936 research outputs found

    Educación geografíca, riesgos socioambientales y google earth

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    En la actualidad los riesgos socioambientales cobran innumerables vidas debido a una alta vulnerabilidad. Hay mucho que hacer desde el campo de la educación para gestionar el riesgo. La geografía de los riesgos cuenta con una tradición en donde ha planteado principios teóricos, conceptuales y metodológicos que bien podrían ser parte de una propuesta, en donde se incorporen como contenidos a un proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje. La geografia escolar aún se limita a la enseñanza tradicional de contenidos donde prima la localización y la memoria. Las nuevas tecnologías, tanto de laInformación Geográfica TIG, como de la Comunicación TIC, brindan amplias posibilidades en el campo de la enseñanza de los saberes geográficos, proporcionando al docente herramientas para fomentar una didáctica que promueva un aprendizaje significativo. Se exploran las posibilidades del Google Earth como herramienta didáctica en la enseñanza de la geografía de los riesgos, indagando sobre la naturaleza del riesgo y los fundamentos teóricos y metodológicos de la Geografía para formular preguntas espaciales que se podrían responder apoyados mediante esta herramienta.At present the environmental risk charge countless lives due to high vulnerability. There is plenty to do from the field of education to manage risk. The geography of risks has a tradition which has raised theoretical, conceptual and methodological principles that could well be part of a proposal, where content incorporated as a teaching-learning process. School geography still limited to traditional teaching content and location where raw memory. New technologies, both TIG Geographic Information, Communication and ICT, provide ample opportunities in the field of teaching of geographical knowledge, providing educational tools to promote teaching that promotes meaningful learning. the possibilities of Google Earth as a teaching tool in teaching geography of risks, inquiring about the nature of risk and the theoretical and methodological foundations of Geography space to formulate questions that could respond supported by this tool are explored

    Ethics and ethical dilemmas: some implications for psychologists

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    When we ask people what they understand by ethics, many definitions and concepts are mentioned. Usually, people use the word moral as a synonym, they associate it with the things people can or cannot do, the right thing, what is allowed or forbidden, what society wants people to do, laws to follow (called “ethical code”) and so on. Are these ideas right

    A geopolítica da reforma china

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    The article looks at the new challenges the assertive Chinese foreign policy is representing for the regional geopolitical order in Asia. It follows the recent developments in the region mainly regarding the territorial disputes in the South China Sea and examines how the pressure in the regions are pushing China to look for other directions to its geopolitical projections, mainly toward the West implementing the New Silk Road project and deepening the cooperation with Russia. Meanwhile, the strong US presence in the Asian Pacific region was a guarantee of a “long peace” for more than 50 years. The lasting geopolitical order is changing due to the constant rise of the Chinese economy and the increasing on its military spending, challenging other Asian regional powers like India and Japan to counterbalance the Chinese influence in the region, and effectively engaging other partners like Malaysia and Philippines. China is now proposing a multidirectional attitude, trying to develop the relations towards the East as well as to the states westwards from its own borders.El artículo analiza los nuevos desafíos que la enérgica política exterior China representa para el orden geopolítico regional de Asia. Sigue los recientes cambios en la región sobre todo en lo que concierne a las disputas territoriales en el Mar del Sur de China y examina la manera en la que presión en las regiones empuja a China a mirar en otras direcciones para sus proyecciones geopolíticas, especialmente hacia Occidente al implementar el proyecto de la Nueva Ruta de la Seda y profundizando la cooperación con Rusia. Al mismo tiempo, la fuerte presencia de los Estados Unidos en la región del Pacífico Asiático fue durante más de 50 años una garantía de “paz larga”. El duradero orden político está cambiando debido al constante ascenso de la economía china y al incremento de su gasto militar, desafiando a otros poderes regionales asiáticos como India y Japón a contrarrestar la influencia china en la región, y a eficazmente involucrar a otros socios como Malasia y Filipinas. China está actualmente proponiendo una actitud multidireccional, intentando desarrollar las relaciones con Oriente al igual que con los estados al occidente de sus propias fronterasO artigo analisa os novos desafios que a energética política exterior da China representa para a ordem geopolítico regional da Ásia. Continua as recentes mudanças na região sobre tudo no que se diz respeito as disputas territoriais no Mar do Sul da China e examina a maneira e pressão nas regiões, empurram a China a olhar em outras direções para as suas projeções geopolíticas, especialmente para o Ocidente, ao realizar o projeto da Nova Rota da Seda e aprofundando a cooperação com a Rússia. Ao mesmo tempo a forte presença dos Estados Unidos na região do Pacífico Asiático foi durante mais de 50 anos uma garantia da “longa paz ”. A duradeira ordem política está sendo mudada devido ao constante aumento da economia China e ao incremento do seu gasto militar, desafiando a outros poderes regionais asiáticos como Índia e Japão, a contrariar a influência china na região e a satisfatoriamente envolver a outros sócios como Malásia e Filipinas. China está atualmente propondo uma atitude multidirecional, tentando desenvolver as relações com o Oriente, ao igual que com os estados ao ocidente de suas próprias fronteiras

