311 research outputs found

    Colitis infecciosa : ¿un problema actual?.

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    La colitis es la infección del colon y puede asociarse con enteritis y/o proctitis. Fisiopatológicamente tiene diferentes etiologías. Clínicamente se puede presentar con diarrea con moco y con sangre (disentérica), dolor abdominal, fiebre, o simplemente diarrea con moco y sangre sin molestias digestivas (asintomático). La diferenciación patológica es importante, pues ayuda a hacer diagnóstico diferencial con una enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal (EII) o con una colitis ulcerativa. Existen una gran variedad de agentes causales, pero principalmente se destacan la Shigella sp., el Campylobacter sp., la Escherichia coli enterohemorrágica (ECEH), la Yersinia enterocolítica, el Clostridium difficile; los parásitos como la Entamoeba histolytica y el Balantidium coli; virus como el citomegalovirus (CMV), y el virus de la infección por VIH/SIDA tipo 1 y 2; y últimamente se evidencian casos causados por hongos

    d-Pinitol promotes tau dephosphorylation through a cyclin-dependent kinase 5 regulation mechanism: A new potential approach for tauopathies?

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    Background and Purpose Recent evidence links brain insulin resistance with neurodegenerative diseases, where hyperphosphorylated tau protein contributes to neuronal cell death. In the present study, we aimed to evaluate if d-pinitol inositol, which acts as an insulin sensitizer, affects the phosphorylation status of tau protein. Experimental Approach We studied the pharmacological effect of d-pinitol on insulin signalling and tau phosphorylation in the hippocampus of Wistar and Zucker rats. To this end, we evaluated by western blotting the Akt pathway and its downstream proteins as being one of the main insulin-mediator pathways. Also, we explored the functional status of additional kinases phosphorylating tau, including PKA, ERK1/2, AMPK and CDK5. We utilized the 3xTg mouse model as a control for tauopathy, since it carries tau mutations that promote phosphorylation and aggregation. Key Results Surprisingly, we discovered that oral d-pinitol treatment lowered tau phosphorylation significantly, but not through the expected kinase GSK-3 regulation. An extensive search for additional kinases phosphorylating tau revealed that this effect was mediated through a mechanism dependent on the reduction of the activity of the CDK5, affecting both its p35 and p25 subunits. This effect disappeared in leptin-deficient Zucker rats, uncovering that the association of leptin deficiency, obesity, dyslipidaemia and hyperinsulinaemia abrogates d-pinitol actions on tau phosphorylation. The 3xTg mice confirmed d-pinitol effectiveness in a genetic AD-tauopathy.Medina-Vera, D., Navarro, J. A., Rivera, P., Rosell-Valle, C., Gutiérrez-Adán, A., Sanjuan, C., López-Gambero, A. J., Tovar, R., Suárez, J., Pavón, F. J., Baixeras, E., Decara, J., & Rodríguez de Fonseca, F. (2022). d-Pinitol promotes tau dephosphorylation through a cyclin-dependent kinase 5 regulation mechanism: A new potential approach for tauopathies? British Journal of Pharmacology, 179( 19), 4655– 4672. https://doi.org/10.1111/bph.1590

    Manejo del niño desnutrido severo

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    La desnutrición (DNT) infantil es la responsable de aproximadamente tres a cinco millones de muertes anuales en niños menores de cinco años. Se define como DNT severa, cuando existe un adelgazamiento marcado y/o la presencia de edema nutricional, o cuando la circunferencia media del brazo es menor de 110 cm. El abordaje en el tratamiento del niño DNT severo, incluye manejo de la etapa aguda; rehabilitación nutricional y mantenimiento, y rehabilitación final y seguimiento. En la primera fase, se debe hacer énfasis en los problemas agudos; en la segunda etapa, hay que iniciar precozmente la alimentación del niño, según norma; y en última fase, entre los 2 a 7 días posteriores, se debe valorar aporte calórico, apetito, estado general

    A Novel View on the Role of Intracellular Tails in Surface Delivery of the Potassium-Chloride Cotransporter KCC2

