7 research outputs found

    Current Addiction in Youth : Online Sports Betting

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    Background: Gambling landscape has changed in recent years with the emergence of online gambling (OG). Greater accessibility and availability of this betting modality can increase the risk of developing a gambling disorder (GD). Online sports betting (OSB) is currently the most common type of OG, but little is known about the clinical characteristics of OSB compared to slot-machine (SM) gamblers, the most common offline gambling disorder. Methods: This was a prospective study conducted between October 2005 and September 2019, and included outpatients diagnosed with GD seen in a Pathological Gambling and Behavioral Addictions referral unit. Only patients with OSB and SM disorders were included. The main objective was to assess the clinical profile of OSB compared to SM gamblers, and to define clinical predictors for developing OSB gambling disorder. Logistic regression was performed to determine the effects of variables on the likelihood of this disorder. Results: Among 1,186 patients attended in our Unit during the study period, 873 patients were included; 32 (3.7%) were OSB gamblers and 841 (96.3%) were SM gamblers. Overall, mean age was 45 ± 13 years and 94.3% were men. Compared to SM patients, OSB patients were younger (34.9 ± 9.5 vs. 45.3 ±13), more frequently single (43.8 vs. 20.6%) and had a university education level (43.8 vs. 4.5%); they were also more frequently non-smokers (18.7 vs. 66.7%) and had fewer psychiatric comorbidities (12.5 vs. 29.4%) than SM gamblers. GD duration before treatment initiation was shorter in OSB patients than in SM gamblers, most of them (81.3 vs. 42.4%) with ≤ 5 years of GD duration. OSB gamblers showed significant differences in weekly gambling expenditure, spending higher amounts than SM patients. Younger age (OR: 0.919; 95% CI: 0.874-0.966), university education level (OR: 10.658; 95% CI: 3.330-34.119), weekly expenditure >100€ (OR: 5.811; 95% CI:1.544-21.869), and being a non-smoker (OR:13.248; 95% CI:4.332-40.517) were associated with an increased likelihood of OSB gambling behavior. Conclusions: We identified different profiles for OSB and SM gamblers. Younger age, university education level, higher weekly expenditure, and non-smoking habit were associated with OSB compared to SM disorders. Prevention strategies should help young people become aware of the severe risks of OSB

    Factores predictores de solicitud de ayuda psicológica en los meses inmediatos al diagnóstico oncológico

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    Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de pacientes que, tras conocer el diagnóstico oncológico y el tratamiento prescrito, desearían recibir atención psicooncológica, e identificar las características sociodemográficas, biomédicas y psicológicas de los mismos, con la finalidad de establecer un posible perfil del demandante. Método: Se evaluaron 236 pacientes oncológicos atendidos en el Consorci Sanitari de Terrassa, mediante un cuestionario que recogía información sociodemográfica, datos clínicos y aspectos psicológicos (estado de ánimo, dificultad para afrontar e historia previa de ansiedad o depresión) asociados a las necesidades percibidas tras el diagnóstico, y que administraba el propio oncólogo en los meses inmediatos a la comunicación de la enfermedad. Resultados: Un 24% de los pacientes formularon deseo de atención psicooncológica. Se observó que los pacientes más jóvenes, que presentaban alguna alteración emocional, o que no se encontraban preparados para abordar sin mucho esfuerzo la situación, eran los que expresaban mayor interés junto con los pacientes sin antecedentes de diagnóstico y/o tratamiento psiquiátrico y/o psicofarmacológico. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas respecto al género, nivel educativo, pronóstico, el hecho de vivir sólo, tipo de tumor, tiempo transcurrido desde el diagnóstico o grado de diseminación del tumor. Conclusiones: Se confirma que los pacientes que presentan malestar emocional, pero sin antecedentes de trastorno psicológico, son los que principalmente desean ayuda psicológica así como que las variables clínicas y sociodemográficas no tienen una clara relación con este deseo. Se advierte la necesidad de definir con más precisión qué se entiende por "ayuda psicológica" para que el paciente pueda valorar mejor si lo que se le ofrece puede serle útil para responder a sus necesidadesPurpose: To state the rate of patients who would ask for psychological assistance, once they have known their diagnosis and treatment assigned. To find the profile of these patients considering their demographic, clinical and psychosocial features. Method: A sample of 236 patients assisted at Consorci Sanitari de Terrassa (CST) was assessed using a questionnaire which asked for demographic and social features, as well as for some psychological variables (mood states, coping problems, previous anxiety or depression disorders) during the months which followed the diagnosis. Results: 24% of patients were interested in receiving psychological assistance. These patients were younger, expressed mood alterations and coping difficulties, and did not have previous anxiety or depression disorders. There were no differences between patients who asked for psychological assistance and those who do not, in gender, educational level, social relationships, diagnostic, or prognosis. Months from the knowledge of diagnosis were also unrelated with desire of receiving psychological assistance. Conclusions: A definition of what does mean "psychological assistance" is needed in order to understand why only 22% of patients ask for this resource. Sociodemographic and clinical variables were unrelated with desire of receiving psychological assistance. Younger patients with psychological distress and without previous history of emotional disturbance are more prone to ask for psychological assistanc