    La gestión del mercadeo: un aporte a la competitividad de las pequeñas empresas del sector servicios en Medellín

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    Within the context of the distinct changes caused by the globalization phenomenon,there is a strong competitive rivalry in several economic sectors.Small companies face real obstacles in order to be competitive.This paper studies the marketing management process contribution to thesmall service companies’ competitiveness in order to explore its conceptfrom an economic perspective through the theory of resources and capabilities.This paper has a quantitative focus in which the deductive method isused in the outcome interpretation phase and theoretical construction.The services offer in Medellín sometimes meet effectively the needs andlikes of a more increasing and demanding market, which leads to a marketingassociated problem.En el contexto de las transformaciones causadas por el fenómeno de la globalizaciónse evidencia una fuerte rivalidad competitiva en varios sectoresde la economía. En esta realidad, las pequeñas empresas afrontan seriasdificultades para ser competitivas.Este artículo analiza el aporte de la gestión del mercadeo a la competitividadde las pequeñas empresas de servicio en Medellín. Para ello se explorael concepto de competitividad desde una visión económica a través de lateoría de recursos y capacidades. Este trabajo tiene un enfoque cuantitativoen el que se emplea el método deductivo en las fases de interpretación deresultados y construcción teórica.La oferta de servicios en Medellín, en ocasiones, no logra responder de maneraefectiva a las necesidades y deseos de un mercado que es cada día másexigente, y eso se configura como un problema asociado al mercadeo

    Development of a wound healing index for chronic wounds

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    Objectives: to systematically review the literature on healing measurement tools. To develop a scale for measuring progress towards healing for chronic wounds. Material and methods: the study was conducted in two phases: Phase 1: Systematic review in major databases of health sciences (MEDLINE, CINAHL, WIDEN, SCIELO, LILACS, COCHRANE, IME) from the start of the database until 2009. Search strategy: instrument, tool, ulcer, chronic wound, healing, assessment, validation, reliability, and the same in Spanish, with their corresponding formulations using Booleans AND, OR and truncation term for some of them. The search took place initially in the thesauri and if the word did not exist, in free text. Study design not was taken. GRADE system was used to quality appraisal. Phase 2: modified Delphi study with a group of experts in chronic wounds, to reach consensus on variables that could measure the dimension of “progress towards healing”. In the first round started with all variables of the wound and the patient found in the different instruments of the systematic review. In the second round sent the items that had obtained the highest score. Finally sent the final version and experts were asked to rate on a scale of 1 to 4 to obtain the content validity index (CVI). Those variables that had obtained more than 80% CVI were included. Results: the systematic review revealed a number of 8 healing tools as set out in 20 articles (10 articles about PUSH, 3 PSST, 1 DESIGN, 1 PWAT, 1 Sessing Scale, 1 Scale Sussman, 1 WHS, CODED 1, and finally, a literature review to collect 4 of the above). Regardless of the number of items per scale, scale PSST has the best research on validity and reliability. However, most are for pressure ulcers. Only 4 papers studied validity and reliability of scales (PUSH, PSST, DESIGN and CODED). The only scale that has been validated for venous ulcers has also been the PUSH, in English and Portuguese. The only scale found in Spanish is coded, developed in the Basque Country in 2000, but only presents a partial survey. That is why they decided to develop a “de novo” scale for all types of chronic wounds. The scale developed, receives the provisional name of “RESVECH V1.0. Expected results of the assessment and evolution in the healing of chronic wounds”. CVI scores obtained by the experts above 80% on all items compose. Is defined, pending the study of validity and reliability, 9 items: size of the lesion, depth/tissue concerned, edges, maceration, perilesional, tunneling, type of tissue in the wound bed, exudate, infection/inflammation, frequency of pain (in last 10 days). The scale is scored numerically and can score ranging from 0 to 40 points, wound healed and the worst possible lesion respectively. Also accompanied by operational definitions of each item and its value-form. Conclusions: we get a scale with, a priori, content validity by expert’s assessment

