allowed inclusion of events well below 400 GeV

    Evaluation of functional and nutritional potential of a protein concentrate from Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom

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    Edible mushrooms used as a protein-rich food may be an attractive alternative to conventional protein sources, while promoting its valorization. This work aimed to obtain a protein concentrate from a Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom flour, its characterization, and nutritional and functional properties evaluation. Methodologies applied for extraction and precipitation of protein were optimized - pH 4 and 12, respectively; and flour-solvent ratio of 1:20 w/v. The protein density was increased by 78 %. P. ostreatus flour and concentrate were characterized by proximal composition. The content of total phenolic compounds in the protein concentrate decreased, leading to a positive effect on protein digestibility, while the DPPH radical scavenging activity was not significantly affected. Peptides with molecular weights from 12 to 35 kDa, with possible bioactivity, were identified by electrophoresis. Protein digestibility assessed by in vitro gastrointestinal digestion showed a 4.2-fold higher hydrolysis degree in the protein concentrate than the flour.This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020 unit and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE–01–0145–FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte 2020–Programa Operacional Regional do Norte and the Project ColOsH PTDC/BTM–SAL/30071/2017 (POCI–01–0145–FEDER–030071). The authors also acknowledge the grant for a postgraduate scholarship (CVU number 922722) provided by National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) Mexico.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Observations of Sagittarius A* during the pericenter passage of the G2 object with MAGIC

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    Context. We present the results of a multi-year monitoring campaign of the Galactic center (GC) with the MAGIC telescopes. These observations were primarily motivated by reports that a putative gas cloud (G2) would be passing in close proximity to the super-massive black hole (SMBH), associated with Sagittarius A*, located at the center of our galaxy. This event was expected to give astronomers a unique chance to study the effect of in-falling matter on the broad-band emission of a SMBH. Aims. We search for potential flaring emission of very-high-energy (VHE; >= 100 GeV) gamma rays from the direction of the SMBH at the GC due to the passage of the G2 object. Using these data we also study the morphology of this complex region. Methods. We observed the GC region with the MAGIC Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes during the period 2012-2015, collecting 67 h of good-quality data. In addition to a search for variability in the flux and spectral shape of the GC gamma-ray source, we use a point-source subtraction technique to remove the known gamma-ray emitters located around the GC in order to reveal the TeV morphology of the extended emission inside that region. Results. No effect of the G2 object on the VHE gamma-ray emission from the GC was detected during the 4 yr observation campaign. We confirm previous measurements of the VHE spectrum of Sagittarius A*, and do not detect any significant variability of the emission from the source. Furthermore, the known VHE gamma-ray emitter at the location of the supernova remnant G0.9+0.1 was detected, as well as the recently discovered VHE source close to the GG radio arc

    A Semantic Portal for the International Affairs Sector

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    The Royal Institute Elcano(dagger) (Real Instituto Elcano) in Spain is a prestigious independent political institute whose mission is to comment on the political situation in the world focusing on its relation to Spain. As part of its dissemination strategy it operates a public website. The online content can be accessed by navigating through categories or by a keyword-based, full text search engine. The work described in this paper aims at improving access to the content. We describe an approach, tools and techniques that allow building a semantic portal, where access is based on the meaning of concepts and relations of the International Affairs domain. The approach comprises an automatic ontology-based annotator, a semantic search engine with a natural language inter-face, a web publication tool allowing semantic navigation, and a 3D visualization component. The semantic portal is currently being tested by the Institute
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