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    A plethora of neurological disorders are associated with alterations in the expression and localization of potassium-chloride cotransporter type 2 (KCC2), making KCC2 a critical player in neuronal function and an attractive target for therapeutic treatment. The activity of KCC2 is determined primarily by the rates of its surface insertion and internalization. Currently the domains of KCC2 dictating its trafficking and endocytosis are unknown. Here, using live-cell immunolabeling and biotinylation of KCC2 proteins expressed in murine neuroblastoma N2a cells, human embryonic kidney 293 cells, or primary cultures of rat hippocampal neurons, we identified a novel role for the intracellular N and C termini in differentially regulating KCC2 surface expression. We report that the N terminus is required for KCC2 insertion into the plasma membrane, whereas the C terminus is critical for the membrane stability of KCC2. Our results provide novel insights into the structure–function role of specific KCC2 domains and open perspectives in exploring structural organization of this protein.Peer reviewe

    White-emission from ZnS:Eu incorporated in AC-driven electroluminescent devices via ultrasonic spray pyrolysis

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    In this work, white-emitting-alternating-current-thin film electroluminescent (w-ACTFEL) devices are demonstrated using europium-doped zinc sulfide (ZnS:Eu) and zirconium oxide (ZrO2) as the emissive and dielectric layers, respectively. These films were deposited by the ultrasonic spray pyrolysis technique on antimony-doped tin oxide glass substrates, forming a standard metal-insulator-semiconductor-insulator-metal (MISIM) architecture. 10 kHz sinusoidal voltages activated the white-EL of the devices. The colorimetric characteristics were investigated for three amplitudes of the applied voltage. The emission of the devices is made up of wide and narrow bands with peaks corresponding to violet, blue, green and red light, which together produce the resulting white light. According to the colorimetric analysis, this white light is close to the standard D65 CIE illuminant with a minimal dominant blue component. The variation in voltage amplitude induces small changes in the visual characteristics of the EL emission. The white-EL emission of these MISIM devices is attributed to the electron-impact excitation and subsequent relaxation of the excited levels of Eu2+ and Eu3+ impurities, and defect levels in the sublayer regions adjacent to the ZrO2–ZnS:Eu interfaces


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    In a planet worn out by the excessive exploitation of non-renewable natural resources, a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative is undoubtedly the use of vegetable fibers to develop new composite materials. In this context, this research aims to create a prototype of a material composed of a low-density polyethylene matrix and vegetable fibers from the green gandul pea Cajanus Cajan. The vegetable fiber was subjected to chemical and mechanical treatments to obtain dry particles of 3-4 mm in length. These particles were later mixed with the polymeric matrix to obtain three composites with different fiber-polymer ratios. From these composites, ten specimens were obtained, which were then subjected to stress-strain tests, and whose tensile strength values were statistically contrasted with those of a specimen composed 100% of low-density polyethylene. The results showed that the material with a fiber proportion of 33% showed better mechanical properties, recommending its industrial use in bags or packaging to support up to 40 kg/f (392.4 N) of load. Thus, the new composite material can be used to replace single-use plastics made entirely from petroleum derivatives, contributing to environmental sustainability.En un planeta desgastado por la explotación excesiva de los recursos naturales no renovables, una alternativa sostenible y eco-amigable lo es, sin duda, la utilización de fibras vegetales en el desarrollo de nuevos materiales compuestos. En este contexto, el objetivo de esta investigación fue desarrollar un prototipo de material compuesto por una matriz de polietileno de baja densidad y fibras vegetales de la cajeta verde del frijol de gandul Cajanus Cajan. La fibra vegetal fue sometida a tratamientos químicos y mecánicos para obtener partículas secas de 3-4mm de longitud que luego fueron mezcladas con la matriz polimérica hasta obtener tres compuestos de diferente proporción fibra-polímero. De estos compuestos se obtuvieron 10 probetas que luego fueron sometidas a ensayos de tensión, deformación, y cuyos valores de resistencia a la tracción fueron contrastados estadísticamente con el de una probeta compuesta al 100% por polietileno de baja densidad. Los resultados arrojaron que el material con una proporción de fibra del 33% mostró mejores propiedades mecánicas, recomendándose su uso industrial en bolsas o empaques para sostener hasta 40 kg/f (392,4 N) de carga. De tal forma, el nuevo material compuesto puede aprovecharse en la sustitución de plásticos de un solo uso elaborados completamente a base de derivados de petróleo, contribuyendo a la sostenibilidad ambiental

    Interpretação do professor em face das contribuições do Estudantes no âmbito da universidade