    Towards Formal Interaction-Based Models of Grid Computing Infrastructures

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    Grid computing (GC) systems are large-scale virtual machines, built upon a massive pool of resources (processing time, storage, software) that often span multiple distributed domains. Concurrent users interact with the grid by adding new tasks; the grid is expected to assign resources to tasks in a fair, trustworthy way. These distinctive features of GC systems make their specification and verification a challenging issue. Although prior works have proposed formal approaches to the specification of GC systems, a precise account of the interaction model which underlies resource sharing has not been yet proposed. In this paper, we describe ongoing work aimed at filling in this gap. Our approach relies on (higher-order) process calculi: these core languages for concurrency offer a compositional framework in which GC systems can be precisely described and potentially reasoned about.Comment: In Proceedings DCM 2013, arXiv:1403.768

    Mejores prácticas para la estimación de proyectos de software a la medida

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    Retos de la agronomía frente al calentamiento global

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    Con el aumento de la temperatura global y un clima extremo cada vez más habitual que afecta la productividad y calidad de los diferentes cultivos, la Agronomía debe adoptar una postura inteligente frente al cambio climático esgrimiendo medidas que involucren desde nuevas y mejores prácticas de siembra hasta una mejora en la utilización del agua para mantener la seguridad alimentaria al margen de los impactos nocivos del cambio climático. Las carencias que persisten en la práctica de la Agronomía para enfrentar los retos de una agricultura sostenible llevan a dinamizar la línea ambiental de los agrónomos para que amplíen conocimientos, habilidades y valores propios de una stenibilidad ajustada a los requerimientos eco sistémicos. Por tanto, se trata de incorporar al proceso agronómico un paradigma que revele la lógica integradora entre la producción y la sostenibilidad buscando con ello dar soluciones de fondo a los problemas presentados en el sector agrícola; incorporando contenidos ambientales, que contrasten con la realidad que se manifiesta en el sector campesino; apropiándose de manera holística de la aplicación de los principios de sostenibilidad ambiental, dada su diversidad y complejidad.With the increase in global temperature and an increasingly common extreme climate that affects the productivity and quality of different crops, agronomy must adopt an intelligent stance in the face of climate changes, using measures that range from new and better planting practices to an improvement in the use of water to maintain food security regardless of the harmful impacts of climate change. The deficiencies that persist in Agronomy to face the challenges of a sustainable agriculture, take to dynamize the environmental line of the agronomists so that they extend knowledge, abilities and own values of a sustainability adjusted to the eco-systemic requirements. Therefore, it is about incorporating into the agronomic process a paradigm that reveals the integrating logic between production and environmental assessment in order to be able to provide fundamental solutions to environmental problems; incorporating environmental content, which contrasts with the reality that manifests itself in the agricultural sector; and, holistically appropriate the application of the principles of environmental sustainability, given its diversity and complexity