71 research outputs found

    Could the subprime crisis have been predicted? A mortgage risk modeling approach

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    The abnormally high mortgage default rates that became apparent in early 2007 were not foreseen in June 2005, when mortgage production reached its peak. Could the significant increase in mortgage defaults and the resultant subprime crisis have been predicted? This paper develops a mortgage-level predictive model for mortgage default and delinquency rates, based on a logistic regression and Markov chain framework. The results are compared against actual mortgage level default data and provide strong evidence that the high US nonprime mortgage default rates which triggered the crisis were already predictable in mid-2005 using historical data only available at the time

    Quantification and Classification of <i>E. coli </i>Proteome Utilization and Unused Protein Costs across Environments

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    The costs and benefits of protein expression are balanced through evolution. Expression of un-utilized protein (that have no benefits in the current environment) incurs a quantifiable fitness costs on cellular growth rates; however, the magnitude and variability of un-utilized protein expression in natural settings is unknown, largely due to the challenge in determining environment-specific proteome utilization. We address this challenge using absolute and global proteomics data combined with a recently developed genome-scale model of Escherichia coli that computes the environment-specific cost and utility of the proteome on a per gene basis. We show that nearly half of the proteome mass is unused in certain environments and accounting for the cost of this unused protein expression explains >95% of the variance in growth rates of Escherichia coli across 16 distinct environments. Furthermore, reduction in unused protein expression is shown to be a common mechanism to increase cellular growth rates in adaptive evolution experiments. Classification of the unused protein reveals that the unused protein encodes several nutrient- and stress- preparedness functions, which may convey fitness benefits in varying environments. Thus, unused protein expression is the source of large and pervasive fitness costs that may provide the benefit of hedging against environmental change

    Vigilancia electrónica personal y hacinamiento penitenciario en Lima Provincias, 2020

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    La investigación titulada Vigilancia electrónica personal y hacinamiento penitenciario en Lima Provincias, 2020, se desplego con el objetivo de lograr y explicar si es necesario que el empleo del mecanismo alternativo personal constituye una alternativa para reducir el hacinamiento del centro carcelario de Huacho. En esa línea, se empleó una metodología de enfoque cualitativo – inductivo, aplicando el diseño descriptivo modalidad fenomenológica, se trabajó con una población finita correspondiente a reos procesados y condenados recluidos en la cárcel de la ciudad de Huacho, en un total de 06 reos.Se aplico el instrumento válido a través de juicio de experto. Identificando lo beneficioso de la práctica del mecanismo alternativo personal e inconvenientes estableciendo el número de reos procesados y condenados del centro de detención de Huacho, que podrán acogerse a este mecanismo alternativo, así como también, embozar las razones que limitan el acceso al mecanismo alternativo. Y de aplicarse adecuadamente, reduciría el hacinamiento del centro de reclusión de la ciudad de Huacho, situado en el Distrito de Carquín, Jurisdicción de Huaura, Departamento de Lima

    Diseño de mobiliario urbano para lograr la dinámica social en la ciudad

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    El mobiliario urbano forma parte fundamental de la infraestructura de apoyo para realizar las actividades cotidianas de los diversos grupos de la comunidad; es por ello que debe ponerse atención especial en su diseño y ubicación en el ámbito urbano. Estos productos de diseño inducen a los sujetos a mejorar su interrelación de forma que se propicie el contacto y la convivencia entre ellos en los espacios públicos. De esta manera se contribuye a la reducción de los males sociales que aquejan a la población e inducen una dinámica urbana más propicia para el desarrollo integral de la sociedad urbana.El mobiliario urbano forma parte fundamental de la infraestructura de apoyo para realizar las actividades cotidianas de los diversos grupos de la comunidad; es por ello que debe ponerse atención especial en su diseño y ubicación en el ámbito urbano. Estos productos de diseño inducen a los sujetos a mejorar su interrelación de forma que se propicie el contacto y la convivencia entre ellos en los espacios públicos. De esta manera se contribuye a la reducción de los males sociales que aquejan a la población e inducen una dinámica urbana más propicia para el desarrollo integral de la sociedad urbana

    Regularidad global y variabilidad local de los patrones espacio temporales de la COVID 19 en Aragón (España)

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    Con datos de casos confirmados de COVID 19 en Aragón (España), agregados en 123 Zonas Básicas de Salud durante 50 semanas consecutivas, se han identificado, medido y caracterizado los patrones espaciotemporales de la pandemia. Para este fin se han utilizado medidas de autocorrelación espacial y temporal de los datos obtenidas mediante la aplicación de procedimientos de estadística espacial (índices I global e Ii local de Moran). La incidencia espacial y temporal de la COVID 19 en Aragón no ha sido ni homogénea ni aleatoria, pues muestra cierta regularidad global y notable variabilidad local. Este modelo se puede explicar por un proceso de difusión espacial modificado por contagios a larga distancia y restringido por las medidas de control de la pandemia. La información obtenida es muy útil para tomar decisiones en materia de salud pública, relativas a la organización de los recursos sanitarios y a las determinaciones para la prevención y control de la pandemia