    Mindfulness para la reducción del malestar emocional en pacientes oncológicos. : Estudio comparativo con una intervención psicoeducativa estándar

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    Objetivo: Comparar la efectividad de una intervención de Mindfulness (MBSR) versus una intervención psicoeducativa estándar en pacientes oncológicos. Método: La intervención MBSR (grupo experimental) consistió en 10 sesiones semanales de 2,5 horas cada una de ellas y el paciente debía practicar Mindfulness diariamente y durante 45 minutos en su casa y la intervención psicoeducativa (grupo control) consistió en 8 sesiones semanales de 2,5 horas. Participaron 20 y 17 personas, respectivamente. Se recogieron datos basales y se administraron (pretest-postest) los siguientes cuestionarios a los participantes de ambos grupos: STAI (ansiedad-estado y ansiedad-rasgo), BDI (depresión) y EORT-QLQ C-30 (calidad de vida). Resultados: En el grupo experimental resultaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas indicativas de mejoría en todas las medidas (depresión, ansiedad-estado, ansiedad-rasgo y calidad de vida) mientras que en el grupo de control sólo aparecieron en la variable ansiedad-estado. Conclusiones: Los datos de esta investigación indican que el MBSR produce una mejoría importante en el malestar emocional y en la calidad de vida, superior a la que puede lograrse con una intervención psicoeducativa. No obstante, no puede afirmarse que el MBSR deba ser la técnica de elección para todos los casos, pues no está claro que pueda ser seguida por cualquier tipo de paciente, al requerir una alta implicación por parte del mismoPurpose: To compare the effectiveness of a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) intervention versus a psychoeducational standard intervention in oncological patients. Method: MBSR intervention was applied following a 2'5 h-session schedule, across 10 weekly sessions. Patients (n= 20) had to practice mindfulness daily at home during 45 minutes. In the psychoeducational group (n=17) a schedule of 8 weeekly sessions of 2'5 h each was applied. Following a pre-post design, the following questionnaires were applied to both groups of patients: STAI (to assess both state and trait anxiety), BDI (Depression) and EORTC-QLQ-C-30 (quality of life). Results: In the MBSR group, scores in anxiety and depression decreased at post-treatment assessment whereas quality of life scores increased. These differences reached statistical significance. In the psychoeducational group only state anxiety scores decreased at post-treatment, with the difference reaching statistical significance. Conclusions: MBSR produces higher improvements in emotional states and quality of life than those obtained following a psychoeducational standard procedure. However, it cannot be stated that MBSR must be always the intervention to be applied in all cases, since it is not clear that all patients could follow the guidelines, tasks and exercices required by this techniqu

    Effectiveness of a Multicomponent Training Program on Physical Performance and Muscle Quality in Older Adults: A Quasi-Experimental Study.

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    Aging is associated with a decrease in functional capacity, manifested by a loss of strength, physical performance and muscle quality. Multicomponent training (MCT), characterized by the combination of at least three types of training, could be a good strategy to counteract these changes. To date there are no studies evaluating the effectiveness of MCT in improving both physical performance and muscle quality simultaneously. The aim of this study is to evaluate the changes produced by an MCT program on both physical performance and muscle quality in a population of healthy older adults. Sixteen healthy older adults were recruited to perform a 15-session multicomponent training intervention. Physical performance was assessed by different functional tests, and muscle quality was assessed by tensiomyography and myotonometry. The main results of this study show some improvement in functional tests, but not in muscle quality parameters, except for vastus lateralis stiffness. MCT is able to generate improvements in the physical performance of older adults, but these improvements are not reflected in muscle quality parameters measured by tensiomyography and myotonometry

    Calidad de la información disponible en Internet a propósito de un tema: Diabetes mellitus. Diseño y aplicación de un instrumento de evaluación de la calidad, La

