163 research outputs found

    Limited Probiotic Effect of Enterococcus gallinarum L1, Vagococcus fluvialis L21 and Lactobacillus plantarum CLFP3 to Protect Rainbow Trout against Saprolegniosis

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    [EN] Previous studies have demonstrated that the strains Enterococcus gallinarum L1, Vagococcus fluvialis L21 and Lactobacillus plantarum CLFP3 are probiotics against vibriosis or lactococosis in sea bass or rainbow trout. In this study, the utility of these bacterial strains in the control of saprolegniosis was evaluated. For this purpose, both in vitro inhibition studies and competition for binding sites against Saprolegnia parasitica and in vivo tests with experimentally infected rainbow trout were carried out. In the in vitro tests, the three isolates showed inhibitory activity upon mycelium growth and cyst germination and reduced the adhesion of cysts to cutaneous mucus; however, this effect depended on the number of bacteria used and the incubation time. In the in vivo test, the bacteria were administered orally at 108 CFU g−1 in the feed or at 106 CFU ml−1 in the tank water for 14 days. None of the three bacteria showed protection against S. parasitica infection either through water or feed, and the cumulative mortality reached 100% within 14 days post infection. The obtained results show that the use of an effective probiotic against a certain disease in a host may not be effective against another pathogen or in another host and that the results obtained in vitro may not always predict the effects when used in vivo.SIWe are grateful for the assistance provided by the laboratory technician Gloria Fernández–Bayón; the fish farm Los Leoneses in León, which supplied the rainbow trout; the “Servicio Territorial de Medio Ambiente de León” of the “Junta de Castilla y León”, which supplied the brown trout; and Skretting España S.A., which donated some of the feed.This study was funded through research project AGL2014-54683-R of the Spanish “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad” and cofinanced through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). C.G.P. was awarded a predoctoral contract by the “Consejería de Educación” of the regional government “Junta de Castilla y León” cofinanced through the European Social Fund

    Prevalencia y factores asociados a conducta suicida en estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima-Perú

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    Introduction. World Health Organization has pointed out the increasing suicidal risk in the 115 - 44 years of age. University students are inmerse in that age group risk. Objective. To estimate the prevalence of suicidal behavior and associated variables in undergraduate students of Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM). Methodos. Transversal and analytic study. Target population: 24 118 students registered in 2015. The Suicide Behavior Questionnaire of the 2002, 2012 Mental Health National Survey, the Zung self-rated anxiety and depression scales, and the CAGE questionnaire for potential alcohol-related problems were applied to a sample of 1819 students obtained by a bietapic with probabililty proportional to size sampling procedure. Results. Life, last year, last 6 months, and last month prevalences of suicide behavior`s components of were, in that order: (i) death wish (35%; 13,9%; 11%; 5,6%); (ii) suicidal ideation (22,4%; 8,2%; 6%;3,3%); (iii) suicidal planning (17,7%; 4,4%; 3,5%; 1,6%); and (iv) suicidal attempt (11,1%; 3,7%; 2,8%; 1,4%), and higher than the prevalences of metropolitan Lima general population. Risk factors, in terms of OR and 95% CI were: being female 1,48 (1,03-2,12), depression 2,46 (1,49-4,06), anxiety 2,5 (1,38-4,6), and living in a non nuclear home 2,51 (1,70-3,72). Only 16% of the students who attempted suicide sought professional help and 21% considered repeating the attempt. Conclusions. UNMSM undergraduate students show a riskier suicide behavior tan the general population. Both for scientific reasons and moral responsibility it is highly recommended to implement intervention strategies in order to revert this trend and protect this valuable human resource.Introducción. La Organización Mundial de la Salud ha señalado el incremento de riesgo suicida en personas de 15 a 44 años, grupo etario en el que se ubican los estudiantes universitarios. Objetivo. Determinar prevalencias de conducta suicida y variables asociadas en estudiantes de pregrado de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM), Lima-Perú. Métodos. Estudio analítico, transversal. La población objetivo fue de 24 118 estudiantes matriculados en 2015. Se aplicaron los instrumentos de conducta suicida de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud Mental en el Perú 2002 y 2012, las escalas de ansiedad y depresión de Zung y el cuestionario CAGE para problemas de alcohol, a una muestra de 1819 estudiantes obtenida mediante muestreo bietápico. Se estimaron prevalencias y se empleó regresión logística para determinar factores asociados. Resultados. Las prevalencias de vida, último año, últimos seis meses y último mes de los componentes de la conducta suicida fueron: deseos de morir (35%; 13,9%; 11% y 5,6%); ideación suicida (22,4%; 8,2%; 6% y 3,3%); plan suicida (17,7%; 4,4%; 3,5% y 1,6%); e intento suicida (11,1%; 3,7%; 2,8% y 1,4%). Los factores de riesgo en términos de odds ratio (OR) ajustados y sus IC 95% fueron: condición de mujer 1,48 (IC 95%: 1,03-2,12), depresión 2,46 (IC 95%: 1,49-4,06), angustia 2,5 (IC 95%: 1,38-4,6), y vivir en hogar no nuclear 2,51 (IC 95%: 1,70-3,72). De los estudiantes que intentaron suicidarse sólo 16% buscó ayuda profesional y 21% pensó repetir el intento. Conclusiones. Los estudiantes de la UNMSM tienen mayor riesgo de conducta suicida que los de la población en general, tanto por razones científicas como por responsabilidad moral se recomienda implementar estrategias de intervención para revertir esta tendencia y proteger a este valioso recurso humano

