1,182 research outputs found

    Las nuevas leyes de derecho de autor: ¿adecuadas para la preservación digital?

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    Introducción. Además de dificultades de naturaleza técnica y económico-organizativa, la preservación digital se enfrenta con graves problemas de tipo legal, en especial con el derecho de autor, ya que todas las estrategias de preservación implican normalmente la copia de la información y/o la utilización de software con derechos de autor. El objetivo de este trabajo es comprobar hasta qué punto es adecuada la legislación actual de derecho de autor para hacer frente a las necesidades de preservación de los materiales informativos que componen las colecciones de las bibliotecas. Metodología. Análisis de una muestra representativa de las leyes nacionales de aquellos países que las han reformado más recientemente, además del impacto de los otros dos métodos de protección: contractual y tecnológico. Resultados. Incluso tras las recientes reformas, la legislación actual es de escasa utilidad para las actividades de preservación digital, ya que se han desaprovechado las posibilidades que ofrece el Tratado de la OMPI de 1996 para adaptar y ampliar las limitaciones y excepciones a los derechos de autor. Conclusiones. Es necesaria una reforma de la legislación que permita llevar a cabo todas las actividades de copia y comunicación de obras y de uso de software necesarias, incluso eludiendo la protección tecnológica, si es preciso. Pero esto no es suficiente para las obras bajo licencia, para las que la mejor solución sería la inclusión de cláusulas específicas que faciliten la preservación, por lo que es imprescindible la cooperación entre los dos sectores implicados: bibliotecas y propietarios de los derechos.Introduction. Besides technical and economic-organisational problems, digital preservation also faces legal issues, especially regarding copyright legislation, since all digital preservation strategies involve copying materials and/or using software which is typically copyrighted. The purpose of this paper is to ascertain the extent to which current copyright laws meet the preservation requirements of library materials.. Methodology. A cross-sectional analysis of recently updated national copyright laws as well as the impact of the other two protection methods: contractual and technological. Results. Even after the latest updates current copyright legislation is almost useless for digital preservation activities since the opportunities provided by WIPO Copyright Treaty to adapt and extend copyright exceptions and limitations have been used to the full. Conclusion. We need a legislation reform that will make it possible to carry out all required copying and communication activities and software use, even if circumventing technological protection is needed. But that is not enough for licensed works. The best solution for this kind of work is to include specific clauses in the licences that facilitate preservation activities. Thus, cooperation between both parties, libraries and rights' holders, is essential

    Propuesta de sistema de adquisición y transmisión de datos compatible con el SCADA Ovation en la planta geotérmica Las Pailas

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    Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería Electrónica) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería Electrónica, 2018The project was developed in the Costa Rican Institute of Electricity (ICE), in the Geothermal Resources Service Center (CSRG), at the Instrumentation Maintenance Department, which is in charge of the maintenance and repair of instrumentation equipment in SCADA´s of the geothermal fields Miravalles and Las Pailas. The controller in charge of the acquisition and transmission of data in the platform 1 of the Las Pailas plant was damaged as a result of an electric shock during a lightning strike at the end of 2016, so there was no monitoring of head and line pressures. In the three active wells, the Ovation system used in Las Pailas with OCR400 controllers in each of the platforms, was oversized for the functions performed and its high price prevented the purchase of the spare part, there is no permanent staff in the site, so both the production in the square was stopped. In this project, the Ovation OCR400 controller was replaced by a data acquisition system implemented in an Allen-Bradley 1769-L18ER-BB1B controller and instrumentation in 4-20 mA HART. Communication was also established between the Allen-Bradley 1769-L18ER-BB1B controller and the SCADA Ovation platform, in charge of automatic control, storage and visualization of the data in the plant, thus preserving the format used for the monitoring of the platforms

    Poderes oficiosos de los Inspectores de Trabajo para promover acciones de responsabilidad objetiva en el Sistema General de Riesgos Laborales colombiano

