2,049 research outputs found

    The 2016 seismic series in the south Alboran Sea: Seismotectonics, Coulomb Failure Stress changes and implications for the active tectonics in the area

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    The Southern Alboran Sea, particularly the area offshore Al Hoceima Bay, presents moderate but continuous seismic activity since the Mw 6.0 1994 Al Hoceima earthquake. The maximum magnitude occurred in the area was a Mw 6.3 earthquake in the 2004 Al Hoceima – Tamasint seismic series. Since then, the seismicity in the Al Hoceima area has been usual, with maximum seismic magnitudes around 4. An increase in the seismic rate was registered during 2015, especially from May, culminating in the seismic series in January 2016. The mainshock occurred on January 25th 2016 with a magnitude Mw 6.3 and it was preceded by a Mw 5.1 foreshock on January 21st. The seismic series took place at the western end of the Alboran Ridge. Towards the northeast the Alboran Ridge bends, and seems to be connected with the NW-SE right-lateral transtensional Yusuf Fault. The recorded seismicity is mainly located in the Alboran Ridge area and along the N-S Al-Idrisi Fault that seems to continue southwards, towards the Al Hoceima Bay. The focal mechanisms calculated previously in the area showed a leftlateral strike-slip faulting with some normal component in the Alboran Ridge; but always within a complex system of diffuse deformation and high rupture type variability. We have used 41 computed focal mechanisms of this seismic series to analyze its seismotectonics and structural characteristics. To group the focal mechanisms we used a clustering algorithm using the spatial distribution of the events and also the type of rupture mechanism. For each cluster we have obtained the composed focal mechanism, associating it to a particular fault or family of structures. We have tested the mechanical compatibility of these structures by Coulomb Failure Stress transfer modeling. The mainshock of the series occurred in the Al Idrisi Fault intersecting the western Alboran Ridge. This event triggered aftershocks and independent series in left-lateral strike-slip faults associated with the Al Idrisi Fault System towards the south, but also in near pure reverse faults in the fault zone bounding the the Alboran Ridge. Both types of faults and rupture-mechanisms coexist, linked mechanically by stress transfer, being coeval the uplift of the Alboran Ridge and its northwestward displacement due to the left-lateral motion of the Al-Idrisi Fault. It is also discussed how the contrasting faulting processes and seismic ruptures are developed in two differentially oriented fault zones in the context the current NW-SE plate convergence between the African and Eurasian plates in the Westernmost Mediterranean

    Diagnostic performance of CerTest and Panbio antigen rapid diagnostic tests to diagnose SARS-CoV-2 infection

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    Objectives Antigen rapid diagnostic tests (Ag-RDT) have been developed as reliable tools to control the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. The objective of our study was to evaluate the diagnostic performance of two Ag-RDTs. Methods We evaluated CerTest SARS-CoV-2 Ag One Step Card Test and Panbio COVID-19 Ag Rapid Test Device Ag-RDTs. We included 320 nasopharyngeal samples: 150 PCR negative samples to assess the specificity and 170 PCR positive samples to evaluate the sensitivity. We also evaluated their sensitivity according to cycle threshold (Ct) values and the time from the onset of symptoms. Tests were compared using the McNemar?s test and agreement was evaluated using the kappa score (k). Results Both Ag-RDTs showed a specificity of 100 %. Overall sensitivity was 53.5 % for CerTest and 60.0 % for Panbio. For samples with 25, sensitivity was 94.0 % for CerTest and 96.4 % for Panbio (p = 0.500). Regarding samples with Ct>25, sensitivity was 14.0 % for CerTest and 24.4 % for Panbio (p = 0.004). Sensitivity for samples within the first 5 days after the onset of symptoms were 84.8 % for CerTest and 91.3 % for Panbio (p = 0.250) and notably decreased for samples taken after the fifth day. Both Ag-RDTs showed an excellent agreement between them (agreement = 96.7 %, k = 0.920). Agreement with PCR was also excellent for high viral load samples (Ct<25) for CerTest (98.0 %, k = 0.954) and Panbio (98.8 %, k = 0.973). Conclusions CerTest SARS-CoV-2 and Panbio COVID-19 Ag showed excellent performance and agreement results for samples with high viral loads (Ct 25) or samples taken within the first 5 days after the onset of symptoms

    Influence of the wall material on the moisture sorption properties and conditions of stability of sesame oil hydrogel beads by ionic gelation