    A numerical simulation study of the hydrodynamic effects caused by morphological changes in the Guadalquivir River Estuary

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    This study presents an analysis of the impacts of the changes in bottom depth along the Guadalquivir Estuary on tidal dynamics. A realistic non-linear 1D numerical model, incorporating changes in both breadth and bottom depth, was employed to investigate the involved effects. The findings reveal a significant amplification of the M2 tidal wave towards the upper region of the Estuary, resulting from the gradual deepening caused by multiple dredging operations. The Estuary exhibits a pronounced tendency towards resonance, which is further enhanced by its deepening, resulting in reduced bottom friction and a smaller decrease in tidal wave amplitude as it propagates through the Estuary. The alterations in depth, particularly in breadth, along the Estuary play a crucial role in determining the magnitude of the resonant response of the M2 tidal wave.12 página

    Are genetic drift and stem cell adherence in laboratory culture issues for cultivated meat production?

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    Mesenchymal stem cell-based cultivated meat is a promising solution to the ecological and ethical problems posed by traditional meat production, since it exhibits a protein content and composition that is more comparable to original meat proteins than any other source of cultivated meat products, including plants, bacteria, and fungi. Nonetheless, the nature and laboratory behavior of mesenchymal stem cells pose two significant challenges for large-scale production: genetic drift and adherent growth in culture. Culture conditions used in the laboratory expose the cells to a selective pressure that causes genetic drift, which may give rise to oncogene activation and the loss of “stemness.” This is why genetic and functional analysis of the cells during culture is required to determine the maximum number of passages within the laboratory where no significant mutations or loss of function are detected. Moreover, the adherent growth of mesenchymal stem cells can be an obstacle for their large-scale production since volume to surface ratio is limited for high volume containers. Multi-tray systems, roller bottles, and microcarriers have been proposed as potential solutions to scale-up the production of adherent cells required for cultivated meat. The most promising solutions for the safety problems and large-scale obstacles for cultivated meat production are the determination of a limit number of passages based on a genetic analysis and the use of microcarriers from edible materials to maximize the volume to surface proportion and decrease the downstream operations needed for cultivated meat production

    Sub-barrier fusion of 6He with 206Pb

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    Cross-sections for the production of 210Po nuclei in 6He + 206Pb collisions over the incident energy range 14–18MeV were measured by means of the activation technique and a radiochemical analysis. The elastic scattering at 18.0MeV was also measured providing a precise value for the 210Po production cross-section at this energy. The results are at variance with the earlier experimental data and rather in accord with the predictions of a density-dependent barrier penetration model for the fusion process. A proper treatment of beam energy distribution for the evaluation of the activation data is discussed

    Ofrendas en el humedal: el santuario ibero de Haza del Rayo (Sabiote, Jaén)

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    We present a new Iberian sanctuary situated on the hill known as La Loma de Úbeda (Jaén), located at a key connecting point between the Guadalquivir and Guadalimar valleys. It is an open-air site with a 3rd century BCE votive deposit. A large part of the interest in this case study lies in the application of a strongly interdisciplinary protocol which combines archaeological excavations, systematic magnetic micro-surveying and combined analyses (soil micromorphology, pollen and phytolith analyses, OSL datings, 3D groundpenetrating radar studies and metallographic analysis). This protocol has made it possible to document the ritual dynamics involving this small area of paleo-wetland. The site is placed at a key point on the ritual itinerary between the town of Baecula (Santo Tomé, Jaén) and the sanctuary of La Cueva de la Lobera in Castellar (Jaén). The present study reveals the complexity of the religious landscapes in a territory similar to that of Cástulo (Linares, Jaén) in the 4th and 3rd centuries BCE, in which the natural landmarks with strong specific cultural significances played an important role.Damos a conocer el hallazgo de un santuario ibero, situado en la Loma de Úbeda (Jaén), en un punto clave de conexión entre los valles del Guadalquivir y del Guadalimar, definido como un espacio al aire libre, al que se asocia un depósito votivo del siglo III a. n. e. El interés de este estudio de caso radica en la aplicación de un protocolo fuertemente interdisciplinar, que parte de excavaciones arqueológicas, microprospecciones magnéticas sistemáticas y análisis combinados (micromorfología de suelos, análisis de polen y fitolitos, dataciones, estudios geo-radar 3D y análisis metalográficos). Este protocolo ha permitido documentar la dinámica ritual que involucra a una pequeña área de paleo-humedal, así como su caracterización general. Este espacio, definido como un punto clave en el itinerario ritual que parte de la ciudad de Baecula (Santo Tomé, Jaén) y se dirige al santuario de la Cueva de la Lobera en Castellar (Jaén), nos sitúa ante la complejidad de los paisajes religiosos en un territorio como el de Cástulo (Linares, Jaén) para los siglos IV-III a. n. e., en los que cobra importancia la incorporación de hitos naturales con significados culturales muy específicos