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    El Sistema General de Riesgos Laborales fue creado con el propósito de trasladar la responsabilidad objetiva que tiene el empleador en la ocurrencia de enfermedades laborales y accidentes de trabajo que padecen los trabajadores, siendo creadas las Administradora de Riesgos Laborales, entidades de origen privado que cubren este tipo de riesgos. En este sentido, los Inspectores de Trabajo tienen un rol muy importante frente al Sistema General de Riesgos Laborales, por cuanto tienen funciones propias, y de manera conjunta con las ARL, para hacer cumplir las normas que a ellas se refieren. Sin embargo, su alcance se circunscribe a imponer sanciones que no favorecen económicamente al trabajador ni resarcen de manera alguna sus derechos; siendo necesario dotar a los Inspectores de Trabajo de poderes oficiosos para promover acciones ante esta clase de riesgos, con el fin de fortalecer los esquemas de protección hacia la parte más débil de la relación laboral. Así, en esta investigación se estudia la dinámica ofrecida en otros países al momento de ejercer la función jurisdiccional del Inspector del Trabajo, llegando a la conclusión de que podría ser una alternativa para el trabajador que sea representado por el Estado, a través de estos Inspectores, para el resarcimiento de sus derechos. (texto tomado de la fuente)The General System of Occupational Risks was created with the purpose of transferring the objective responsibility that the employer has towards the workers, at the moment of the occurrence of occupational diseases and accidents, therefore they were created the Occupational Risk Administrators entities of origin The Labor Inspectors have a very important role in relation to the General System of Labor Risks, since they have their own functions and jointly with the ARL to enforce the rules that concern them, The scope is limited to imposing sanctions that in no way economically favor the worker without compensating in any way their rights, thus it is necessary to provide the Labor Inspectors with informal powers to promote actions for this kind of risk in favor of the workers, in order to give Compliance with the protection schemes towards the workers were confronted with a legal confrontation, as a result of the dynamics offered by other countries when exercising the jurisdictional function by the Labor Inspector, arriving at the conclusion that it could be an alternative for the worker who Is represented by the State through the Labor Inspectors for the redress of their rights.MaestríaDerecho del Trabajo y la Seguridad Socia

    Occurrence of Subclinical Endometritis in Dairy Cattle and Effect on Reproductive Efficiency

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    Background: Subclinical endometritis (SE) have a negative impact on fertility due to an absence of clinical signs which difficult its diagnosis and treatment. The prevalence and impact of the disease on the reproductive status of dairy herds is not known in the region, the objective of the present study was to determine the prevalence of the disease and its effect on the reproductive efficiency in cows of the dairy area from Putumayo State, Colombia.Materials, Methods & Results: Cross-sectional study was made of 166 dairy cows from 30 days postpartum in the municipalities: Santiago, Sibundoy, Colon, and San Francisco. Reproductive evaluation and endometrial cytology were made to establish the SE prevalence determining subsequently the number of open days. Cow whit more than 120 days in milk (DIM) and without confirmed pregnancy was defined as “not reproductive efficiency”. Association between SE and reproductive efficiency was established through Odds Ratio from contingency tables. Bias and confusion control was made through stratified analysis. Results showed 32 cows without changes in reproductive clinical evaluation and inflammatory changes in cytological evaluation (PMNn >5%) for a SE prevalence of 19.27%. Disease occurs most frequently in Colón (23.10%) but the frequency of the disease was not different among the regions (P > 0.05). The group of animals with the greatest days open (DO) mean (161 DIM) had a normal ovarian function and subclinical endometritis. The 6.6% of cows had a poor reproductive prognosis (subclinical endometritis, anestrous and 144 DIM). For the stratified analysis (controlling by anestrus) was estimated the crude OR (OR 5.93; P 0.05) suggesting that there is no confusion and allowed to establish that “the odds of low reproductive efficiency (Days open >120) increases 5.9 times when cows suffer subclinical endometritis, than when do not have the disease”.Discussion: Study prevalence was lower than the reported by other authors. Variability of the results by the different authors ratifies the multifactorial characteristic of the disease and thr differences in the immune response of the animals. Cows diagnosed with SE, normal ovarian function and 161 DIM shown that the disease increases significantly the open days of the herd reducing reproductive efficiency. These findings are consistent with other authors who report that subclinical endometritis: increased open days and reduced conception rates and increased the risk of no pregnancy at 150 days postpartum. In the study, cows with subclinical endometritis and normal ovarian function had open days mean lower to 120 and more probability to have a good reproductive performance if pregnancy is achieved, but the dairy herds of the region lack of adequate systems of detection of estro and services and have no systems that allow the diagnosis of SE and anoestrus. The 69% of the evaluated animals present some clinical characteristics (SE, anoestrous) that predispose them to low reproductive behaviour. It is recommended to routinely use endometrial cytology to diagnose SE and improving the reproductive efficiency of animals

