7 research outputs found

    The roses ocean and human health chair: A new way to engage the public in oceans and human health challenges

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    Involving and engaging stakeholders is crucial for studying and managing the complex interactions between marine ecosystems and human health and wellbeing. The Oceans and Human Health Chair was founded in the town of Roses (Catalonia, Spain, NW Mediterranean) in 2018, the fruit of a regional partnership between various stakeholders, and for the purpose of leading the way to better health and wellbeing through ocean research and conservation. The Chair is located in an area of the Mediterranean with a notable fishing, tourist, and seafaring tradition and is close to a marine reserve, providing the opportunity to observe diverse environmental conditions and coastal and maritime activities. The Chair is a case study demonstrating that local, collaborative, transdisciplinary, trans-sector, and bottom-up approaches offer tremendous opportunities for engaging coastal communities to help support long-lasting solutions that benefit everyone, and especially those living by the sea or making their living from the goods and services provided by the sea. Furthermore, the Chair has successfully integrated most of its experts in oceans and human health from the most prestigious institutions in Catalonia. The Chair focuses on three main topics identified by local stakeholders: Fish and Health; Leisure, Health, and Wellbeing; and Medicines from the Sea. Led by stakeholder engagement, the Chair can serve as a novel approach within the oceans and human health field of study to tackle a variety of environmental and public health challenges related to both communicable and non-communicable diseases, within the context of sociocultural issues. Drawing on the example provided by the Chair, four principles are established to encourage improved participatory processes in the oceans and human health field: bottom-up, “think local”, transdisciplinary and trans-sectorial, and “balance the many voices”.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Roses Ocean and Human Health Chair: A New Way to Engage the Public in Oceans and Human Health Challenges

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    Involving and engaging stakeholders is crucial for studying and managing the complex interactions between marine ecosystems and human health and wellbeing. The Oceans and Human Health Chair was founded in the town of Roses (Catalonia, Spain, NW Mediterranean) in 2018, the fruit of a regional partnership between various stakeholders, and for the purpose of leading the way to better health and wellbeing through ocean research and conservation. The Chair is located in an area of the Mediterranean with a notable fishing, tourist, and seafaring tradition and is close to a marine reserve, providing the opportunity to observe diverse environmental conditions and coastal and maritime activities. The Chair is a case study demonstrating that local, collaborative, transdisciplinary, trans-sector, and bottom-up approaches offer tremendous opportunities for engaging coastal communities to help support long-lasting solutions that benefit everyone, and especially those living by the sea or making their living from the goods and services provided by the sea. Furthermore, the Chair has successfully integrated most of its experts in oceans and human health from the most prestigious institutions in Catalonia. The Chair focuses on three main topics identified by local stakeholders: Fish and Health; Leisure, Health, and Wellbeing; and Medicines from the Sea. Led by stakeholder engagement, the Chair can serve as a novel approach within the oceans and human health field of study to tackle a variety of environmental and public health challenges related to both communicable and non-communicable diseases, within the context of sociocultural issues. Drawing on the example provided by the Chair, four principles are established to encourage improved participatory processes in the oceans and human health field: bottom-up, "think local", transdisciplinary and trans-sectorial, and "balance the many voices"

    Estudio del transporte de energía en plasma de fusión termonuclear con medidas experimentales obtenidas del espectrometro de intercambio de carga, realizado mediante técnicas de participación remota.