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    Artículo científico publicado en la Revista LWT-Food Science and Technology, la cual se encuentra indizada en el JCR, SCOPUS, pertenece al cuartil Q1 con un factor de impacto de 4.0Sesame oil was encapsulated by ionic gelation using matrices of sodium alginate and nopal mucilage as wall material. Moisture sorption isotherms of three different types of hydrogels beads formed by SA-NM (1:0 w/w), SA-NM (1:1 w/w) and SA-NM (1:1.5 w/w) were performed at 25, 35 and 45 °C. Experimental isotherms were described by means of the GAB model, showing sigmoidal shape. Pore radius values of beads ranged from 0.81 to 7.59 nm, corresponding to micropores and mesopores classification. The integral thermodynamic properties were estimated to define conditions of maximum stability of the hydrogel beads. The point of maximum stability, linked to minimum integral entropy, was in the range 3.31-5.59 kg H2O/100 kg d.s. (corresponding to water activity, aW, of 0.23-0.59) in the studied temperature range. Enthalpy-entropy compensation for the beads exhibited the presence of two isokinetic temperatures; one at low moisture contents (0-5.95 kg H2O/100 kg d.s.) controlled by variations of the water entropy, and a second given by enthalpy-driven mechanisms. Overall, the results showed that the hydrogel beads exhibited features of micro- and meso-porous biomaterials. Besides, the composition of the wall material has central implications for the characteristics of the sorption process.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México mediante el proyecto con clave 4738/2019/CI

    Posibilidades de mejora en los planes de prevención frente al exceso de temperaturas

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    En el verano de 2003 las temperaturas alcanzadas fueron responsables de un gran número de muertes en el continente europeo. Un año después muchos países habían implantado algún tipo de plan de prevención frente al exceso de temperaturas. Planes que ya habían mostrado su capacidad de prevenir una buena parte de la mortalidad evitable en otras latitudes. Desde entonces, son numerosos los estudios publicados ofreciendo nuevos datos sobre los efectos en salud pública de una ola de calor, que pueden contribuir a aumentar la eficiencia de estos planes de prevención. Conocer las situaciones meteorológicas de mayor riesgo, definir ola de calor o tener en cuenta el tiempo que el plan debe estar activo a partir del estudio de la relación entre la temperatura y sus efectos en salud, identificar las características meteorológicas que modulan la relación entre la temperatura y la mortalidad, localizar el perfil de las personas de mayor riesgo o diseñar protocolos de actuación con la mayor precisión posible y basado en el conocimiento científico son elementos extraídos de numerosos trabajos realizados en los últimos años que deben ser tenidos en cuenta.S

    Monitor de Salud Personal

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    En este artículo se presenta el sistema Monitor de Salud Personal desarrollado en Telefónica I+D, en colaboración con el Departamento deInformática y Automática de la Universidad de Salamanca. Este proyecto se enmarca dentro de las actividades relacionadas con la gestión del Hogar Digital y de los proyectos actualmente en desarrollo en Telefónica I+D en este campo. El objetivo del proyecto global es explorar diversas tecnologíashabilitadoras de inteligencia ambiental con las que el usuario interacciona en elhogar de forma transparente, proporcionando componentes tecnológicos en distintos escenarios: asistencia y bienestar en el hogar, entretenimiento, gestión de la identidad en el hogar, gestión de la ubicación en el hogar. El Monitor de Salud Personal que se describe en este artículo está orientado a satisfacer el objetivo de asistencia y bienestar en el hogar y cuyos objetivos se integran plenamente dentro de la iniciativa europea Ambient Assisted Living JointProgramme (AAL)

    Red de Seguimiento e indicadores en el Máster Universitario en Ingeniería de Telecomunicación

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    El profesorado de la red docente, que forma parte de la comisión académica del Máster, realizó durante el curso 2011/12 un proyecto para el estudio de los indicadores de calidad del Máster, en función de los indicadores de calidad de las Agencias acreditadoras y dependiendo de las tasas de éxito y eficacias durante el primer curso de implantación del Máster

    Detection of Schistosoma mansoni-derived DNA in human urine samples by loopmediated isothermal amplification (LAMP)

