860 research outputs found

    Homenaje a Fernando Valderrama Martínez. Selección de sus separatas

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    Rediscovering the Qur’an in nineteenth-century Spain: Allure and aversion in the shadow of A. B. Kazimirski’s French edition.

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    The Iberian Qur’an, M. García-Arenal y G. Wiegers eds., pp. 443-467. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022. ISBN 978-3-11-077859-5 Política de acceso abierto tomada de: http://biblioteca.cchs.csic.es/registro_buscareditoriales.php?id=972El mundo árabe-islámico será objeto de movimientos alternos y a veces confusos de fobias y filias en el siglo XIX español. Ambas corrientes se pueden rastrear en las traducciones alcoránicas de esta época. Impulsadas por los más encontrados objetivos, desde la refutación del islam hasta el acercamiento científico a la civilización árabe-islámica, pasando por los intereses de la acción colonial o del mercado editorial, vieron la luz en este periodo dos traducciones parciales (Borrego, 1844, y Gerber de Robles, 1844) y tres completas (Ortiz de la Puebla, 1872; Murguiondo, 1875, y García Bravo, 1907) del texto alcoránico. Lo singular de todas ellas, pese a sus objetivos bien distintos, es la dependencia casi absoluta de la versión francesa Le Koran de Albin de Biberstein Kazimirski. Junto a estas retraducciones, el siglo XIX español aún registró al menos un intento de traducción directa del árabe por Aníbal Rinaldi, del que sólo conservamos testimonio indirecto en otras obras.info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/EC/H2020/81014

    Un fragmento del Kitab al-Muktafà de al-Dani entre los libros árabes de Cútar (Málaga)

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    A fragment of Kitāb al-Muktafà fi l-waqf wa-l-ibtidā’ by the famous Andalusi scholar Abū `Amr `Uṯmān b. Sa`īd al-Dānī (m. 1053) is identified among the books included in Arabic Manuscript I from Malaga Provincial Historic Archive. This manuscript belongs to the library of Muhammad b. `Alī b. Muhammad al-Ŷayyār al-Ansārī (died in the early sixteenth century) from Cutar (Malaga, Spain). Its description and a new dating of the manuscript are proposed.Identificación de un fragmento de la obra Kitāb al-Muktafà fi l-waqf wa-l-ibtidā’ del célebre experto andalusí en lecturas coránicas Abū `Amr `Uṯmān b. Sa`īd al-Dānī (m.1053) en la miscelánea cataloga-da como Libro I del Archivo Histórico Provincial de Málaga, procedente del hallazgo en Cútar (Málaga) de la biblioteca del alfaquí Muhammad b. `Alī b. Muhammad al-Ŷayyār al-Ansārī (m. principios s. XVI). A su descripción se une una propuesta de nueva datación de este manuscrito

    The last Qur’an from al-Andalus?

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    The aim of this paper is to improve upon the description of ms. 2 of the Escuela de Estudios Árabes de Granada, and to propose a new date based on the material analysis of the document carried out by Sonsoles González (2014), and our rereading and translation of its colophon. If one accepts our proposal, this would be the last Qur’an from the Iberian peninsula, copied as late as the late seventeenth or early eighteenth century, in the city of Córdoba. Moreover, this copy is heir to an Andalusi tradition stretching back to the theoretical treatises of Abū ʿAmr ʿUthmān al-Dānī, transmitted faithfully from generation to generation through the Andalusi, Mudejar and Morisco periods, down to the period of this manuscript. Lastly, the marginal notes with chapter numbers and Latin translations of the sura titles are clear evidence of its later use among Christian intellectual circles.info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/EC/H2020/81014

    Sicut Euangelia sunt quatuor, distribuerunt continentiam eius in quatuor libros: On the Division of Iberian Qur’ans and Their Translations into Four Parts.

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    In the prologue to his trilingual Qur’an (Arabic-Castilian-Latin), Juan de Segovia pointed out that among the defects of Robert of Ketton’s Latin translation was the fact that it did not adopt the division of the text into four books that, in his words, the Muslims used in their holy book “in imitation of the Gospels.” Thereafter, despite the weakness of his reasoning, this four-part structure for the Qur’an was widely accepted in European Christian intellectual circles, and it would be reflected in the writings they produced, whether translations or anti- Islamic polemics. That said, this division that we observe in Quranic manuscripts from the Iberian Peninsula, including the complete translation of the Qur’an in the famous T 235 manuscript, derives exclusively from the Islamic tradition and the Quranic sciences. This tradition of dividing the Qur’an into four parts also presents some distinctive features that have not yet been sufficiently explained. The goal of this chapter is to show that this particular way of organizing the Qur’an can be explained by looking at the work of Andalusi scholars such as al-Dānī (fifth/eleventh century), as well as to show how it spread and was faithfully transmitted by the different Islamic communities in Spain, from one generation to the next, up to the end of the seventeenth century.ERC Synergy Grants , The European Qur’an. Islamic Scripture in European Culture and Religion 1150-1850 (EuQu) Cód. según financiadora: 81014

    Relationship between densification and NDVI loss: A study using the Google Earth Engine at local scale

