708 research outputs found

    Asymptotics for a generalization of Hermie polynomials

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    We consider a generalization of the classical Hermite polynomials by the addition of terms involving derivatives in the inner product. This type of generalization has been studied in the literature from the point of view of the algebraic properties. Thus, our aim is to study the asymptotics of this sequence of nonstandard orthogonal polynomials. In fact, we obtain Mehler--Heine type formulas for these polynomials and, as a consequence, we prove that there exists an acceleration of the convergence of the smallest positive zeros of these generalized Hermite polynomials towards the origin

    Sobolev orthogonal polynomials: balance and asymptotics

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    Let μ0 and μ1 be measures supported on an unbounded interval and Sn,λn the extremal varying Sobolev polynomial which minimizes _\lambda_n=\int P^2 d\mu_0+\lambda_n \int P'^2 d\mu_1, \lambda_n>0 in the class of all monic polynomials of degree n. The goal of this paper is twofold. On one hand, we discuss how to balance both terms of this inner product, that is, how to choose a sequence (λn) such that both measures μ0 and μ1 play a role in the asymptotics of (Sn,λn). On the other, we apply such ideas to the case when both μ0 and μ1 are Freud weights. Asymptotics for the corresponding Sn,λn are computed, illustrating the accuracy of the choice of λn

    Asymptotics and zeros of Sobolev orthogonal polynomials on unbounded supports

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    In this paper we present a survey about analytic properties of polynomials orthogonal with respect to a weighted Sobolev inner product such that the vector of measures has an unbounded support. In particular, we are focused in the study of the asymptotic behaviour of such polynomials as well as in the distribution of their zeros. Some open problems as well as some new directions for a future research are formulated.Comment: Changed content; 34 pages, 41 reference

    Arthropods of the Limarí River basin (Coquimbo Region, Chile): taxonomic composition in agricultural ecosystems

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    The Limarí valley, located in the Coquimbo Region of Chile, is an important agricultural area that is immersed in the transverse valleys of the Norte Chico. In recent decades, the continuous expansion of agriculture towards dry land zones has favored the migration and establishment of potential pests, such as arthropods, that may affect crops or be zoonotic agents. Based on the limited knowledge we have about the arthropod group present in the Limarí basin, our objective is to describe the taxonomic composition of the assemblage of economically important arthropods inhabiting this basin of the semiarid region of Chile. After reviewing historical data, specimen collections, and the specialized literature, a total of 414 arthropod species were recorded. Of the total number of species recorded, 92.5% were insects, the most diverse taxon, with 11 orders. Arachnids, in turn, were represented only by Acari with 31 species. The most widely represented orders of insects were Coleoptera, Hemiptera, and Lepidoptera. Within Coleoptera the most species-rich families were, in decreasing order of importance, Curculionidae, Coccinellidae, Cerambycidae, Scarabaeidae, Chrysomelidae (Bruchinae), Ptinidae, and Bostrichidae; within Hemiptera these were Aphididae, Diaspididae, Coccidae, Pseudococcidae, Pentatomidae and Rhopalidae; and within Lepidoptera they were Noctuidae and Tortricidae. We hope this study serves as a starting point for identifying the most diverse arthropod groups and developing pest monitoring and control programs. Highlights: A large percentage of phytophagous species, mainly belonging to Acari, Lepidoptera, Hemiptera and Coleoptera, were registered in the Limarí basin. Some families of agricultural importance (Aleyrodidae, Aphididae, Coccidae, Diaspididae, Margarodidae, Pseudococcidae), were observed in large agricultural crops in the basin (e.g., vines, oranges, mandarins, lemon trees, avocado trees, walnuts, olive trees, vegetable crops). A smaller fraction corresponded to the group of predators and parasitoids, mainly represented by Coleoptera (Coccinellidae), Neuroptera (Chrysopidae) and Hymenoptera (Braconidae, Encyrtidae, Ichneumonidae, Platygastridae, Signiphoridae). The richness and spatial records of arthropods were mostly concentrated between the city of Ovalle and the estuary of Punitaqui - the areas with most intense agricultural activity in the Limarí basin.The Limarí valley, located in the Coquimbo Region of Chile, is an important agricultural area that is immersed in the transverse valleys of the Norte Chico. In recent decades, the continuous expansion of agriculture towards dry land zones has favored the migration and establishment of potential pests, such as arthropods, that may affect crops or be zoonotic agents. Based on the limited knowledge we have about the arthropod group present in the Limarí basin, our objective is to describe the taxonomic composition of the assemblage of economically important arthropods inhabiting this basin of the semiarid region of Chile. After reviewing historical data, specimen collections, and the specialized literature, a total of 414 arthropod species were recorded. Of the total number of species recorded, 92.5% were insects, the most diverse taxon, with 11 orders. Arachnids, in turn, were represented only by Acari with 31 species. The most widely represented orders of insects were Coleoptera, Hemiptera, and Lepidoptera. Within Coleoptera the most species-rich families were, in decreasing order of importance, Curculionidae, Coccinellidae, Cerambycidae, Scarabaeidae, Chrysomelidae (Bruchinae), Ptinidae, and Bostrichidae; within Hemiptera these were Aphididae, Diaspididae, Coccidae, Pseudococcidae, Pentatomidae and Rhopalidae; and within Lepidoptera they were Noctuidae and Tortricidae. We hope this study serves as a starting point for identifying the most diverse arthropod groups and developing pest monitoring and control programs. Highlights: A large percentage of phytophagous species, mainly belonging to Acari, Lepidoptera, Hemiptera and Coleoptera, were registered in the Limarí basin. Some families of agricultural importance (Aleyrodidae, Aphididae, Coccidae, Diaspididae, Margarodidae, Pseudococcidae), were observed in large agricultural crops in the basin (e.g., vines, oranges, mandarins, lemon trees, avocado trees, walnuts, olive trees, vegetable crops). A smaller fraction corresponded to the group of predators and parasitoids, mainly represented by Coleoptera (Coccinellidae), Neuroptera (Chrysopidae) and Hymenoptera (Braconidae, Encyrtidae, Ichneumonidae, Platygastridae, Signiphoridae). The richness and spatial records of arthropods were mostly concentrated between the city of Ovalle and the estuary of Punitaqui - the areas with most intense agricultural activity in the Limarí basin