    Novedades corológicas y nomenclaturales para la flora vascular de la Sierra de Gredos (Sistema Central), III

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    In the present paper we present the floristic novelties for the flora of the Sierra de Gredos resulting from the explorations of these mountains and that, mostly, are the result of the field trips of the year 2021. We present 31 chorological novelties, among which we highlight the finding in the Community of Madrid of the restricted endemic Iberodes brassicifolia (Lag.) M. Serrano, R. Carbajal & S. Ortiz. Also relevant are Herniaria hirsuta L., Rosa glauca Pourr. (new for the Spanish Central System) and Rosa coriifolia Fr. (new for Extremadura and the whole of the Sierra de Gredos), as well as Soliva sessilisRuiz & Pav., Trifolium vesiculosumSavi (new for Castilla y León) and Lepidium villarsii Gren. & Godr. subsp. villarsii (new for the Sierra de Gredos). Finally, two new nomenclatural combinations are made in the genus Tephroseris (Rchb.) Rchb.: Tephroseris balbisiana (DC.) Holub subsp. coincy (Rouy) P. Vargas & Luceño, endemic to Gredos range, and Tephroseris balbisiana subsp. elodes (Boiss. ex DC.) P. Vargas & Luceño, endemic to Sierra Nevada

    Mendelian Randomisation Confirms the Role of Y-Chromosome Loss in Alzheimer’s Disease Aetiopathogenesis in Men

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    Mosaic loss of chromosome Y (mLOY) is a common ageing-related somatic event and has been previously associated with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, mLOY estimation from genotype microarray data only reflects the mLOY degree of subjects at the moment of DNA sampling. Therefore, mLOY phenotype associations with AD can be severely age-confounded in the context of genome-wide association studies. Here, we applied Mendelian randomisation to construct an age-independent mLOY polygenic risk score (mloy-PRS) using 114 autosomal variants. The mloy-PRS instrument was associated with an 80% increase in mLOY risk per standard deviation unit (p = 4.22 × 10−20) and was orthogonal with age. We found that a higher genetic risk for mLOY was associated with faster progression to AD in men with mild cognitive impairment (hazard ratio (HR) = 1.23, p = 0.01). Importantly, mloy-PRS had no effect on AD conversion or risk in the female group, suggesting that these associations are caused by the inherent loss of the Y chromosome. Additionally, the blood mLOY phenotype in men was associated with increased cerebrospinal fluid levels of total tau and phosphorylated tau181 in subjects with mild cognitive impairment and dementia. Our results strongly suggest that mLOY is involved in AD pathogenesis.P.G.-G. (Pablo García-González) is supported by CIBERNED employment plan CNV-304-PRF-866. CIBERNED is integrated into ISCIII (Instituto de Salud Carlos III). I.d.R is supported by a national grant from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III FI20/00215. A.C. (Amanda Cano) acknowledges the support of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities under the grant Juan de la Cierva (FJC2018-036012-I). M.B. (Mercé Boada) and A.R. (Agustín Ruiz) are also supported by national grants PI13/02434, PI16/01861, PI17/01474, PI19/01240, and PI19/01301. The Genome Research @ Fundació ACE project (GR@ACE) is supported by Grifols SA, Fundación bancaria “La Caixa”, Fundació ACE, and CIBERNED. Acción Estratégica en Salud is integrated into the Spanish National R + D + I Plan and funded by ISCIII (Instituto de Salud Carlos III)—Subdirección General de Evaluación—and the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER—“Una manera de hacer Europa”). Genotyping of the ACE MCI-EADB samples was performed in the context of EADB (European Alzheimer DNA biobank) funded by the JPco-fuND FP-829-029 (ZonMW project number 733051061). This work was supported by a grant (European Alzheimer DNA BioBank, EADB) from the EU Joint Program—Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND). Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag