69 research outputs found

    5G Mobile Phone Network Introduction in Colombia

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    This research received support from the AUIP (Iberoamerican University Association for Postgraduate Studies).The authors would like to thank the following members of Ericsson and Nokia Company for their valuable technological support in relation to the deployment of 5G networks in Colombia and Latin America. To Ericsson Company: Fabian Monge, Head of Networks & Managed Services Sales LATAM North—Ericsson, Andrés Quintero Arango, Country Manager Colombia— Ericsson, Camilo Beltrán, RAN Sales Domain Manager—Ericsson, Tatiana Dimian, Technical & Solution Sales Colombia—Ericsson. To Nokia Company: Juan Gabriel Mariño Pedroza, Presales Director & Business Development Colombia—Nokia.The deployment of the 5G mobile network is currently booming, offering commercially available services that improve network performance metrics by minimizing network latency in countries such as the USA, China, and Korea. However, many countries around the world are still in the pilot phase promoted and regulated by government agencies. This is the case in Colombia, where the assignment of the first 5G band is planned for the third quarter of 2021. By analyzing the results of the pilot phase and the roadmap of the Colombian Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies (MinTIC), we can determine the main issues, which contribute to the deployment of 5G mobile technology as well as the plans to achieve a 5G stand-alone network from 4G networks. This is applicable to other countries in Latin America and the world. Then, our objective is to synthesize and share the most important concepts of 5G mobile technology such as the MIMO (multiple input/multiple output) antenna, RAN (Radio Access Network), C-RAN (Centralised-RAN), and frequency bands, and evaluate the current stage of its introduction in Colombia.AUIP (Iberoamerican University Association for Postgraduate Studies

    A distributed and energy‑efficient KNN for EEG classification with dynamic money‑saving policy in heterogeneous clusters

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    Universidad de Granada/CBUASpanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities under Grants PGC2018-098813-B-C31,PID2022-137461NB-C32ERDF fund. Funding for open access charge: University of Granada/ CBU

    ʻFargaʼ Olive

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    ‘Farga’ olive is an old and important cultivar grown in southeastern Spain for oil production (17,000 ha). Yet, scarce research has been conducted on its horticultural and oil characteristics. ‘Farga’ trees are vigorous and resilient, having an open growth habit and dense canopy. The cultivar shows late and alternate bearing. ‘Farga’ rooting by semi-hard wood cuttings is difficult. ‘Farga’ is hardy and tolerant to moderate winter frost and is sensitive to peacock spot and olive fly, and resistant to bacterial tuberculosis. Due to high fruit removal force the tree is unsuited to harvest by shaking. ‘Farga’ identification using 9 microsatellites gave a unique allelic DNA profile. ‘Farga’ oil composition regarding fatty acid is highly monounsaturated (78% oleic acid) with low polyunsaturated content (7.5% linoleic acid). ‘Farga’ olive oil is highly stable and shows medium to high polyphenol content, rich in apigenin. Total sterols is medium-low, being β-sitosterol the most abundant. The EVOO profile of ‘Farga’ is mid to high fruited with green notes, with a tendency to produce oils with a large equilibrium. It is an EVOO highly interesting as a varietal or to produce blended oils.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Path Loss Determination Using Linear and Cubic Regression Inside a Classic Tomato Greenhouse

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    The production of tomatoes in greenhouses, in addition to its relevance in nutrition and health, is an activity of the agroindustry with high economic importance in Spain, the first exporter in Europe of this vegetable. The technological updating with precision agriculture, implemented in order to ensure adequate production, leads to a deployment planning of wireless sensors with limited coverage by the attenuation of radio waves in the presence of vegetation. The well-known propagation models FSPL (Free-Space Path Loss), two-ray, COST235,Weissberger, ITU-R (International Telecommunications Union—Radiocommunication Sector), FITU-R (Fitted ITU-R), offer values with an error percentage higher than 30% in the 2.4 GHz band in relation to those measured in field tests. As a substantial improvement, we have developed optimized propagation models, with an error estimate of less than 9% in the worst-case scenario for the later benefit of farmers, consumers and the economic chain in the production of tomatoes.This research received fund by the Ibero-American Postgraduate University Association (AUIP)

    Energy-aware Load Balancing of Parallel Evolutionary Algorithms with Heavy Fitness Functions in Heterogeneous CPU-GPU Architectures