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    [EN]Background Schistosoma mansoni is the main species causing hepatic and intestinal schistosomiasis in Sub-Saharan Africa, and it is the only species in South America. Adult stages of the parasite reside in the mesenteric venous plexus of infected hosts, and eggs are shed in feces. Collecting patient stool samples for S. mansoni diagnostic purposes is difficult in large-scale field trials. Urine samples would be an alternative approach for molecular S. mansoni detection since they have several advantages over stool samples, including better handling, management and storage. Additionally, loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) technology is a powerful molecular diagnostic tool for infectious diseases, particularly under field conditions in developing countries. The present study aimed to assess the effectiveness of our previously developed LAMP assay (SmMIT-LAMP) for S. mansoni-specific detection in clinical urine samples. Methodology/Principal findings The sensitivity of SmMIT-LAMP in urine was established in simulated fresh human urine samples artificially spiked with genomic DNA from S. mansoni. LAMP for 120 min instead of 60 min improved the sensitivity, reaching values of 0.01 fg/μL. A set of well-defined frozen stored human urine samples collected from Sub-Saharan immigrant patients was selected from a biobank to evaluate the diagnostic validity of SmMIT-LAMP. The set included urine samples from patients with microscopy-confirmed infections with S. mansoni, S. haematobium and other nonschistosome parasites, as well as urine samples from patients with microscopy-negative eosinophilia without a confirmed diagnosis. The SmMIT-LAMP was incubated for 60 and 120 min. A longer incubation time was shown to increase the LAMPpositive results in patient urine samples. We also tested urine samples from mice experimentally infected with S. mansoni, and LAMP-positive results were obtained from the third week after infection. A real-time LAMP assay was also performed with three individual urine samples. Conclusions/Significance The SmMIT-LAMP could effectively detect S. mansoni DNA in mouse urine samples and produced promising results for human clinical samples. The detection of S. mansoni DNA in mouse urine samples from the third week after infection indicates that early diagnosis of active S. mansoni infection is possible using urine as a source of DNA. Further studies are still needed, but our method could be used as a promising molecular tool applicable to urine samples to diagnose human intestinal schistosomiasis caused by S. mansoni

    Análisis del abandono en las titulaciones de Máster de la EPS-UA

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    La Escuela Politécnica Superior de la Universidad de Alicante, oferta un variado programa de formación de postgrado que se materializa en trece titulaciones de másteres (todas ellas relacionadas con la ingeniería y la arquitectura), que permiten al alumnado que finaliza sus estudios de Grado, completar su formación universitaria. En la actualidad, las titulaciones universitarias tienen que someterse a un exigente Sistema de Garantía de Calidad que es controlado y revisado de forma periódica para conseguir una mejora continuada en dichas titulaciones. Por este motivo, es necesaria la realización de diversos informes de seguimiento (que serán posteriormente evaluados) y en los cuáles se analizan diversas “evidencias” para determinar los niveles de calidad de la titulación. Una de dichas “evidencias” es la Tasa de abandono en la titulación. Para obtener unos buenos resultados, se persigue disponer de información y herramientas que contribuyan a disminuir significativamente las tasas de abandono en los estudios de másteres, hecho que repercutirá positivamente en la renovación de la acreditación del estudio de máster correspondiente. El objetivo, por tanto consistirá en realizar un diagnóstico de la situación e identificar las causas del abandono para la posterior realización de propuestas de mejora

    Latin American aquatic mammals : an overview of 12 years focusing on molecular techniques applied to conservation

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    Ecological information useful for conservation purposes have benefitted from recent and rapid advancements in genetic techniques, revealing unknown aspects of behavior, natural history, population structure and demography of several aquatic mammal species, many of them with conservation concerns. Molecular markers have been used to define management units, to settle taxonomic uncertainties, to control illegal wildlife trade, among others, providing valuable information to decision-making to conserve and manage aquatic mammals. We review genetic studies applied to conservation-related issues involving natural populations of more than 40 species of aquatic mammals in Latin America, covering four taxonomic groups. The main goal was to assess which genetic approaches have been used and to identify gaps in genetic research relating to geographic areas and species. We reviewed studies published in peer-reviewed journals between 2011 and 2022, and found that most were focused on population structure, phylogeography, gene flow and dispersal movements. The review revealed that researchers need to increase and improve the knowledge in those species which face major conservation concern. Scarce findings were related to forensics and its application to wildlife trade. In the era of next-generation-sequencing techniques, just a few studies used genomics as a tool for monitoring gene diversity, an important goal to help us predict how species will cope with climate change events. Looking to the future we suggest which species, geographic areas and genetic studies should be prioritized in a scenario of climate change and increased human threats (e.g., fishery bycatch, habitat degradation, etc.) and the urgent need for conservation actions. Finally, we highlight the benefits of the collaborative works and the necessity of generating a conservation genetic network, with an open agenda to discuss the local and regional problematics. All in all, we strongly emphasize the generation of critical information towards the effective conservation and management of aquatic mammals in Latin America.Peer reviewe