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    [spa] En el presente trabajo se diseña y aplica un instrumento específico para la evaluación de la calidad de la información sobre Diabetes Mellitus (DM) contenida en sitios web de Internet identificados con una estrategia de búsqueda específica y se estudia la variabilidad de los sitios web en el tiempo y los factores que influyen. METODOLOGÍA: Se ha seleccionado información de un total de 9 buscadores (altavista, google, excite, hotbot, go, lycos, yahoo, medexplorer, y metacrawler) con una periodicidad mensual entre julio de 2001 a junio de 2002. Se evaluó una muestra de las 30 primeras referencias obtenidas por cada buscador. Se diseñó un instrumento de 19 preguntas para la evaluación de la información recuperada valorando aspectos generales de la información, la estructura y el contenido. El contenido se comparó con dos guías de práctica clínica sobre DM seleccionadas según la metodología agree. RESULTADOS: Se ha encontrado una asociación positiva significativa entre la posición del sitio web según el criterio del buscador y la posición obtenida según el criterio de evaluación de la calidad. Los sitios web con información de diagnóstico (p=0,003), tratamiento (p=0,021) y complicaciones (p=0,012) ocuparían posiciones más altas si se adoptase el criterio de calidad. No se han encontrado diferencias por buscador, audiencia y procedencia del sitio web. De los 11 meses en que puede cambiar la evolución de un sitio web, en promedio los sitios están 7 meses sin variar de posición. CONCLUSIONES: La calidad de los sitios web es desigual y ha de ser evaluada. Los instrumentos de evaluación han de ser específicos por enfermedad. Existe una asociación entre la buena calidad del sitio web y la posición alta en la jerarquía del buscador. La selección de un sitio web es dependiente del buscador de Internet seleccionado. La investigación en calidad de los contenidos de salud en Internet se debería hacer desde la perspectiva del usuario y no del profesional. La estabilidad de los sitios web varía según el buscador seleccionado. Se han de realizar estudios de calidad con seguimiento longitudinal.[eng] The aim of this study is to analyze the advances in the nursing practice by means of task analysis and the vision of professionals and elites, and ultimately through the analysis of future strategies adequate to new trends, that will allow the development of a new approach of the profession. New trends are framed by changes in social structure, population ageing, economic crisis, migration flows, ecologic concerns, social inequalities, etc.; systems and policies of health organizations, changes in health systems, with the concurrent shortage in healthcare expenses; scientific and technologic advances and their impact in professions and, finally, the building of the nursing profession and its co-existence with other professionals' tasks. It is in this background where Nursing practice faces its biggest challenge: to grow as a profession or fade away as such. According to bibliography review, politicians, social agents, professional elites preview a bright future, while that is not the case of professionals self defined as "baseline", who give a pessimistic description of its training, practice and future. The building of a professional culture can be made by using several perspectives, like import of advanced theoretical and technological models from other experiences, as USA and Canadian nursing models. Buxó I Rey (1994) points out that emulating new ideas is not enough; it is necessary to elaborate new approaches. The new approach is based in the combination of logic and intuition, knowledge and action, reason and passion, ethics and esthetics, that is, in a better knowledge of our thoughts and actions. Following Torra I Bou (1995), the analysis of research suggests Nursing is a discipline that is building its own body of knowledge by interpreting the surrounding reality. Its task analysis and evolution will guide us on existing competencies and capacities to face the challenges of 21st century. Outcomes of this work aim to contribute to task definition and development, leaders' ideas about training, and strategies to be included in professional system

    Mindfulness para la reducción del malestar emocional en pacientes oncológicos. : Estudio comparativo con una intervención psicoeducativa estándar

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    Objetivo: Comparar la efectividad de una intervención de Mindfulness (MBSR) versus una intervención psicoeducativa estándar en pacientes oncológicos. Método: La intervención MBSR (grupo experimental) consistió en 10 sesiones semanales de 2,5 horas cada una de ellas y el paciente debía practicar Mindfulness diariamente y durante 45 minutos en su casa y la intervención psicoeducativa (grupo control) consistió en 8 sesiones semanales de 2,5 horas. Participaron 20 y 17 personas, respectivamente. Se recogieron datos basales y se administraron (pretest-postest) los siguientes cuestionarios a los participantes de ambos grupos: STAI (ansiedad-estado y ansiedad-rasgo), BDI (depresión) y EORT-QLQ C-30 (calidad de vida). Resultados: En el grupo experimental resultaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas indicativas de mejoría en todas las medidas (depresión, ansiedad-estado, ansiedad-rasgo y calidad de vida) mientras que en el grupo de control sólo aparecieron en la variable ansiedad-estado. Conclusiones: Los datos de esta investigación indican que el MBSR produce una mejoría importante en el malestar emocional y en la calidad de vida, superior a la que puede lograrse con una intervención psicoeducativa. No obstante, no puede afirmarse que el MBSR deba ser la técnica de elección para todos los casos, pues no está claro que pueda ser seguida por cualquier tipo de paciente, al requerir una alta implicación por parte del mismoPurpose: To compare the effectiveness of a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) intervention versus a psychoeducational standard intervention in oncological patients. Method: MBSR intervention was applied following a 2'5 h-session schedule, across 10 weekly sessions. Patients (n= 20) had to practice mindfulness daily at home during 45 minutes. In the psychoeducational group (n=17) a schedule of 8 weeekly sessions of 2'5 h each was applied. Following a pre-post design, the following questionnaires were applied to both groups of patients: STAI (to assess both state and trait anxiety), BDI (Depression) and EORTC-QLQ-C-30 (quality of life). Results: In the MBSR group, scores in anxiety and depression decreased at post-treatment assessment whereas quality of life scores increased. These differences reached statistical significance. In the psychoeducational group only state anxiety scores decreased at post-treatment, with the difference reaching statistical significance. Conclusions: MBSR produces higher improvements in emotional states and quality of life than those obtained following a psychoeducational standard procedure. However, it cannot be stated that MBSR must be always the intervention to be applied in all cases, since it is not clear that all patients could follow the guidelines, tasks and exercices required by this techniqu