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    En la investigaciĂł de la fusiĂł termonuclear controlada per confinament magnĂštic es important conĂšixer el transport d'energia en els plasmes, doncs aquest transport Ă©s el que fa que es refredi mĂ©s o menys rĂ pidament amb el que s'obtindran o no les reaccions de fusiĂł. El transport d'energia en els plasmes es majoritĂ riament turbulent o anĂČmal, fins la data no hi ha una teoria que expliqui satisfactĂČriament aquest tipus de transport, por tant per poder realitzar estudis i extrapolacions s'utilitzen models semiempĂ­rics en codis de simulaciĂł validats. Un d'aquests codis de simulaciĂł Ă©s PRETOR-Stellarator, utilitzat i millorat durant la realitzaciĂł d'aquesta tesi.Per altra banda un aspecte important dels dispositius de fusiĂł son els diagnĂČstics, eines imprescindibles per comprendre les propietats del plasma confinat al seu interior. Un dels diagnĂČstics instal·lats en el stellarator heliac flexible TJ-II del "Laboratorio Nacional de FusiĂłn" de Madrid Ă©s l'espectrĂČmetre d'intercanvi de cĂ rrega. Durant aquesta tesi s'ha aprofundit en el seu estudio per desprĂ©s poder analitzar els seus resultats.Amb la segĂŒent generaciĂł de mĂ quines de fusiĂł Ă©s pretĂ©n augmentar les prestacions i arribar a demostrar la viabilitat d'aquesta tecnologia per produir electricitat. Per aixĂČ les mĂ quines han de ser molt mĂ©s grans i, per tant, mĂ©s cares i complexes. Por aixĂČ diversos paĂŻsos han col·laborat en el disseny i, en el futur, construcciĂł del dispositiu. Per a que els cientĂ­fics de tots els paĂŻsos participants puguin beneficiar-se de les dades obtingudes per les noves mĂ quines es fan imprescindibles les eines de participaciĂł remota. Un dels punts principals d'aquesta tesi Ă©s la utilitzaciĂł d'aquest tipus d'eines pel funcionament de l'espectrĂČmetre d'intercanvi de cĂ rrega.En aquesta tesi s'han realitzat diferents estudis de transport de la calor pels electrons en el plasma. Primer s'ha acabat de validar el codi PRETOR-Stellarator amb dades de descĂ rreges de TJ-II obtingudes mitjançant la participaciĂł remota. Seguidament s'ha introduĂŻt una modificaciĂł del codi que permet simular amb mĂ©s exactitud la part central del plasma, amb aquestes modificacions s'ha realitzat un estudi del mode de confinamient millorat de TJ-II.Amb l'espectrĂČmetre d'intercanvi de cĂ rrega s'han realitzat una sĂšrie de mesures destinades a comprovar les asimetries poloidals de fuga de ions del plasma i desprĂ©s s'ha intentat ver la influĂšncia de la inducciĂł de corrent en el plasma en la temperatura dels ions.Finalment amb dades obtingudes de l'espectrĂČmetre d'intercanvi de cĂ rrega s'ha realitzat un estudi del transport del calor pels ions. Primer s'ha realitzat fins un radi efectiu de 0.6 aproximadament i desprĂ©s, grĂ cies a una millora del diagnĂČstic, s'ha pogut completar el perfil radial fins fora de l'Ășltima superfĂ­cie de flux tancada. AixĂČ Ă©s una novetat, ja que fins ara no s'havia fet, a mĂ©s com a resultat dĂłna una temperatura dels ions totalment plana al llarg de tot el radi i fins i tot fora d'aquesta Ășltima superfĂ­cie tancada de flux.Amb aquesta tesi s'han provat eines de participaciĂł remota comprovant que sĂłn aptes per la seva utilitzaciĂł en grans instal·lacions cientĂ­fiques. A mĂ©s s'ha aprofundit el coneixement dels plasmes de TJ-II. TambĂ© s'ha acabat de validar el codi PRETOR-Stellarator, amb el que es tĂ© una eina Ăștil per la simulaciĂł de plasmes de fusiĂł.En la investigaciĂłn de la fusiĂłn termonuclear controlada por confinamiento magnĂ©tico es importante conocer el transporte de energĂ­a en los plasmas, pues este transporte es el que hace que se enfrĂ­e mĂĄs o menos rĂĄpidamente con lo que se obtendrĂĄn o no las reacciones de fusiĂłn. El transporte de energĂ­a en los plasmas es mayoritariamente turbulento o anĂłmalo, hasta la fecha no hay una teorĂ­a que explique satisfactoriamente este tipo de transporte, por tanto para poder realizar estudios y extrapolaciones se utilizan modelos semiempĂ­ricos en cĂłdigos de simulaciĂłn validados. Uno de estos cĂłdigos de simulaciĂłn estĂĄ PRETOR-Stellarator, utilizado y mejorado durante la realizaciĂłn de esta tesis.Por otra parte un aspecto importante de los dispositivos de fusiĂłn son los diagnĂłsticos, herramientas imprescindibles para comprender la propiedades del plasma confinado en su interior. Uno de los diagnĂłsticos instalados en el stellarator heliac flexible TJ-II del Laboratorio Nacional de FusiĂłn de Madrid es el espectrĂłmetro de intercambio de carga. Durante esta tesis se ha profundizado en su estudio y manejo para despuĂ©s poder analizar sus resultados.Con la siguiente generaciĂłn de mĂĄquinas de fusiĂłn se pretende aumentar las prestaciones y llegar a demostrar la viabilidad de esta tecnologĂ­a para producir electricidad. Para ello la mĂĄquinas deben ser mucho mayores y, por tanto, mĂĄs caras y complejas. Por esto diversos paĂ­ses han colaborado en el diseño y, en el futuro, construcciĂłn del dispositivo. Para que los cientĂ­ficos de todos los paĂ­ses participantes puedan beneficiarse de los datos obtenidos por la