    Forecasting Chaotic Series in Manufacturing Systems by Vector Support Machine Regression and Neural Networks

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    Currently, it is recognized that manufacturing systems are complex in their structure and dynamics. Management, control and forecasting of such systems are very difficult tasks due to complexity. Numerous variables and signals vary in time with different patterns so that decision makers must be able to predict the behavior of the system.This is a necessary capability in order to keep the system under a safe operation. This also helps to prevent  emergencies and the occurrence of critical events that may put in danger human beings and capital resources, such as expensive equipment and valuable production. When dealing with chaotic systems, the management, control, and forecasting are very difficult tasks. In this article an application of neural networks and vector support machines for the forecasting of the time varying average number of parts in a waiting line of a manufacturing system having a chaotic behavior, is presented. The best results were obtained with least square support vector machines and for the neural networks case, the best forecasts, are those with models employing the invariants characterizing the system’s dynamics

    Disaster Response Project Scheduling Problem: A Resolution Method based on a Game-Theoretical Model

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    We present a particular disaster response project scheduling problem (DRPSP) motivated by Fukushima’s nuclear accident of Japan in 2011. We describe the problem as MPS;R,N|prec, dn|Pckf(rk(S)) by using Hartmann and Briskornscheme and formulate a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model. Due to the NP-hardness of the problem, we propose a resolution method based on game theory.This method associates the DRPSP to a non-cooperative game model, such thatgame solution is a feasible solution of the problem. In order to explore the potentialof the proposed model and the performance of the resolution method, computationalexperiments are carried out. The results of resolution method show on average, thatthe method finds a feasible solution with a difference of 15.44% with respect to optimalsolution within one percent of the time required by the MILP over GAMS22.7.2/CPLEX 11.0

    IAA : Información y actualidad astronómica (4)

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    Sumario : Investigación : Galaxias huéspedes de cuásares.-- El gigante gaseoso y su gran mancha roja.-- Ventana Abierta: Un futuro incierto.-- Charlas con… John Hutchings.-- Actualidad Científica: La edad de la galaxia.-- Sorpresas en el cinturón de Kuiper.-- Actividades IAA.-- Agenda.N

    Aprovechamiento integral de Eucalyptus globulus en un esquema de biorrefinería en doble etapa

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    Se han aplicado dos tratamientos previos al proceso de pasteado etanol-sosa sobre madera de Eucalyptus globulus para evaluar su influencia sobre las propiedades de las pastas celulósicas obtenidas. Se aplica una primera etapa optimizada de autohidrólisis para maximizar la extracción de derivados hemicelulósicos preservando el glucano, seguida de una deslignificación enzimática mediante un sistema lacasa/mediador (siringaldehído). Se aplican diseños experimentales para la optimización de los procesos. Las condiciones de operación óptimas en la etapa de deslignificación enzimática han sido: concentración de lacasa 18,5 U/g, concentración de siringaldehído 1,5 %, temperatura 45 ºC y tiempo de operación 60 min., con las cuales se alcanza una eliminación del 16,8 % de la lignina existente en la materia prima y se afecta ligeramente al glucano (conservando entre el 82,2 % y 89,7 % del glucano inicial). Paralelamente se obtienen dos fases líquidas valorizables, ricas en derivados hemicelulósicos y polifenólicos. En este esquema de proceso para obtención de pasta celulósica etanol-sosa a partir de madera eucalipto requiere una menor concentración de reactivos químicos, menores tiempos de operación y temperaturas más bajas, lo que supone una mejora económica y medioambiental respecto del proceso convencional de pasteado