    Valoración de una Cooperativa Eléctrica

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    Proyecto de Graduación (Maestría Administración de Empresas) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela Administración de Empresas, 2003.La Cooperativa de Electrificación Rural de San Carlos opera desde 1965, encargándose de la distribución de energía eléctrica a la mayor parte de la Zona Norte; actualmente cuenta con más de 35,000 asociados sirviendo a 51,847 usuarios. Coopelesca R.L. no es solamente una cooperativa que distribuye energía eléctrica. Desde hace 4 años incursionó en la generación de energía aprovechando los recursos hídricos disponibles en su área de concesión, lo que le ha permitido abaratar los costos de operación y brindar un servicio de mayor calidad, disponibilidad y continuidad. Además, la cooperativa aporta recursos financieros para patrocinar obras de interés sociocultural, ofrece un fondo de becas estudiantiles para asociados de escasos recursos económicos, fondos de mutualidad y opera un canal de televisión regional. El presente informe contiene una valoración financiera de la cooperativa, realizada con el objetivo de aplicar 4 métodos de valoración a una empresa en marcha. Los resultados obtenidos deben considerarse el valor de referencia; ya que no debe valorarse una empresa sin contemplar al beneficio social que aportaCooperativa de Electrificación Rural de San Carlos. Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica Sede San Carlos.Escuela de Administración de Empresas

    Determination of individual concentrator tolerances from full-array I-V curve measurements

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    When dealing with CPV manufacturing process, tolerances are critical in order to obtain a low cost massproduction system. Usually the efficiency attained by a whole module array is smaller than the average efficiency of every single module. This downside is due to the well-known mismatch losses introduced by the cell series connection. For this reason, we present a novel mathematical method to calculate photocurrent versus pointing angle curves for the single-cell modules, with the only information of photocurrent versus pointing angle measurements for the whole module array. In this way we can estimate the mismatch losses for a given array just by analyzing its full-array I-V curve. Thus, the great breakthrough about this method lies in no single-cell module measurement is needed. The application of this method allows the measurement of the real tolerances of any CPV system

    Estudio comparativo entre pacientes sanos y con disfunción temporomandibular mediante análisis cefalométricos

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    Los trastornos funcionales del sistema masticatorio son una patología muy frecuente, compleja y de muy difícil diagnóstico, especialmente cuando uno o más signos de la enfermedad no están presentes. El propósito del presente trabajo es determinar si por medio del análisis de la topografía ósea craneal con datos obtenidos en estudios cefalométricos, es posible encontrar un signo patognomónico que ayude el diagnóstico de la disfunción temporomandibular. En 189 pacientes de los cuales 150 fueron mujeres y 39 hombres, se analizó si la relación en altura entre la proyección posterior del plano oclusal y el centro geométrico de la rama ascendente o punto Xi, presenta diferencias significativas, cuando la medición se realiza en pacientes sanos o con Disfunción Temporomandibular. Los resultados encontrados se distribuyen homogéneamente entre 0 mm y 5,5 mm en los grupos “Control Femenino” y “Caso control” mientras que en el grupo “Control masculino” aproximadamente el 60% de las determinaciones se encuentran en el rango 2 mm a 3,5 mm. Los resultados de las mediciones obtenidas, nos permiten concluir que no hay diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los resultados registrados en los cuatro grupos experimentales donde P= 0,7.The functional disorders of the masticatory system are a very frequent, complex pathology and of very difficult diagnosis, specially when one or more signs of the disease are not present. The intention of the present work is to determine if by means of the analysis of the osseous cranial topography with information obtained in cefalometrics studies, it is possible to find a patognomonic sign that helps the diagnosis of the Temporomandibular Dysfunction. They were analyzed in 189 patients of which 150 were women and 39 were men, if the relation in height among the posterior projection of the oclusal plane and the geometric center of the rising branch or Xi point, presents significant differences, when the measurement is realized in healthy patients or with temporomandibular dysfunction. The results are distributed homogeneously among 0 mm and 5,5 mm in the groups “ Female Control “ and “ Control case”, whereas in the group “ Male control “ approximately 60 % of the determinations is in the range 2 mm to 3,5 mm. The results of the measurements, allow us to conclude that there are no statistically significant differences between the results registered in four experimental groups where P = 0,7.Facultad de Odontologí

    Quantitative variation of flavonoids and diterpenes in leaves and stems of cistus ladanifer L. at different ages