nuevas mĂĄquinas se hacen imprescindibles las herramientas de participaciĂłn remota. Uno de los puntos principales de esta tesis es la utilizaciĂłn de este tipo de herramientas para el manejo del espectrĂłmetro de intercambio de carga, con lo que es un ejemplo para el futuro.En esta tesis se han realizado diferentes estudios de transporte de calor por los electrones en el plasma. Primero se ha acabado de validar el cĂłdigo PRETOR-Stellarator con datos de descargas de TJ-II obtenidos mediante la participaciĂłn remota. Seguidamente se ha introducido una modificaciĂłn del cĂłdigo que permite simular con mayor exactitud la parte central del plasma, con estas modificaciones se ha realizado un estudio del modo de confinamiento mejorado de TJ-II.Con el espectrĂłmetro de intercambio de carga se han realizado una serie de medidas destinadas a comprobar las asimetrĂ­as poloidales de fuga de iones del plasma y despuĂ©s se ha intentado ver la influencia de la inducciĂłn de corriente en el plasma en la temperatura de los iones.Finalmente con datos obtenidos del espectrĂłmetro de intercambio de carga se ha realizado un estudio del transporte del calor por los iones. Primero se ha realizado hasta un radio efectivo de 0.6 aproximadamente y despuĂ©s, gracias a una mejora del diagnĂłstico, se ha podido completar el perfil radial hasta fuera de la Ășltima superficie de flujo cerrada. Esto Ășltimo es una novedad, ya que hasta ahora no se habĂ­a hecho, ademĂĄs da como resultado una temperatura de los iones totalmente plana a lo largo de todo el radio e incluso fuera de esta Ășltima superficie cerrada de flujo.Con esta tesis se han probado herramientas de participaciĂłn remota comprobando que son aptas para su empleo en grandes instalaciones cientĂ­ficas. AdemĂĄs se ha profundizado el conocimiento de los plasmas de TJ-II. TambiĂ©n ha acabado de validar el cĂłdigo PRETOR-Stellarator, con lo que se tiene una herramienta Ăștil para la simulaciĂłn de plasmas de fusiĂłn.In the magnetic confinement cotrolled thermonuclear fusion research it is important to know the energy transport in plasmas, because the transport makes the plasma get cold more or less quickly and so obtain more or less fusion reactions. The energy transport in plasmas is mainly turbulent or anomalous, since now there is not a theory that explains correctly this kind of transport, so in order to make studies and extrapolations it is mandatory to use semiempirical models in validated simulation codes. Among these simulation codes it is PRETOR-Stellarator, used and upgraded during the realization of this thesis.Another important aspect in the fusion devices are the diagnostics, indispensable tools for understanding the plasma properties of the device. One of the diagnostics installed in the stellarator flexible heliac TJ-II from "Laboratorio Nacional de FusiĂłn" (Madrid) is the charge exchange spectrometer. A deep study and operation of it has been done to analize some of its results during the thesis.The next generation of fusion devices will improve its features and demonstrate the viability of this technology to produce electricity. To achieve these goals the machines must be bigger than the present-day ones, and therefore more expensive and complex. To avoid these problems some countries have collaborated in the design and, in the future, will collaborate in the construccion of the device. The scientists participating in the construction of the device would acces to the data collected in the machine by remote participation techniques, no matter where their laboratories were. One of the main points of this thesis is the use of remote participation techniques to operate the charge exchange spectrometer, so this can be a good example for the future.Some electron heat transport studies have been done during this thesis. First of all PRETOR-Stellarator has been validated whit TJ-II shots obtained by remote participation techniques. After, a modification of the code has been done in order to simulate with more precition the central part of the plasma, with these modifications an study of the improved confinement regime of TJ-II has been done.A series of measurements with the charge exchange spectrometer have been done to comprove the asimetric poloidal ion losses in the plasma. Moreover the influence of an induced current in ion temperature has been investigated.Finally, with the charge exchange spectrometer data an ion heat transport study has been done. First and study until an effective radius of 0.6 has been done and, after an upgrade of the diagnostic, it has been completed to the last closed flux surface. This last action is a novelty because never has been done in TJ-II. As a main result of these measurements results an ion temperature profile flat along the whole radius, also out of the last closed flux surface.In this thesis some remote praticipation tools have been tested resulting that they are effective for their use in big scientific instalations. Furthermore the knowledge of TJ-II plasmas has been increased. Also the PRETOR-Stellartor has been validated, resulting an useful tool for the plasma simulations