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    Latin American cities are amongst those with the highest rates of urbanization in the world. This process has involved their territorial expansion as well as the densification of some of its neighborhoods, in mainly central areas. This is the case of the city of Santiago del Estero (Argentina) that increased its population by 33% between 1991 and 2010 with the consequent transformations of the local space. In this context, this study analyzes the evolution of vegetated areas and densification of the central area of the city using satellite data. We analyzed two indices: normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and Urban Index (UI) time-series data, for the 1992–2011 year period, using the Google Earth Engine for processing Landsat 5 TM images. We found that the NDVI showed a decreasing trend in the timelapse under consideration, while the UI performance registered the opposite trend. The mean NDVI decreased from 0.161 (1992) to 0.103 (2011) while the UI mean increased from 0.003 to 0.036 in the same timelapse. Further, the NDVI has a strong negative correlation with UI (R-squared = -0.862). The results are consistent with the census information that recorded an important demographic and housing growth for the entire city in this period.Fil: Celemin, Juan Pablo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil. Instituto de Geografía, Historia y Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Geografía, Historia y Ciencias Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Arias, Maria Eugenia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil. Instituto de Geografía, Historia y Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Geografía, Historia y Ciencias Sociales; Argentin

    Relación entre los polimorfismos de Apolipoproteina E e hipertensión arterial en pacientes con síndrome de apnea-hipopnea del sueño

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    El Síndrome de Apnea Hipopnea del Sueño (SAHS) se caracteriza por episodios repetitivos de obstrucción de la vía aérea superior, bien total o parcial que ocurren durante el sueño, lo que puede dar origen a un sueño poco reparador, responsable de la somnolencia diurna que presentan estos pacientes. En la actualidad es considerado como un síndrome que engloba manifestaciones cognitivo-conductales, metabólicas, cardíacas y respiratorias y cuya gravedad es evaluada en base al índice de apnea-hipoapnea (IAH), siendo la polisomnografía nocturna la prueba de referencia para el diagnóstico del SAHS. Un IAH mayor de 5 asociado a hipersomnolencia o a la presencia de dos o más síntomas no explicados por otras causas es diagnóstico de la enfermedad. El SAHS, al igual que otras enfermedades crónicas, ha despertado en la última década un gran interés en profundizar en sus aspectos genéticos. Hoy en día, es considerado como una enfermedad poligénica compleja 2, en la que muy frecuentemente se describe una asociación familiar y en la que muchos de los aspectos que favorecen su existencia, tienen también una predisposición genética. A ello se debe añadir el impacto ambiental sobre la enfermedad. Todo ello hace pensar en la importancia de los aspectos genéticos a la hora de conseguir un mayor conocimiento fisiopatológico.Grado en Medicin

    Turbo EP-based Equalization: a Filter-Type Implementation

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    This manuscript has been submitted to Transactions on Communications on September 7, 2017; revised on January 10, 2018 and March 27, 2018; and accepted on April 25, 2018 We propose a novel filter-type equalizer to improve the solution of the linear minimum-mean squared-error (LMMSE) turbo equalizer, with computational complexity constrained to be quadratic in the filter length. When high-order modulations and/or large memory channels are used the optimal BCJR equalizer is unavailable, due to its computational complexity. In this scenario, the filter-type LMMSE turbo equalization exhibits a good performance compared to other approximations. In this paper, we show that this solution can be significantly improved by using expectation propagation (EP) in the estimation of the a posteriori probabilities. First, it yields a more accurate estimation of the extrinsic distribution to be sent to the channel decoder. Second, compared to other solutions based on EP the computational complexity of the proposed solution is constrained to be quadratic in the length of the finite impulse response (FIR). In addition, we review previous EP-based turbo equalization implementations. Instead of considering default uniform priors we exploit the outputs of the decoder. Some simulation results are included to show that this new EP-based filter remarkably outperforms the turbo approach of previous versions of the EP algorithm and also improves the LMMSE solution, with and without turbo equalization

    De los nombres propios, según al-Suhayli (m. 518/1185-6)

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    El presente trabajo defiende la hipótesis de que el proceso de introducción en al-Ándalus de las novedades metodológicas que en el ámbito de los estudios lingüísticos se produjeron en Bagdad durante el siglo IV/X, abarcó no sólo el siglo V/XI y primera mitad del siglo siguiente, sino que se prolongó durante el resto del siglo VI/XII. Para llegar a esta conclusión se han repasado brevemente las ideas de un sabio andalusí de este período, el malagueño Suhayli (m. 581/1185-6), autor de una original clasificación de los nombres propios, así como otros aspectos secundarios de su labor tales como su tratamiento de las fuentes orientales y andalusíes o su labor como lexicógrafoThe aim of this paper is to show how the process of introduction in al-Andalus of the methodological theories about Linguistics, which were developed in Bagdad during the 4/10th century, took place from the 5/11th until the end of the 6/12th century. To come this conclusion, we have studied the original ideas of the Andalusian scholar al- Suhayli (dead 581/1185-6) about the classification of proper names as well as others more or less relevant aspects of his studies such as his attitude to the Oriental and Andalusians sources or his work as a lexicographer

    Jerez, localidad famosa por sus vinos : autor y traductor como mediadores culturales

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