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    The compounds derived from secondary metabolism in plants perform a variety of ecological functions, providing the plant with resistance to biotic and abiotic factors. The basal levels of these metabolites for each organ, tissue or cell type depend on the development stage of the plant and they may be modified as a response to biotic and/or abiotic stress. As a consequence, the resistance state of a plant may vary in space and time. The secondary metabolites of Cistus ladanifer have been quantified in leaves and stems throughout autumn, winter, spring and summer, and at different ages of the plant. This study shows that there are significant differences between young leaves, mature leaves and stems, and between individuals of different ages. Young leaves show significantly greater synthesis of flavonoids and diterpenes than mature leaves and stems, with a clear seasonal variation, and the differences between leaves at different growth stages and stems is maintained during the quantified seasons. With respect to age, specimens under one year of age secreted significantly lower amounts of compounds. The variation in the composition of secondary metabolites between different parts of the plant, the season and the variations in age may determine the interactions of Cistus ladanifer with the biotic and abiotic factors to which it is exposed.Trabajo financiado por Junta de Extremadura y Fondos FEDER. Ayuda GR-15017. Proyecto 3PRO5A084peerReviewe

    Dependencia de la sensibilidad en un cristal fotónico unidimensional con el ángulo incidente de la radiación para la detección de célula cancerígenas

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    In geotechnical engineering, bored-pile wall stability is evaluated using deterministic design methods based on safety factors to establish a margin against failure. In recent years, reliability-based design methods have been adopted to include uncertainty in the assessment of bored-pile wall stability as well as in the calculation of the feasible embedment depth of the walls. In this study, an expanded reliability-based design approach, along with finite element analysis, was applied to conduct parametric analyses of bored-pile wall stability. In serviceability limit state design framework, the results indicate that cohesion and groundwater level are factors that significantly affect bored-pile wall stability. Moreover, high variability in the cohesion range causes great uncertainty to determine the embedment depth of bored-pile wall. The feasible embedment depth can reach 4 times the free height considering the maximum coefficient of variation (50 %) of the cohesion. In turn, when the groundwater level is located at the retained ground surface, the horizontal displacement of the upper end of the wall reaches 15.2 mm, i.e., 0.0038 times the free height of the wall, for which the soil mobilizes active earth pressures. It was also found that the resolution of probabilistic results is highly influenced by the number of iterations in Monte Carlo simulations.En este trabajo calculamos la dependencia de la sensibilidad de cinco células cancerígenas con el ángulo incidente de la radiación en un cristal fotónico unidimensional. El estudio se realizó para dos tipos de polarización: Transversal Eléctrica (TE) y Transversal Magnética (TM). Las muestras de las células se infiltran mediante biopsia líquida dentro de una nano cavidad que funciona como recipiente, y es revestida por nanocompuestos formados por la mezcla de la sílice con nano partículas de plata de tal forma que rompe la periodicidad del cristal fotónico compuesto por capas de SiO2 y aire. Encontramos picos de resonancia en el espectro de transmisión que caracteriza a cada célula infiltrada, por ende, este mecanismo de detección permite que el cristal fotónico funcione como un biosensor. Mediante el método de la matriz de trasferencia, para la polarización TE se observó un incremento de la sensibilidad al aumentar el ángulo incidente. Sin embargo, en la polarización TM no existieron aumentos significativos. Adicionalmente, se varía el espesor de la nano cavidad y el factor de relleno para obtener una mayor optimización. Los resultados revelan un incremento en la sensibilidad al aumentar el espesor de la nanocavidad, mientras que al aumentar el factor de relleno la sensibilidad decrece

    Implementación de la herramienta de análisis Oracle Business Intelligence, un reemplazo de Oracle Discoverer Viewer en una entidad bancaria

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    Este proyecto tiene como objetivo principal mejorar y aumentar la eficiencia en la que la alta gerencia de una entidad bancaria recibe la información del estado actual de la institución, de esta manera la toma de decisiones es más acertada en el menor tiempo posible, brindando así los mejores servicios a los clientes. Para ello, se definió migrar desde el aplicativo de DISCOVERER hacia Oracle Business Intelligence todos los reportes que actualmente usa la institución bancaria, además de crear otros nuevos reportes según crezca las necesidades de los usuarios. Al migrar de aplicativo de reporte, se minimiza el impacto de merma de rendimiento que ahora mismo sufre el sistema de base de datos, se mejoran los tiempos de respuesta de la base de datos hacia el usuario, haciendo más rápida y efectiva la consulta de información