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    This article presents the results of the research Disciplinary knowledge, Pedagogical knowledge and Situated Learning: Genesis and mutual influences in education at the University. The research identified how the teacher receives and evaluates the student’s contributions. It is a qualitative research, microethnography, which gave as emerging categories: perception of the complexity of the contributions, the student’s experiential knowledge, importance of contextualized and situated pedagogies, the student’s educational need, and dialogical-reflexive processes in the educational relationship. It was highlighted the teacher’s faculty to diagnose the contribution and also to show significative response within the context produced by the adjustment in the interaction, in which the disciplinary, pedagogical and ethical knowledge combined themselves implicitly.En este artículo se presentan los resultados de la investigación Saberes disciplinares, saberes pedagógicosy aprendizaje situado: Génesis e influencias mutuas en la enseñanza universitaria, que buscó comprender cómo el profesor interpreta y evalúa las contribuciones del estudiante. Es una investigación cualitativa, microetnográfica, que arrojó las categorías: percepción de la complejidad de las contribuciones, saber experiencial del estudiante, importancia de pedagogías contextualizadas y situadas, la necesidad educativa del estudiante y procesos dialógico-reflexivos en la relación educativa. Se destaca la capacidad docente para diagnosticar la contribución y elaborar una respuesta significativa y contextualizada, en la que implícitamente se conjuga el saber disciplinar, pedagógico y ético.Neste artigo apresentamos os resultados da pesquisa Conhecimento disciplinar, conhecimento pedagógico e Aprendizagem Situada: Gênese e influências mútuas na educação na Universidade. A pesquisa identificou como o professor interpreta e avalia as contribuições do aluno. É uma pesquisa qualitativa, micro-etnográfica, que deu como categorias emergentes: percepção da complexidade das contribuições, conhecimento experiencial do aluno, importância das pedagogias contextualizadas e situadas, necessidade educativa do aluno e processos dialógico-reflexivos na relação educativa. Destaca- se a capacidade do professor para diagnosticar a contribuição e elaborar uma resposta significativa e contextualizada, que combina implicitamente conhecimento disciplinar, pedagógico e ético

    Optimizing space telescopes’ thermal performance through uncertainty analysis: identification of critical parameters and shaping test strategy development

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    The integration of uncertainty analysis methodologies allows for improving design efficiency, particularly in the context of instruments that demand precise pointing accuracy, such as space telescopes. Focusing on the VINIS Earth observation telescope developed by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), this paper reports an uncertainty analysis on a thermal model aimed at improving cost savings in the future testing phases. The primary objective was to identify critical parameters impacting thermal performance and reduce overdesign. Employing the Statistical Error Analysis (SEA) method across several operational scenarios, the research identifies key factors, including the Earth’s infrared temperature and albedo, and the spacecraft’s attitude and environmental conditions, as the variables with major influences on the system’s thermal performance. Ultimately, the findings suggest that uncertainty-based analysis is a potent tool for guiding thermal control system design in space platforms, promoting efficiency and reliability. This methodology not only provides a framework for optimizing thermal design and testing in space missions but also ensures that instruments like the VINIS telescope maintain optimal operating temperatures in diverse space environments, thereby increasing mission robustness and enabling precise resource allocation.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2022-141669OA-I00Xunta de GaliciaCabildo de Tenerif

    When Sugar Reaches the Liver: Phenotypes of Patients with Diabetes and NAFLD

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    MODY diabetes; Liver fibrosis; Type 2 diabetesDiabetes MODY; Fibrosis hepática; Diabetes tipo 2Diabetis MODY; Fibrosi hepàtica; Diabetis tipus 2Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) have been traditionally linked to one another. Recent studies suggest that NAFLD may be increasingly common in other types of diabetes such as type 1 diabetes (T1DM) and less frequently ketone-prone and Maturity-onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY) diabetes. In this review, we address the relationship between hyperglycemia and insulin resistance and the onset and progression of NAFLD. In addition, despite the high rate of patients with T2DM and other diabetes phenotypes that can alter liver metabolism and consequently develop steatosis, fibrosis, and cirrhosis, NALFD screening is not still implemented in the daily care routine. Incorporating a clinical algorithm created around a simple, non-invasive, cost-effective model would identify high-risk patients. The principle behind managing these patients is to improve insulin resistance and hyperglycemia states with lifestyle changes, weight loss, and new drug therapies