5 research outputs found

    Metallic glass/PVDF magnetoelectric laminates for resonant sensors and actuators: a review

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    Among magnetoelectric (ME) heterostructures, ME laminates of the type Metglas-like / PVDF (magnetostrictive+piezoelectric constituents) have shown the highest induced ME voltages, usually detected at the magnetoelastic resonance of the magnetostrictive constituent. This ME coupling happens because of the high cross-correlation coupling between magnetostrictive and piezoelectric material, and is usually associated with a promising application scenario for sensors or actuators. In this work we detail the basis of the operation of such devices, as well as some arising questions (as size effects) concerning their best performance. Also, some examples of their use as very sensitive magnetic fields sensors or innovative energy harvesting devices will be reviewed. At the end, the challenges, future perspectives and technical difficulties that will determine the success of ME composites for sensor applications are discussed.J.G., A.L. and J.M.B. would like to thank the financial support from the Basque Government under ACTIMAT and MICRO4FAB projects (Etortek program) and Research Groups IT711-13 project. A. Lasheras wants to thank the Basque Government for financial support under FPI Grant. Technical and human support provided by SGIker (UPV/EHU, MICINN, GV/EJ, ESF) is gratefully acknowledged. P.M., N.P. and S. L.-M. thank the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) for financial Sensors 2017, 13 19 support under Strategic Funding UID/FIS/04650/2013 and project PTDC/EEI-SII/5582/2014, including FEDER funds, UE. P. Martins acknowledges also support from FCT (SFRH/BPD/96227/2013 grant). Financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) through the project MAT2016-76039-C4-3-R (AEI/FEDER, UE) (including the FEDER financial support) is also acknowledgedinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Magnetoelastic anomalies exhibited by Ni-Fe(Co)-Ga polycrystalline ferromagnetic shape memory alloy

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    The martensitic transformation (MT) as well as the structure, magnetic and magnetostrain properties of a polycrystalline Ni50.1Fe18.6Ga27.2Co4.1 (at%) ferromagnetic shape memory alloy are investigated. The studied alloy exhibits a martensitic ferromagnetic phase near room temperature that shows a non-modulated tetragonal structure with a tetragonality ratio of c/a > 1. Strain measurements reveal a complex spontaneous change at MT amounting to about 0.15% that increases up to 0.22% at 5 T of the applied magnetic field indicating orientation influence of the field on the martensitic variants growth. Magnetostrain measurements enable evaluation of the magnetic field-induced strain effect in the vicinity of MT. The sample shows moderate deformation achieving values of 70 ppm related to the magnetization rotation and volume magnetostriction that does not saturate at applied magnetic field of 5 T.This work has been carried out with the financial support of the Project No. MAT2011-28217 C02-02, by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Technical and human support provided by SGIker is gratefully acknowledged. One of authors (H.H.) appreciates a financial support (NEXT program LR015, 20102013) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).Peer Reviewe

    Bibliometric study of scientific articles in Psychology on mobbing in the health sector collected from the Scielo database from 2015 to 2020

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    El objetivo del estudio fue realizar un análisis bibliométrico de las publicaciones científicas de la base de datos Scielo, para la identificación del estado actual de investigación a nivel Sudamérica en Mobbing. Se realizó una búsqueda de la variable planteada en la base de datos Scielo, en la cual se encontró 18 artículos; siendo seleccionados para la muestra 3 de ellos, a raíz de los criterios de inclusión planteados. Se realizó el análisis de las investigaciones encontradas en cuanto a los datos y metodologías utilizadas. En los resultados, destaca que el 100% de las investigaciones cuentan con método, análisis de datos, resultados y referencias bibliográficas. El 66,66% de los artículos científicos cuentan con resumen, abstract, objetivo, hipótesis, discusión y conclusión. En tanto el 33,33% contienen palabras claves, introducción y recomendaciones. En conclusión, se puede decir que la bibliometría es una herramienta que nos ayuda a medir la producción científica de una variable específica, contribuyendo al desarrollo y avance de futuros estudios científicos.The objective of the study was to perform a bibliometric analysis of the scientific publications in Scielo database, to identify the current state of research at the South American level in Mobbing. A search was made for the variable proposed in Scielo database, in which 18 articles were found; 3 of them were selected for the sample, based on the inclusion criteria proposed. The analysis of the investigations found was carried out, regarding the data and methodologies used. In the results, it stands out that 100% of the investigations have method, data analysis, results and bibliographic references. 66.66% of the scientific articles have summary, abstract, objective, hypothesis, discussion and conclusion. While 33.33% contain keywords, introduction and recommendations. In conclusion, it can be said that bibliometrics is a tool that helps us measure the scientific production of a specific variable, contributing to the development and advancement of future scientific studies.Trabajo de investigació