    Inercia e innovación en la empresa familiar: una primera aproximación

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    Las particularidades de la innovación en el ámbito de la empresa familiar suponen un aspecto aun escasamente desarrollado en los estudios sobre estas organizaciones y, más específicamente, existen numerosas cuestiones por resolver en relación con las barreras a la innovación en la empresa familiar. La aplicación del modelo de las cinco fuerzas inerciales de Rumelt (1995) al caso concreto de la empresa familiar permite hacer una primera aproximación al estudio de los obstáculos que dificultan la innovación en la empresa familiar. Del análisis realizado se derivan una serie de proposiciones, como punto de partida para una investigación más amplia

    ChIP-exo interrogation of Crp, DNA, and RNAP holoenzyme interactions

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    Numerous in vitro studies have yielded a refined picture of the structural and molecular associations between Cyclic-AMP receptor protein (Crp), the DNA motif, and RNA polymerase (RNAP) holoenzyme. In this study, high-resolution ChIP-exonuclease (ChIP-exo) was applied to study Crp binding in vivo and at genome-scale. Surprisingly, Crp was found to provide little to no protection of the DNA motif under activating conditions. Instead, Crp demonstrated binding patterns that closely resembled those generated by σ70. The binding patterns of both Crp and σ70 are indicative of RNAP holoenzyme DNA footprinting profiles associated with stages during transcription initiation that occur post-recruitment. This is marked by a pronounced advancement of the template strand footprint profile to the +20 position relative to the transcription start site and a multimodal distribution on the nontemplate strand. This trend was also observed in the familial transcription factor, Fnr, but full protection of the motif was seen in the repressor ArcA. Given the time-scale of ChIP studies and that the rate-limiting step in transcription initiation is typically post recruitment, we propose a hypothesis where Crp is absent from the DNA motif but remains associated with RNAP holoenzyme post-recruitment during transcription initiation. The release of Crp from the DNA motif may be a result of energetic changes that occur as RNAP holoenzyme traverses the various stable intermediates towards elongation complex formation

    Antinociceptive and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Total Alkaloid Extract from Fumaria capreolata

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    Fumaria capreolata is used in traditional medicine in North Africa for its gastrointestinal and anti-inflammatory activities. The present study investigates the effects of total alkaloids extracted from the aerial parts of Fumaria capreolata (AFC) on LPS-induced production of proinflammatory mediators (IL-6, IL-1β, iNOS, TNF-α, COX-2, and MIP-2) in RAW264.7 cells. AFC significantly reduced the inflammatory response inhibiting the production of nitric oxide (NO) and IL-6 in a dose-dependent manner, without affecting the viability of cells, and downregulated mRNA expression of proinflammatory key players: IL-6, IL-1β, iNOS, TNF-α, and COX-2. AFC antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory properties were also evaluated on the acetic acid- and formalin-induced pain models in mice. AFC oral administration significantly inhibited acetic acid-induced writhes and reduced formalin-induced paw licking time. Therefore, AFC may be a potential candidate for the treatment of inflammatory diseases, such as colitis and arthritis

    Silk fibroin nanoparticles constitute a vector for controlled release of resveratrol in an experimental model of inflammatory bowel disease in rats.

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    Purpose: We aimed to evaluate the intestinal anti-inflammatory properties of silk fibroin nanoparticles, around 100 nm in size, when loaded with the stilbene compound resveratrol, in an experimental model of rat colitis. Methods: Nanoparticles were loaded with resveratrol by adsorption. The biological effects of the resveratrol-loaded nanoparticles were tested both in vitro, in a cell culture of RAW 264.7 cells (mouse macrophages), and in vivo, in the trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid model of rat colitis, when administered intracolonically. Results: The resveratrol liberation in 1× phosphate-buffered saline (PBS; pH 7.4) was characterized by fast liberation, reaching the solubility limit in 3 hours, which was maintained over a period of 80 hours. The in vitro assays revealed immunomodulatory properties exerted by these resveratrol-loaded nanoparticles since they promoted macrophage activity in basal conditions and inhibited this activity when stimulated with lipopolysaccharide. The in vivo experiments showed that after evaluation of the macroscopic symptoms, inflammatory markers, and intestinal barrier function, the fibroin nanoparticles loaded with resveratrol had a better effect than the single treatments, being similar to that produced by the glucocorticoid dexamethasone. Conclusion: Silk fibroin nanoparticles constitute an attractive strategy for the controlled release of resveratrol, showing immunomodulatory properties and intestinal anti-inflammatory effects