20 research outputs found

    Data gaps and opportunities for comparative and conservation biology

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    Biodiversity loss is a major challenge. Over the past century, the average rate of vertebrate extinction has been about 100-fold higher than the estimated background rate and population declines continue to increase globally. Birth and death rates determine the pace of population increase or decline, thus driving the expansion or extinction of a species. Design of species conservation policies hence depends on demographic data (e.g., for extinction risk assessments or estimation of harvesting quotas). However, an overview of the accessible data, even for better known taxa, is lacking. Here, we present the Demographic Species Knowledge Index, which classifies the available information for 32,144 (97%) of extant described mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. We show that only 1.3% of the tetrapod species have comprehensive information on birth and death rates. We found no demographic measures, not even crude ones such as maximum life span or typical litter/clutch size, for 65% of threatened tetrapods. More field studies are needed; however, some progress can be made by digitalizing existing knowledge, by imputing data from related species with similar life histories, and by using information from captive populations. We show that data from zoos and aquariums in the Species360 network can significantly improve knowledge for an almost eightfold gain. Assessing the landscape of limited demographic knowledge is essential to prioritize ways to fill data gaps. Such information is urgently needed to implement management strategies to conserve at-risk taxa and to discover new unifying concepts and evolutionary relationships across thousands of tetrapod species

    Un siècle de faits divers dans le Haut Rhin

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    Violences conjugales : une montée du courant masculiniste ?

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    Que ce soit le recul du droit des femmes dans certains pays occidentaux, ou encore dans des publications académiques, une tendance masculiniste tente de s’imposer. Cet article vise à exposer et critiquer les représentations des violences conjugales véhiculées par ce courant : il y aurait une égalité homme/femme dans les agressions commises au sein du couple. Si ces approches sont critiquables dans les méthodes employées, la diffusion de ces idées opère et trouve écho dans certains médias réputés. Œuvrant dans l’imposition d’une nouvelle perspective sur les violences conjugales, les approches masculinistes visent au bout du compte à revisiter les politiques qui appréhendent cette problématique.Whether it’s due to the setbacks in women’s rights in some western countries or in academic publications, a masculinist trend is trying to establish itself. This article aims at presenting and criticizing the representations of domestic violence conveyed by this trend : men and women would be equally responsible for the assaults committed within couples. Though these approaches are questionable as to the methods used, these views are spreading and resonating in some well-known media. Working towards imposing a new perspective on domestic violence, the masculinist approaches aim at reshaping the policies dealing with this issue.Violencia conyugal: ¿Un incremento de la corriente masculinista?Ya sea por el retroceso de los derechos de la mujer en algunos países occidentales, o incluso en publicaciones académicas, existe una tendencia masculinista que intenta imponerse. Este artículo intenta exponer y criticar las representaciones de violencia conyugales promovidas por esta corriente, la cual propone que hay igualdad hombre-mujer en las agresiones cometidas en el seno de la pareja. En caso de que estas premisas sean criticables en los métodos empleados, la difusión de estas ideas opera, y encuentra cabida en ciertos medios respetados. Enfocándose en la imposición de una nueva perspectiva sobre la violencia conyugal, los enfoques masculinistas intentan, a final de cuentas, reevaluar las políticas que condenan esta problemática

    Quelle communication pour les PME industrielles de l'Arc jurassien franco-suisse? Projet Interreg "COM-PME-B2B" ::livre blanc

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    Partenaires depuis plus de dix ans dans le cadre des Journées franco-suisses d’intelligence économique et de veille stratégique, l’IUT de Besançon, Université de Franche-Comté et la Haute école de gestion Arc à Neuchâtel ont décidé en 2013 de mener un projet de recherche transfrontalier bénéficiant d’un financement Interreg sur un sujet trop rarement abordé de manière scientifique : la communication des PME industrielles fonctionnant en business to business 1 (B2B) ou en sous-traitance 2 de l’Arc jurassien franco-suisse


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    This folder contains 1.) the metadatabase of 22 data sources with 115,356 standardised demographic records for 14,529 taxonomically standardised species of 10 standardised demographic variables that were used in the article, 2.) the Demographic species knowledge index (DSKI), which indicates the amount of knowledge on mortality and fertility for a total of 32,144 species, which was calculated based on the amount of information present in the “DemographicDatabase.csv” used in the article. Additionally it includes the IUCN Red List Status and if the species is present in a zoo or aquarium in ZIMS, and the species taxonomic id for Catalog of Life and GBIF


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    The folder contains detailed documentation of the content of the data files in the folder “Data”: 1.) the documentation of column names, 2.) the references of the 22 demographic source databases, 3.) the original demographic variable names provided in the 22 source databases before demographic standardisation, their definition, and their demographic variable name after standardisation