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    By means of the availability of mechanisms such as Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) and heterogeneous architectures including processors with different power consumption profiles, it is possible to devise scheduling algorithms aware of both runtime and energy consumption in parallel programs. In this paper, we propose and evaluate a multi-objective (more specifically, a bi-objective) approach to distribute the workload among the processing cores in a given heterogeneous parallel CPU-GPU architecture. The aim of this distribution may be either to save energy without increasing the running time or to reach a trade-off among time and energy consumption. The parallel programs considered here are master-worker evolutionary algorithms where the evaluation of the fitness function for the individuals in the population demands the most part of the computing time. As many useful bioinformatics and data mining applications exhibit this kind of parallel profile, the proposed energy-aware approach for workload scheduling could be frequently applied.Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under grant TIN2015-67020-PERDF fun

    Time-energy Analysis of Multilevel Parallelism in Heterogeneous Clusters: the Case of EEG Classification in BCI Tasks

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    Present heterogeneous architectures interconnect nodes including multiple multi-core microprocessors and accelerators that allow different strategies to accelerate the applications and optimize their energy consumption according to the specific power-performance trade-offs. In this paper, a multi-level parallel procedure is proposed to take advantage of all nodes of a heterogeneous CPU-GPU cluster. Two more alternatives have been implemented, and experimentally compared and analyzed from both running time and energy consumption. Although the paper considers an evolutionary master-worker algorithm for feature selection in EEG classification, the conclusions from the experimental analysis here provided can be frequently applied, as many other useful bioinformatics and data mining applications show the same master-worker profile than the classification problem here considered. Our parallel approach allows to reduce the time by a factor of up to 83, with only about a 4.9% of energy consumed by the sequential procedure, in a cluster with 36 CPU cores and 43 GPU compute units.Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades under grant PGC2018-098813-B-C31ERDF fun

    Consumo de energía y asignaturas de arquitectura y tecnología de computadores

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    El consumo energético de los programas ha pasado a ser una medida de prestaciones tan importante como el tiempo de procesamiento, a pesar de que no suele incluirse en las medidas de rendimiento de los programas. Por esta razón es conveniente incluir en las asignaturas del área de arquitectura y tecnología de computadores contenidos relacionados con las prestaciones energéticas de los programas y las arquitecturas, y disponer de herramientas que permitan caracterizar la potencia y la energía consumida según las características del código a ejecutar. La necesidad de evaluar los programas según su eficiencia energética y su tiempo de ejecución constituye una aproximación multiobjetivo a la evaluación de prestaciones que debería introducirse en las asignaturas de Ingeniería Informática. En este artículo también describimos un sistema basado en Arduino que permite obtener medidas de potencia y energía consumida en las prácticas y proyectos que abordan la generación de códigos óptimos para una determinada plataforma.Nowadays, energy consumption of applications has become a performance measure as relevant as runtime although does not frequently appear in the program performance measures. This way, issues related with the energy consumption of applications and systems should be included in the subjects of computer architecture. Moreover, the availability of tools and strategies to characterize the instant power and consumed energy according to the code profile should be also considered. This could make possible the development of approaches to distribute the workload among the hardware to reach a tradeoff among time and energy efficiency. The searching for these tradeoffs clearly sets a multi-objective approach for performance evaluation that should be taken into account in the Computer Engineering and Computer Science courses. This paper also describes an Arduino-based system to measure the instant power and consumed energy in projects and practical exercises related with the generation of optimal codes.Universidad de Granada: Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores; Vicerrectorado para la Garantía de la Calidad.Proyecto TIN2015-67020-P (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad” y fondos FEDER)

    Effects of Renewable Energy Production and Infrastructure on Wildlife

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    The high levels of human demands of resources—from food to space and energy—are one of the main drivers of global change and are causing large negative impacts on ecosystems functioning worldwide (Vitousek et al. 1997 ). Global change components range from climate change to habitat destruction, species invasions, pollution and eutrophication. Although these factors can produce ecosystem changes independently, the final descent is often driven by synergistic processes. The resulting amplifying feedbacks can be disconnected from the original driver of change, leading to a state shift in the biosphere with unexpected consequences (Barnosky et al. 2012 ). Climate change seems to have taken prominence over other drivers of global change, leading to larger funding and attention with respect to other major components of global change (Veríssimo et al. 2014 )

    Effects of Renewable Energy Production and Infrastructure on Wildlife

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    The high levels of human demands of resources—from food to space and energy—are one of the main drivers of global change and are causing large negative impacts on ecosystems functioning worldwide (Vitousek et al. 1997 ). Global change components range from climate change to habitat destruction, species invasions, pollution and eutrophication. Although these factors can produce ecosystem changes independently, the final descent is often driven by synergistic processes. The resulting amplifying feedbacks can be disconnected from the original driver of change, leading to a state shift in the biosphere with unexpected consequences (Barnosky et al. 2012 ). Climate change seems to have taken prominence over other drivers of global change, leading to larger funding and attention with respect to other major components of global change (Veríssimo et al. 2014 )