    Effect of ECH/ECCD on Energetic-Particle-Driven MHD Modes in Helical Plasmas

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    The effect of electron cyclotron heating (ECH) and current drive (ECCD) on energetic-particle (EP)-driven magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) modes is studied in the helical devices LHD, TJ-II and Heliotron J. We demonstrate that EP-driven MHD modes, including Alfvén eigenmodes (AEs) and energetic particle modes (EPMs), can be controlled by ECH/ECCD. In the LHD device, which has a moderate rotational transform and a high magnetic shear, co-ECCD enhances toroidal AEs (TAEs) and global AEs (GAEs), while counter-ECCD stabilizes them, which improves the neutron rate compared with the co-ECCD case. Counter-ECCD decreases the core rotational transform and increases the magnetic shear, strengthening the continuum damping on the shear Alfvén continua (SAC). In the TJ-II device, which has a high rotational transform, moderate magnetic shear and low toroidal field period, helical AEs (HAEs) appear when the HAE frequency gap of the SAC is changed by counter-ECCD combined with a bootstrap current and NB-driven current. On the other hand, both co- and counter-ECCD are effective in stabilizing GAEs and EPMs in the Heliotron J device, which has a low rotational transform and low magnetic shear. The experimental results indicate that the magnetic shear has a stabilizing effect regardless of its sign. Modelling analysis using the FAR3d code shows that the growth rates are reduced by both co- and counter-ECCD in Heliotron J, reproducing the show that the effect depends on the magnetic configuration. In Heliotron J, some modes are stabilizedexperimental results. ECH only also affects EP-driven MHD modes, and the experimental results with an increase in ECH power in the low-bumpiness magnetic configuration, while some modes are destabilized in the high- and medium-bumpiness magnetic configurations

    Recent progress in L-H transition studies at JET: Tritium, Helium, Hydrogen and Deuterium

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    We present an overview of results from a series of L-II transition experiments undertaken at JET since the installation of the ITER-like-wall (JET-ILW), with beryllium wall tiles and a tungsten divertor. Tritium, helium and deuterium plasmas have been investigated. Initial results in tritium show ohmic L-H transitions at low density and the power threshold for the L-H transition (P-LH) is lower in tritium plasmas than in deuterium ones at low densities, while we still lack contrasted data to provide a scaling at high densities. In helium plasmas there is a notable shift of the density at which the power threshold is minimum ((n) over bar (e,min)) to higher values relative to deuterium and hydrogen references. Above (n) over bar (e,min) (He) the L-H power threshold at high densities is similar for D and He plasmas. Transport modelling in slab geometry shows that in helium neoclassical transport competes with interchange-driven transport, unlike in hydrogen isotopes. Measurements of the radial electric field in deuterium plasmas show that E-r shear is not a good indicator of proximity to the L-H transition. Transport analysis of ion heat flux in deuterium plasmas show a non-linearity as density is decreased below (n) over bar (e,min). Lastly, a regression of the JET-ILW deuterium data is compared to the 2008 ITPA scaling law